Free translation of part of an article from the magazine: Le Petit Parisien from December 25-1913
In the bag of Santa
This year it will again be filled with some amusing novelties and some amusing old things. For no one despite his great age, Father Christmas is great.
I had the advantage of being received yesterday by the very distinguished manager of the celestial department stores, who kindly entrusted me with his projects for 1913.
Despite his great age, Santa Claus is extremely vigorous and alert and envisions without the slightest boredom the overwhelming task that will fall onto him during the last week of the year.
Only the airplanes worry him a little, although on his aircraft of clouds, the excellent old man does not fear much of the fantasy of the aviators.
“Even though I am, “he tells us,” a specialist in chimney descent, I do not see without a certain emotion that humans would risk doing the same.
“Then, calling in a friendly gesture to a young and charming typist lady responsible for keeping his accounts and correspondence” he named her Miss Lactualité [French word game], he said, the gentleman is coming to interview me on our next Christmas. Would you please stay here? If I would forget something.
He said te me: Let’s start with the news… This is Miss Annaïc, a Breton servant and plate-breaker. ( La Casseuse D’assiettes ) Admire with what precautions she watches her rickety pile of porcelain, do you remember Bagessen, the brilliant clown? Annaic digs it up – if I dare say it – “Bang”!
What did I tell you? the pile of plates collapses to the ground, and Annaïc, suffocated with stupor, falls back, a pure wonder.
I now present to you the little motorcyclist (La Pédalette), he does nothing but walk straight, look here, four turns of spring and he spins like an arrow.
This new toy is called “La Pédalette”… Bad title, but fun toy. wind up the spring and see the little guy perched on his balance bike: he spins, rolls and turns as he likes, propelling himself with the tips of his feet.
Here are Bulgarian, Serb and Romanian soldiers marching in step, arms on their shoulders.
I recognize them, I say they were successively Boxers, Boers, English and French policemen!
. Um! said Santa Claus… we can’t hide anything from you.. Let’s continue.
Here is the little skater ( Le Petit Patineur ) , the Auvergnat merchant of pigs ( Les Cochons Du Père Francois ) , the pianist ( Le Petit Pianiste). And then here is the peacock walking and the dancing bear (L’ours Martin)
I received a whole order for the gifts of a high Parisian personality, who is it Miss Lactualité already?
For Mr. D’Annunzio, replies Miss Lactuality to Santa Claus! But you do not show the prettiest toy to the reporter, continues blushing the very young person.
What ? said Santa Claus The little tango dancers (Les Valseurs)?, who were little waltz dancers – the climbing bear (L’ours Blanc)?, the fireman (Le Pompier a L’échelle)? , the clown (Le Petit Culbuteur) ? who tumbles, the wrestlers ?, or the little delivery boy (Le petit Livreur)?
But no said Miss Lactuality , it is the air loop!
Ah! Yes….the air loop ( L’aéroplane) “Santa Claus opens a box”. Here: on this mast constituted by a blade of tinplate in twist, decorated, from place to place, with a rack, I place this rod provided in its centre with a bayonet socket, and, at each end, a small plane, see.
The monoplanes leave slowly, accelerate their movement, turn, circle around the mast, and suddenly, stopping their course, dive with the nose, loop the loop and resume their circular march.
Delicious, I said enthusiastically. You should send one to Pégoud and one to Chevillard. [two stunt aviators of the time]
What?? said Santa Claus …. I will gladly give one to them someday, but only when they pass by here.
Reporter: Jean Claude
The rest of the article has not been translated since Martin toys were no longer mentioned.