Ma portière – The sweeping lady the first version

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1895 about a sweeping lady made by Martin.
This nice piece is put in motion by the well-known Martin “rubber band” method, the winding is done by the winding handle at the top of the head, under het scirt is the “rubber band” that goes to the movement mechanism.
It was first made in 1895
light approx 22cm ( 8,66 inch)
Fernand Martin number 147

This is the first version, a later version has a clockwork mechanism with the key on the back.
From the magazine La Nature 1895, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

A free translation of the above text:

The sweeping lady.
Mr. Fernand Martin, the able director of the French manufacture of mechanical and automatic iron toys, sends us, with a specimen from the mechanical concierge, the following letter:
-I am sending you my latest novelty, as I am used to it, and, as I know you are very knowledgeable, I call your attention to the mode of propulsion of this toy that I mainly get through the pendulum which strikes to the right and to the left and by the inclination of the plush which is under the feet (no 2 in the figure) and which makes it possible to advance but not to retreat.
This houskeeper is operated, which sweeps by turning the rubber straps which form the spring of the motor.
Number 3 shows the inner mechanism of the doll.
When the winder has been turned to tighten the rubber, the toy is placed on a flat but non-slippery surface; the door starts to sweep as it walks, and it stands perfectly upright (no 1).
It is a very ingenious toy.
The manufacturer is, as we have said, Mr. Fernand Martin, 88, boulevard Ménilmontant, Paris.

You want to know more about this toy then look at the next link:

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