Don’t miss the November 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine November 2024

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

**Fernand Martin toy imitations, be careful !!!**

I see them on the market every time, toys that are affiliated with Martin but are not Martins and/or his successors at all.
I already wrote 2 articles about this in 2019, but I think it is time to republish these 2 articles with some adjustments in 1 new article.

Martin himself also happily copied toys, but I will come back to that in a separate blog.
The names of the manufacturers are not always known because they were mostly small firms.

The last known imitations are fairly recent and from the Spanish Paya and are clearly recognizable.
Paya has made 10 imitations, luckily these are very recognizable as being. Example: the hairdresser, the drunkard, the judge, the conductor etc.

10 Paya imitations

But older imitations are more difficult to recognize, are also on the market.

Upper line: the lobster (L’ecrevisse) by Martin and a German imitation with the box, next the La Pompe by Martin and a German imitation by Issmayer.
Middle line: photo 1 and 2 The Ma Portiere by Martin and also 4 photos of two imitations, pay attention to the face and the keys
Bottom line: photo 1 the La Bulgare by Martin in addition 2 photos of imitations, and the La violonist by Martin and also 2 imitations pay attention here to the shape of the keys, the had and the face.
And there are a lot more imitations

You can see it most clearly in the shape of the key. (see my older blog about the Martin keys :
But also the location of the key, with Martin the key is usually (not always) on the left side of the toy body, when you look at the toy with the face facing you, so on the right side.
So if there is a key on the other side or at the back then you have to be careful.
And of course the face is not what you can expect from a real Martin toy.

You see above some examples of imitations of the Le Violonist and the Le Pochard.
Look special to the face from these imitations and you can see exactly what I mean by that.
Sometimes these imitations have in the course of time received original parts from real Martins such as the bottle, a head, clothes or the box.
And then the question: What happened to the original production molds, were they destroyed or did they end up in the hands of companies that turned them into “Martins” again?

But there are also various “look a likes” from the fireman, from Günthermann, Gama, and others.

Fireman imitations

Gama has a very clear connection bar between the hands and a ladder on wheels.
The Günthermann can be recognized by:
-a short tube under his left elbow
-model of the key
-the plate on the ladder with imitation flames
-the shape of the freestanding support of the ladder.

And then there are the incomplete parts used to make a “NEW” toy under the name of Marin and Victor Bonnet.

Here some toys that are sold as “MARTIN / VICTOR BONNET” toys.

There was a toy maker in Paris that made very nice “Martin” look and likes.
This manufacturer is named S.I.J.I.M. with director Prosper Levi.
He started this factory in 1909 but with the rise of the first world war he disappeared quickly in 1917.
S.I.J.I.M. means: Société Industrielle de jouets et d’inventions mécaniques.
He has not made many pieces but a few very beautiful.
The best seller and known is the organ grinder : le joueur d’orgue, this is often referred to as Martin.

33 Le Joueur d’orgue. (The Organ Player)

But S.I.J.I.M. has also made less well-known pieces.

Photo from a privat collection

32 La Poussette. (The Stroller)

Picture from a 1912 catalog from the department store: Choumara Paris

34 Les Chevaux Hygieniques

35 L’apprenti Cavalier. ( The Rider Apprentice)

36 Le Livreur Rapide ( The Fast Delivery Man)

Two pages of the 1912 catalog from the department store: Choumara Paris with 6 Fernand Martin toys – 3 S.I.J.I.M. toys and other toys

The likely reason that they look so much like Martins is that the manufacturer, Prosper Levi, would have been a former employee of the Fernand Martin factory, but there is no 100% certainty about this fact that he was a former employee of Martin.
He made his own toys after the good example and style of Fernand Martin.
And not without success because these toys are very beautiful.
Even the key is a copy of a “Martin” key

So stay allert and pay attention.
An imitation doesn’t have to be ugly, if you like it, that’s fine, buy it and enjoy it.

Unless specifically stated all photos are from my own collection or courtesy of Michael Bertoia Auctions

Le Cake Walk from 1903 – The Cakewalk – number 195

Produced from 1903
Product number 195
Hand lacquered
Mechanism: Clockwork
Height approx. 20 cm / 8 inches

Courtesy: Spielzeugmuseum Soltau Germany

The cake walk was very popular between 1870 and 1910.
There were even dance competitions.
The dancers kicked their legs as high as possible one by one and the winning dancers won a cake as a prize.

Courtesy: Spielzeugmuseum Soltau Germany

The dance was so popular that toys were made about it. In the Concours L’epine in 1903 there were at least two designers/inventors, each with a version of this Cake Walk, see pictures below with toys by Mr. Noguier and Mr. De Champville In the picture of the designs by Mr. Noguier we see another toy that looks very similar to one produced by Martin, the “Le Petit Cuisinier” (The Little Cook) number 198 from 1904, coincidence????

Both black and white images from the magazine: Le Bon citoyen de Tarare et du Rhône. Supplément littéraire September 13, 1903

After winding up, the lady goes forward (with the little wheels you can see on the picture) and throws her legs up in front of her.
At the back under the dress is a counterweight (you can see on the left) so that the dancer does not fall over.

Original page from the 1908 catalog

Results Martin toys in the Milestone auction


In this auction a lot of very nice Fernand Martins and Victor Bonnet toys



PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to resear

Lawsuit about the Rubber band mechanism

In his early days of an toy manufacturer Fernand Martin invented a mechanism with a rubber band (elastic) as the drive.

He used his invention on his first piece: the fish (Poisson Nageur) but he discovered that another manufacturer Mr. Fournier used his invention and the Richard brothers sell these toys.

Rubber band drawing as used in the le sonneur endiablé from 1885

July 5, 1884.
Lawsuit: Fernand Martin versus Mr. Fournier and the Richard brothers.

Mr. Fernand Martin had patented a drive system for children’s toys.
The mechanism consisted of a twisted rubber, intended to turn an eccentric, this successively touched the two prongs of a fork on which he pressed thus made a reciprocating movement, transmitted to the moving part of the toy.
A few days after taking out his patent and without having used it yet, Mr. Fernand Martin discovered an improvement for which he obtained a certificate of addition, which consisted in replacing the eccentric with a gear that acted on the fork, which had the advantage that the number of movements increased significantly.
Mr. Fournier and the Richard brothers claimed that the patented system was already known and after selling toys equipped with a mechanism identical to Martin’s patent, Fernand Martin sued them for counterfeiting in the criminal court of the Seine; the case was referred back to the 10th Chamber on February 6, 1883 and pronounced the following verdict:
After deliberating in accordance with the law.

Patent Fernand Martin January 14 – 1879

While Mr. Martin took out a patent on January 14, 1879 to retain exclusive ownership of a propulsion system applicable to children’s toys and especially originally to so-called fishes.
The mechanism he uses to operate his toy consists of three different parts: a twisted rubber band, an eccentric hook, and a fork that is later referred to as the mechanism’s anchor. While this fork plays an important part in the combination of the various parts of the device, it does not exist in the toys previously manufactured according to the patented models of the Société Dandrieux, Gravier et Cie. and the gentleman Mancelin and Duval.
While the description in Martin’s patent shows that the rubber band, returning on itself after undergoing extreme torsion in its movement, takes with it the hook which successively touches the two small tabs, of which the fork or escape anchor to which the tail of the fish is attached and meanwhile moving it back and forth, these beats work from right to left, he works like a roer and produces a forward action. While Martin has obtained propulsion motion through the arrangement of various organs; that he succeeded in putting together an industrial product through the new application of known means. While he has adapted his system to different toys such as boats, swings and others; that, in order to increase the swings of the fork, he replaced the rod with a gear, as evidenced by the certificates of additions and improvements dated February 18 and June 25, 1880, duly taken, while Fournier does not dispute not the manufacture of toys to whereupon he modified the mechanism assembled by Mr. Martin, contenting himself with claiming that the device was not patentable.

Source: Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts – newspaper: La Nature

While it follows from the confessions of the Richard brothers Ciné and Jeune that they offered and sold toys manufactured by Fournier, knowing that they were counterfeit.
Considering that the tools mentioned in the minutes of Mr. Signorat, judicial officer in Paris, dated December 21, 1882, were wrongly seized.
Whereas the forgery of which Mr. Martin has caused him lifelong damage for which he must be compensated.
The court has sufficient evidence to determine the amount of damages to be awarded.
For these reasons:
Does the court sentence Mr. Fournier and the two Richard brothers jointly and severally to a fine of 100 francs,
Orders them to pay Mr. Martin, namely: Mr. Fournier an amount of 1000 francs and the brothers Richard each to an amount of 500 francs as compensation and also condemns all three to the which ones advanced by Mr. Martin, civil party, to the amount of 43 Fr. 50 and orders the confiscation of the said objects and their delivery to Mr. Martin.

Source Gallica: Annales de la Propriété Industrielle Artistique et Littéraire Jan. 01-1885

Martin Bear in the Dan Morphy Auction Nov 06, 2024

In this toy auction there is 1 Martin toy but a very nice one complete with box. Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.

Description from Dan Morphy Auctions:

Original cloth clothing, original bar, chain on bear’s nose. One small spot of paint loss on right side of face. Original box has nice lid, but has some tape repair to bottom of box. Condition: (Very Good – Excellent) Dimensions: Box: 8″ x 4 – 1/4″ x 4 – 1/4″.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this Martin toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Pousse-Pousse Annamite: Two variants find

From the Pousse-Pousse Annamite from 1889, (for the production number see the Note below) we only knew one model in various colors so far.
The model we know from 1889 has a flywheel drive.

This Pousse-Pousse Annamite was specially made for the 1889 World Exhibition in Paris together with two other toys, Fernand Martin also mentioned this on his gift list in 1908.

I bought one at a French auction house, it was one with a clockwork and with a Martin type key and that was a reason to take a closer look.
I quickly found some notable detail differences.

Note: So far we don’t find a production number yet, in the existing books it was givven number 28 but in an earlier blog I explained that this is not the correct production number, the number 28 was assigned to the toy by the writers.

Model from 1889 we now with a flywheel drive, red details on the jacket, the wheels with10 spokes and cast.

What to know:
Martin donated a almost compleet toy collection in 1908 to the Musée des arts et Métiers in Paris and to his best friend Henri d’Allemagne.
I don’t know how many were actually made, but I haven’t come across any others yet.

For additional information about the collection at the Musée des arts et Métiers in Paris, see the description on page 74 in the book “Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris”

The model from 1908 gift to the Musée des arts et Métiers museum is in near mint condition and is better preserved.

Over the years, the colors and especially the yellow stripes and the hat from the overpainted model 1908 has changed to orange, probably due to the effects of time, the poor storage conditions, the overpaint black color and taking the photo with different lighting.

The differences I found:
The first version from 1889, the movement was with a flywheel, the 1908 version had a clockwork with a Martin type of key.
The wheels were first cast with 8 spokes, in the 1908 model wheels were made of tinplate with 10 spokes.
The wheels have a different color than the original, these were neatly painted over on my model in the past.
The 1908 model no longer has an impeller.
The trousers of the 1889 model are wider than those of the 1908 model and the shoes has another model.


When I bought this model from 1908 it had red accents on the jacket, but on the pants there were yellow/orange stripes, which I thought was strange.
After research the male’s coat appeared to have been completely repainted following the example of the model of the first version 1889, i.e. with the red colors.
I started very carefully removing these overpaints and it turned out that yellow/orange details emerged beneath the red and black paint.
It now appears that it is the same version as the 1908 model, with this one and the model in the museum in Paris, only two are known so far.

I suspect that a part of Martin’s donation from 1908 was re-produced in 1908 because not all of the toys were anymore in production and/or were no longer available in the factory warehouse, even loose parts and fabrics to make the clothing could be lost over time are no longer in stock.
One of the reasons is that technology continued to develop and new, often better, more modern and/or cheaper production methods were developed, such as the drives and movements of the toys.
With Martin’s toys you first see the Rubber Band driving, then the flywheel and then the clockwork.
Toys were often produced for years, sometimes even decades, but at a certain point production stopped and after the production stop, loose parts were often used for other models or the production molds were adjusted, but that production also stopped over time, so after for many years, many individual parts were no longer in stock.
A large number of the toys intended for donation were still in production or in stock, but the missing pieces were probably made in very small series (the exact number is not known) and how many copies are still in existence today?
And of course these ‘new’ pieces, produced in 1908, may differ from the original.
There are more objects in the museum’s collection that differ from those we know, especially the clothing and colors of some of them often differ.
The previously used fabrics for clothing were probably out of stock or no longer available.

This one I bought, perhaps not the most beautiful, but certainly the rarest Pousse-Pousse.

When you want to visit the site of the Musée des arts et Métiers in Paris, then go to:
and you can see the pictures of the Martin toys collection.

Don’t miss the October 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine October 2024

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Milestone Fall Toy Auction


In this auction a lot of very nice Fernand Martins and Victor Bonnet toys



PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Recommended French toy site :

De link is:

I would like to recommend you this link to everyone.
Attention is given to all aspects of collecting antique toys.
Of course also to Fernand Martin but also to many other brands.
The default text is in French but can be converted into various languages ​​​​by means of a selection menu that is at the very bottom on the first page of the site.

You can choose between : French – Spanish – Italian – German – English and Dutch

You can even subscribe to a newsletter to be informed of new releases and news.

Result Martin toys in the Antico Mondo auction September 6 and 7 , 2024

The 102nd auction will feature over 2,400 selected items of tin toys, model cars, figures, trains, space toys and historical advertising.

This time with some very beautiful Fernand Martin pieces

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding live via telephone, register your written predids or using the auction platforms lot-tissimo, the-saleroom and liveauctioneers and Sixbid you are able to to bid online. So you can submit your bids in real time during the auction. Therefor it is necessary to register on the platform of your choice not later than 24 hours before the auction starts.

The easiest way to participate in our auctions is to use our online catalogue. Here you can view all the items and directly place written pre-bids. See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog link:

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for this Martin toy.

These result prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Le Ramier – The pigeon

Catalog picture from arround 1928

Victor Bonnet produced this pigeon but at that time it was a fairly common toy and pigeons were sold by many toy manufacturers, also in other countries such as Germany.
It therefore happens quite often that a tin pigeon is called a Martin even though it is made by another manufacturer.

This Victor Bonnet pigeon is produced in several color variations but the most common are light blue/grey and black.

From the moment the old Martin factory ceased to exist at the end of 1933, the production was taken over in 1934 by another Victor Bonnet factory in another building in Paris.
This pigeon was produced from 1919 and presumably until the second world war.
The production number from 1919 till the end of 1933 is 251.
After the take over of the production of various toys that were produced in the old Martin factory like this pigeon toy, Victor Bonnet started to renumber his toy production in 1934, this pigeon got number 3.

From the 1939/1940 Vébé catalogue,
Courtesy Clive Lamming
The box used from 1919 till 1933

Below a few other color variations

If you want to buy one you should pay attention to the following things:
Look at the bottom if there must be a bottom plate that protects the mechanism and there must also be two feet under the pigeon.

this plate or the feet are very often missing

When the mechanism is turned up, he moves forward and his head moves up and down.

Different keys and logo’s

This “Le Ramier” is found with three different versions of the keys; with a separate key, with a Georges Flersheim type key and with a Victor Bonnet type key.

The logo is on the belly side, he is found with two different bronze colored logo plates used from 1919 till the end of 1933, after the relocation of the factory in 1934 this pigeon get a VEBE logo, this logo was hammered into the sheet metal, , Victor Bonnet used this VEBE logo before in his other factory for household products, he already had this logo captured on April 16, 1929.

Etablissements V. BONNET

In an 11-page document published in LES ANNONCES DE LA SEINE on May 16, 1932 the juridical and legal history of Victor Bonnet’s toy factory from 1919 to 1932 can be found

Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France

Establishments V. BONNET Public limited company with a capital of 750,000 francs Headquarters in Paris, boulevard de Ménilmontant, n° 88

Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France


After having exposed that by deed under private seals, dated in Paris, 23 march 1919, registered, it had been formed between V. BONNET as sole manager and three other people as sponsors, under the name V. Bonnet et Cie, a simple limited partnership, having as its object: the operation of a factory of metal iron toys, automatics’ and articles in Paris, located in Paris, boulevard de Ménilmontant, 88, for a period of fifteen years, nine months and six days from March 23, 1919.

That by another deed under private signature dated in Paris on March 20, 1930, registered, the aforementioned simple limited partnership was transformed into a limited liability company, the effects of which dated back to January 1, 1930 for a duration extended until December 31, 1960.


Following deed under private signature, dated in Paris on April 21, 1932. The Limited Liability Company V Bonnet et Cie is transformed from 1e January 1932 in a public limited company which will be governed by the laws in force and by these statutes.

The name of this Company is: Etablissements V. BONNET,  located in Paris, Boulevard de Ménilmontant 88

After this date, bills and checks were stamped (found only in red ink) with this new name: Etablissements Victor BONNET. presumably to use up the old stock.


first production date : 1883
production number unknown, this toy is probably not numbered (In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 07, but that must is incorrecte)
mechanism: rubber band
height: 13 cm / 5,12 inch – length: 17 cm / 6,7 inch
produced by Fernand Martin

The anvil is placed in the middle and on top of this anvil is the Martin mark “FM”

the anvil with the FM mark
Photo’s Courtesy Bertoia auctions
Picture of the original box, Courtesy KB

Antico Mondo auction number 102 on Saturday, September 6 and 7 , 2024

The 102nd auction will feature over 2,400 selected items of tin toys, model cars, figures, trains, space toys and historical advertising.

This time with some very beautiful Fernand Martin pieces

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding live via telephone, register your written predids or using the auction platforms lot-tissimo, the-saleroom and liveauctioneers and Sixbid you are able to to bid online. So you can submit your bids in real time during the auction. Therefor it is necessary to register on the platform of your choice not later than 24 hours before the auction starts.

The easiest way to participate in our auctions is to use our online catalogue. Here you can view all the items and directly place written pre-bids. See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog link:

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for this Martin toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result 2 toys in the BERTOIA BASICS AUCTION August 16, 2024

Tin Toys, Wind-Ups, Comic Character

A one day auction with a sharp focus on tinplate toys and wind-ups. Comic Character, Lehmann’s, European boats, Penny Toys, Soldiers, and much more! 

In this auction are this time 2 toys of Victor Bonnet and S.I.J.I.M.

Result Lot 0231 GROTESQUE ORGAN GRINDER c.1910, made by S.I.J.I.M but often considered a Martin toy, “Le Joueur D’Orgue” : $ 650

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the September 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine September 2024

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Le Saute Mouton – is this a Fernand Martin toy ?

No, this beautiful toy is certainly not Fernand Martin, but what is it….

Le Saute Mouton. (The leap frog)
This toy was depicted in a magazine from the department store Choumara Paris in 1912 togehter with other S.I.J.I.M. , Martin and other toys.

magazine: Choumara Paris
magazine: La science moderne 1891

This toy has been offered for sale at auction a few times over the past 10 years.
It is then offered as a “suspected” Fernand Martin toy.
I’ve discovered a few things now.
An old predecessor was presented in the magazine: La science moderne, this toy with a flywheel in 1891.
After that, nothing can be found, including the maker’s name.

Courtesy Bertoia Auctions

This toy was redesigned and now with a wind-up mechanism, the “inventor” was Mr. Noguier from Paris.
He offered the rights to these toys for sale to the prevailing major manufacturers at the Concours Lepine in 1909
There was a Mr Max Dieckmann from Paris who bought the rights to this piece.

Mr Max Dieckmann was originally a toy dealer, importer, freight forwarder with a lot of different articles, I have found many advertisements from him, all with the address: 24 Reu de Paradis Paris with articles like: wall games, tennis rackets, attributes for athletic sports, paper bags for kites, paper airplanes, Steiff toys, puzzles and in 1910 he had a stand at the 2nd aviation exhibition in 1910.

French postcard from Max Dieckmann with Steiff toys. date: July 10th, 1909 Text translation: “Fine toys of all kinds, specializing in animals and fabric dolls. Max Dieckmann, 24 Reu de Paradis, Paris.
Courtesy: Rebekah Kaufman, Steiff Historian, Blogger, and Consultant

Max Dieckmann applied for the patent for this toy in 1910 stating that the original inventor was Mr. Noguier.
I cannot find anywhere whether Mr. Dieckmann himself had the capacity to produce toys, I found a advertising where he askt to request for offers of services from manufacturers of color letterpresses used for the manufacture of puzzles

So I suspect that he outsourced the production of this tin toy to one of the existing manufacturers, who????

Mr Max Dieckmann sold his toy department 24 Reu de Paradis Paris, on September 9, 1913 to Mr Jules Bernat, after which I have been unable to find anything.

Jeu de péche à la grenouille sauteuse – The Frog Game from 1906

Produced from 1906
Product number 206
Hand painted
Mechanism: spring
Dimensions approx: The frogs are long 4″ and wide 2.5″
Name: Jeu de péche à la grenouille sauteuse

He bought the idea for this toy at the Concours Lepine in 1905 from the inventor Mr. Celestin Gasselin.
This frog game is depicted and described in the French magazine: La Nature on page 581.
Mr. Celestin Gasselin named this toy: La Grenouille Récalsitrante

Picture from the magazine La Nature 1905 page 581
Number 9 is ” La Grenouille Récalsitrante” from Mr. Gasselin
And we see more well know toys: number 3 is the, by Martin collectors well known, “La Boule Mystérieuse” also an invention of Mr. Gasselin and produced by Fernand Martin, and number 2 is the “Le Champion” this is not a Martin but produced by Charles Rossignol
Catalog picture: Courtesy KB

Invention of Mr. Celestin Gasselin shown at the 1905 Concours de lepine
Pictured and described in La Nature 1905 page 581
Free translation:
Mr. Gasselin, the inventor gives us a frog game that will be extremely cheap and will allow young people and even adults to spend happy evenings with it, it’s a matter of hanging up.
A ring hangs from the end of a wired rod and there is a frog in stamped tin, which you have to pick up with the ring.
But the frog has a hook from which it has to be picked up and on this is a lever with a spring that comes loose with a shock and makes the animal jump before it can be hooked.

Courtesy of KB

The frogs are long 4″ and wide 2.5″
Mister Gasselin designed this toy with a ring on a fishing rod, Martin has pointed this out in a U shape hook on a fishing rod.

auctioned at a French auction house in January 2018
Box label

Discription on the box lid:
Nothing more amusing than this game which consists in fishing, un the frogs with the hook.
The winner will be the one who succeeds in hook up the greates number of frogs without allowing them to spring up.
INSTRUCTIONS: Set the spring of the frogs.

Result of the Martin toys in the Le Shoppe Auction House: Art & Design Auction Featuring Detroit Artists August 01-2024

This auction will include toys, rare and iconic art and design in the form of original paintings, lithographs, serigraphs, etchings, mixed media pieces, glass, sculpture, world artifacts, lighting, ceramics, and furniture.

This auction house has this time 4 Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys and 1 S.I.J.I.M. toy in the Auction on August June 01 -2024
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.

There are many more beautiful toys in this auction

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result price are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Search page for specific articles

Last update: October 21 – 2024


7 ART:


100 -146 the-numbering-of-the-fernand-martin-first-period

100 the-swimming-fish

102 Le sonneur endiablé : the-bell-ringer 

101 unknown



105 les-pompiers-from-1887



108 le-livreur-from-1888

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110 Le-Cab-from-1889

111 la-grosse-caisse

112 unknown

113 unknown

114 the-rabbit


116 le-traineau-russe-1892

117 Le-diable-en-boite-the-devil-in-a-box



120 le-jouet-de-pecheur-a-la-ligne-the-toy-fisher-with-a-line

121 la-bicyclette-martin-the-martin-bicycle


123 le-facteur-de-chemin-de-fer-the-railway-porter

123  le-facteur-de-chemin-de-fer

124 le-facteur-de-chemin-de-fer-the-railway-porter

124  le-facteur-de-chemin-de-fer

125 le-bateau-la-chaloupe-a-vapeur-from-1893


127 question-la-perruche-1882

127 la-perruche-the-parakeet-from-1892

128 le-fameux-piocheur-the-man-with-the-pickaxe

129 course-de-taureaux-the-bull-fighter

129 course-de-taureau-the-bull-fighter part 2

130 la-voiture-au-chien-attalage-flamand

131 till 143

144-145-146 is this one of the missing numbers 144-145 or 146 ?

147 ma-portiere-the-sweeping-lady-the-first-version

147 the-sweeping-lady-ma-portiere


149 le-treuil-a-marble-game-from-1895


151 laraignee-et-la-mouche-the-spider-and-the-fly

152 le-pantin-the-harlequin-in-two-versions




156 le-monocycle-aerien-the-aerial-monocycle



159 la-pompe-the-man-at-the-village-pump

160 le-gai-violoniste-the-violin-player

160 le-gai-violoniste





165 – 166 jouets-en-boites

167 le-petit-decrotteur-the-little-blackboot


169 l’oie-the-goose



172 number-172-and-172?

172 le-pochard

172 boxes-from-the-le-pochard

172 rare-box-off-the-le-pochard-the-drunk-man

173 l’homme-de-corvee-in-two-versions


175 the Gentlemen in Khaki

176 Le Vaillant boer



179 the-bamboula-dancer





184 la-petite-marchande-doranges




188 “Le Charbonnier” – “Le Fort De La Halle”

189 le-petite-pianiste



192 – 110 le-cab-the-hansom-cab

193 bears-always-nice

193 l’ours-martin

194 la-voiture-a-bitume

195 le-cake-walk


197 firefighter-le-pompier-a-lechelle

197 le-bonhomme-a-lechelle







204 la-boule-mysterieuse

205 la-course-en-sac-the-potato-bag-runner

206 jeu-de-peche-a-la-grenouille-sauteuse



209 au-parfait-pecheur-the-perfect-fisherman-from-1908


211 the-squirrel-in-a-cage-from-1908


213 le-petit-culbuteur

213 the-different-boxes-le-petit-culbuteur

213 le-petit-culbuteur-the-acrobat-from-1908



216 l’ours-blanc-the-polar-bear

217 conquete-du-pole-nord

218 the-inventor-of-the-lautopatte

218 l’autopatte



221 la-chasse-au-rat



224 the-four-different-versions-of-the-le-petit-livreur

224 how-to-make-a-le-petit-livreur



2 FERNAND MARTIN TOYS WITHOUT NUMBER: ( In this overview I have assumed the fictitious numbering in the current books, but for which no number is yet known.)

02 le-bateau-godilleur



06 le-pantin-the-harlequin-in-two-versions

07 forgerons-infatigables-the-blacksmiths






13 le-trapeze-from-1885


15 spinning-tops-the-walzing-couples





28 pousse-pousse-annamite


31 the-rope-jumping-girl-la-sauteuse-de-corde

31 a-new-color-variant-of-the-rope-jumping-girl-la-sauteuse-de-corde



227 the-inventor-of-the-chauds-les-marrons

227 chauds-les-marrons-the-chestnut-vendor

228 le-motocycliste-enrange

229 le-petit-patineur-the-skater-boy




233 la-casseuse-dassiettes




237 Dame-de-la-crois-rouge-the-red-cross-nurse





242 (Correct number not yet known with 100% certainty)

243 (Correct number not yet known with 100% certainty) Homme de tranchée

244 (Correct number not yet known with 100% certainty)


246 Je sonne la paix : the-bell-ringer

The Homme de tranchée


very-rare-find L’Ambulant ?


246 and more: les-auto-transports-a-series-of-beautiful-trucks-and-tractors-made-by-victor-bonnet-2

246 les-auto-transports-series-246-le-deverseur

246 le-deverseur-for-the-englisch-speaking-market

247 le-pan-pan

247 and more: victor-bonnet-pistols

248 – 250 les-auto-transports-series-248-tracteur-and-250-le-remorque

249 les-auto-transports-series-249-le-roulant

250 les-auto-transports-series-248-tracteur-and-250-le-remorque

251 le-ramier-the-pigeon

252 tin-toy-clown-as-a-spinning-top

253 le-clown-orchestre

254 les-auto-transports-series-254-le-train-tortillard


256 flac

257 bombarde

258 le-petard

259 l’entraineur-skiff

260 madelon-casseuse-dassiettes

261 les-auto-transports-series-261-camion-gros-camionnage

261 advertising-on-the-side-of-the-gros-camionnage-261

262 tape_fort

263 la-patinette-the-boy-on-a-scooter

264 le-sans-balle

265 the-voiture-nounou-poupon

266 le-costaud

266 a-new-discovery-of-a-martin-toy-made-by-victor-bonnet

Victor Bonnet Product number unknown:







Update: Martin-toy-imitations-be-careful







































update: S.I.J.I.M.-toys-that-look-like-martin-toys




Article with a: film-from-1906-with-a-lot-of-martin-toys

Movie: a-dream-of-toyland-1908

Movie: martin-flersheim-toys-on-film

Movie: antique-toys-on-a-short-film

YouTube video part 1

YouTube video part 2

YouTube video part 3

YouTube video part 4

YouTube video part 5


7 ART:

Linda Apple Part-1-martin-toy-used-in-art

Jacques Milet part-2-martin-toys-used-in-art

Unknown French painter Part-3-Martin toys used in art

Piet Gutter part-4-martin-toys-used-in-art

Louis Poyet very-small-etchings-from-1892-with-toys

Louis Poyet Louis-poyet and Martin

Cardona the-ma-portiere-as-a-piece-of-art



















Tin Toys, Wind-Ups, Comic Character

A one day auction with a sharp focus on tinplate toys and wind-ups. Comic Character, Lehmann’s, European boats, Penny Toys, Soldiers, and much more! 

In this auction are this time 2 toys from Victor Bonnet and S.I.J.I.M.

Lot 0231 GROTESQUE ORGAN GRINDER c.1910, made by S.I.J.I.M but often considered a Martin toy, “Le Joueur D’Orgue”.

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

tAfter the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these two toysMartins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin toys in the Le Shoppe Auction House: Art & Design Auction Featuring Detroit Artists August 01-2024

This auction will include toys, rare and iconic art and design in the form of original paintings, lithographs, serigraphs, etchings, mixed media pieces, glass, sculpture, world artifacts, lighting, ceramics, and furniture.

This auction house has this time 4 Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys and 1 S.I.J.I.M. toy in the Auction on August June 01 -2024
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.

There are many more beautiful toys in this auction

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toys.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

88-90 Boulevard de Ménilmontant Paris

Martin started in 1880 his first factory at the address 90 Boulevard de Ménilmontant, a L-shaped 6-storey building ( ground floor, 4 floors, attic floor) and a backyard, in the middle of the building is an porch that leads to the backyard, this building was built around 1860

As a starting manufacturer, he must have rented only a small part of the address 90 Boulevard de Ménilmontant.

Due his commercial succes of the “Petit Garçon Livreur” (the delivery boy) in 1888, (we know this toy as the “Le Livreur”) Martin has now the money to acquire a new building to expand his factory.
In 1892 he acquired the adjacent building number 88 with a square form and after a renovation / rebuilding around 1900, the factory was a lot bigger than his old factory and was, for that time, a revolutionary conception.

Boulevard de Ménilmontant 90 and 88. situation in the early 1900 ( part of the postcard: Tout Paris number 1984 ) Postcard accessible sur le site de Bibliothèques spécialisées de la Ville de Paris. Rights: Public domain.
You can see in this photo at number 99 the “L” shaped building with the backyard and the square form of the number 88 (Picture Google street vieuw)
Boulevard de Ménilmontant 90 (with the porch to the backyard) and 88, situation today (Picture date june 2022 Google street vieuw)

After Bonnet’s departure, the facade of the building 88 Boulevard de Ménilmontant was adjusted, the old facade was a pointed facade and the new facade suggested a flat roof, but behind this facade there is still a pointed roof.

(Picture Google Earth)

Don’t miss the August 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine August 2024

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

La Petite Marchande D’Oranges number 184

Three different manufacturers and the differences between their models

Original catalog image 1908

In this article I try to provide some clarity about the various versions of these toys.
Fernand Martin started the first toy with the name La Petite Marchande D’Orange in 1901 and product number 184.
The successor’s of Fernand Martin > Georges Flersheim and Victor Bonnet continued the production but made some changes to this toy.
When you have one or you want to buy one and you want to know more then see this overview with the differences.


Characteristics of the Fernand Martin versions.

  • name: La Petite Marchande D’Oranges.
  • product number 184.
  • first production year 1901
  • key model Fernand Martin.
  • place key: above the right wheel.
  • mechanism placed vertically until “in” the cart.
  • cart equipped with oranges.
  • two price tags on top of the oranges.
  • the lady has a bustle under the skirt.
  • hairstyle model.

Characteristics of the Georges Flersheim versions.

  • Georges Flersheim used two different names
  • name for the model with oranges: La Petite Marchande D’Oranges
  • name for the model without oranges: La Petite Marchande.
  • product number 184.
  • first production year 1912
  • key model Georges Flersheim and a few with model Fernand Martin (probably in the first year)
  • place off the key: left of the right wheel.
  • the mechanism is placed horizontally under the cart.
  • hairstyle in two models.
  • the lady has no bustle under the skirt only in the first year, after which the “bustle” disappears.
  • the oranges are also stacked less high than the first model of Fernand Martin and lack the two price tags.
  • the cart up in different models: All models are without a bent edge on top of the card.
    • —Model equipped with oranges has sometimes a green border around the oranges.
    • —Model without oranges.
    • —Model (very rare) with oranges as a candy container.
Model with the candy container
Model with the green border

Characteristics of Victor Bonnet versions.

  • Victor Bonnet used two names like George Flersheim and two different product numbers.
  • product number: in the catalog of Victor Bonnet from around 1928 this toy is mentioned with two different product numbers; La Petite Marchande D’Orange with number 184 and La Petite Marchande with number 185, this is probably a print mistake in the catalogue, the number 185 on boxes are never found. (Note: that number 185 was used in 1901 for the Le Vieux Marcheur.)
  • first production year 1919
  • key model Victor Bonnet
  • place key: left of the right wheel.
  • mechanism placed horizontally under the cart.
  • all models are without a bent edge on top of the card.
  • models with and without oranges.
  • model with the oranges are they equal the model George Flersheim
  • the lady has no bustle under the skirt
  • hairstyle model.

Various additional images to clarify the text :

Different keys (Type 3 is round wire and type 5 is square wire)
Model Fernand Martin type 1 key
Model Georges Flersheim type 5 key
Model Victor Bonnet type 6 key
Model Fernand Martin with and without clothes, on the left you see clearly the bustle.
From the magazine : Femina 1902

Picture courtesy:

Result Martin toys in the RSL AUCTION: The Banks and Toys of Summer Jun 29, 2024

Fantastic Selection of Mechnical Banks, Still Banks, American Tin And Clockwork Toys, European Aeronautical Toys, and Much, Much More.


Result : $ 550
Result $ 350

There are many more beautiful toys in this auction

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result price are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Le Petit Culbuteur – The Acrobat – from 1908 – number 213

Produced from 1908
Product number 213
Hand lacquered
Mechanism: clockwork
Height approx. 19 cm / 7,5 inches

Clown with the box and the original key

There are currently 4 different box labels known for this toy, I will post about this in another blog.

A free translation from a article in the “La Nature” from 1909

The most curious of all is undoubtedly the clown of figures, two arms and two legs, articulated to a body in which the whole mechanism is located: and this one is simple; a spring that activates a series of gears, ending in 4 pinions attached to each of the members.
Wind up the spring and you will see the clown perform the funniest turns and pirouettes, depending on the reactions he gets on the ground.
This game could be the source of some very nice mechanical issues.
The left figure gives us some examples of mechanical clown dexterity.

Au Parfait Pêcheur -The Perfect Fisherman from 1908, number 209

Courtesy: Spielmuseum Soltau Germany
Page from the original catalog 1908

Produced from 1908
Product number 209
Hand lacquered
Mechanism: clockwork
Height approx. 21 cm / 8,3 inches

Note: Unfortunately, the fish has often disappeared and replaced by another specimen, the original model can be seen in the museum in Paris where Martin’s gift in 1908 with this “The Perfect Fisherman” is on display.

The FM logo and the triangel with number 138

The French magazine La Nature from 1909 contains an article with the description and two drawings about the technique of this fisherman

Here is the little fisherman: seated comfortably at the edge of an imaginary watercourse, he throws his line to the left, the current, or rather the mechanism, takes him back to the right, along the flow of the water; then suddenly the fisherman picks it up, throws it to the left again and so on. The mechanism is easy to understand: when released, spring A activates a series of gears controlled by an transmission via the connecting rod B and the rod T it gives the fisherman’s body a back and forth movement.


But Martin was already working on an idea for a fisherman in 1906, he has already used a fisherman in his film (see photo below), he took the “Le Pochard” ( the drunk) for it, gave him a sitting position and a fishing rod in the left hand where the drinking cup would normally be.
The entire film can be seen in my blog:


Result of the Fernand Martin toy in the toy auction C & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd June 19-2024

This auction house from England has this time 1 Fernand Martin toy in the Vintage & Collectible Toy Auction on June 19 -2024
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.

Fernand Martin number 221 from 1910 The “La chasse au rat ”

Fernand Martin tinplate c/w maid with broom chasing a mouse, with hand painted head, cotton striped clothes, when wound maid moves forward whilst bending at the waist and hitting the floor with her broom, fair condition, some paint loss to head and lacks mouse, some staining to clothes and added lead weight to rear.

Lot number 0020 – Result: £ 220

There are many more beautiful toys in this auction

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result price is in £ English pound and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the July 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine July 2024

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Overview of a 1908 gift to the Musée des arts et métiers

As is known, in 1908 Fernand Martin made a donation to the museum Cnum in Paris in the form of 100 toys as an overview of his (almost) total production from the beginning of his first piece.

The museum has divided the original enumeration over a number of sections, I have returned it in the overview below to the original numbering as Martin wrote it down. This list is also published in the toy book of Mary Hiller Automata & Machanical Toys from 1976

In 1960, the museum Cnum (Bibliothèque numérique en histoire des sciences et des techniques) made a publication about toys with a chapter about this gift, (all rights reserved – CNAM)

At the end of this overview there are also three pieces that belong to the collection of the Museum but that do not belong to the gift.

Link to the release:

Rights reserved – CNAM

See the overvieuw of the Fernand Martin toys in this publication from page 63 up to and including page 66.

Overvieuw gift from Fernand Martin in 1908, a total of 100 toys original numbering as Martin wrote it down:

Date. — Name and number on the gift

1878. — Le poisson mécanique  1

This fish is the first toy of Fernand Martin

1879. — La balançoire mécanique  2

1880. — Le bateau godilleur   3

1881. — La grenouille nageuse  4

1882. — Le patin mécanique  5

1803. — Le moulin mécanique à tic-tac   6

1883. — la locomotive routière  7

1883. — Les forgerons infatigables   8 

1884. — Le cheval bascule  9  

1884. —  Le vélocipède  10

1885. — Le trapèze   11

1885. — Le sonneur endiablé   12

1885. — Les valseurs   13

1886. — Les courageux scieurs de long   14

1886. — La danseuse de corde   15

1887. — les fameux duellistes   16

1887. — Les pompiers   17

1888. — Le Livreur 18

1888. — Les joyeux danseurs  19

1888. — L’autruche   20

1889. — La grosse caisse  21

1889. — L’écrevisse   22

1889. — Le fauteuil roulant de l’exposition  23

1889. — Le pousse-pousse annamite de l’exposition   24

1889. — La grosse caisse annamite de l’exposition  25

1889. — Le cab  26

1890. — Le lapin vivant   27

1890. — La sauteuse de corde   28

1890. — Don Quichotte  29

1890. — Le diable en boite  30

1891. — Les boxeurs   31

1892. — Le chérif  32

1892. — Le traineau russe au 33

1892 — La charrette anglaise   34

1892. — Le pêcheur à la linge 35

1892. — Le bicyclette Martin 36

1892. — Le courrier parisien   37

1893. — Le perroquet   38

1893. — La chaloupe à vapeur   39

1893. — La perruche 40

1894. — La course de taureau   41

1804. — Le piocheur   42

1894. — L’attelage flamand   43

1894.— Le facteur de chemin de fer 44

1895. — Ma portière 45

1895. — Le treuil   46

1896. — L’araignée et la mouche   47

1896. — La forge.   48

1897. — La famille Vélo 49

1897. — La pompe  50

1898. —  Les Boeufs   51

1898. — Le petit décrotteur  52

1898. — Le motocycle   53

1899. — L’oie 54

1899. — La faucheur 55

1899. — La blanchisseuse 56

1899. — Le pochard  57

1900. — The gentleman khaki   58

1900. — Le vaillant Boer 59

1900. — L’homme de corvée  60

1900. —  Le chinois 61

1901. — Bamboula  62

1901. — L’agent  63

1901. —  God save the king 64

1901. —  The Policeman 65

1901. — Le Marchande  d’oranges 66

1901. — Le garçon de café 67

1901. — L’homme sandwich 68

1902. — La sentinelle française 69

1902. — La sentinelle russe 70

1902. — La sentinelle italienne 71

1902. — Le charcutier  72

1902. —Le vieux marcheur  73

1902. — Le fort de la halle 74

1901. — Le petit pianiste 75

1902. — Le clown 76

1902. — L’artiste capillaire 77

1903. — Le gendarme 78

1903. — L’ours Martin  79

1903. — Le cake walk   80

1904. — La Voiture â bitume   81

1904. — Les pompiers à l’échelle  82

1904. — Le cuisinier   83

1905. — Le joueur de boules 84

1905. — L’hercule populaire  85

1905. — Le gymnaste   86

1905. — L’éminent avocat   87

1905. — Le laboureur   88

1906. — La boule mystérieuse   89

1906. — La course en sac   90

1907.— Chand tonneaux !!!  91

1907. — Le petit diabolo   92

1908. — Le partait pêcheur   93

1908. — Le petit boucher   94

1906. — Le petit écureuil vivant  95

1908. — Le menuisier   96

I908. — Le petit culbuteur     97

Double numbered in the gift with the remark “bis”

1887. — Le jeu de bascule  15 bis 

1897. — Le lapin tambour 49 bis   

1897. — Le gai violoniste  5o bis   


Total                                            100 objects

Note: On the list in this 1960 edition of the Cnum publication there are three extra toys mentioned, however, these toys are made after 1908 so not included in the gift.

1909. — L’autopatte

1909. — Le singe savant    

1912. — Le petit livreur.

Fernand Martin toy in the toy auction C & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd June 19-2024

This auction house from England has this time 1 Fernand Martin toy in the Vintage & Collectible Toy Auction on June 19 -2024
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.

Fernand Martin number 221 from 1910 The “La chasse au rat ”

Fernand Martin tinplate c/w maid with broom chasing a mouse, with hand painted head, cotton striped clothes, when wound maid moves forward whilst bending at the waist and hitting the floor with her broom, fair condition, some paint loss to head and lacks mouse, some staining to clothes and added lead weight to rear.

Lot number 0020

There are many more beautiful toys in this auction

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

A new color variant of the rope-jumping girl La Sauteuse De Corde

During my collection years, I only came across this toy in five different color versions.

  • dress in yellow with the details in red
  • dress in blue with the details in red
  • dress in green with the details in red
  • dress in red with the details in blue
  • dress in light blue with the details in gold-colored

See this link

Now a reader of my blog has sent me some photos of a new color variant, dress in yellow with the details in green, we now know that there are 6 different color variants.

And we clearly see that there is a pattern of small green/red flowers on the yellow part of the dress.

Courtesy photo’s: Jisse Khat

RSL AUCTION: The Banks and Toys of Summer Jun 29, 2024

Fantastic Selection of Mechnical Banks, Still Banks, American Tin And Clockwork Toys, European Aeronautical Toys, and Much, Much More


There are many more beautiful toys in this auction

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for these toys.

These result price are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results of the Fernand Martin toys in the auction in Italy at auction house: Finarte in Milan at May 27. 2024

Almost 250 lots including cars, motorbikes, military vehicles and puppets from the early 1900s to the great classics. The auction will feature the great brands that have made toy history such as Alps, Alemanni, Bing, Gunthermann, Lehmann, Fernand Martin, Märklin, Metalgraf and Zax.

Among the auction’s top lots will be an extremely rare “Primus Roller Skater”, one of the most sought-after Lehmann toys in the world, a 1:18 scale spring car by the company Alcyon, and a fantastic one-off wooden experimental car by Bantam.

In this auction there are two Fernand Martin toys

Lot 17 result : not sold
Lot 22 result : not sold

For all enquires and appointments:

The catalog you can find here:

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.

Drawing from 1901 with Fernand Martin and his toys.

During my search for Martin articles I found this drawing in the French magazine: LE MONDE ILLUSTRÉ Dec 7 -1901. This image shows Fernand Martin with his toys on display. This stand was the first edition of the famous Concours Lepine in Paris in 1901.

The drawing also clearly shows the toys and also shows the name “MARTIN”, on this drawing you can see: Madame Loubet, (the wife of the then President of France) looks at the inventor Mr Martin with the “LE POCHARD” (the drunk man) toy in his hand, at her side M Lepine the organizer of this exhibition / competition in 1901

The Concours Lépine is a French invention competition created in 1901 by Louis Lépine, then police prefect of Paris.
Initiated by Prefect Lépine, the event was called the “Paris Toys and Articles Exhibition” from September 30, 1901, and gave rise to a competition from November 24 to the following December 8, before a jury. This competition became annual and was renamed in 1902 “Lépine competition” and still exists today.

Le diable en boite -The devil in a box from 1890

Courtesy: Galerie Chartres

Produced from 1890
Product number 117 (In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 33 which is not correct. )
Hand lacquered
Mechanism: Rubber band

Length approx. 14,8 cm/ 5,8 inches
Height approx. 14 cm/ 5,5 inches

original catalog site
original box
Original etching from my collection.
Etchings published in the year 1892 in the French technical year magazine: “LA NATURE” on page 44 and 45

The operation of the mechanism as indicated in the etching above, I have previously written a blog about these four nice etchings, see:

Free translation from the article from the magazine: “LA NATURE” page 44 and 45 1892.

The devil in a box mechanism is arranged horizontally, the delicate question with these types of movements is that they must be balanced as precisely as possible so that they can function as regularly as a pendulum.
We see in our drawing the counterweight E used for this balancing, and the oscillating balance D which maneuvers a vertical rod at each of its entrances.
One of these rods F. passing between the man’s legs makes him lean forward to slay the devil as soon as he appears; the other rod serves to alternately open and close the lid of the box to which the devil is connected by a metal plate. As for labor, here is an interesting fact, this toy has a total of 150 different operations.
These operations include cutting, stamping, trimming, bending, stapling and mounting.
As for the cast iron for the counterweight and the broom that moves to defeat the devil (this broom is a counterweight intended to balance the moving bust of the character), which we obtain through the use of molds in which molten metal is poured.
The steps indicated above also require soldering the various parts, decorating and painting, mounting the rubber band, adjusting and packaging.
Finally comes the manufacture of the labels which, although given as an extra, must also have a small example of elegance.

Toy auction in Italy at auction house: Finarte in Milan at May 27. 2024

Almost 250 lots including cars, motorbikes, military vehicles and puppets from the early 1900s to the great classics. The auction will feature the great brands that have made toy history such as Alps, Alemanni, Bing, Gunthermann, Lehmann, Fernand Martin, Märklin, Metalgraf and Zax.

Among the auction’s top lots will be an extremely rare “Primus Roller Skater”, one of the most sought-after Lehmann toys in the world, a 1:18 scale spring car by the company Alcyon, and a fantastic one-off wooden experimental car by Bantam.

In this auction there are two Fernand Martin toys

Lot 17
Lot 22

For all enquires and appointments:

The catalog you can find here:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for these toys.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.

Don’t miss the June 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine June 2024

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Le Bateau godilleur 1878

This is one of the rarest Martin toys

This one is missing its rudder

Date of first production 1878
Length 26.5cm / 10.43 Inc
Drive: rubber band
Product number: Unknown (In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 02 which is not correct. )
Hand lacquered

Part of the rubber band patent 128,445 drawing

Presumably the second toy that Martin has put on the market.
No factory number is known. (a guess: it could be number 101)
The drive is by means of the rubber band mechanism known at Fernand Martin

I found in this French book the patent number of this toy
The patent was published under number 128,445 on Januari 14 -1879 and original for his first toy : the fish
The third addition to his original patent 128,445 was mentioned for a swing toy, any jumping insect and for a boat, this third addition was dated June 24 -1880.

Source Gallica : Les jouets d’enfants 3e edition 1889

The Joy of Children On the Boulevards.

— What we see in the Barracks. — Toys of the day. — What interesting automata. — For the joy of the little ones and the tranquility of the grown-ups.

Paris, December 24 – 1910 La Dépeche – journal quotidien

While the traditional chromolithographs (Chromolithography is a method for making multi-colour prints.) continue to represent to us an icy Christmas where the cottages half disappear under the snow, where the trees with bare branches let stalactites of frost hang down to the ground all white, while the storytellers still speak to us of evenings cold, whistling wind, avalanches of aerial snowflakes, we wade through the warm and humid atmosphere of an absurd month of December when the mercury in the thermometer reached crazy heights for the season. Nothing would remind us of the approaching Christmas if the New Year’s Day barracks weren’t there, faithful to their post, from the Madeleine to the Bastille, spreading out their stalls crying in the wind. Poor sellers! We say a lot of good and a lot of bad. There are people who find them quaint and others who find them cumbersome. It depends on the temperaments. Moreover, in such matters, only point is the children’s point of view, and their point of view is that there are new toys in the little shacks every year. Where are the dolls of yesteryear? Where do the toy soldiers and wooden horses smell? Poor old-fashioned toys, we hardly see any more. They gradually gave way to the invasion of mechanical toys, science toys, animated marvels and prestigious automatons. This year, the airplane is the great winner. You find it everywhere: toys for two pennies or toys for thirty or fifty francs. The automobile, even the catastrophe automobile, is somewhat abandoned. She’s not up to date enough anymore.

As for the automatons, the inventive genius of the builders has, as always, given free rein to them. What do you say to this “shackled” who hops awkwardly in her fashionable skirt? (Fernand Martin number 220 L’entravée)


It is exactly that, as absurd as reality. And it’s a piquant spectacle: on the trestles of the barracks, the tin shackles jump. On the sidewalk of the boulevard, the flesh and blood shackles skip. But here is an organ player (Prosper Lévi S.i.j.i.m. number 33 Le joueur d’orgue ) who actually plays the organ. Listen: Don’t you recognize the tinny sounds of « Si tu veux nous serons heureux » (If you want we will be happy) almost everywhere ?

Le joueur d’orgue

finally, we find a fight between the two age-old enemies. What am I saying! secular! millennials, rather! That is about the woman and the mouse, ( Martin number 221 La chasse au rat ) these two beings who, since they exist, have been inspire a mutual fright. You know that all it takes is a mouse to put a woman on the run. On the other hand, if a woman starts chasing a mouse (which is rare), the mouse runs away.

La chasse au rat

But this year, a toy offers you the view of a courageous janitor with a broom in hand, stand up to the enemy. It’s a quaint duel, but the inventor was well advised to choose a concierge. No ordinary mortal of the tenant race, a pusillanimous race, would have dared to engage in battle against such a formidable enemy.

237 Dame de la Crois Rouge – The Red Cross Nurse

Courtesy Spielzeugmuseum in Soltau Germany

name: Dame de la crois rouge (the red cross nurce)
production number 237
production from: 1913
hoogte 20 cm / 7,87 inch
manufacturer: Georges Flersheim (successor of Fernand Martin)

Courtesy Spielzeugmuseum in Soltau Germany

I have personally seen a total of 6 pieces at auctions and in museums.
What is striking is that the face/head is not always the same, there are versions with a raised edge at her height and without this raised edge, whether both are original or one of these is not original? I don’t know.

Courtesy Spielzeugmuseum in Soltau Germany, Gallery Chartres and Bertoia Auctions

This Red Cross sister goes for a walk after the clockwork has been wound.
The walking mechanism is the same as that of the “Le Vieux Marcheur” (the walking gentleman) with number 185 from 1901 with patent number FR 298509.

The Red Cross name and logo was a registered trademark and could not simply be used on products.
It is not known whether Flersheim had permission.

Result Martins in the “JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on April 20, 2024

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time 9 Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys in the “LIVE” auction on April 20 -2024
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.


Here the link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


These prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.

Results of the Martins in the BERTOIA ANNUAL AUCTION | April 19, 2024

Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is Screenshot65-1024x319.jpg

Our annual spring auction is packed with highlight for the top quality collectors. Included amongst the two days will be hundreds of European Wind-up toys & Trains, American RR, Spelter stills and Mechanical banks, Horse drawn & choice Cast iron toys, Japanese space & tinplate, Pressed steel & Pedal cars, Tether cars, great Penny toys, Automatons, top tier Christmas & Holiday items, and more.

In this auction are this time 8 Martin / Victor Bonnet toys

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the May 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine May 2024

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Le bateau – La chaloupe a vapeur from 1893

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1894 about a tin boat made by Martin.
This nice piece is put in motion by the well-known Martin “rubber band” method, the motion is done by a winding handle at the front of the boat, under the boat is, in the tube, the “rubber band” that goes to the movement mechanism.

Produced from 1893
Product number 125 (In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 43 which is not correct. )
Hand lacquered
Mechanism: Rubber band

length approx 27.5 cm (10.63) inches

Part of the rubber band patent 128,445 drawing
This very rare model lacks the steering and drive.
On display in the Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany
Image courtesy of Bertoia Auctions
Original catalog page

Original article and drawing’s from the magazine “La Nature 1894” Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

Looking at it closely, or is almost always astonished, and often amazed at the ingenuity displayed in the construction of any toy.
The child who breaks his rattle has no idea that he sometimes destroys a wonder, and Mum is far from even thinking of it. It only cost fifteen sous, they say.
But it is specified by the modieity of its price that the mechanical toy is generally a tour de force of combination.
To reduce everything to the maximum of simplicity from the point of view of the manufacture and assembly of the parts, such is the condition under which a toy will not be sold, because it will be too expensive.
Among the new creations of the last day of the year, we will choose one that is typical: the boat with propellant rudder.
Whoever imagined it must have often observed the fish, seen the way in which they throw right and left a blow of the tail which makes them move forward, and he undoubtedly sought to imitate this movement in the toy of which we speak.

Here is (fig. I) our little boat
At first glance, one thinks to see a boiler and a propeller, with a pill oddly sitting down with his steam engine and holding the rudder ropes. However, that is not the mechanism.
The pilot only serves to amuse baby, the boiler too.
The whole engine is in the keel; it is a simple rubber thread concealed in a channel, and fixed in the center of a toothed wheel; ‘at the other end, it is attached to a lever which rests on the two notches of a ratchet
The toothed wheel is nothing more than an escape wheel, and not the least; it is an anchor escapement of which the rudder head forms the counterpart.
Under the alternating impact of the teeth of the wheel (fig. I detail) between two stops placed to the right and to the left of the axis of the gourernail, the latter begins to perform oscillations which communicate its movement to the boat.
By what mechanism is the thrust carried out?
It is easy to realize this by analyzing the movement of the gourernail. Oscillations around the axis can be likened to periodically interrupted rotation.
However, this rotation results in a centrifugal movement of the water, and, consequently, a reaction on the rudder, the component of which along the axis of the boat is directed forward.
But there is another cause, probably dies effective, of propulsion.
If the rudder were to execute movements with symmetrical speeds, it would experience a thrust forward as it approached its mean position, and a retrograde thrust of the same mean value from that point on.
But this is not the case.
When the rudder leaves the escape wheel, the latter falls back with force on the second stop, and loses part of its kinetic energy there, immediately imparting a certain speed to the rudder; it then acts on the maximum lever arm, but when the rudder passes through its equilibrium position, the stop is already tilted a little; it slips away more and more, until the loose tooth is caught.
The speed of the rudder therefore decreases from the moment it begins to throw water back, until it reaches the end of its course.
However, the resistance of water is roughly proportional to the square of the speed of the moving body; therefore the pressures are stronger from back to front than in the reverse direction.
On average, this results in a propulsive force for progression which makes our little boat move forward.
We compared it earlier to a eur. View ecti.mblo and detail of the fish rudder; the analogy is real, but it is not perfect.
The rigid rudder employed as a propellant is far from being advantageous, since its action depends above all on a difference in speed and can only be very slight, and we know that, in nature, actions are generally very well combined.
If, instead of a rigid rudder, an articulated rudder is adopted (fig. 2), the apparatus becomes more advantageous; attempts in this direction have been made in the past.
The thruster consists, in this combination, of two parts A and B connected by a vertical axis.

Plane A carries, on the right and on the left, two stoppers which limit the movement of B.
As soon as this last plan ceased to act as a propellant.
A goes back, and resumes B in the symmetrical position of the one he occupied.
We can now replace the single joint with a series of hinges, each of which leaves the plane it carries a certain degree of freedom. We thus manage to build a propellant similar to the tail of the fish, of which our small boat shows the mode of action by an elementary mechanism of extreme simplicity.

A picture of this boat on the cover of the Frech version of the book: LES BATEAUX JOUETS of Jacques Milet by Publisher : ARTE; 1st edition (January 1, 1967)

Rare box off the “Le Pochard” (the drunk man)

In one of the previous auctions of the Milestone auction house I found a Le Pochard with a very rare and different box for the Martin number 172.
This box has the name : The Zig-Zag Man.

It is difficult to say where the name comes from but I found a possible option:
The “ZIG-ZAG Man” is based on the story of a French North African soldier (Zouave) aka Captain Zig-Zag, whose smoking pipe was shattered by a stray bullet during the battle of Sevastopol in 1854, so he rolled his tobacco using a piece of paper torn from a musket cartridge.
In 1855 was a French firm that used the name Zig-Zag as a brand of rolling papers, this firm was originated in Paris.
The Zig-Zag brand introduced a new and convenient way to roll up tobacco products with specially designed paper.
Zig-Zag was awarded in 1900 a gold medal at the Universal Exposition in Paris
Perhaps Martin made at the request of this “Zig-Zag” company an advertising figure, but that is unclear.
(Part of the text is from Wikipedia)

Courtesy Milestone auction house

The number on the box is 172-bis and the label is the small version, so it was made in a later period than the year 1899 in which the first copies were made.
The figure still has a typical Martin key, so it was made before the takeover in 1912

“JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on April 20, 2024

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time 9 Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys in the “LIVE” auction on April 20 -2024
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.


Here the link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


After the auction, I will publish the realized price for these toys.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.

Martin toys sale in 1892

In 1892 a French newspaper La Petit Presse gave its readers a special advantage to buy products that the newspaper purchased directly from the manufacturers.
The products mentioned also include a number of toys.
On closer inspection of the toys, these are all Fernand Martin products.

Source: Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts – newspaper: La Petit Presse 23-01-1892

The number behind the toy name is the product number from the newspaper and not a Martin number.


Our annual spring auction is packed with highlight for the top quality collectors. Included amongst the two days will be hundreds of European Wind-up toys & Trains, American RR, Spelter stills and Mechanical banks, Horse drawn & choice Cast iron toys, Japanese space & tinplate, Pressed steel & Pedal cars, Tether cars, great Penny toys, Automatons, top tier Christmas & Holiday items, and more.

In this auction are this time 8 Martin / Victor Bonnet toys

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Martin toys with and without clothes.

One of Fernand Martin’s strengths was that he converted people from everyday life into children’s toys, to give these toys a good likeness and of course to hide the mechanism he gave them clothes.
This has several advantages, the children like this better, you can give a figure a different profession or look very simply and of course cheaper.

Here are some examples I found in my collection of magazines.

From the magazine: Lecture pour tous de A’Lmanach Hachette 1900, this same image was also published in a German magazine in 1906.
From the magazine: Lectures Modernes 1902
From the magazine: Lectures Modernes 1902
From the magazine: Lectures Modernes 1902
From the magazine : Femina 1902
From the magazine: Lectures Modernes 1902
Revue Hebdomadaire Dec 14 1901

Result Martins in the Lankes auction 18-22 March 2024



Das Lankes Auktionshaus lädt Sie herzlich zur großen Spielzeugauktion
in Döhlau vom 18.-22. März 2024 ein, in der die berühmte Sammlung
Ivan Steigers angeboten wird.

Die Sammlung wurde im Spielzeugmuseum auf dem Prager
Hradschin ausgestellt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine der größten
privaten Spielzeugsammlungen.

Ivan Steiger ist weltbekannt durch seine Zeichnungen und Karikaturen
in den führenden internationalen und deutschen Tageszeitungen, wie
etwa der “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung”. Steiger wurde mit zahlreichen
Auszeichnungen geehrt, darunter 2009 mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz.

Er ist außerdem Autor zahlreicher Bücher, Maler und veranstaltete
innovative Ausstellungen zum Thema “Spielzeug”.1983 eröffnete
er zusammen mit seiner Frau Eva und seinen beiden Töchtern Helena
und Johanna das Spielzeugmuseum im Alten Rathausturm in München.
Zehn Jahre danach gründete er darüber hinaus das Spielzeugmuseum
im Burggrafenamt auf der Prager Burg.

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mit der Versteigerung des Prager Spielzeugmuseums
eine herausragende Spielzeugsammlung präsentieren zu dürfen.
Die Sammlung besticht durch ihre besonders seltenen und qualitätvollen
Stücke aus den Bereichen Blechspielzeug, Automaten, Erzgebirge,
Weihnachtsschmuck, Eisenbahn, Puppenspielzeug, Dampfspielzeug sowie
Elastolin und Lineol Spielzeug.

I found a few Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys in this auction, see below, the toys with the discription and auction number

Martin number 198 -le petit cuisinier € 330
Martin number 170 -le faucheur € 550
Martin number 226 -les chosons du Pére Francois € 800
Martin number 108 -le livreur € 100
Martin number 253 -le clown orchestre € 450

All prices are in Euro and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

You can make a bid on

For more information see:

After the auction I will publish the auction prices

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise i




Das Lankes Auktionshaus lädt Sie herzlich zur großen Spielzeugauktion
in Döhlau vom 18.-22. März 2024 ein, in der die berühmte Sammlung
Ivan Steigers angeboten wird.

Die Sammlung wurde im Spielzeugmuseum auf dem Prager
Hradschin ausgestellt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine der größten
privaten Spielzeugsammlungen.

Ivan Steiger ist weltbekannt durch seine Zeichnungen und Karikaturen
in den führenden internationalen und deutschen Tageszeitungen, wie
etwa der “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung”. Steiger wurde mit zahlreichen
Auszeichnungen geehrt, darunter 2009 mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz.

Er ist außerdem Autor zahlreicher Bücher, Maler und veranstaltete
innovative Ausstellungen zum Thema “Spielzeug”.1983 eröffnete
er zusammen mit seiner Frau Eva und seinen beiden Töchtern Helena
und Johanna das Spielzeugmuseum im Alten Rathausturm in München.
Zehn Jahre danach gründete er darüber hinaus das Spielzeugmuseum
im Burggrafenamt auf der Prager Burg.

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mit der Versteigerung des Prager Spielzeugmuseums
eine herausragende Spielzeugsammlung präsentieren zu dürfen.
Die Sammlung besticht durch ihre besonders seltenen und qualitätvollen
Stücke aus den Bereichen Blechspielzeug, Automaten, Erzgebirge,
Weihnachtsschmuck, Eisenbahn, Puppenspielzeug, Dampfspielzeug sowie
Elastolin und Lineol Spielzeug.

I found a few Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys in this auction, see below, the toys with the discription and auction number

You can make a bid on

For more information see:

The prices in this auction are in Euro

After the auction I will publish the auction prices

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise i

Don’t miss the April 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine April 2024

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

1905 World exhibition Liège Belgium

In 1905 a world exhibition was held in Liège, Belgium.
France was also represented at this exhibition with the French toy industry in section 100.
In this earlier blog :


I presented a original glass stereo photo that was taken at this exhibition and depicts a counter full of Fernand Martin toys.

original glass stereo photo (Courtesy Massilia Toys )
The same photo but now publised in the book

I now found in the book: Exposition Internationale 1905 Liege, Section française Class 100 more information and also a photo showing the back of this counter.

In this photo you also see a large white statue, I have already mentioned the existence of this statue in one of my previous blogs.
This colossal statue was personifying “the Toy Fairy distributing toys”.
In the glass stereo photo from my earlier blog and on the first photo above, you can see a part of this image on the left (white part of the image and black part of a cloth over a foot/table).

Fernand Martin was one of the jury members at this exhibition, the jury members can be seen in a photo from that book, in this photo you can also see Martin himself.
Photos of Fernand Martin himself are quite rare.

Reference book: Exposition international 1905 Liege ; Section française Class 100, this book can be found on the CNUM website

Le Trapèze – the trapeze artist from 1885

Produced from 1885
Product number unknown (In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 13 which is not correct, this trapeze artist has probably not been given a product number.)
Hand lacquered
Mechanism: Rubber band

Length approx. 14 cm / 5.5 inches
Height approx. 17.8 cm / 7 inches

Courtesy : Bertoia auctions

By winding the rubber band, the movement is converted into a pendulum movement that allows the gymnast to do his tricks.

This is a quite rare toy from Fernand Martin.
The column and roof were also used for: Le sonneur endiablé in 1885 number 102, but also much later by the presumed successors/descendants of Georges Flersheim in the toy: Je sonne la paix in 1916 number 246.
The figure of the gynast has also been used more often in other Martin toys.

(number 246)
From my collection
(number 102)
Courtesy : Bertoia auctions

Four different boxes for the Fernand Martin: Le Petit Culbuteur

This is an updated version of a previously posted article because new things have been found.

Until now we know the boxes of many Fernand Martin toys.
The first box label of a toy was designed just before the first production of these toys.
Once on the market, the most toys remained the same box for many years and even decades.
But from the Le Petit Livreur, ( the acrobat ) a tumbling clown, produced from 1908 with Fernand Martin number 213, there are, till now, four box labels known.

Le petit culbuteur with a original box and original key

In the bottom of the box is one of the narrow upright side a hole in which, the key was attached with a ribbon or rope that goes through that hole in the box.
This ribbon has long disappeared in most cases, I have only seen it a few times.

Three boxes contain a label and one box only a stamp.
It is not known when which label was issued.
You can see that one box has an English inscription, otherwise the box has exactly the same texts and logos as the box for the French market.

Something about boxes in general :

Boxes generally tell a lot about a toy and are therefore very interesting.
The manufacturer’s name.
The factory logo.
The product number.
The manual.
Country of origin.
Sometimes also patent applications and even the patent numbers.
Martin often put there gross and net weights.
And he told everyone which (international) prizes he has achieved and where he was a member or president of the jury.

It even happens that a loose box at auction will yield more than the toy, of course because these are much rarer.
Children threw the box away and a box is also much more fragile and broke and thrown away.

Courtesy Calerie De Chartres
These 12 empty boxes of Martin toys and one box of Lehmann toys were auctioned in 2018 in France at Ivoire Chartres

Result for the Martin toy in the Antico Mondo Auction

The brandnew catalog of the 100th Toy Auction is online!

The auction will feature around 800 items of tin toys, trains, space toys and model cars.

Result: € 550

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding live via telephone, register your written predids or using the auction platforms lot-tissimo, the-saleroom and liveauctioneers and Sixbid you are able to to bid online. So you can submit your bids in real time during the auction. Therefor it is necessary to register on the platform of your choice not later than 24 hours before the auction starts.

The easiest way to participate in our auctions is to use our online catalogue. Here you can view all the items and directly place written pre-bids. See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog link:

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

The price is in Euro € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about

Martins without number

Martin has often accidentally or deliberately forgotten to include a number in his product numbering.
In his period from 1878 to his first Bonshomme de Ma Portiére in 1895 a number of figures without number are known, see my article for this:

From the Ma Portiére in 1895 to the sale to George Flersheim in 1912, a few figures without numbers are also known.
Starting with two figures featured in the image from the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis.

Les jouets à la World’s fair en 1904 à Saint-Louis (Smitsonian Labraries-no copyright)

In this image a few are recognizable and the corresponding figures have also been found.

The Bassist, in the picture numbered with (1) Courtesy E.T.
The “Jeu de boulle”? player, numbered in the picture with (2) Courtesy E.T.

Maybe there are still some figures on this St Louis photo, but the photo is so bad that they cannot be recognized immediately, wait until the actual figure(s) is found.

But there are still a few figures that cannot be found in the well-known catalogs and there are no boxes available.

Another image also shows a few figures whose number is currently unknown.

La Nature 1902 pag. 13 Concours de Lépine Paris 1901

These two figures are incorrectly numbered in the existing literature, see why in my blog:

Le télégraphiste-the postman number (1)
Le garçon de café – the waiter number (2)

(both images courtesy Bertoia Auctions)

Martin donated 100 toys to the “Musée Dez Arts Et Métiers” in Paris in 1908, this donation was a good overview of the toys he has produced since the beginning, he also made a list of them.
All the pieces in his donation can be traced back through documentation and old found catalogues.
These four pieces are therefore not only numbered, but are also not included in the donation.
As can be seen above, they are documented.

The Flersheim period

In the Flersheim period from 1912 to 1919 there are still many uncertainties, the photo below shows a Le Petit Livreur with a trunk, on the far right.
This is not mensioned in the numbering known to us.

Foto: Magazin La Dépéche Dec. 30-1912 (the les cochons du pére francois number 226 is the last toy from the Fernand Martin production)
From my own collection

And one of my collector friends has a version of the L’autopatte with the same trunk on it.

Courtesy E.T.

There is a lot of uncertainty about the numbering of the Flersheim period from 1912 to 1919, many figures are known, but the product numbers are often not.
We’ll wait and see and maybe we’ll get this numbering complete one day.

In black the numbers and names known to us, the numbers in red have yet to get their corresponding name, if any of my readers know the correct names of one or more of the missing numbers (with proof like a numbered box) please message me.

List of confirmed numbers :

227: “Chaud les Marrons“
228: “Le Motocycliste Enragé“
229: “Le Petit Patineur“
230: “La Pédalette“
231: “Le Motocycliste“
232: “Soldat Bulgare“
233: “La Casseuse d’Assiettes“
234: “Le Chef d’Orchestre“


237: “Dame de la Croix-Rouge”
238: “Soldat Marocain”

240: “La Guerre Aérienne”
241: “Ma Nounou”



246: “Je Sonne la Paix“

Result Martin’s in the Bertoia Basic Toy Auction : February 23, 2024

A one day sale with a huge emphasis on tinplate toys and trains, American standard gauge as well as European RR items, comic character and other wind-up toys, German autos, Lehmanns, Penny Toys, Toy Soldiers & Figures and more.

In this auction are this time 3 Martin / Victor Bonnet toys and 1 S.i.j.i.m. toy the organ grinder

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction


first production date : 1892
production number: 127 (In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 36, but the latest discoveries show that the real number is 127.)
mechanism: clockwork
height: 8,5 cm / 7,87 inch – length: 21 cm / 8,27 inch
produced by Fernand Martin

A very amusing toy, after turning the mechanism he starts moving, beats his wings and drives forward
Pictures courtesy Bertoia Auctions
Picture from the original catalogue 1898
Marked on the tail with the Martin FM sign

Don’t miss the March 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine March 2024 with this time an article about the: Victor Bonnet “L’Entraineur Skiff” from 1928

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Result Martins in the: Morphy Auctions Toys & General Collectibles Febr. 14-15 & 16 . 2024

In this auction of Morphy Auctions there are 2 Fernand Martin toys but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

Pianist Martin number 189 – lot number 1030 result $ 500
Fisherman Martin number 209 – lot number 1057 result $ 1100

Look for more auction informations :

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy of Morphy Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Antico Mondo auction on Saturday, March 02, 2024

The brandnew catalog of the 100th Toy Auction is online!

The auction will feature around 800 items of tin toys, trains, space toys and model cars.

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding live via telephone, register your written predids or using the auction platforms lot-tissimo, the-saleroom and liveauctioneers and Sixbid you are able to to bid online. So you can submit your bids in real time during the auction. Therefor it is necessary to register on the platform of your choice not later than 24 hours before the auction starts.

The easiest way to participate in our auctions is to use our online catalogue. Here you can view all the items and directly place written pre-bids. See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog link:

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for this Martin toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Martin Toys with a candy container ?

Around 1912 there were a few toys that differed in detail from the normal models.
This happened just before or just after the takeover from Martin to Georges Flersheim.
A few models were then modified and provided with an open space to put in presumably sweets.
These spaces were created in two ways.
A tin container was placed on the models of the “Le petit Livreur” and the “L’autopatte”.
The model of the “Le petit marchane d’oranges” the top was made so that it could open.

The three original models from the Fernand Martin period without a candy container.

In the Martin “Le petit marchane d’oranges” model, the mechanism is “in” the space between the bottom of the cart and the fruit, in the later model the mechanism has been moved to the bottom of the cat.

So it was three known models with a “temporary” adjustment.
Whether Martin or Flersheim were responsible for this is not entirely known, but they all have clear signs of the Martin models, the later Flersheim models have several specific changes compared to the Martin models, so I think they are models that were produced by Flersheim immediately after the takeover using parts that were still in stock from the earlier Fernand Martin production.

These three models with the candy container are very rare.

Martin type of Wheels en Key and the boy was given hair and a bonnet
Martin type of Wheels and Flersheim type Key, (Picture Courtesy ET)
Martin type skirt with raised back but a Flersheim mechanism (courtesy Bertoia Auctions)
On one side the two hinges on the other side there are three tabs to close it, see picture above

New sales tin toy side in the Netherlands with, of course Fernand Martin toys and a lot more.

We started collecting antique toys a long time ago and we will continue to do so for many years to come, the third generation is already eager to join us.

For that one special item, we go to trade fairs at home and abroad, and we also scour the well-known and lesser-known platforms to find that nice addition.

You can imagine that over time we have acquired a large network and beautiful collection and we would like to share this with you by offering beautiful and high-quality items through our webshop.

If you are interested in one of our items on the page, I invite you to respond by email.

This site is in Dutch but If you are interested in one of our items please send an email to upper email address.
For a description in your language, please contact us.

Film from 1906 with a lot of Martin toys

In 2023 I published a blog : 

That blog mentioned a report about a meeting in 1906, during which a film was published with mainly Martin toys but also toys from Lehmann, among others.

I received a copy of this report from Mr. Claude Lamboley which included the following text:

Then the whole series of well-known mechanical toys was paraded before us that are manufactured in the factory of Mr. Fernand Martin. Cinematographic films presented the workshops and the tools of this manufacture; hands showed the toys being made, turning them, turning them over, while the lecturer gave the explanation (very curious effect).
Then, finally, the cinematograph projected amusing and dramatic scenes, the actors of which were Mr. Martin’s’s mechanical little bonshommes.

In that blog from July 18 -2023 I said: Now we have to find that film.

Now I can tell you that I found this film. This film is used by Mr Klaus Lorenz in his lecture : THE MAGIC OF AUTOMATES on June 02 – 2023 This lecture was held in the CINÉMATHÈQUE Paris – Room George’s Franju 

(Wikipedia: The Cinémathèque Française Paris, founded in 1936, is a French non-profit film organization that holds one of the largest archives of film documents and film-related objects in the world.The archive offers daily screenings of worldwide films.)

In an old Pathé-Frères catalogue from 1907, this film is listed under number 1356 with the following text:

Bob’s Theater….
Bob’s father was undoubtedly generous, because on the small theater stage we will recognize all the popular types of the latest toys of the year.
Bob, as an excellent director, managed to introduce them to us as an artist, and despite the age it is a pleasure there, it will certainly please everyone.

The hole lecture is about 1 hour and 15 min. , in this compleet lecture you see a lot of other toy automates, this lecture is in French. 

The part with the Martins start on 0.00 min. till 6.35 min. , it is a silent film so no text, music or spoken words. 

Here the link to the complete lecture with the film: Le théàtre de Bob de Gaston Velle.


Bertoia Basic Toy Auction : February 23, 2024

A one day sale with a huge emphasis on tinplate toys and trains, American standard gauge as well as European RR items, comic character and other wind-up toys, German autos, Lehmanns, Penny Toys, Toy Soldiers & Figures and more.

In this auction are this time 3 Martin / Victor Bonnet toys and 1 S.i.j.i.m. toy the organ grinder

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

La Patinette – The boy on a scooter

Name: La Patinette
Produced from about 1929
Produced by Victor Bonnet (VB&Cie)
Production number 263
Movement mechanism: turning key with a loose key
Height: 22.5 cm / 8.86 inch
Length: 23 cm / 9.06 inch

The original box

If you look closely at the legs and the shoes you will see that Victor Bonnet has reused them from the boy on roller skates, Le Petit Patineur number 229 from 1914 made by Georges Flesheim.
The movement mechanism is also the same, they make a step movement with their right leg while the other leg is fixed on the roller skate with the Le Petit Patineur and on the step with the La Patinette.

This figure was used years ago by a Dutch investment / mortgage company in one of their advertisements.

The bottom
The Victor Bonnet logo ( VB&Cie Paris made in France ) is on the bottom plate under the front fork
Image in the Christmas catalog 1930/1931 Au Bon Marche December 1, 1930

Don’t miss the February 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine February 2024 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Morphy Auctions Toys & General Collectibles Febr. 14-15 & 16 . 2024

In this auction of Morphy Auctions there are 2 Fernand Martin toys but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

Pianist Martin number 189 – lot number 1030
Fisherman Martin number 209 – lot number 1057

Look for more auction informations :

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for these toys.

Photos courtesy of Morphy Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results of the Martins in the Milestone auction

SATURDAY JANUARY 13th 2024 10:00AM






PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to

Overvieuw Victor Bonnet pistols

In recent months I have presented all till now known Victor Bonnet pistol models.
To make your search a little easier, I have combined them in this blog
Here is an overview of all models with the corresponding link to the relevant blog for each model.

The Victor Bonnet list with pistol models with article numbers and link to the specific blog:
247 le-pan-pan
256 flac
257 bombarde
258 le-petard
262 tape_fort
264 le-sans-balle
266 le-costaud
??? le-corsaire (Product number unknown)

Fernand Martin “Le Livreur” From 1888 (2020 article revised)

A very early Martin with the name: Le Livreur (the delivery guy)
Made from 1888
Product number 108
Length 15.6cm / 6.14in
This was probably the most successful Martin ever.

Photo courtesy of RSL auctions

The history that preceded this:
Due to an article in the American “The Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office” of October 20, 1885 on page 352, I came across the patent number 6470 of a “mechanical toy animal figure” .
I started searching further and it turned out to be an English patent.
In 1884 there was the Englishman Mr. William Hamilton Hall, 72 Denmark Villas, West Brighton, he was an inventor / toy manufacturer.
He filed a patent in England in April 17, 1884 under number GB 6470
The patent was filed under the name: “Improvements in Mechanical Toy Animal Figures”.
An extensive correction followed on January 26, 1885.
The Complete Specification was dated January 16, 1885, and it contains 7 pages of text and 3 pages of drawings.
The patent was directly applied for in several countries.
Here is an overview of the countries now known:
United States October 20, 1885 patent number 328912
France July 4, 1884, patent number 163149
Belgium March 28, 1885 patent number 68347
Austria December 4, 1884, patent number 34162
Hungary December 4, 1884, patent number 56714
Germany July 1, 1884, patent number 29806
England April 17, 1884, patent number 6470

Part of the discription from William Hamilton Hall with the US patent 328.912 from the “ The Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office “ The patent numbers and patent dates in different countries

The British Library Business & IP Center 96 Euston Road London make the patents available with explanation and images.

Part of the discription from William Hamilton Hall with the US patent 328.912 on this drawing you see a crank-shaft Y between the wheels of the cart and two connecting-rods X from the crank-shaft Y to the legs.

I found in David Pressland’s beautiful book “Pressland’s Blechspielzeug Der Welt” from 1995 and published by “AS Verlag Zürich” on page 241 a photo of a toy with his original box, the box appears, after further investigation, to have patent number 6470 and this is exactly the toy patent number from William Hamilton Hall produced from 1884, but are the box and toy on the photo from Hall?

Thanks to David Pressland’s that i may use this picture from his beautiful book “Pressland’s Blechspielzeug Der Welt” from 1995 , published by AS Verlag Zürich

I had a toy as on the picture from David Pressland book in my collection myself that looks like Martins “Le Livreur” but until now I do not know who the manufacturer is. As seen on the picture there is no crank-shaft between the wheels of the cart and there are no connecting-rods from the cart to the legs as seen on the Patent drawing above, Martin replaced that with a flywheel. Is this Hall’s “automatic postman” ?

Is it possible that Hall later adapted his toys, because they might have been cheaper and worked better, to Martin’s construction?”, yes that is possible, but he would have infringed Martin’s patent.
Or vice versa, Martin’s patent wouldn’t have been valid, if an instantiation of his invention had been commercially available.

I think that Martin study the Hall patent and he thought this was a wonderful toy and saw the business benefits.
But he had other thoughts about the mechanism and he applied for an “improved” patent for this type of toy.

In the book Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris 1878-1912 it is stated on page 33 (with the wrong product number 22) that the story of the Le Livreur started with patent 75632 (printing error they meant 15632) on November 15, 1887 (this date will be reflected in the further story) but the story started with the William Hamilton Hill patent 6470 from April 17, 1884 in England so 3 years earlier.

Martin made improvements and on November 15, 1887 applied for a patent in England under the name “Improvements in Device or Mechanism for Communicating to Toys Movements Analogous to those of Human Beings and Animals when Walking.” and it get patent number 15632
The patent was reprinted as it was amended and quotes the following dates:
Date of Application: November 15, 1887,
Complete Specification Left (at the Patent Office,) May 09, 1888
Complete Specification Accepted July 27, 1888.
The patent contains 6 pages and includes 1 page with 4 drawings.

There are notable difference of Hall’s and Martin’s patents.
This is why “improvement” in Martin’s patent title takes its full sense, is that he eliminated the need for the crank-shaft between the wheels of the cart and the connecting-rods from the cart to the legs and replaced that with a flywheel.
He very smartly achieves it with the gripping of the heel of the supporting foot.
It therefore makes the cranked axle-tree easier to bend and the overall toy more reliable and simultaneously less expensive (less parts, less assembly time).

First page of the Fernand Martin patent GB 15632
Page 6 with the 4 drawings patent GB 15632. Here you can see the flywheel inside the cart.

Regarding the Hall and Martin patent, Martin explains a few things on page 5 of his English patent.

Martin wrote the following text:

Having now specifically described and ascertained the nature of my said invention and in what manner the same is to be performed I declare that I am aware of Hall’s Specification No. 6470 AD 1884 and I make no claim to anything described and claimed therein, but what I claim is:
A kind of toy with a miniature figure (preferably of a man) the legs of whitch imitate the natural movements of walking by the combined action of a motor vehicle having a continuous translation motion and abutting point placing itself alternately on any suitable surface, in such manner that retaining one leg an instant on the ground and the movement of translation continuing this abutting point forces the leg in contact with the ground to incline itself thus giving a movement similar but in the reverse sense to the second leg with which it is connected by a bent or cranked axle.

About the same time, Martin also applied on November 12, 1887 for this patent in France, where it was given the number 186948.
See more in my other blog from August 15 2019:


But so far, all Martin copies and boxes found have the patent number 15632, so the English patent number.
I have not yet found any copies or a box with the French patent number.
On the top of the cart and on the box is written: “F.M. S.G.D.G. France & Etranger Paris Patent 15632
France & Etranger meens French and foreign.
I think Martin used the English patent number because it had already been approved and the application for the French patent was still being processed in France.

Top of the Martin cart

Fernand Martin and E.P. Lehmann turned out to be good business colleagues and Lehmann also saw something in this toy.
Lehmann was allowed to use this patent against payment of 5 francs per 144 (12 dozen) pieces sold.
The success was enormous and within 8 months Lehmann came to Martin with a payment of 5000 francs, so 144.000 of the Lehmann “Express” EPL number 140, had already been sold up to that point.

Back of the Lehmann cart

On the back of the Lehmann Express (the copy of the Martin Le Livreur) , the text is Engl.Patent without a patent number.

A toy and his box :

Thanks for being allowed to use the photo’s: Left “Le Livreur” Photo courtesy of Pook&Pook auctioneers, above right the “Lehmann Express” Photo courtesy of Morphy Auctions, right under the Hall ? toy Photo courtesy of David Pressland

Take a good look at the boxes from Martin, Lehmann and Hall ? , they are very similar.

The success of the collaboration between F. Martin and E.P. Lehmann was expanded with several Martins, of which Lehmann was allowed to use the patents and were also allowed to be manufactured.

With special thanks to:
The British Library. Business & IP Center. 96 Euston Road. London
To make the patents available with explanation and images.

Magazine Benjamin 1931 Dec 17.

Benjamin was a French newspaper for young people founded by Jean Nohain. First published in January 1929, it ended in 1958. Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France

A journalist from the magazine “Benjamin” visits M. Bonnet “President of French toy manufacturers…”

-Monsieur Bonnet, see you soon, madam, would you sit down?
The charming secretary who received me is a sociable person, she talks to you with respect.
-It’s because Monsieur Bonnet is very busy…
I know that.
mr. Bonnet honors himself with the admirable title of: President of the Syndicate Chamber of French Toy Manufacturers, but that’s not all, it’s an official title, but that generally means nothing.
-It’s no small feat, you can imagine, continues the dear secretary, to be governor-general of all French toys!
The time has come, now it gets interesting, I no longer wait for the chairman of a union chamber, but for the governor of toys, the king of toys, the Napoleon of toys, a gentleman who only talks and thinks of dolls, soldiers, trains…

—Would you like to go in, ma’am?
Mr. Bonnet stands before me and leads me into his opulent office.
I have to admit right away, Mr. Bonnet didn’t tell me this.
Disappointed and unless you’re unreasonable enough not to let in any toy king other than a six-year-old boy, everyone will agree that Mr. Bonnet is also exactly “the right man”, the type of the real good grandfather and a grandfather who spends his life surrounded by toys, judge a little!
Oh sir, you must know things that no one has the slightest idea!
Surely you can tell me how many toys we make each year?
Now impressive figures on toys come from France and elsewhere
—In France, on average, 70,000,000 are made, that is, for about 300,000,000 francs.
Who would have thought that? Every year, 70,000,000 toys are needed for little French people!

And what kind of toys do we mainly make, dolls and trains?
We can say that dolls alone make up a fifth of this production, the railway industry and the mechanical toy industry are about equally important, the rest of this figure achieved is represented by all kinds of toys.
And find all these dolls, all these trains, all these different toys, buyers?
—Certainly, and we could produce even more, since 20,000,000 pieces of foreign toys flow parallel to ours.
Imported toys then? Ah yes, I know one of the “Made in Germany” toys myself.
So there are so many toys made in Germany that those little Germans can’t destroy everything and that our little French children have to help them?
—We make a lot of them, but in the United States they make a lot more.
Is it the United States that produces the most?
Yes, they can be the main toy producing country classified according to the importance of their production: United States, Germany, France and Japan, where regiments of celluloid babies are born.
But it is Germany that exports the most, isn’t it?
—Yes, at least to France, the United States mainly exports to South America, Japan and to China.

Germany prefers to trade with us, firstly because it is our neighbor and secondly because French industrialists have a reputation for being very good payers.
—In 1930, of the 13,348 quintals (quintal is an old unit for weight of one hundred kilograms) of toys imported into France, 11,217 quintals came from Germany.
—But in Germany everyone has to make toys? You think I’m not telling the truth?
—In addition to the large factories, which are wonderfully equipped for the manufacture of mechanical toys, one can find whole families in small villages, such as in the Black Forest, for example, who are busy assembling small toys at home.
—Their work is paid at the rate of 0 Fr.50 to 2 Fr. per hour, which is too little and not good, as you can expect they work as much as possible.
You haven’t told me about the toy soldiers, sir.
—The toy soldier industry is starting to recover a bit, but each country is enough for its own consumption, other toys are also sold locally because it would be too inconvenient to ship it, for example, these are heavy toys such as wheelbarrows, carts, small furniture, wooden horses…

Here is a statement signed by Mr Bonnet

(translation) The president of the French toys manufacturer is hereby thanking the small junior Benjamin’s for listening to all our discussions.
He is asking them to please children of workmen and French toy makers by prioritizing toys made by their parents .

Sir, I didn’t believe the toy industry was so successful at first
—It is strong, important and also very complete, because it makes almost all crafts work, the little girls and boys want everything they see in the hands of adults in miniature, they have toy cars, sewing machines, bicycles, microscopes, clocks needed and who knows what else?

—On the other hand, some toys require a very diverse workforce.
—Open a box of board games and try to imagine the number of workers from many professions who had to work together to produce all these objects together.
But I think, sir, if the youngest didn’t break their toys, it would be a national disaster! half more unemployed?
—Certainly, ma’am, but thank goodness we’re not there yet and there will be a lot of water flowing under the bridges before the race of the little wrecker dies out, thankfully.
Who tell you, sir? I have a horrible three year old nephew who can bust the hardest toy in five minutes but darling is a good little civilian!

I wish all the visitors of my blog a:

Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo
Kala Christougenna Ki’eftihismenos O Kenourios Chronos
God Jul och Gott Nytt År
Glædelig Jul og godt nytår
Geseende Kerfees en ’n gelukkige nuwe jaar
Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta

Don’t miss the January 2024 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine January 2024:

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Milestone Auction January 2024







PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object o

Course de taureau-The bull fighter.

An article with image of the bullfighter from Fernand Martin number 129 ((In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 47, but that is incorrecte).


It seems that this year, the small booths on New Year’s Day have had a real resurgence in success. We don’t want to witness it except the compact crowd that hasn’t stopped crowding the boulevards since Christmas Eve.

L’univers Illustré jan. 05- 1895, Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France

During our walk we came across several sensational toys. In the series of mechanical toys, always very successful, here is the Bull race, which buyers have already dubbed the Little Sugar Bowl (explanation see below): two horizontal bars, one ending in a bull, the other in a toreador armed with his muleta, chase each other; the bull, with articulated legs, leaps upon the toreador who flees from him.


Explanation: Le petit sucrier: the sugar bowl. that was the nickname of Max Lebaudy, the son of a very wealthy French sugar manufacturer, who died young in 1895, after wasting millions, much of it in the most absurd way.
1894 is the year when Max fell in love with bullfighting.
He then intends to organize several bullfights on his estate and thus has an arena built for the occasion.
All of Paris and local notables are invited to attend these bullfights, orchestrated down to the smallest detail, even the program which was written in Spanish!
Because Fernand Martin also belonged to the notables of Paris, it is very likely that he also watched one of these bullfights and in an interview for the magazine: Almanach Pratique illustré du Petit Parisien 1913 article: Les jouet mécanique, invention bien Française by Paul Lagarlère page 71-80, Martin told that he was inspired by the Max Lebaudy bullfight’s to design this toy.

Courtesy: Spielzeug museum Soltau Germany

You can find another article about this toy in the link below:


Result of the Martin’s in the Bertolami Fine Art Antique Toys & Sports Memorabilia auction December 5 – 2023


The auction will be held on December 5th at 15:00 CEST in Bertolami Fine Art headquarter in Piazza Lovatelli, 1 – Rome.

In this auction there are 4 Martin toys, but there are more beautiful other toys in this auction.

The following methods of participation are available: in person; by telephoneonline upon registration on our website, or on our partner portals (see list below); by a written absentee bid to be received by 12:00 CEST on Tuesday 5th November 2023.

List of partner portals:

DrouotInvaluableLive AuctioneersArsvalueBidspiritOne Bid

For more information click on this link:

These prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

The Bertolami Fine Art Antique Toys & Sports Memorabilia auction December 5 – 2023


The auction will be held on December 5th at 15:00 CEST in Bertolami Fine Art headquarter in Piazza Lovatelli, 1 – Rome.

In this auction there are 4 Martin toys, but there are more beautiful other toys in this auction.

The following methods of participation are available: in person; by telephoneonline upon registration on our website, or on our partner portals (see list below); by a written absentee bid to be received by 12:00 CEST on Tuesday 5th November 2023.

List of partner portals:

DrouotInvaluableLive AuctioneersArsvalueBidspiritOne Bid

For more information click on this link:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for these toys.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Difference between: La Casseuse D’assiettes / Madelon Casseuse D’assiettes.

This very beautiful toy was first produced by Fernand Martin’s successor, Mr. Georges Flersheim.
In the late 1920s, approximately around 1928, these toys were produced again in a slightly modified form by Georges Flersheim’s successor Mr. Victor Bonnet
The height of both versions is approximately 19 cm / 7,5 inch

The differences are mainly in:
Georges Flersheim version is named: La Casseuse D’assiettes
Produced from 1913
Product number 233
A characteristic Flersheim key
Produced in a red and blue version

Victor Bonnet version is named: Madelon Casseuse D’assiettes.
Produced from around 1928
Product number 260
The body is no longer hand-lacquered, only her face and hat with bow are hand-lacquered.
A distinctive Victor Bonnet key
Got cloth clothes

Christmas catalogue: Samaritaine 1929-1930

The number of dishes and the color of the dishes may differ depending on the version.
Georges Flersheim’s version only had “white” dishes.
Various color versions of the plates were found in the Victor Bonnet version.

  • Only “white” dishes.
  • “White” dishes with a “red” dish on top attached to the rod
  • Dishes in “red” with gold-colored stars as decoration
  • Dishes in “red” with gold-colored dots as decoration

The bottom dish that is attached to the hands is colored “white” in the Flersheim version, in the Bonnet version it is “white” and features a red factory logo with the text VB&CIE PARIS MADE IN FRANCE

‘La Casseuse d’Assiettes’ was inspired by a comic strip featuring a girl called Becassine.
The comic strip was first published ‘La Semaine de Suzette’ (February 1905), a weekly edition for girls and very soon Becassine became a French icon.
In 1913 Flersheim made her into a fantastic toy but he was not allowed to use the name Becassine because it had been registered as a trademark in 1910.
I found a book: La Semaine de Suzette with the first 26 weekly numbers of 1914, in this book the publisher placed advertisements, in which he sold ‘Becassine Casseuse d’Assiettes’ at 2.90 Francs, without naming Flersheim.

Book: “la Semaine de Suzette”, from 1914 10-ième année – Premier semestre 
Advertising 1 Bécassine 001 from “la Semaine de Suzette” No. 9 – 2 avril 1914 ( 10-ième annéé)
Advertising 2 Bécassine 001 from “la Semaine de Suzette”No. 11 – 16 avril 1914

Advertising 1
Advertising 2

Below you can see two patents about this toy, the first is the France patent with number 458560 of Mai 29 -1913 and the second is the German patent with number 270852 of July 13 – 1913, on the patent drawings you can see how complicated and ingenious the mechanism is. If you look at the mechanism from the inside you will also see solidity.

Part of the French patent
Part of the German patent

The Box:

The differences between the box of the Flersheim version and the Bonnet version are clearly visible

The top of the box of the Flersheim version
The inside of the box of the Flersheim version
The top of the box of the Bonnet version
The inside of the top of the box of the Bonnet version

The operation is as follows: after turning the mechanism, the figure vibrates forward, after a short time the dishes are thrown into the air and the figure falls backwards. Then the dishes must be gathered together again, placed on the support rod and the rod with the dishes must be pushed back into the bottom dish that is fixed between the hands.

Courtesy Greg DeSanto : International Clown Hall of Fame and Research Center

Carl Bagessen, born in 1858 in Denmark.
In 1895 he was a contortionist at Cirque Rancy in Lyon, under the name “Corkscrew Man”.
He also had a comedy act very similar to our toy in action where he drops a huge pile of plates on the floor.
For twenty years, Bagessen brought this act to all the variety theaters in the world.

Marque Déposée Article Français.

Explanetion of the “triangel” mark sign on toys

On many toys from around 1887 till the thirty’s of the last century, we see a triangular symbol with a number below it on the boxes of toys and even on the toys.
This symbol was once invented by the”La Chambre Syndicale des Fabricants de Jouets Français”, of which Fernand Martin was a board member and even once chairman, in the thirty’s of the last century the triangle probably had lost any meaning and disappeared.

This symbol was a sing of quality from a French manufacturer.

The manufacturer who wishes to make use of this mark only has to justify his quality of French manufacturer, and to pay the registration fee for the serial number of the police in perpetuity, a fee which amounts to a single sum of five francs.

Gallica BnF : Chambre Syndicale des Fabricants de Jouets Français

The Trade Union Chamber of French Toy Manufacturers filed with the Registry of the Commercial Court of the Seine, June 1, 1886, under number 23,795, a trademark of which we give the facsimile.
The Chambre Syndicale, with the aim of developing national industry, grants authorization to use this mark to any French industrialist who so requests.
It is enough to justify its quality as a French manufacturer.
For information, contact the Chambre Syndicale on the third Friday of each month, Hôtel Moderne, place de la République.

Each toy manufacturer that was allowed to use this symbol received a separate number.
Fernand Martin’s factory was registered under number 138

I found the first Martin toy with this sign on the box of the Le Cab from 1889

Some examples of the “triangel” mark sign on toys, catalogue or toy box of various manufacturers with their number


A magnificent sale with choice collections from around the country and the globe alike, the November auction is certain to grab international attention. Highlighted categories include Mechanical Banks, Spelter and iron Still Banks, sensational European tinplate toys and wind-ups, Trains and Airplanes, and much more!

Heath Hurlbert Mechanical Banks | The Willett Still Bank Collection | The Bob Davis Aeronautical Collection

In this auction are this time 7 Martin / Victor Bonnet toys.

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin stand on the World Exhibition Liège, Belgium in 1905

The stand of Fernand Martin, picture found in:
Exposition universelle & internationale de Liège 1905 rapport général de la section française – Free Download Borrow and Streaming Internet Archive

Excerpt from the original report: group: Class 100 section Bimbeloterie
There was a colossal statue personifying the Toy Fairy distributing toys.
The French toy exhibition included 63 exhibitors representing a wide variety of branches of the toy industry.
One of them was Mr. Fernand Martin, former president of the Trade union Chamber of the manufacturers of toys and games.
(Reporter, Mr. A. Chauvin.)

Results of the Martin toys in the “JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on November 11 – 2023

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time 19 very nice Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys in the “LIVE” auction on November 11 -2023.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.



After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toy.

These prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the December 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine December 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Victor Bonnet pistols 8: Le Corsaire

Victor Bonnet produced various tin pistols in the period from 1919 to 1933.
The number we know now is 8 pieces but maybe we will discover more.
the list of the pistols known so far is:

The Victor Bonnet list with pistol models with article numbers
Le Pan-Pan 247
Flac 256
Bombarde 257
Le Pétard 258
Tape_Fort 262
Le Sans-Balle 264
Le Costaud 266
Le Corsaire (Product number unknown)

Here we present :

Name: Le Corsaire
Number: Product number unknown
Year of first production: 1932 ??
Dimensions: 18 cm x ?? cm / 7 inch x ?? inch

After the relocation of the production of the Victor Bonnet factory in 1933, we no longer find pistols in the product range.
Probably is that the Victor Bonnet & Cie-in-liquidation, sold the patents and trademarks of guns/pistols to JEP.

“JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on November 11 – 2023

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time 19 very nice Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys in the “LIVE” auction on November 11 -2023.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.


Here the link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


After the auction, I will publish the realized price for these toys.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction







RESULT: $ 450


PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result price is in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yoursel

Number 246 “Le Déverseur” for the Englisch speaking market

In one of my previous blogs I mentioned that the Le Deverseur was only found with a French label on top of the box and for the Englisch market with a Englisch instruction label inside on the bottom of the box..

with a French label on the top of the box and an English instructions for use label on the bottom inside of the box

I’ve seen one now one, with all the labels in English.
Below you can also see on the box label that the name has been changed in : Self Unloading Waggon.

The label on top of the box, the instructions for use picture on the side of box and the separate instructions for use are all in the English language.

The separate user manual card is executed in two languages, French and Englisch, in the right photo you can see that he is not called “Waggon” as on the box label but “Lorry”


A magnificent sale with choice collections from around the country and the globe alike, the November auction is certain to grab international attention. Highlighted categories include Mechanical Banks, Spelter and iron Still Banks, sensational European tinplate toys and wind-ups, Trains and Airplanes, and much more!

Heath Hurlbert Mechanical Banks | The Willett Still Bank Collection | The Bob Davis Aeronautical Collection

In this auction are this time 7 Martin / Victor Bonnet toys.

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the November 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine November 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Le Jeu De Massacre


This is a very early toy from 1885
Length approx. 17,8 cm/ 7 inches
Height approx. 12,5 cm/ 5 inches

No final product number is known for this toy.
In the book by Lourens Bas : Toymaker in Paris 1878 – 1912 he is listed under number 16 on page 45 but we now know that the numbering of the “first” period is completely different, see my article


It has long remained unknown how this toy looked like but an article written by Renaud Fournier in the Antique Toy World Magazine of december 2016 mentions that one copy was found at a French auction, but a second copy has since been found at a French auction at Galerie de Chartres January 2022 at Le Coudray.
This toy is very fragile and both found pieces have missing parts such as broken hands, arms and heads.


These toys also appear not to be made of cardboard, as is stated in the book by Lourens Bas: Toymaker in Paris 1878 – 1912, but of tinplate and cast metal.
The front is lithographed and the back is blank tinplate.
The whole rests on two transverse strips.
The three figures are flexibly mounted on a rod.
On the front is written at the top the word Massacre and at the bottom in small FM Bté S.G.D.G. Paris Modele Déposé.

When all figures have been hit well by a ball

In the past, this toy will have been delivered in a box with one or more small balls to try to knock over one or more of the three figures.
The figures are a devil, a polichinelle and a pierrot made of cast metal.

We are not yet 100% sure from catalog images or the sales box whether this is really a Martin, but there are a few indications that this is a Martin:

  • the reuse of the devil figure in the Le Jeu De Force from 1884 and the Le Diable En Boîte from 1890.
  • the text : FM Bté S.G.D.G. Paris Modele Déposé, which can also be found practically written in the same way on other toys from that time such as the Les Joyeux Danseurs and the Les Courageux Scieurs De Long….

Photos of the toy: Jeu De Massacre, courtesy Renaud Fournier and Galerie de Chartres

Victor Bonnet pistols 7: Le Costaud

Victor Bonnet produced various tin pistols in the period from 1919 to 1933.
The number we know now is 8 pieces but maybe we will discover more.
the list of the pistols known so far is:

The Victor Bonnet list with pistol models with article numbers
Le Pan-Pan 247
Flac 256
Bombarde 257
Le Pétard 258
Tape_Fort 262
Le Sans-Balle 264
Le Costaud 266
Le Corsaire ??

Here we present :

Name: Le Costaud
Number: 266
Year of first production: 1931
Dimensions: 14,5 cm x 11,5 cm / 5,7 inch x 4,53 inch

Patent number is FR 730.021 d.d. April 04-1931

With the product number 266 on the box
image from a JEP sale catalog from the model “Le Corsaire”

After the relocation of the production of the Victor Bonnet factory in 1933, we no longer find pistols in the product range.
Probably is that the Victor Bonnet & Cie-in-liquidation, sold the patents and trademarks of guns/pistols to JEP.

Chauds les marrons, The chestnut vendor

first production date : 1912
production number: 227
height: 19 cm / 7,5 inch produced by Georges Flersheim

After winding, his head moves and his right hand goes spinning over the chestnuts, his left hand moves with the lid of the kettle.

Roasted sweet chestnuts were already sold in Rome in the sixteenth century. In Paris they were roasted and sold on the spot on the street, nowadays there are still many European places where they are offered on the street.

Paris early 1900 (photos from my collection)

This street scene is of course also seen by toy manufacturers and like so many street scenes there was an ingenious inventor who designed a toy out of it.
I found an article in the magazine La Nature from 1911 with a description and picture of a “Le Marchand de Marrons” that looks very much like the Flersheim version.

The original inventor of this toy is Mr. Raoul Maurin from Paris. Source picture : (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts – magazine La Nature 1911

an early French postcard

As is well known, Fernand Martin has bought many inventions from the small inventors in his career, this toy came from the old Martin portfolios, Martin had bought the design of this toy at the Concours Lepine in 1911 and Flersheim patented them under his name. Note:
Flersheim acquired with the company all Martin’s patents and this one is one of them.

Part of the patent applied by Georges Flersheim
Another part of this patent
Very nice box label

Released with different logos and texts and the winding key at the bottom.

la Pompe: The man at the village pump

Maker: Fernand Martin

Year: 1897

Number: 159

Dimensions: High 20 cm ( 7,9 inch) Long 15 cm ( 5,9 inch)

Coutesy Bertoia auctions

This very rare toy is driven by a rubber band, Martin used this rubber band a lot in his first period.
A man pumps water from a village pump.
Many working figures are unknown and this toy had a real working pump.
Water had to be put in the container under the pump and after winding up the rubber band, the man started pumping and the water came out of the pump.

If you look at the drawing you can recognize the working of the pump.

Picture from the original catalog from 1898

I have seen this toy with the man in two differend colors, yellow en red. This man was also used by Martin in other toys such as the La Famille vélo from 1897, the Le Monocycle aérien from 1896 and with a toy which I previously wrote a piece about but is unknown so far, see my blog:







LOT 0342


PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result Martin Fireman in the Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion September 22/09-2023

In the next Ladenburger Toyauction there is one Martin toy with Lot number 017 but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction
We are pleased to present you this catalog in German and English language.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

Result € 360

Le Pompier L’Echelle – (the fireman) – Martin number 197bis. This model was made by Victor Bonnet from 1919.

The price is in Euro € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Victor Bonnet pistols 6: Le Sans Balle

Victor Bonnet produced various tin pistols in the period from 1919 to 1933.
The number we know now is 8 pieces but maybe we will discover more.
the list of the pistols known so far is:

The Victor Bonnet list with pistol models with article numbers
Le Pan-Pan 247
Flac 256
Bombarde 257
Le Pétard 258
Tape_Fort 262
Le Sans-Balle 264
Le Costaud 266
Le Corsaire ??

Here we present :

Name: Le Sans-Balle
Number: 264
Year of first production: 1929
Dimensions: 9,5 cm x 7 cm / 3,75 inch x 2,8 inch

Image of the back of a Victor Bonnet bill

Result Martin Toy in the Auction Team Breker September 16, 2023

Office-Antiques • Mechanical Music • Science & Technology • Photographica & Film • Fine Toys & Automata

In this auction there is one Fernand Martin toy, but there are even more wonderful toys in this auction.

Lot number 0491
Ferdinand Martin Violinist “Le Gai Violoniste”, 1897 onwards
No. 160, France, hand-painted face, metal body, fabric clothing, key-wound, the violinist spinning drunkenly in circles while playing his violin, slight paint chips and fabric wear, working, embossed with “FM” logo on the hat, height 7 4/5 in.

Result: € 400

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

The price is in Euro € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion September 22/09-2023

In the next Ladenburger Toyauction there is one Martin toy with Lot number 017 but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction
We are pleased to present you this catalog in German and English language.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

Le Pompier L’Echelle – (the fireman) – Martin number 197bis. This model was made by Victor Bonnet from 1919.

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this Martin.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the October 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine October 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

The inventor of the toy: Chauds les Marrons.

We all know the chestnut vendor “Chauds les Marrons” , it was produced by Georges Flersheim but Fernand Martin bought the rights during the annual “Concours Lepine” in 1911.

Here an article from I found in the magazine “La Nature” from 1911 of the “original” toy.

Source: Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts – magazine La Nature 1911

A free translation:


The chestnut vendor.
Here comes winter.
The chestnut merchant sets up his itinerant shop under a doorway or on a street corner and offers passers-by a bargain.
The one shown in our drawing is very natural.
With one hand he stirs the contents of the pan, with the other hand he keeps the circle and the movement of his head towards the oranges and chestnuts, kept warm under a cloth, very clearly indicating that he offers his goods to passers-by.
How does it all work?
The circular movement of the right arm, the one that stirs the chestnuts, is done by means of a rod A, driven by the spring mechanism placed in B, and crossing the pan to direct the hand using a pin C.
The head is driven by a rod D taken eccentrically and hidden in the body of the man from the “Auvergne” (province in France)
The inventor is mr. Raoul Maurin, 24 rue de Belfort, Paris.

I will soon make another blog with more details and things worth knowing about this toy.

Auction Team Breker September 16, 2023

Office-Antiques • Mechanical Music • Science & Technology • Photographica & Film • Fine Toys & Automata

In this auction there is one Fernand Martin toy, but there are even more wonderful toys in this auction.

Lot number 0491
Ferdinand Martin Violinist “Le Gai Violoniste”, 1897 onwards
Nr 160, France, hand-painted face, metal body, fabric clothing, key-wound, the violinist spinning drunkenly in circles while playing his violin, slight paint chips and fabric wear, working, embossed with “FM” logo on the hat, height 7 4/5 in.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

La voiture a bitume from 1903

The early period of the pavements in Paris around 1900

With the increase in traffic on the streets of Paris in the late 1800s and early 1900s, it was necessary to cover the ground with a homogeneous material that was easy to drive on and walk on.
At that time, there were 5 options: large cobblestones, small pitted cobblestones, wooden cobblestones, asphalt or macadam.
These five different types of pavement were successively used in the city, each with their advantages and disadvantages.
The method of paving with wooden cobblestones received a lot of enthusiasm at the time and was the first option developed.
Made of pine, these wooden pavers were laid perpendicular to the road and then sealed with bitumen.
The wooden pavers were finally abandoned completely after 1930 in favor of stone pavers.

French Postcard

So around the turn of the 20e century and long afterwards you could see the asphalt workers in the streets.
A wagon with boiling hot asphalt was pulled by a horse.
The asphalt was poured into buckets and distributed over the existing wooden cobblestones in the streets and on the sidewalks.
A tough and hot job.

Fernand Martin made a toy as a result of these diligent workers and put it on the market in 1903
The toy is about 26 cm / 10,2 inch long and was powered by a clockwork.
The man at the back is also driven by this clockwork, which makes it seem as if he rotates a rod, you can also see the same rod on the images of the real asphalt wagons.

Catalog image

Fernand Martin number 194

Result Martin toys in the MILESTONE: DISCOVERY VINTAGE TOYS & MORE AUCTION Aug. 26, 2023

Milestone Auctions is proud to present this auction event. Collectors will have the chance to bid on many different categories of wonderful Antique & Vintage Toys!!

Wonderful selection of American, German, & Japanese Windup and Battery Operated Toys, Pressed Steel Truck, Cast Iron, Trains, Martin toys & MORE!!

lot 252 result $ 325
Lot 255 result $ 500
Lot 258 result $ 825


PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result price is in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the September 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine September 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Fernand Martin toys “Jouets en Boites”.

This article is published in the June 2023 issue of ANTIQUE TOY WORLD monthly magazine. After publication in the ATW, this article has been slightly modified in a few places

These boxes contain very different toys than we know from Fernand Martin.
At the end of 1900, many toy manufacturers made little figures, mostly from tin/lead, wood, tinplate or a mixture of wood flour and glue, in Germany called “Masse” (such as Elastolin, Lineol etc.).

The smallest Martin figures like the chickens, ducks, goose etc. are made of tin/lead and massive.
The bigger Martin figures like the cows, dogs, sheep, building, fences, persons etc. are made of two kinds of metal, I tested them all with a magnet, the bottom plate is magnetic so tinplate and the figures, animals, etc. are not magnetic.
I think they are made of pewter (a ductile metal alloy of tin and other metals ) and soldered / welded to the bottom plate.
They are not massive but hollow on the inside, which makes them very light and all painted by hand.
These boxes have the Martin number 165 and were produced from 1898.

Number 165:

On this original catalog image are various numbers and texts.
The numbers are clear, what is striking is that number 5 is missing.
The first three numbers are about a village,
From number 4 and 6 till 9 you see behind each number 4 names
The translation of these names in English are : menangeriefarmhunting scene and shepherd.
So there must be a total of 23 different boxes
These boxes are very rare, but I have received two pictures from Frédéric Marchand of a box with a hunting scene.

Pictures courtesy Frédéric Marchand

On the box is also the text “No” but the number is not visible anymore and probably written earlier in pencil and almost completely disappeared in the last more than 120 years.
I tried to “edit” the image and I could very badly discover that there might have been a 7.

In my collection I have a nice group of a shepherd with his sheep and a group of a farmer with animals, both without the box.

This shepherd with his sheep was purchased from a large French toy dealer and he told me that these were determined by Frédéric Marchand as Martins, (Bergerie) but which box number is unknown.
The figures themselves do not have an FM logo or the like and I don’t know if it is complete.
The shepherd is about 7 cm high (2.76 inch) and the farmer is about 5,5 cm high ( 2,17 inch).

Number 166:

Catalog page: Wooden boxes with wooden decorations number 166
This is maybe one of the wooden boxes but not 100% certainty, the box label is gone. The animals and the person visible in the image belong to the Martin figures in this article.

Boxes with wooden and hand painted decorations with number 166.
These boxes with background decorations were sold complete with figures and animals, on the catalog pages is mentioned the text: “Animaux modelés d’après nature”, and that’s translated: “Animals modeled after nature
I count a total of 12 different boxes on the catalog page, but the numbers 20-21-22 and 50-51-52 are still a mystery to me!

But I found a little more.
One of the old original Fermand Martin catalogs contains an image of other boxes with animals and figures.
This box is not numbered in the catalog but is depicted immediately after the box number 165 “Jouets en Boites“.
This box contains figures and animals.
The French text is: Animaux & sujets en vrac. assortis à la grosse and that means: Animals & subjects in bulk. Assorted by the dozen. So they are extension boxes for the boxes with number 165 and 166 “.
According to the picture there are 3 different boxes with each a different assortment.

Extension box: assortment number 2

In this image of the Extension box: assortment number 2, you can also clearly see from the box of the Shepherd (Bergerie) and the box of the Farm (Ferme), the both type of sheep, cow, goat, donkey, dog, farmer and some of the animals from the box Hunting (Chasse) the wild boar, deer, fence and the two dogs.

Published in 2014

The catalog image “Extension box: assortment number 2” is not depicted in the book “Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris 1878-1912”.
The toys that belonged to the numbers 163 to 166 were not clear to both authors at the time the book was made. ( see their comments on page 101 in this book )

Courtesy Massilia Toys

On an original poster by Fernand Martin from 1902 with a lot of toys from that time, there is an image with 12 pigs, with this image it is stated: Animaux sur cartes (Animals On Card). The card is marked FM in a circle and the well-known triangle with 138. So I assume that there were several different replenishment cards to supplement the boxes, whether these cards were given a separate number is unknown to me until now.

What also appears is that these same figures were probably also used in the articles with the numbers 131 to 143 from 1894.


In the book “Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris 1878-1912” p. 101-102 the toys that belonged to the numbers 163 to 166 were not clear to both authors at the time the book was made. ( see their comments on page 101 in this book ) This article has brought some clarity, but there is still a lot is unclear.
In this article I present the articles numbered 165 and 166.
In the list of Martin articles in the period 1897 – 1898, there are two numbers left (numbers 163 and 164) of which we do not know for which article these are.
There is a possibility that these two numbers are for the “expansion boxes” and/or for the “animals on card”, but I have no proof of that yet.
Furthermore, the numbering on the original catalog page with article number 166 with the wooden boxes is still unclear.
It appears that many different boxes were sold with many different figures in each box, an enumeration of these is almost impossible.

Perhaps there are more figurines and boxes to be found among collectors.
If you have something like that, please let me know so that the “Martin” puzzle becomes a little more complete.

Result Bertoia auction Aug. 11- 2023

Now an impressive two-day event! Day 1 will feature hundreds of trains from around the world as well as over 250 pressed steel toys including Buddy L, Smith Miller, Kingsbury & more. Day 2 will be highlighted with hundreds of tinplate toys from around the world including penny toys, European auto’s and motorcycles, Lehmanns and hand painted wind-up tins, comic character toys, and more.

In this auction is a lot with two Martin pianists, ideal for those who have a Martin pianist of which they are missing parts and one Victor Bonnet truck.

Day 2 Lot number 1114 result $ 700

1114. TWO FERNAND MARTIN PIANISTS | France. | 5″ l. | Lot for parts, (Very Good Condition) | $350 – $700

Day 2 Lot number 1112 result $ 175

1112. VICTOR BONNET AUTO TRANSPORT TRUCK | France. | 8″ l. | Spring Inoperative, (Very Good Condition) | $250 – $500

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result price is in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

L’Homme de Corvée in two versions

According to the Martin book: Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris. page 110 there are two versions of the L’ homme de corvée, Martin number 173, in the text on this page it is not clear why they differ. They both have different clothes and a different cap

This toy is mentioned in a French newspaper from 1900 and in the text in this newspaper it is mentioned that there are a French soldier and an English sailor.

Part of the text from the article: LES JOUETS DE L’ANNÉE in the French newspaper: Le Patriote de la Vendée 1900, Journal de Politique, Agricole et Commercial, Organe d’union Républicaine.

Translation: Then it is the “L’ homme de corvée”, a small French soldier or English sailor, depending on the country of destination, who operates a broom

I found another article in the magazine: La Charente December 18, 1900 indicating that the English sailor toy was produced especially for the English market.
a part of the text of that article:
Les Jouets Du Nouvel An
–Then there is – the “L’ homme de corvée” – a small English sailor or an French soldier, who operates a broom, the name depending on the country of destination.–

A catalog page /box label is known. It is also not known if two different boxes were released or if they were both sold in the same box, I presume in the same box as the instructions for use are written on this label are in French, English and Spanish.

French postcard

Photos courtesy Bertoia Auctions, Catalog label and postcard are from my own collection. French newspaper article source Le Patriote de la Vendée 1900, Journal de Politique, Agricole et Commercial, Organe d’union Républicaine


Milestone Auctions is proud to present this auction event. Collectors will have the chance to bid on many different categories of wonderful Antique & Vintage Toys!!

Wonderful selection of American, German, & Japanese Windup and Battery Operated Toys, Pressed Steel Truck, Cast Iron, Trains, Martin toys & MORE!!

lot 252
Lot 255
Lot 258


PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction


Fantastic Selection of Mechnical Banks, Still Banks, American Tin And Clockwork Toys, European Aeronautical Toys, and Much, Much More


There are many more beautiful toys in this auction

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result price is in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

New Postcard with a Martin toy

In a few previous blogs I showed postcards depicting Martin toys.




I have now been able to add a new postcard to my collection depicting a Martin toy and a few other French toys, on this card you can see the Le Petit Livreur

On the front of this postcard is the text : Jouets d’enfants mécaniques et á traction. On the back Grands magasins parisiens and the date 1920
This postcard is made in France 1995

Victor Bonnet pistols 5: Tape_Fort

Victor Bonnet produced various tin pistols in the period from 1919 to 1933.
The number we know now is 8 pieces but maybe we will discover more.
the list of the pistols known so far is:

The Victor Bonnet list with pistol models with article numbers
Le Pan-Pan 247
Flac 256
Bombarde 257
Le Pétard 258
Tape_Fort 262
Le Sans-Balle 264
Le Costaud 266
Le Corsaire ??

Here we present :

Name: Tape_Fort
Number: 262
Year of first production: 1929
Dimensions: 11,5 cm x 9 cm / 4,5 inch x 3,5 inch

catalog image
Image from the back of a Victor Bonnet bill from 1933

Result Martin toys in the Milestone auction 07/22/2023

Milestone Auctions is proud to present this auction event. Collectors will have the chance to bid on many different categories of wonderful Antique & Vintage Toys!!

Wonderful selection of American, German, & Japanese Windup and Battery Operated Toys, Pressed Steel Truck, Cast Iron, Trains, Martin toys & MORE!!

Lot number 0063 – result $ 240
Lot number 0064 – result $ 190


PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the August 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine August 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Magazine: Les Jouets et Jeux Anciens

This toy and old games magazine was the magazine of the Society of lovers of old toys and games, called Amateurs de jouets et jeux anciens.
Founded in 1905 by Henry René d’Allemagne, Léo Claretie and Arthur Maury
It counted, among other illustrious members, Sarah Bernhardt, the prefect of Police Lépine, Fernand Martin, Maugin, Rollet, the Baroness of Rothschild, the Duchess of Uzès and many more.

The Society had its headquarters at 215 Faubourg Saint-Honoré in Paris
I don’t know how many editions there have been but my copy is number 26 5th volume July – August 1909.

From my collection: number 26 from 1909

The first issue has the name Les Jouets et Jeux Anciens, this name has been changed in January 1907 in a new name: L’art & L’enfant.
The company will disappear with the First World War, probably the last number was number 55 from July-August 1914.

These illustrated bulletins are very rare because they were not sold but provided only to the members of the society.

The first volume published was in June 1905. The issue’s are abundantly illustrated with figures and plates, sometimes in color. This first issue contains a list of members with a total of 82 names.

In the toy book of Mary Hiller Automata & Machanical Toys from 1976 on page 165 you can read: A report from one such meeting in 1906 told of a cinematograph show witch not only pictured work going on at the factory of Fernand Martin but ended with little dramatic scenes wher the actors were actually the Martin “bonshommes”. Fernand Martin attended this meeting and was held at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers on April 1 -1906

I received a copy of this report, which included the following text:

Then the whole series of well-known mechanical toys was paraded before us that are manufactured in the factory of Mr. Fernand Martin. Cinematographic films presented the workshops and the tools of this manufacture; hands showed the toys being made, turning them, turning them over, while the lecturer gave the explanation (very curious effect).
Then, finally, the cinematograph projected amusing and dramatic scenes, the actors of which were Mr. Martin’s’s mechanical little bonshommes.

Now we have to find this movie(s) , does this movie(s) still exist??? or is this movie(s) somewhere in an archive, maybe we’ll never know?

Special thanks to Mr. Claude Lamboley for providing the necessary information and images

Bertoia Basics auction August 10/11 2023

Now an impressive two-day event! Day 1 will feature hundreds of trains from around the world as well as over 250 pressed steel toys including Buddy L, Smith Miller, Kingsbury & more. Day 2 will be highlighted with hundreds of tinplate toys from around the world including penny toys, European auto’s and motorcycles, Lehmanns and hand painted wind-up tins, comic character toys, and more.

In this auction is a lot with two Martin pianists, ideal for those who have a Martin pianist of which they are missing parts. and there is one Victor Bonnet truck.

Day 2 Lot number 1114

1114. TWO FERNAND MARTIN PIANISTS | France. | 5″ l. | Lot for parts, (Very Good Condition) | $350 – $700

Day 2 lot number 1112

1112. VICTOR BONNET AUTO TRANSPORT TRUCK | France. | 8″ l. | Spring Inoperative, (Very Good Condition) | $250 – $500

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Victor Bonnet pistols 4: Le Pétard

Victor Bonnet produced various tin pistols in the period from 1919 to 1933.
The number we know now is 8 pieces but maybe we will discover more.
the list of the pistols known so far is:

The Victor Bonnet list with pistol models with article numbers
Le Pan-Pan 247
Flac 256
Bombarde 257
Le Pétard 258
Tape_Fort 262
Le Sans-Balle 264
Le Costaud 266
Le Corsaire 269 ??

Here we present :

Name: Le Pétard
Number: 258
Year of first production: 1927
Dimensions: 11 cm x 8,5 cm / 4,5 inch x 3,35 inch

catalog immage


Fantastic Selection of Mechnical Banks, Still Banks, American Tin And Clockwork Toys, European Aeronautical Toys, and Much, Much More


There are many more beautiful toys in this auction

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for these toys.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Milestone SUMMER DISCOVERY TOY AUCTION on the July 22-2023

Milestone Auctions is proud to present this auction event. Collectors will have the chance to bid on many different categories of wonderful Antique & Vintage Toys!!

Wonderful selection of American, German, & Japanese Windup and Battery Operated Toys, Pressed Steel Truck, Cast Iron, Trains, Martin toys & MORE!!

Lot number 0063
Lot number 0064


PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Catalog Victor Bonnet Toys from 1929

From my own collection

Here is a link to a catalog by Victor Bonnet from about 1929.
I found this catalog on the site of ATCA (Antique Toy Collectors of America) I only saw that they have a wrong date 1902, the Victor Bonnet period started in 1919 till 1933

Here the link to the ATCA:

The ATCA is a group of collectors who delight in the history and preservation of toys, who exchange information about toys, and willingly share their knowledge with other members and the public. We are all passionate in our collecting and seeking and encourage others who relive childhood dreams through the joy of collecting antique toys.
I have been given permission to post a link to this catalog in my blog.
Have fun browsing.

L’Oie – The goose

first production date : 1899
production number: 169
height: 20 cm / 7,87 inch produced by Fernand Martin

Picture from the 1908 catalog

After winding up, this goose walks forward step by step, in a very natural way, moving its neck from left to right in the tempo of its walk.

This goose was found with several different Martin keys and is marked on the bottom right with the round FM logo

Source: Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts – newspaper: La Nature 1900

The accompanying text to this figure is:
Finally we find a goose gently shaking its neck, swinging from side to side, following the favorite movement of these birds, advancing little by little: “with majestic slowness”.
These small automatons are manufactured by Mr. Fernand Martin manufacturer of iron automatic and mechanical toys 88 Boulevard Menilmontant in Paris

In an earlier article I also wrote about this goose, it was then that the image of this goose was used on an edition of a piece of music composed by AD. Gauwin.

Original antique stereo glass plate of a sale booth with Martin toys.

This very rare and original stereo glass plate is in the private possession of Bruno Cirla and Christophe Feraud from Massilia Toys in Marseille
The photo was taken at the World Exhibition in Liège, Belgium in 1905 by Jules Richard.

Jules Richard was a French photographer, businessman and instrument maker. He was the inventor and manufacturer of the Verascope stereographic cameras.

Courtesy Massilia Toys

If you look closely at the photo you can clearly see that on the table are a whole group of Fernand Martin toys.

On the left you see a part of een statue ( in white the base and in black a part of the table ) this colossal statue was a personifying the Toy Fairy distributing toys.

Courtesy Massilia Toys

On the side of: there is an report of this World exhibition in Liège in 1905. you can read that there were toys in the section “BIMBELOTERIE” , in the names you can recognize that they must be Fernand Martin toys.

The French text: …les petits automates: la portière, la boulangère, la marchande d’oranges, le pompier, l’avocat gesticulant au bout de ses grandes et larges manches, le pianiste véhément, le cuisinier et combien d’autres encore.

Translation: …the little automatons: the portress, the baker, the orange seller, the fireman, the lawyer gesticulating at the end of his big and wide sleeves, the vehement pianist, the cook and how many others besides.

Don’t miss the July 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine July 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

S.I.J.I.M. toys that look like “Martin” toys

This article is published in the August 2020 issue of the ATW Antique Toy World magazine.

Updated version with new facts:

This toy maker from Paris made very nice toys.
This manufacturer is named S.I.J.I.M. and the director was Prosper Lévi.
He started his factory in 1909 but the firm ceased to exist in 1913 or 1914.
S.I.J.I.M. means: Société Industrielle de jouets et d’inventions mécaniques.

Prosper Lévi had his trademarks protected in France on July 23, 1909 and internationally on September 20, 1909.

International Trademarks Industrial Property supplement organ of the International Bureau of the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property (source BNF Gallica)

The INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION of obove trademarks is done through the intermediary of the administration of the country of origin of the trademark. It currently provides trademarks with legal protection in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cuba, Spain, France, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland and in Tunisië

We know very little about this company, maybe we will find out more in the future and maybe we will find unknown catalogs.
He has not made many different pieces but what he made was beautiful.

Courtesy Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany,

Between the S.I.J.I.M. factory and the Fernand Martin factory was in 1912 a lawsuit, this lawsuit was about the Le Rapide Livreur from S.I.J.I.M. and the Petit Livreur from Fernand Martin.
Prosper Lévy from (S.I.J.I.M.) accused Fernand Martin having committed plagiarism.

Le Rapide Livreur. courtesy Bertoia auctions
The Martin Le Petit Livreur
A part of page 1 of the patent of Prosper Lévi that the lawsuit was about
A part of page 3 of the patent of Prosper Lévi that the lawsuit was about

If you look closely at Lévi’s patent you will see in the header a text in squared brackets.
translation: [ Guarantee certificate delivered to M. Jules Boucheron (of whom Mr. Lévi is assignee) on the occasion of the 10th Lépine Contest of toys and articles de Paris opend in Paris the August 12, 1910]

It just means that Jules Boucheron assigned his invention to Mr. Lévi at the occasion of the 10th Lépine Contest.
This means that Mr Lévi was not the inventor of this toy but that was Jules Boucheron.
Jules Boucheron was a small inventor probably without production opportunities and infrastructure.
Many toy manufacturers including Martin bought the rights from small inventors at the “Concours Lépine”.

In July 1914 Fernand Martin give a statement on the alleged allegations of plagiarism and the resulting lawsuit as mentioned above:
We receive from our colleague, Mr. Fernand Martin, the following note with a request to insert: We are pleased to take that the infringement action brought by Mr. Levi against Mr. F. Martin, for a toy called “The Delivery Person” will not be followed up, Mr. Levi having recognized that it is wrongly and without right gull has assigned Mr. Martin in infringement. For his part, Mr. Martin, in the presence of this declaration, waived his claim for damages. The case is therefore closed.

July 1914, From the French magazine “Le Jouet Francias” the official organ of the Chambre Syndicale des Fabricants de Jouets, jeux & engins sportifes.

Martin kept his “Petit Livreur” in production and it was equally produced till in the 1930’s by Victor Bonnet and probably even into the 1950s bye his sons.

Pictures from the magazine of Choumara Paris in 1912
On the right, S.I.J.I.M. toys togehter with Martin toys and other toys.

The best selling and known toy was the organ grinder: le joueur d’orgue, even till nowadays this is often referred to as a Martin. But you can see on the box and on the catalog page that it is clearly a S.I.J.I.M. toy.

But S.I.J.I.M. has also made less well-known pieces.
See these two pages of a catalog of S.I.J.I.M.

These two pages contain the following toys.
Number 32 La Poussette. (The Stroller)
Number 33 Le Joueur d’orgue. (The Organ Player)
Number 34 Les Chevaux Hygieniques (Hygienic Horses)
Number 35 L’apprenti Cavalier. (The Rider Apprentice)
Number 36 Le Rapide Livreur (The Fast Delivery Man)
I don’t know if more toys are made because it is weird to start with number 32.
There is 1 piece which is probably also made by S.I.J.I.M., it is the Le Saute Mouton. (The leap frog)
This, Le Saute Mouton. (The leap frog), toy was depicted in a magazine from the Choumara Paris store in 1912 together with other S.I.J.I.M. , Martin and other toys.

courtesy Bertoia auctions : Le Saute Mouton

From 1897 many toy manufacturers place the famous triangle with the text “Article Francais” and around it the text “Marque Deposee” , under the triangle a number, this sign was exclusively granted by the Chambre Syndicale des Fabricants de Jouets to French toymakers who requested it. The number just reflects the order of the request in the sequence of the requests.
So this number was different per manufacturer.
Take a good look at the catalog page, you will also see this triangle by S.I.J.I.M. has been given number 248.
Martin had the number 138, here you can see how important this number could be to find out which manufacturer has produced a toy.

Mr Lévi made his own toys and many toys are in the “style” of the Fernand Martin and Flersheim toys.
And not without success because his models are very beautiful.
Like many toy manufacturers, a lot of ideas was copied from competitors.
As an example, compare the boy in the chair of Martin ( Le jeune ecuyer ) and the one of Lévi (L’apprenti Cavalier) same “idea” but with a different chair position and a different moving action. Who borrowed from whom ??

Lévi (L’apprenti Cavalier)
Courtesy Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany,
Martin ( Le jeune ecuyer )

The mechanisms of these S.I.J.I.M. toys are different from those of Martin, often more sophisticated and of a better quality and therefore more expensive to produce.
However, this did not result in a higher selling price than Fernand Martin/ Flersheim’s toys, but lack of profitability seems to be the reason for the cessation of activity in 1913 or 1914 just before the start of the First World War.
Now most of these S.I.J.I.M. toys are rarer than Martin, Flersheim and Victor Bonnet toys and are traded at very good prices.

A thank you to Frederic Marchand for the permission to use the two catalog pages and the additional information.

All toys with without reference are from my collection


Result Martin toys in the Miller & Miller auction June 09-2023

Auction Description

Unlocked from old collections, this is a generous offering of early to middle 20th Century toys manufactured from the 1920s to the 1950s. The lineup includes early tin windups from Germany and France, tin windup character toys from America, and a line-up of rare Canadian tin, pressed steel and cast iron toys. There is also a small offering of Japanese friction and battery-operated toys. Makers in this sale include Lehmann, Hess, Bing, Doll, Fernand Martin, Carette, Meccano, Bandai, Yonezawa, Schuco, Lincoln, Marx, and others. This sale affords collectors the opportunity to own clean and rare examples of antique and vintage toys from old collections. It’s an opportunity not to be missed!

photographs: Jon Dunford

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result prices are in CA $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Victor Bonnet pistols 3: Bombarde

Victor Bonnet produced various tin pistols in the period from 1919 to 1933.
The number we know now is 8 pieces but maybe we will discover more.
the list of the pistols known so far is:

The Victor Bonnet list with pistol models with article numbers
Le Pan-Pan 247
Flac 256
Bombarde 257
Le Pétard 258
Tape_Fort 262
Le Sans-Balle 264
Le Costaud 266
Le Corsaire 269 ??

Here we present :

Name: Bombarde
Number: 257
Year of first production: 1925
Dimensions: 11,5 cm x 8,5 cm / 4,5 inch x 3,35 inch

Patent number is FR 617259_A d.d. October 10-1925

catalog immage

Result Martin toys in the Antico Mondo auction june 2 and 3-2023

See the catalog of the 97th Toy Auction online!

This auction features more than 2200 items of tin toys, trains, figures and model cars and this time with two Fernand Martin / Victor Bonnet toys.

Result: € 300
Result: € 500

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding live via telephone, register your written predids or using the auction platforms lot-tissimo, the-saleroom and liveauctioneers and Sixbid you are able to to bid online. So you can submit your bids in real time during the auction. Therefor it is necessary to register on the platform of your choice not later than 24 hours before the auction starts.

The easiest way to participate in our auctions is to use our online catalogue. Here you can view all the items and directly place written pre-bids. See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

The result prices are in Euro € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction


Milestone Auctions is proud to present this auction event. Collectors will have the chance to bid on many different categories of wonderful Antique Toys!!

Wonderful selection of American, German, & Japanese Windup and Battery Operated Toys, Pressed Steel Truck, Cast Iron, & Much More!!

Makers includes Marx, Chein, Strauss, Linemar, Buddy L, Sturditoy, Kingsbury, Tonka, Nylint, Arcade, Kenton, Hubley, Vindex, Martin, Lehmann, Distler, Guntermann, and More!!!!

Collection of Vintage Robots and Space Toys!! Includes many RARE Examples!!!

SATURDAY MAY 27th 2023 10:00 AM


PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Martins in the Miller & Miller toy auction June 9, 2023

Auction Description

Unlocked from old collections, this is a generous offering of early to middle 20th Century toys manufactured from the 1920s to the 1950s. The lineup includes early tin windups from Germany and France, tin windup character toys from America, and a line-up of rare Canadian tin, pressed steel and cast iron toys. There is also a small offering of Japanese friction and battery-operated toys. Makers in this sale include Lehmann, Hess, Bing, Doll, Fernand Martin, Carette, Meccano, Bandai, Yonezawa, Schuco, Lincoln, Marx, and others. This sale affords collectors the opportunity to own clean and rare examples of antique and vintage toys from old collections. It’s an opportunity not to be missed!

photographs: Jon Dunford

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these two Martins.


Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

La Grosse Caisse from 1889

A fairly unknown toy from 1889.
A man standing on a platform and beats the drum and the cymbals of the rubber band mechanism.

This toy has been given product number 111

From my personel collection

We also know that Martin got his ideas from everywhere.
I saw in an old catalog: La nouvelle revue parisienne from 1894 an advertisement for a shooting game consisting of a rifle and a target, but on top of the target is a figure.
If you hit the target the figure hits the bass drum and the cymbals.

Courtesy François Binetruy, Brocante de l’Orangerie Versailles France

Martin probably noticed this too and 5 years later he made a toy out of it and put it on the market, now with a rubber band mechanism, after winding up, the man hits the bass drum and the cymbals.

Courtesy Bertoia Auctions

The Antiques Centre Amsterdam, the Largest in Holland.

If you ever want to visit Amsterdam, be sure to visit this antique center, it is definitely worth it for toy collectors.

The Antiques Centre Amsterdam is a paradise for the connoisseur of unique objects from all different periods and styles. At a floor space of over 1700 m2 you will find not only a wide and surprising range of 17th, 18th and 19th century antiques and Art Deco, but also art, bric-à-brac, stylish vintage and designs of the fifties, sixties and seventies.

The Antiques Centre Amsterdam is the largest indoor antique market of the Netherlands. We have an enormous selection, provided by 55 specialized antique dealers, who offer a constantly changing and very impressive collection of antique jewellery, splendid lighting, crystal chandeliers, silver, special miniatures, objects the vertu, tableware, military objects, toys, rare ceramics, delicate porcelain, Murano glass, impressive bronze statues, Delft Blue, paintings, wall decorations and even small furniture. And besides all this there are also different display cases with unique and special collector’s items for sale.

Whatever you are looking for, you will find it at the Antiques Centre Amsterdam. Whether it is to decorate your house, a utensil, an original gift, an acquisition for your collection or a striking prop for a photoshoot.

The Antiques Centre Amsterdam is located in the centre of Amsterdam, at the Elandsgracht 109. The Elandsgracht is the gateway to the popular shopping area The Nine Streets.

From the different display cases with unique and special collector’s items are display cases with antique toys. Toys from the well-known toys from manufacturers known to us, including of course Fernand Martin.
The stock changes constantly because the various traders replenish their sold items.

Antiekcentrum Amsterdam
Elandsgracht 109
1016 TT Amsterdam

Tel: +31 (0)20 624 90 38

Monday: 11:00 – 18:00
Tuesday: closed
Wednesday: 11:00 – 18:00
Thursday: 11:00 – 18:00
Friday: 11:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00

Pictures courtesy :
Barry and Leo van der Waal
Arnaud ter Haak of the Antique Center Amsterdam

Antico Mondo auction June 2 and 3 -2023

The brandnew catalog of the 97th Toy Auction is online!

This auction features more than 2200 items of tin toys, trains, figures and model cars and this time with two Fernand Martin / Victor Bonnet toys.

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding live via telephone, register your written predids or using the auction platforms lot-tissimo, the-saleroom and liveauctioneers and Sixbid you are able to to bid online. So you can submit your bids in real time during the auction. Therefor it is necessary to register on the platform of your choice not later than 24 hours before the auction starts.

The easiest way to participate in our auctions is to use our online catalogue. Here you can view all the items and directly place written pre-bids. See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these two Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Louis Poyet and Fernand Martin

updated version:

In a previous blog from 13 April, I show you a drawing of the Rabbit from Martin, this drawing was made by Louis Poyet.

Louis Poyet (born in Saint-Etienne, 1846 – died in Paris, 1913) was a draftsman, etcher and French illustrator known for his work that he made together with scientists, industrialists and engineers.

Louis Poyet moved to Paris and in 1877 he opened his own print studio.

Advertising from 1886 in the magazine Le Chercheur

His workshop had around 40 craftsmen
He started working for Gaston Tissandier as an Illustrator / writer for the La Nature magazine, for which he continued to work until his death.
He signed with “Poyet” and sometimes “L. Poyet”.

He has made many beautiful etchings for Martin that have been published in, among others, the magazine: La Nature

Here some examples.
Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

He also worked on several books and magazines so as:

-The book of Charles Masson, published in 1884 entitled: The scientific recreation for education and play.

-The magazine: Le Chercheur from Arthur Good

-Poyet was also one of the industrial illustrators of images for the book series Les Grandes Usines published by Michel Levy from 1876 till 1881.

-In 1889 he worked for Tom Tit (pseudonym of Arthur Good engineer) with which he worked on:
The Recreational Science section in the L’Illustration magazine
The Fun Science a booklet with 100 Experiments, with 115 Drawings in 1890.
This first booklet was again published in 1893 and then followed by two completely new editions.

The success factor of this series was enormous
Translations were sold in 1891 in Spain, England, the United States, Scandinavia, Russia.
There are around 130 different editions of these three volumes, released until the 1920s.

To complete the circle, one of Martin’s toys, the Le “Tom Tit” Martin number 157 (See in the 2014 book: Fernand Martin toymaker in Paris on page 95 ) was based on one of the experiments from Arthur Good; La rotation de la Terre

Below you see on the left the drawing from the book “La Science Amusant” of Tom Tit, this drawing was made by Louis Poyet, on the right an image from a page of a catalog by Fernand Martin

After the death of Louis Poyet in 1913 his studio was taken over by his sons Roger in Raphael, under the name “Poyet Brothers”.

Don’t miss the June 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

And this month, especially for Fernand Martin enthusiasts, an article about the “Jouets en Boites”, Martin toys you’ve probably never seen before, see page 48-51 .

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine June 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to


Milestone Auctions is proud to present this auction event. Collectors will have the chance to bid on many different categories of wonderful Antique Toys!!

Wonderful selection of American, German, & Japanese Windup and Battery Operated Toys, Pressed Steel Truck, Cast Iron, & Much More!!

Makers includes Marx, Chein, Strauss, Linemar, Buddy L, Sturditoy, Kingsbury, Tonka, Nylint, Arcade, Kenton, Hubley, Vindex, Martin, Lehmann, Distler, Guntermann, and More!!!!

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SATURDAY MAY 27th 2023 10:00 AM


PHONE BIDS & ABSENTEE BIDS Call 440-527-8060


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Victor Bonnet pistols 2: Flac

Victor Bonnet produced various tin pistols in the period from 1919 to 1933.
The number we know now is 8 pieces but maybe we will discover more.
the list of the pistols known so far is:

The Victor Bonnet list with pistol models with article numbers
Le Pan-Pan 247
Flac 256
Bombarde 257
Le Pétard 258
Tape_Fort 262
Le Sans-Balle 264
Le Costaud 266
Le Corsaire 269 ??

Here we present :

Name: Flac
Number: 256
Year of first production: 1927
Dimensions: 8,5 cm x 7 cm / 3,35 inch x 2,76 inch

Catalog picture

Victor Bonnet pistols 1: Le Pan-Pan

Victor Bonnet produced various tin pistols in the period from 1919 to 1933.
The number we know now is 8 pieces but maybe we will discover more.
The list of the pistols known so far is:

The Victor Bonnet list with pistol models with article numbers
Le Pan-Pan 247
Flac 256
Bombarde 257
Le Pétard 258
Tape_Fort 262
Le Sans-Balle 264
Le Costaud 266
Le Corsaire 269 ??

Here we present :

Name: Le Pan pan
Number: 247
Year of first production: 1919
Dimensions: 11,5 cm x 9 cm / 4,5 inch x 3,5 inch

catalog image
The inside
This model is also produced in a different color box
A store sale box, packed by the dozen, picture courtesy E.T.

Result of the Martin’s in the “JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on April 22 – 2023

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time 12 very nice Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys in the “LIVE” auction on April 22 -2023.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.


Here the link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


These prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the May 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine May 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Le facteur de Chemin de fer from 1894

This toy is a platform employee of a train station and dated from 1894.
In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 48, but the latest discoveries show that there are two models and that they are numbered 123 and 124.

This person was responsible for transporting passengers suitcases, luggage and packages to and from the trains.

Courtesy Bertoia Auctions (in front you see the round FM logo)

These two versions are different, there is one version with a flywheel drive and another with a mechanical wind-up drive. These two different versions are clearly distinguishable. The version with flywheel has one tin case for the cart, in this case the flywheel is hidden.

These two different versions can be clearly distinguished.
The version with a flywheel has one tin case for the cart, in this case is hidden the flywheel.

Courtesy Bertoia auctions – model with flywheel

The version with the mechanical drive is relatively unknown, I only discovered one copy in the collection of the French museum Musée des arts and Métiers – Le cnam.
The version with the winding mechanism is presumably provided with two paper-wrapped packages. (see the pictures in this museum)

As the photos of the museum contain a copyright, I cannot show it here, but a digital visit to the site is worth looking at, see this link:
enter the keyword “Fernand Martin” at “rechercher“.
The photos you can find at the numbers 0000558_052 up to and including 0000558_056 and at the numbers 0001664-045 and 0000558-174

On the drawing below and on the photos of the museum you can see that a different model key has been used here, this is one of the deviations from the keys known to us that Martin normally used.

Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts – magazine La Nature 1894 page 87)
Image in the catalog from 1898

On this catalog page the drawing is of the version with mechanism and if you look closely you can see at the bottom left of the drawing:
Number 123 — avec volant . (Translated: with flywheel)
Number 124 — mechanique. (Translated: with Mechanism)

A super rare toy.

“JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on April 22 – 2023

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time 12 very nice Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys in the “LIVE” auction on April 22 -2023.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.


Here the link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toy.

These prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Martin toys on YouTube

On YouTube, Mr. Jean Brun from France has made 5 beautiful videos about Fernand Martin toys and his successors.
The lyrics are in French but the video’s are still beautiful to look at.
These videos can be viewed below.

These 5 video’s together are almost 80 min, so take your time, to make them that must have been a lot of work and time.

These YouTube videos are also listed separately in my menu under: “FIND ARTICLE“, the search page for specific articles; chapter 6 – Movies, I have had these videos in my “FIND ARTICLE” menu page for several weeks now, but now I bring them to your attention so that you can see and enjoy them.

Le Petit Patineur / The skater boy

first production date : 1912
production number: 229
height: 20 cm / 7,87 inch produced by Georges Flersheim

I have never seen a box with a label myself, but in the book: Fernand Martin Toy Maker in Paris 1878-1912 by Lourens Bas and Arthur Verdoorn, a label is depicted on page 188

Courtesy: Spielmuseum Soltau Germany
Image from an article in the: Le Petit Journal January 01 – 1914

This street scene is of course also seen by toy manufacturers and like so many street scenes there was an ingenious inventor who designed a toy out of it.
I found an article in the magazine La Nature from 1911 with a description and picture of a “Le Petit Patineur” that looks very much like the Flersheim version.

The original inventor of this toy is Mr. Boucheron, 4, rue de l’Eglise, in Vitry-sur-Seine . Source picture : (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts – magazine La Nature 1911

Part of the patent applied by Georges Flersheim
Another part of the patent applied by Georges Flersheim

Result of the Martin toys: Auction Team Breker March 25-2023

Important Specialty Auctions of Technical Antiques offer a wide range of important collector’s items of high museum quality: Science & Technology, Office-Antiques, Telephones, Mechanical Music, Steam Engines, Photographica & Film and toys.

In this auction two Fernand Martin toys see lot 0498 and 0499

Ferdinand Martin Dancing Couple “Les Valseurs”, 1910 onwards
No. 219, France, hand-painted faces, metal body, fabric clothing, hand-turned, the couple moving in a circle as though dancing a waltz, slight paint chips and fabric wear, working, embossed with “FM” logo under lady’s skirt, height 7 ½ in.

Result: Les Valseurs € 650

Ferdinand Martin Violinist “Le Gai Violoniste”, 1897 onwards
No. 160, France, hand-painted face, metal body, fabric clothing, key-wound, the violinist spinning drunkenly in circles while playing his violin, slight paint chips and fabric wear, working, embossed with “FM” logo on the hat, height 7 4/5 in.

Result: Le Gai Violoniste € 350

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in Euro € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result Bertoia ANNUAL SPRING auction Friday, March 24- 2023

Highlighted by the Phil & Joan Steel collection including Martins & Lehmanns, automatons, penny toys, lucxury autos & race cars from the Bill Gelles racing Collection, early table games, trains & airplanes, and more!

In this auction there are this time a lot of Martin, Flersheim and Bonnet toys and some are very rare but of course there are many more beautiful and interesting toys in this auction.

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

These result prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the April 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine April 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Result Martin toy in the Pook&Pook auction March 16, 2023 Collection of Richard and Dorothy Cummings

Join us online for over 800 lots of quilts, glass, pottery, porcelain, furniture, decorative accessories, art, stoneware, redware, carpets, and so much more, including hundreds of lots of antique toys.

Send requests for additional information or photographs to For additional information about the upcoming auction, go to All bidding for this auction is online on PookLive, Bidsquare, and Invaluable. The buyer’s premium is 26% on all three bidding platforms.

March 16th, 2023 at 9AM

Result: $ 1,100

This time there is only one Martin is in auction with the next discription :

Fernand Martin clockwork “The Perfect Fisherman”, 7 1/2″ l.

Condition: Fishing rod is replaced and lacking fish, stains to clothes, sporadic paint loss heavier to hat, currently working.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

The result price is in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not m

Auction Team Breker March 25-2023

Important Specialty Auctions of Technical Antiques offer a wide range of important collector’s items of high museum quality: Science & Technology, Office-Antiques, Telephones, Mechanical Music, Steam Engines, Photographica & Film and toys.

In this auction there are two Fernand Martin toys, lot 0498 and 0499, but there are even more wonderful toys in this auction

Ferdinand Martin Dancing Couple “Les Valseurs”, 1910 onwards
No. 219, France, hand-painted faces, metal body, fabric clothing, hand-turned, the couple moving in a circle as though dancing a waltz, slight paint chips and fabric wear, working, embossed with “FM” logo under lady’s skirt, height 7 ½ in.
Ferdinand Martin Violinist “Le Gai Violoniste”, 1897 onwards
No. 160, France, hand-painted face, metal body, fabric clothing, key-wound, the violinist spinning drunkenly in circles while playing his violin, slight paint chips and fabric wear, working, embossed with “FM” logo on the hat, height 7 4/5 in.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Bertoia ANNUAL SPRING auction Friday, March 24- 2023

Highlighted by the Phil & Joan Steel collection including Martins & Lehmanns, automatons, penny toys, lucxury autos & race cars from the Bill Gelles racing Collection, early table games, trains & airplanes, and more!

In this auction there are this time a lot of Martin, Flersheim and Bonnet toys and some are very rare but of course there are many more beautiful and interesting toys in this auction.

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Pook&Pook auction March 16, 2023 Collection of Richard and Dorothy Cummings

Join us online for over 800 lots of quilts, glass, pottery, porcelain, furniture, decorative accessories, art, stoneware, redware, carpets, and so much more, including hundreds of lots of antique toys.

Send requests for additional information or photographs to For additional information about the upcoming auction, go to All bidding for this auction is online on PookLive, Bidsquare, and Invaluable. The buyer’s premium is 26% on all three bidding platforms.

March 16th, 2023 at 9AM

Lot 562

This time there is only one Martin is in auction with the next discription :

Fernand Martin clockwork “The Perfect Fisherman”, 7 1/2″ l.

Condition: Fishing rod is replaced and lacking fish, stains to clothes, sporadic paint loss heavier to hat, currently working.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this Martin.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not m

Result Martin toy in the RSL auction March 4th 2023



Result: $ 425

Item Details :

Made by Ferdinand Martin. French – 1910. The toy works quite well.

Excellent Plus Condition.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

The result price is in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

The first Martin toy: The real swimming fish

Martin started in 1875 with his first attempts to make toys but in 1878 the first real toy was a real swimming fish with patent number 128445 from Jan-01-1879

This Fish is about 19 cm / 7,5 inc long.

Courtesy: Toy Museum in Soltau Germany

In the early days Martin used a rubber band (elastic) as the drive.
By turning it on, the toy started to move.
The system consists mainly of a crank, a rubber band and a movement mechanism.
The drive mechanism was adjusted for each toy, such as up and down, right, left, spinning etc.

The first piece of Martin: the fish from 1878 Poisson Nageur and as you see Martin started with the product number 100

Page from the Catalog 1898 (from my personal collection)
Drawing Source La Nature : (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

The crank is in the nose, inside the fish is the rubber band and the mechanism is on the tail.

Parts: between the both hooks coms the rubber band, see below
This demo model is made with an original crank and the mechanism with the tail.

In this demo model you can see clearly the mechanism in operation,
By turning the crank and hold the tail, the rubber band is tightened (twisted)
The other side of the rubber band is hooked onto the movement mechanism, the tail.
When you release the tail again, the tail swings from right to left so that the illusion of swimming is simulated.
Simple but effective.

The only drawback is that the rubber band can age and then break quickly.
If it breaks, the hook and mechanism will fall off and mostly get lost.

Martin sold the patent for a swimming fish with a rubber band engine to the Englisch company Cremer Dolls Toys Games 210 Regent street London and that was the beginning of his fortune, he started in 1880 his first factory.

Courtesy: Pook & Pook with Noel Barrett

Martin toy in the RSL auction Saturday, March 4th, 2023



There are many more beautiful toys in this auction

Item Details :

Made by Ferdinand Martin. French – 1910. The toy works quite well.

Excellent Plus Condition.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the March 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

And this month, especially for Fernand Martin enthusiasts, an article about Flersheim toys during the war, see page 60-63 .

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine March 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Le Petite Pianiste

Martin number: 189

First production in 1902

Dimensions: 13.5 X 15.5 cm / 5,3 inch 6,1 inch

A very nice toy with movement and music. After winding up, the pianist moves his hands from left to right over the keyboard and a piece of music sounds. Even our grandchildren can watch and listen with pleasure to this special piece of history.

This Le Petite Pianiste won a prize in 1901 during the first major Concours Lepine in Paris, during this competition Fernand Martin bought the rights from the inventor Mr. Bosquet, Martin then produced it himself and sales started in 1902. 

Source: BNF Gallica Bulletin des lois de la République Française January 01-1903
Picture from the original 1908 catalog

From the Le Petite  Pianiste are two versions that do not differ on the outside, the difference is in the melody, one for the French-speaking market and one for the English-speaking market.  

French song: J’ai du bon tabac

Englisch song: God save the King

There is also a very rare version known, the pianist is a woman, I have seen one on the internet, it was part of an collection of an American collector, and the second known was owned by a friend of mine and is currently on display in the toy museum in Germany in the city ​​of Soltau. Even if this version is not an original, it turned out very well.

Courtesy “Spielzeugmuseum” Soltau Germany

We see Le petit pianiste with and without hair, it could be that in the later years the competition with the German toy import became too high and cutbacks had to be made, on many toys were cut backs like cheaper material, fewer handling in the production, fewer parts and presumably the wig disappeared from this pianist.

The cuts were not big, but you can also see that with the labels on the boxes, they became smaller, which is a very small cut, but given the very large production, it was ultimately a big cut. less storage, less paper and less glue.

assembling the piano

Both pictures from: The English illustrated magazin dec. 1905

applying the hair to the pianist
Inside vieuw, picture from the magazine Femina december 12- 1902

At the time, this pianist was already a lot more expensive than other Martin toys, this had to do with the very complex mechanism, which meant that not only the material costs, but especially the labor costs, were a lot higher. But when I see how many are left, he must have sold well.

look at the prices. Magazine : Revue des Nouveautés January 1910

Result for the Martin spinning top in the: Old Toy Soldier Auctions USA Febr. 04 – 2023

Only 1 Fernand Martin toy in this auction, but a special and very early toy from 1885.
Martin produced two different ones.
Very rare and highly coveted by Fernand Martin collectors, but also by collectors of spinning tops.

Description of the auctioneer, Lot 2186

Extremely rare and desirable gyroscopic toy of a Balkan couple dancing by the French manufacturer Fernand Martin. Circa 1885. Rarely seen and highly sought after toy. Large scale, measures 75mm tall. Generally good complete condition (faded colors and paint loss) . Unboxed.

Result: $ 475

The price is in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Photos courtesy Old Toy Soldier Auctions USA Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about conditio

The Bell Ringer as two differend toys !

This article was posted in 2019 but because of new facts, the article has now been edited.

In 1885, Fernand Martin made a bell ringer, Martin number 102, and calling him “Le Sonneur Endiable”, in older Fernand Martin books you see number 14 but that number is wrong and given without proof by the writers.

On this original catalog page you see number 102 in the left corner.

It is one of the first Martin toy with a lot fun.

But the Georges Flersheim factory took it more then almost 35 years later and re-released it with a few changes.

They renamed him “Je Sonne La Paix” and it got number 246
The “Je Sonne La Paix” is in English: “I ring [for] the peace“, in other words “I ring [to celebrate] the peace” referring the celebration of the end of the WW1 on November 11- 1918, in which Flersheim himself fought and died.

Picture thanks to E.T. On the box label you see number 246

If you look quickly, you see almost no differences but they are indeed there.

Left the number 102 and on the right site the number 246

Here the differences in detail:

-the Martin version (102) has the FM name stamped on top of the base plate in the Flersheim version (246) no text is stamped on top of this base, but there is a piece of fabric on the side with the name “Je Sonne La Paix” printed on it.

-If you look at both toys at the bottom, you see, under the male figure at the Martin (102) , an elongated piece of iron mounted as a weight and at the Flersheim (246) a solid plate is soldered and stamped the round FM logo on it.

-The Martin version (102) has a rubber band drive, that of Flersheim (246) a long spiral spring in the pole.

-At the top there is a French flag at the Flersheim (246), for this a hollow pipe has been placed in the roof for the iron flagpole with a fabric French flag.

-The bell has also been given a slightly slender shape by Georges Flersheim.

-The roof off number 102 is found with different reliefs, one just like the roof of the 246 in red with tiles and found with stipes in a yellow/gold paint.

It is currently the last piece that is still numbered in the Flersheim period.
It is certain that after the death of Georges Flersheim more, till now, unknown toys were produced, time will tell which and how much.

It is strange that the number 246 has been used twice.
Under this number by Victor Bonnet in 1919, his first produced toy is also numbered 246, it is the “Le Auto Transport” WHY???

The images / pictures used are with courtesy of Michael Bertoia, E.T. and from the own collection

Martin toy in the next Old Toy Soldier Auctions USA on Febr. 04 – 2023

Only 1 Fernand Martin toy in this auction, but a special and very early toy from 1885.
Martin produced two different ones.
Very rare and highly coveted by Fernand Martin collectors, but also by collectors of spinning tops.

Description of the auctioneer, Lot 2186

Extremely rare and desirable gyroscopic toy of a Balkan couple dancing by the French manufacturer Fernand Martin. Circa 1885. Rarely seen and highly sought after toy. Large scale, measures 75mm tall. Generally good complete condition (faded colors and paint loss) . Unboxed.


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Photos courtesy Old Toy Soldier Auctions USA Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Don’t miss the February 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine February 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to



The Mr. Boucheron version

There are three versions of this toy made by the Fernand Martin factory.
When the key is wound, the cart will go “backward” and the boy’s legs will move as if he were pushing the cart backward himself.

Dimension: length 20 cm / 7.8 inches.
Martin production number 218

It started with the version made by Mr. Boucheron This invention was exhibited on the “Lepine Concours” in 1909 and on this show Martin bought the rights and started to make it a salable version and that resulted in this version:

First Fernand Martin version 1910

Martin patented this toy in 1910

Part of the patent
Draft drawing belonging to the patent number 421.899

Not long after, Fernand Martin sold his factory to Georges Flersheim, who continued to produce some of the old toys, but often with some adjustments, other colors, etc.
Below the performance produced by Georges Flersheim.
The biggest difference is in the design of the closed wheels and the part with the fruit is not so well detailed anymore and of course also the Flersheim key.
Fernand Martin has released various colors of this toy and George Flersheim has also produced a number of color versions.

Georges Flersheim 1912

And then there is also a very special version with a case instead of the fruit, this version is very rare and it is not yet clear whether Martin or Flersheim produced it.
It is possible that this special version was produced on behalf of a customer, on this suitcase you can recognize a label of the large Parisian hotel “Grand Hotel”
This suitcase can also be seen on a special version of the Le Petit Livreur.

The wheels of the Martin model but the key of Flersheim, presumably 1912 (picture courtesy ET)

Search function : Find Article

The menu bar function “FIND ARTICLE” is an extra function to quickly find specific articles by means of a link, search the article and open the link, then you can read the article.

FIND ARTICLE” is divided in the following chapters:

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The other functions in the menu bar are:

About Fernand Martin. (The latest articles by, with and about Fernand Martin, Georges Flersheim, Victor Bonnet and interesting facts with a link to these toys),

Antique Toys Magazin. Every month what to expect in this toy Magazin

Auctions. With toys from Fernand Martin, Georges Flersheim and Victor Bonnet (new future auctions and past auctions with the results)

Small sale barracks and New Year’s Eve in Paris

Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France

Fernand Martin’s toys were often sold by street vendors and vendors in market stalls on the Paris promenades at the end of the year at Christmas and New Years, but life was hard for these vendors and during the bad weather of that year, practically earned nothing. Read this newspaper article.

Magazine: La Fonde December 1901

Poor street vendors! how sadly they spent the Christmas night that had not turned out to be what they had been waiting for weeks. The long faces, the dull eyes, they watch the rain fall slowly on the asphalt of the sidewalks, driving away the few little walkers. He cries in my heart when it rains on the city, they could have repeated with “Verlaine” (a French poet). Sales were indeed not very fruitful, the day was desperately gloomy yesterday and the evening was hardly more lively. So much effort, energy, patience and ingenuity that these brave people put into this traditional sale for months.

Picture from the magazine L’illustration Noël 27-Dec. 1902 (Magazine in my collection)

The toy competition organized by Mr Lépine had given the small manufacturers some hope; the public seemed to be interested in these humble inventors, and there was every reason to think that Christmas Eve would be a happy one, bringing a little joy and well-being to the households of the cheap-clothed toymakers. The more than gloomy weather has spoiled all these beautiful hopes, and we must hear the grievances of these poor devils who have made great sacrifices of themselves to promote these people. Small barracks, ugly and clumsy, but part of the old Parisian traditions. “But you managed to make some profit the day before yesterday,” I said to a tall, pale woman, who cast a sad look at the gaudy colored dolls lined up on the edge of her sales bench. “No ma’am. Although the weather was beautiful, and a really big crowd on the boulevard earlier in the evening, it was not the day of shopping. – What do you mean? – I mean by this: The custom is that on Christmas Eve we buy our presents, the day before we will only look, we make our choice, we compare the prices of the toys, but then don’t buy it yet. And lady, the hour of the sale may have come, when the weather is as bad as tonight, you understand that customers are in no rush to visit our stores. “Oh shit, we always think we’re going to make some money and instead we go home with more debt.” It is very unfortunate that instead of this ugly sad rain we did not have a nice evening, cold but very dry. Everyone would have benefited from it: the rich in gaiety, the poor in large pennies. Perhaps the stalls on New Year’s Day had never been so stocked with new and varied trinkets. Several toys had been exhibited in previous toy competitions. But then most were just more or less rough-edged models, here they are fresh and finished in their beautiful bright colors. It is the Santos-Dumont that doubles the platforms of the Eiffel Tower, it is the fighting

Courtesy Bertoia Auctionhous

Boer ( Le vaillant Boer Martin number 174-176 ? ) in question, who is so ingenious in its simplicity, the latest locomotive,

Courtesy Toymuseum in Soltau Germany

the automatic city police, ( Les agents Martin number 178).
It is the Englishman fighting an invisible enemy

Courtesy Bertoia Auctionhous

(Le Gentleman Khaki Martin number 175)
That still others must be mentioned among the mechanical toys. The few shoppers are told what’s new, they ask about the toys seen in the competition; For example, last night an old lady insisted that a merchant tell her where “Le Singe a la marmite” the monkey in the pot, by Frémiet, was sold.

Source Le Figaro 24 November 1901

—”It’s for my grandson,” she said, “he will enjoy it very much.”  

— In vain, the shopkeeper offered her the most recent creations of articulated toys. The grandmother persisted. – No, no, it’s “the monkey in the pot” I want, I promised to bring it… “But I tell you I don’t have it,” replied the merchant angrily. Do you know that in order to produce this toy well it would have to be sold very dearly and then not for 2 fr. 95 which we could ask for like for all these dolls. And then, I don’t really want to say it, but this famous monkey is not that beautiful and to amuse children, there is still nothing like these old dolls… I had to smile at this naive joke which failed to convince the grandmother, for I saw her resume her pilgrimage in the rain past the little huts, dimly lit by the dim lights and quivering from the smoky oil lamps. I imitate her and continue my traditional visit to these varied displays, some of which are arranged with taste. Among the toys I find old acquaintances:

My collection

the goose that wobbles when he nods his head, ( L’oie Martin number 169)

My collection

the laundress who puts her arms in her bathtub,(La Blanchisseuse Martin number 171)

Courtesy Toymuseum in Soltau Germany

the mower that rhythmically shakes its small scythe (le Faucheur Martin number 170)

Street vendors who can’t afford to “stand on the boardwalk” send swarms of articulate beasts running down the muddy sidewalks: ladybugs, lizards, frogs, cockchafers, seals, it’s as if someone just knocked over Noah’s ark. There’s something for everyone, for all budgets, from the modest two-cent piece to the two-franc piece. Huddled under the porches or shrunk behind the canopies of the shops, the poor devils make a terrible noise to attract the attention of buyers, while looking out for the city police, the “police” as they call them in their own picturesque language. — Ask for the Christmas Angel — The latest novelty of the year. “What doesn’t this Christmas present have?” It’s deafening. And the raging wind violently shakes the huts and blows an icy rain in the faces of the few passers-by. Soon the boulevards are deserted and gloomy. The cafe terraces are empty and it is raining. It’s New Year’s Eve. Groups of night owls trying to be merry still roam as they sing choruses of café music, and as the gusts double their violence, a few revelers are still eating their dinner on New Year’s Eve. – We’re not eating now, I had to say to an old lady yesterday, we were bickering. “Oh! I should be ashamed, she moaned, if, despite my age, I had a stomach as weak as the one my daughter’s friends complain about. And in this connection I remembered the funny song “New Year’s Eve in two parts”, from Charles Monselet, – ( a French journalist, novelist, poet and playwright, nicknamed “the king of the gastronomes”) – But it doesn’t matter, it took hard vices to sustain this earthly lavishness.


I wish all the visitors of my blog a:

Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo
Kala Christougenna Ki’eftihismenos O Kenourios Chronos
God Jul och Gott Nytt År
Glædelig Jul og godt nytår
Geseende Kerfees en ’n gelukkige nuwe jaar
Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta

Don’t miss the January 2023 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine January 2023 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

The inventor of the L’Autopatte

We all know that Martin was not the inventor of all his toys himself.
Many of his toys were invented by small toy makers who took their inventions to the annual “Concours de Lépine” a competition in Paris to present and hopefully sell their inventions.
One of these inventors was Mr Boucheron from whom Martin has bought several inventions.
One of these inventions was the L’Autopatte.
On the box and the catalogue page of this Martin toy you can see that it won a “Grand Prix” price on the “Concours Lépine”.
In the magazine “La Nature” from 1909 page 204 a small article of this invention was described the L’auto-pattes

Catalogue Page

The translated description is as follows:

A production by M. Boucheron that solves wishes.
The L’ Autopatte is a motor vehicle a african boy sits in front of the person falling to the ground that is propelled in circular long durations.
The mechanism is simple.
A lever that performs the functions of the femur is placed in the extended mechanism where it is received in an arc.
A cam enhances this lever to move up and down.
Finally, each leg carries a lever.
The knee joints are more than primary.
The legs hang at the end of the knees.
But when the toy is walking, the controlled bars go up one by one, and the legs take the vertical position by their own weight, and when they are lowered, the legs touch the ground.
As the toy rolls, these feet stay on the ground for a short time and lengthen to return vertically to the next move.
Because this steering is alternate, the feet land on the ground one by one and the africa boy feels in fact he is actually responsible for the propulsion of the vehicle with his feet in reverse. –

Mr. Boucheron lived on the rue Rachel, in Vitry-sur-Seine.

In January 2023 a blog with more about this nice toy


Milestone Auctions is proud to present this auction event. Many wonderful Toys will be offered in this 1 day sale! Collectors will have the chance to bid examples of many different categories of Antique Toys & Star Wars Toys!!

In this auction a large number of Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys, some with box

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result RSL Crème de la Crème Twenty Twenty-Two Auction December 3 and 4, 2022


The RSL Auction Company is excited and pleased to announce a two-day Crème de la Crème sale which will be held Saturday, December 3, 2022, and Sunday, December 4, 2022. The sale will include fantastic selections of Toys, Still Banks, and Mechanical Banks from the 50-plus-year collections of Frank and Joyce Kidd, Ed and Naomi Singer, and Alvin Goldstein. The 40-year Doorstop collection of Mr. John Oppenheimer will be sold as well.

The RSL family has known the three bank and toys consignors since the early 1980s and considers them lifelong friends and mentors.  Frank, Joyce, Ed, and Alvin share a passion for collecting antique toys and banks and are eager to see their collections spread to future generations of collectors. 

​​We are truly honored to have been selected to sell these four world-famous collections.  


Courtesy RSL Auctions —Result: $ 2250

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

The result price is in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result of the Martin toys in the Antico mondo 95th Toy Auction December 2 and 3 -2022

The brandnew catalog of the 95th Toy Auction is online!

This auction features more than 2500 items of tin toys, trains, figures and model cars and this time with some Fernand Martin / Victor Bonnet toys.

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding live via telephone, register your written predids or using the auction platforms lot-tissimo, the-saleroom and liveauctioneers and Sixbid you are able to to bid online. So you can submit your bids in real time during the auction. Therefor it is necessary to register on the platform of your choice not later than 24 hours before the auction starts.

The easiest way to participate in our auctions is to use our online catalogue. Here you can view all the items and directly place written pre-bids. See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

All prices are in Euro € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the obj


Milestone Auctions is proud to present this auction event. Many wonderful Toys will be offered in this 1 day sale! Collectors will have the chance to bid examples of many different categories of Antique Toys & Star Wars Toys!!

In this auction a large number of Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys, some with box

Wonderful collection of Robots and Space Toys! Includes “Diamond Planet Robot” & More!!!

Great selection Star Wars Figures! Many Graded!! Includes 12-Back A Vinyl Cape Jawa AFA 80+
Great collection of Early Mickey Mouse & Disney Toys, Popeye Toys, and More Character Toys!

Many tin Windups by Marx, Chein, Lindstrom, Ohio Art, Wyandotte, and Linemar, More!! Many with original Boxes!!

Rare Marx Prototypes!!

Great selection of Hand Painted German Toys, Lehmanns, Distler, Gunthermann, and More!!

Plus great collection of Pressed Steel Trucks by Buddy L, Keystone, American National, Keystone, Tonka, and More!!!

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Le Cab (The Hansom Cab) number 110 and 192

Three “different” versions of the “Le Cab” were made in the period between 1889 and 1919.

These vehicles were the means of transport in the city in the late 1800s and early 1900s, they were actually the first taxis

THE FIRST VERSION OF THE LE CAB FROM 1889 with number 110:

Fernand Martin launched his first version of the Le Cab in 1889, the differences with the later version from 1903 and 1912 can be recognized by the following points.

The 1889 version compared to the 1903 and 1912 models:
-The carriage had no passenger section. (it’s closed on the front)
-The wheels have 8 spokes, (the 1903 and 1912 versions have 10 spokes)
-Closed-side windows. (Only painted windows in red)
-Driven by a flywheel mechanism.
-This edition has 35 metal separate parts, (that is what you can count on the drawing), to build and complete the hole toy.
That did not include the rein so actually 36 parts in total.

This first version of the Le Cab is very very rare and hard to find, so far I only know a few copies :
–1 in the collection of the Parisian museum: Musée des arts et Métiers this one was part of the gift from Fernand Martin to the museum in 1908, that one has a brown horse.
–1 sold a few years ago at the French dealer l’Orangerie – François Binetruy, this one also came with an original box and a brown horse.
–1 in the Spielmuseum Soltau in Germany with a white horse.
–1 in the collection of a friend of mine with a white horse.
–1 in my own collection with a white horse.
But there will probably still be some other copies in museums or collections over the world.

Two of the first version from 1889
The Le Cab from 1889 in parts.

Below you see an original box label and an image from the original catalog.
If you look very closely you will see differences between the box label and the catalog image.
1- The four corners of the box label are not richly decorated.
2- Below the triangle with number 138 are on the box label data of various gold medals that Martin has won.
3- the “instructions” are different in width and the number of lines is different, on the box label the lines are wider then on the catalog image.
4- Below the legs of the horse the text “Made In France” appears on the catalog image and not on the box label.
5- On the right and left of the FM logo are small decorations on the box label.

Photo courtesy of l’Orangerie – François Binetruy
Page from the 1908 catalog from my own collection

As already mentioned there is one known copy complete with box, so very rare and that one has a brown horse.

Photo courtesy of l’Orangerie – François Binetruy

On the inside of the passenger seat there is the imprint of the Fernand Martin factory


In 1903 Martin released this same toy again in a slightly modified version, now with a passenger section and also open side windows, a clockwork drive and a complete new box label.
It got number 192.

Photo courtesy of Bertoia auctions
from my own collection; left the 1889 version, middle the 1903 version, right the 1912 George Flersheim version

The coach of this 1903 version came in the black / red color combination.
The drive was now a wind-up mechanism and with the recognizable Martin key.
This toy was marked on the inside of the passenger section and on the backsite above the key .


In the Flersheim period from 1912, the Le Cab was re-released, the version was almost the same as the Martin version from 1903 and the Martin number remained the same with 192.
This version is only marked on the roof with the well nown triangel marker. This version also had a wind-up mechanism but now with a Martin or Flersheim key.
It was sold in multiple colors.

I have come across this Flersheim version with the coach, so far, in the following colors
Lower part of the sides – Upper part of the sides – the top of the roof.
-Brown – brown – brown.
-Blue – black – black.
-Green – green – green.
-Blue – blue – black.

2 images from my own collection (brown en bleu one), 1 from a private collection (green one and 1 image ( black/bleu one) with courtesy of Bertoia auctions

What is also striking in this version and recognizable as Flersheim is that with all Flersheim models I have seen, the fixing tabs for fixing the back, are facing backwards.
With the Martin version, these tabs are always facing inwards.

Left the Martin version ——————–Right the Flersheim versions

Yet another deviation is that for the toys of which the carriage is completely colored, (the green and light brown version) the colors appear to be “sprayed”, but that they were only sprayed after the carriage was already partially assembled.
If you look closely at the carriage, you will find color residues on the drive section, the rods to the horse, but only on the inside at the location of the wind-up mechanism, the key and also on the inside of the rear lower protruding ornament parts.

The same horse was used many years by Martin, Flersheim and Victor Bonnet for divers toys: from 1890 the Don Quichotte, the horse with a cover
number 110 Le Cab version with fly wheel made by Fernand Martin in 1889
number 122 Le Courrier Parisien made by Fernand Martin in 1892
number 192 Le Cab version with a wind-up mechanism made by Fernand Martin in 1903
number 192 Le Cab version with a wind-up mechanism made by George Flersheim in 1912
number 194 de La Voiture A Bitume made by Fernand Martin in 1906
number 203 de Le Laboureur made by Fernand Martin in 1906
number 255 La Charrette Paysanne made by Victor Bonnet in 1927

Don’t miss the December 2022 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine December 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

RSL Crème de la Crème Twenty Twenty-Two Auction December 3 and 4, 2022


The RSL Auction Company is excited and pleased to announce a two-day Crème de la Crème sale which will be held Saturday, December 3, 2022, and Sunday, December 4, 2022. The sale will include fantastic selections of Toys, Still Banks, and Mechanical Banks from the 50-plus-year collections of Frank and Joyce Kidd, Ed and Naomi Singer, and Alvin Goldstein. The 40-year Doorstop collection of Mr. John Oppenheimer will be sold as well.

The RSL family has known the three bank and toys consignors since the early 1980s and considers them lifelong friends and mentors.  Frank, Joyce, Ed, and Alvin share a passion for collecting antique toys and banks and are eager to see their collections spread to future generations of collectors. 

​​We are truly honored to have been selected to sell these four world-famous collections.  


Courtesy RSL Auctions

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result Martin toys Bertoia Annual Fall Auction November 17-18, 2022

Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is afbeelding.png
Featuring the last toys from Bob Brady’s collection, the complete Jack White Mechanical Bank collection, Kingsbury from Michael Yolles, an elite private Japanese Robot collection, and the Christmas collection of Curtis & Linda Smith.

Collectors will not want to miss this auction. Signature grade Day 1 selections to include the last toys from Bob Bradys home shelves, the complete Jack White mechanical bank collection, an astonishing assortment of European tin toys and boats, Kingsbury from Michael Yolles along with other pressed steel toys, and an outstanding Japanese Robot collection to draw worldwide attendance.

Day 2 will begin with over 250 lots of Christmas and holiday items highlighted by the wonderful Christmas collection of Curtis & Linda Smith. Also included are Steiff bears, German skittles sets, dollhouses, and Schoenhuts. The second half of the day will include a large mix of European tinplate toys, surely to attract a wide audience.

In this auction there are on the first day, four lots with some very rare Martin toys, but of course there are many more beautiful and interesting toys in this auction.

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Antico mondo 95th Toy Auction December 2 and 3 -2022

The brandnew catalog of the 95th Toy Auction is online!

This auction features more than 2500 items of tin toys, trains, figures and model cars and this time with some Fernand Martin / Victor Bonnet toys.

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding live via telephone, register your written predids or using the auction platforms lot-tissimo, the-saleroom and liveauctioneers and Sixbid you are able to to bid online. So you can submit your bids in real time during the auction. Therefor it is necessary to register on the platform of your choice not later than 24 hours before the auction starts.

The easiest way to participate in our auctions is to use our online catalogue. Here you can view all the items and directly place written pre-bids. See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these two Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result Fernand Martin toys in the “JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on November 12 – 2022

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time a few nice Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.

Lot number 347-349-350-351-352 and 353. pictures Courtesy Galerie de Chartres


In the morning From N° 1 to 274: Quiralu: beautiful collection of M. B. – Various soldiers – Military toys – Games – Documentation – Meccano – Steam engines.
In the afternoon From N° 281 to 619: Japanese toys: battery toys – Mechanical toys – Exceptional curiosities: two Rock and Graner catalog albums from the mid-19th century and several late-19th-century fountain castles – Boats including the Leopold II with spur by Märklin – Motorbikes – More of 80 planes – Pedal cars – Automobiles – André Citroën and from 1900 to 1960.

See this link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


All prices are in Euro € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result Fernand Martin toys in the Jack Tempest Toy Collection Auction on the 10th November 2022.

This auction takes place at the auction house Adam Partridge Auctioneers & Valuers in England.

In this auction there are two lots with Fernand Martin toys, one is a very rare Fernand Martin toy from 1894 the Attalage Flamand, but of course there are many more beautiful and interesting toys.

Lot number 26: Result £ 2.250,00
Lot number 49: Result £ 720,00

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at the site of auction house Partridge Auctioneers & Valuers

All prices are in British pounds (£) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

The Jack Tempest Toy Collection Auction on the 10th November 2022.

This auction takes place at the auction house Adam Partridge Auctioneers & Valuers in England.

In this auction there are two lots with Fernand Martin toys, one is a very rare Fernand Martin toy from 1894 the Attalage Flamand, but of course there are many more beautiful and interesting toys.

Lot number 26
Lot number 49

You can bid on these toys via:
The salesroom:
Partridge Auctioneers & Valuers :

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at these sites

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

The auction is in British pounds

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Change of Martin numbers for some toys.

In the Martin books known to us, a few figures are included with, as it turns out, the wrong number.
Here are the adjustments, after these adjustments, there are still a few toys without a number.

This blog is made with help of Bruno Cirla and Christophe Feraud from Massilia Toys in Marseille, my big thanks for this


Number 174 and 176
The numbers 174 and 176 have probably been swapped because evidence has been found that the Le Balayeur has number 174:
174 old number Le Vaillant Boer must be new Le Balayeur
176 old number Le Balayeur must be new Le Vailant Boer

Courtesy Massilia toys

In the Martin literature and books number 180 is given to The Policemen but it turns out number 180 is for the toy: “Present arms” God save the king.

number 180 “Present arms”, God save the King is an sentinel (probably only for the English market including the, in that time, colony of Canada, on the catalog picture there is extra text that has a link to Londen, see below on the picture the text: C&E LONDON

Present arms God save the King. Courtesy Bertoia auctions
Courtesy Massilia toys
Box label

We see that number 180 was been given to The Policemen, (Bobby) made for the Englisch market, but The Policemen must have number 181.

Courtesy Massilia toys

But in the Martin literature and the books number 181 has been given to the Garçon de cafè, what number the Garçon de cafè should now have is not yet clear.

In the Martin books number 182 is given to the postman: Le télégraphiste but it turns out that number 182 is for The Sentinel, what number the postman will get is not yet known.

The Englisch: The Sentinel 182 Courtesy Spielmuseum Soltau Germany
Courtesy Massilia toys

number 182 The Sentinel (probably only for the English market including the, in that time, colony of Canada) see the picture of the figure with the bear hat below.

number 183 La Sentinelle (a series of presumably 3 soldier figures: French – Russian – and Italian) These 3 Sentinelles are mentioned in Martin’s gift to the Musée des arts et métiers Paris in 1908.

Courtesy Massilia toys
Courtesy Spiel Museum Soltau Germany


Changes in the book: FERNAND MARTIN toymaker in Paris 1878-1912

174 Le Balayeur.
176 Le Vaillant Boer.
180 “Present arms” God save the king.
181 The Policemen (Englisch market)
The waiter: Le Garçon de cafe NO NUMBER UNTIL NOW.
182 The Sentinel (Englisch market)
The Postman: Le télégraphiste NO NUMBER UNTIL NOW.
183 La Sentinelle 3 soldiers French- Russian and Italian

My question to the readers:

Now I am looking for other missing numbers
If there is someone who can give me one or more of these missing or the correct numbers, I would be very happy, and if you can help me, mail me: .
It’s about:
The right number for the Soldat French – English – Belgian – Russian – Portuguese, These numbers are available: 235-236-239-242-243-244-245

Courtesy Bertoia auctions

The postman: Le télégraphiste, WHAT IS HIS NUMBER??

Courtesy Bertoia auctions

The waiter, Le Garçon de cafè, WHAT IS HIS NUMBER??

Bertoia Annual Fall Auction November 17-18, 2022

Featuring the last toys from Bob Brady’s collection, the complete Jack White Mechanical Bank collection, Kingsbury from Michael Yolles, an elite private Japanese Robot collection, and the Christmas collection of Curtis & Linda Smith.

Collectors will not want to miss this auction. Signature grade Day 1 selections to include the last toys from Bob Bradys home shelves, the complete Jack White mechanical bank collection, an astonishing assortment of European tin toys and boats, Kingsbury from Michael Yolles along with other pressed steel toys, and an outstanding Japanese Robot collection to draw worldwide attendance.

Day 2 will begin with over 250 lots of Christmas and holiday items highlighted by the wonderful Christmas collection of Curtis & Linda Smith. Also included are Steiff bears, German skittles sets, dollhouses, and Schoenhuts. The second half of the day will include a large mix of European tinplate toys, surely to attract a wide audience.

In this auction there are on the first day, four lots with some very rare Martin toys, but of course there are many more beautiful and interesting toys in this auction.

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

“JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on November 12 – 2022

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time a few nice Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.

Number 347-349-350-351-352 and 353. pictures Courtesy Galerie de Chartres


In the morning From N° 1 to 274: Quiralu: beautiful collection of M. B. – Various soldiers – Military toys – Games – Documentation – Meccano – Steam engines.
In the afternoon From N° 281 to 619: Japanese toys: battery toys – Mechanical toys – Exceptional curiosities: two Rock and Graner catalog albums from the mid-19th century and several late-19th-century fountain castles – Boats including the Leopold II with spur by Märklin – Motorbikes – More of 80 planes – Pedal cars – Automobiles – André Citroën and from 1900 to 1960.

See this link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martin’s

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result toy auction OKT. 26- 2022 in Chinon France by Selarl Christophe Herbelin

Important sale of old toys including more than 6000 lead soldiers, N gap trains, 100 mechanical toys in sheet metal, old dolls and barbie. In this auction there are also some FERNAND MARTIN and VICTOR BONNET TOYS.

Unfortunately I couldn’t get permission to use their photos, so here’s the list with the results:
Lot number : 320 Le pochard € 550,00
Lot number : 321 Le chinois € 1.550,00
Lot number : 322 Le pompier € 320,00 model Fernand Martin
Lot number : 323 Le gay violonist € 400,00
Lot number : 340 Le petit pianiste € 550,00
Lot number : 344 L’autopatte € 450,00 model Victor Bonnet
Lot number : 347 Le petit livreur € 350,00 model Victor Bonnet
Lot number : 349 Le Pigeon ramier € 140,00
Lot number : 380 La boule mystérieuse € 650,00

The prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results of the Martin toys in the: Route 32 toy auction October 21 2022

In this auction were approximately 530 lots of vintage and antique planes, trains, and automobiles. There will be something for everyone’s inner child. Truly the best way to put the play in your displays and collections.

In this toy auction there were 4 Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Toy auction OKT. 26- 2022 in Chinon France by Selarl Christophe Herbelin

Important sale of old toys including more than 6000 lead soldiers, N gap trains, 100 mechanical toys in sheet metal, old dolls and barbie. In this auction there are also some FERNAND MARTIN and VICTOR BONNET TOYS.

Unfortunately I couldn’t get permission to use their photos, so here’s the list.
Lot number : 320 Le pochard
Lot number : 321 Le chinois
Lot number : 322 Le pompier
Lot number : 323 Le gay violonist
Lot number : 340 Le petit pianiste
Lot number : 344 L’autopatte
Lot number : 347 Le petit livreur
Lot number : 349 Le Pigeon ramier
Lot number : 380 La boule mystérieuse

For more information see the French bidding site :

All prices on the biddingsite are in € (Euro)

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

My latest rare Martin acquisition from 1889

A few weeks ago I was able to add another rare Martin to my collection.
It is a Martin from the first period and is from the year 1889
Martin started in 1878 so this is a fairly early copy
He later released this model again in 1903 in a modified version and later after 1912 Flersheim also put this model on the market again.
This first 1889 version is the Le Cap with product number 110

So far I know the existence of 5 of these rare versions from 1889

In the book Fernand Martin Toymakers in Paris 1878-1912 by Lourens Bas he is depicted on pages 52 and 53 with the number 25 assigned by the authors, later research shows that the correct number must be 110.
Martin started with product number 100 see my blog :
The aforementioned book contains two photographs from the collection of the Parisian museum: Musée des arts et Métiers.
One of these photos is an exploded version of the second version from 1903 and the photo on page 53 is the old version from 1889.

Soon I will publish an extensive blog about the various Le Cap versions with all their differences.

Result of the Martins in the Bertoia October 14-15, 2022 auction: the Schroeder III | Abby’s Attic Finds

Friday & Saturday | October 14-15, 2022
Abby’s Attic Finds & the Entertainment Community Fund

The reinvigorating Americana toy collection which has already hailed over $5 Million at auction has one more round of excitement! Over 150 mechanical banks are matched with stills, early clockwork toys, candy containers, paper lithographed pieces, and numerous examples of rarities which only turn up in a spectacular 60 year old collection.

In this auction there are two lots with Martin toys, but of course there are many more beautiful and interesting toys in this auction

Lot 243 result $ 600
Lot 244 result $ 850

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

See what you can read in the November issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the November 2022 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine November 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Les-Auto-Transports a series of beautiful trucks and tractors made by Victor Bonnet.

I also published this article in the: Antique Toy World issue September 2022

As a successor of Fernand Martin and George Flersheim, Victor Bonnet Factory started the production in 1919 in the old Fernand Martin factory, in 1933 they stopped the production and moved to another building in Paris.

In these 14 years Victor Bonnet has made a series of 5 beautiful trucks and tractors.  

246 Le Déverseur
248 Tracteur + 250 Le Remorque (sold together)
249 Camion : Le Roulant
254 Le Train Tortillard
261 Camion : Gros Camionnage

He named this family of vehicles: Les-Auto-Transports

At Victor Bonnet someone came up with a family of products with standard building blocks that could be reused within the “Les Auto-Transports” family, which can already be clearly seen on the fronts of the five various trucks and tractors.

All models had a plaque on the hood with the name: Les auto-transports
This plaque has undergone some changes over the years as can be seen in the collage.

These models are somewhat undervalued, they are all vehicles with a genius mechanism and these mechanisms are all basically the same. 

At the front of all five models is a handle with which you can drive the car in a straight line or in circles.

The first of the model Le Déverseur with number 246 produced from 1919 had the most extensive mechanism with lot of functions: start-stop, drive, standstill and a side-tilt function. The models after this one were a bit simpler.  

246 Le Déverseur

Victor Bonnet was the first successor to Fernand Martin who started producing cars
He released a series of trucks and started with number 246
It was a “tip up truck”, the truck has an automatic tipping and driving mechanism.

This model was released in various colors, I have seen models in Yellow, green, gray, black and brown
The length is about 20 cm (7.9 Inches)

These models have a very advanced and ingenious engine, the start-stop part sits like a handle next to the driver’s steering wheel.
After winding, you can put the car on the ground and push the handle back a bit, then it will drive, after a short time, the car will stop and the bucket will slowly move to the side to drop its load, then the bucket will go back to the old position and the car starts moving again and everything repeats itself.

Part of the Germany patent from April 21, 1921, patent number 363805

In the production years, the box has been changed a few times.
The first boxes only contain the production number No 246
Boxes are known to have a sticker added with the text Déverseur No 246
Later the label came with the text Déverseur No 246 printed as fixed on the label
And I found boxes with the text Le Déverseur No 246

The next two boxes has the same picture of the catalog site on the front, these catalog pictures usually had less information than the original box labels, are they original??
I’ve come across some of those boxes before.

Two different boxen with the same “catalog” image, forgeries?
Catalog image
Box label, (see the differences with the catalog image)

On the inside on the bottom of the box an extra text sheet could have been applied to indicate the operation, this is found in two languages; in French and in English.
The text on the outside of the box is only found in French, also on the boxes with an English text sheet inside.

There are boxes contained with no text sheet inside but a separate manual with the (freely translated) text:
Reassembly… Put the Engine to Stop and turn; with the key to the right, making it make 10 half-turns.
Starting… Push forward the Crank which is to the left of the driver.
Stop… Bring the Crank to the rear which is to the left of the driver.
Direction … Bring, by pressure from top to bottom, the Joystick located at the front of the Hood, in one of the 3 notches. The walk in a circle is obtained by using the 2 notches on the left.

There are models without a text, models with a text on the side or back and models with a text in the inside of the loadig area, and when they have a text it was in French or in English
The various texts I found till now are:

top left and below courtesy of Bertoina Auctions, top right courtesy of Antico Mondo Auctions.
left and right below Courtesy of Bertoina Auctions. on the top right private collection
When there was a text In the loading area, there was no texts on the side or back, so only in the loading area

The body has also been available in two variants, with an angular body and with a rounder body, the truck with the rounder body (I found them in de colors gray, black/gray and yellow), and has no texts on the body, only the brass plate on the bonnet.

left Courtesy of Bertoina Auctions. on the right private collection

From this version with the rounder body, I found another one with a different nose/bonnet in the color: red body with a bleu loading area. That one has the nose/bonnet from trucks from the production after 1933 and on top of this nose/bonnet there is no longer the well-known brass nameplate.

So you can see that over the years this truck has had many different varieties.
Many Fernand Martin, George Flersheim and Victor Bonnet toys have sometimes been produced for many many years and have received many small adjustments or other colors over the years.

248 Tracteur and 250 Le Remorque

These two Victor Bonnet creations of a tractor and a trailer, were sold together in one box, I have not found any proof anywhere that they were sold separately.

Box label
Catalog picture
the total length of approximately 36 cm / 14,2 “.

I have come across the tractor/truck in two colors so far, in green and in red, (green and red in various color gradations from dark to light, but presumably the influence of sunlight has also had an influence on the color), and there are two different rear wheel placement options, one in a short base and one in a long base.

Because I rarely come across this short wheelbase, I suspect that this short wheelbase was only used in the early period and was later replaced by the long wheelbase, this long wheelbase also had a simpler winding motor and was also used with the “Le Train Tortillard”, this naturally resulted in cost savings.

What has been noticed is that there are two versions of the tractor, with and without a roof.
Presumably it was marketed in two versions with and without a roof, which is apparent from the fact that the tractor can be found with and without mounting holes for the roof, (see the photos).

with mounting holes for the two roof supports
without mounting holes for the roof supports
Two differend trailers the left one is the most common, the right one is quite rare, this trailers I only encountered in a brown/yellow color with a green fabric tarpaulin.

Look at the two different trailers, sometimes the trailer has a bronze plate on the back with the text: Charge maximum 5000Kos and the back and front of the trailer has different plating, version with a 6 and with a 4 rectangular layout

The bottom from the long base model with the winding motor and the start stop mechanism
The bottom from the short base model with the winding motor and the start stop mechanism

249 Le Roulant

This model is very very rare.
I’ve only come across a few of them.

Catalog picture

The colors I have found so far are green, orange/brown, yellow all with red wheels and a dark blue one with bleu wheels, the length is about 25 cm (10 Inches)

It is listed in the Victor Bonnet catalog with the name Camion 249 but in the truck you can see that the name is : Le Roulant

steering wheel and on the right side the start stop lever

The characteristic of this model is that there is a print on the bottom of the cargo area with the name and product number.

text on the inside of the transport section
On the back of the cabin a text plate with the text: Charge maximum load 5000 Kos

A similar model was later released with number 261 with the same name Camion to, but on that truck you can see the name Gros Camionnage written on the fabric tarpaulin.
This Camion is an adapted form of the here presented “Le Roulant” number 249, the later model number 261 has a fabric tarpaulin, no longer had a print on the bottom of the transport section and no text plate on the back of the cabin.
This model 261 will be found even more.

The model 261 Gros Camionnage without the fabric tarpaulin is sometimes be sold as a: Le Roulant, but can therefore be easily recognized by a print on the bottom of the cargo area and on the back of the cabin a brass text plate with the text: Charge maximum load 5000 Kos of the original Le Roulant, so pay attention.

Winding mechanism with the key and the start stop part on the right, the lever for this is next to the driver

254 Le Train Tortillard

Catalog picture
Was also sold in Egypt

This tractor with four trailers has a total length of approximately 69 cm / 27,2 “.
On the accompanying photos you can see the differences between the four trailers.
The first trailer has a different, tin plate attachment than the other cars, which all have a bent iron wire as attachment.

Top left, trailer with the tinplate attachment — top right, an empty trailer with a different mounting hook as the left trailer –bottem left, with a wooden barrel –bottom right, with an inlay representing coal

I found till now the tractor in two colors in red and green, the trailers I found in the colors blue, green, brown/orange, gray and dark-gray. I have come across it quite often and sometimes even “mint” in the box but what strikes me is that very often the carts are not all the same color, maybe the carts have gotten mixed up over the years or they are just new delivered in the box with different color carts.

261 Camion: Gros Camionnage

The “Camion” (no. 261), it was the last truck from the series Les-Auto-Transports.  

It is an open truck with a fabric tarpaulin and the length is about 25 cm (10 Inches)

A text was printed on both sides of the fabric tarpaulin, the text is original: “Gros Camionnage” that you can find on the box, there are models with another name.

I have come across this truck in the colors BLEU, RED and YELLOW, the fabric hood in the colors GREEN, BLEU, BROWN and GREY

Catalog Picture

This truck was a modified version of truck number 249 with the same name Camion, (see “Le Roulant”).
In the base the “Le Roulant” with number 249 was given a fabric tarpaulin with text, the “brand” stamp on the bottom of the cargo area has disappeared, the text plate on the back of the cabin disappeared and it get a text on the fabric tarpaulin “Gros Camionnage”.

Box Label

Versions of this truck are known with various advertising texts.

This truck was sold with text on the fabric tarpaulin on both sides.

The text is original: “Gros Camionnage” that you can find on the box labels and in the catalog

I found some models with a different text.

In 2021 I found in an auction in France of Maître Philippe CASAL another “Camion” model in a rare color scheme, and also with a different text “Chocolat Casino” on the fabric tarpaulin.

“Chocolat Casino”

In February 2018 I found on Ebay another model, the nice thing about this Camion was not only the beautiful condition, but also the print on the fabric tarpaulin: “Goulet-Turpin”.
The Internet teaches us that this is the name of the Goulet-Turpin couple who founded a distribution company under this name in their wedding year 1874.


In the collection of the German “Spielmuseum Soltau” is another one to find with the text “Nouvelles Galeries”.

” Nouvelles Galeries”

“Les Nouvelles Galeries” is the name of a chain of department stores created in 1897, the stores have changed to become Galeries Lafayette.

In total, I have now found four “Camions”with different prints, including the original.  

With one different overprint I can imagine that someone has done this privately, for whatever reason, but with several new different overprints I can imagine that this was originally produced by the Victor Bonnet factory and I have already found more “Camions” with these above shown texts, so they are not isolated objects.

The companies that orders these “Camions” may have sold these models or given them away to there big customers or suppliers.

Image references:
The various pictures are with permission from Bertoina Auctions, Antico Mondo Auctions, Spielmuseum Soltau Germany, Maître Philippe CASAL, my own collection and private collectors.
The pictures from Renault trucks are from the © Archives privées Renault (with permission of Laurent Dingli. )
Picture: Les Camions Renault 1928 is from Wikimedia Commons and is in the public domain ( )


Bertoia October 14-15, 2022 , Martins in the Schroeder III | Abby’s Attic Finds

Friday & Saturday | October 14-15, 2022
Abby’s Attic Finds & the Entertainment Community Fund

The reinvigorating Americana toy collection which has already hailed over $5 Million at auction has one more round of excitement! Over 150 mechanical banks are matched with stills, early clockwork toys, candy containers, paper lithographed pieces, and numerous examples of rarities which only turn up in a spectacular 60 year old collection.

In this auction there are two lots with Martin toys, but of course there are many more beautiful and interesting toys in this auction

Lot 243
Lot 244

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin – le Traîneau Russe 1892

(update of an article from 2019)

Both photos courtesy of Michael Bertoia Autions

This sled with horse is a special and very wanted toy.
It is a Fernand Martin from the first period, mentioned in the well-known books under number 40, according to the new discoveries it must be number 116 (see the catalog immage below) , produced from 1892
This toy is 20cm (7.87 inch) long and 10cm (3.94 inch) high
The sled contains a clockwork drive with a different key as we are used to, this is one of the “deviations” of the keys that we know.

It is probably made especially for the Russian market because the currently known boxes and the image in an original old catalog are provided with a Russian text.

Image from a catalog from 1898 with Martin product number 116

The text on the box is partly in Russian, thanks to a Russian reader
I get the translation from this Russian text and that is: “The Russian Sledges. New Mechanical Automatic Toy”

Picture from the magazine la Nature 1892 pag.89 Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

In the first drawing you see the parts that are needed to make the sled, there are 44 pictured but I have to mention that in total only 33 parts are needed because the drawing contains various parts in the unprocessed and processed state.
As an example, part number 3 is the same as part 5, number 11 is the same as number 13 and there are a few more examples.
The only part that is not show is the reins.

Picture from the magazine la Nature 1892 pag.89 Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

On the second drawing you see the compleet toy and a section of the mechanism.

An image of the LE TRAINEAU RUSSE on a collector card from Chocolat Louit

Conquete du pole Nord

Almost the same sled was used 17 years later in 1909 number 217 by Martin for the “Conquete du pole Nord” Discovery of the North Pole.
This toy was made by Martin in honor of the conquest of the North Pole by US Navy engineer Robert Peary, who claimed to have reached the Pole on April 6, 1909.
Martin takes another figure on the sled of the “le Traîneau Russe” and instead of the horse he used four dogs and added a pole.
The sled is connected to the pole by means of a string and, after winding, drive around the pole

Number 217 – la conquête du pole nord 1909

Martin toys in the next: Route 32 toy auction October 21 2022

This auction will have approximately 530 lots of vintage and antique planes, trains, and automobiles. There will be something for everyone’s inner child. Truly the best way to put the play in your displays and collections.

In this toy auction there are 4 Martin and Victor Bonnet toys.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin, The squirrel in a cage from 1908

Picture courtesy toy museum Soltau Germany

A tin toy made in 1908 with the Fernand Martin product number 211 and the French name is: Le Petit Écureuil Vivant

Dimensions: 22 x 15 cm ( 8,66 inches x 5,91 inches )

page from the 1908 catalog

Mr Léonin Noguier from Paris was the designer in 1906 of this toy and had the patent.
In an article about the “Concours de Lépine” in the newspaper La Liberté from September 21, 1906, this toy was already recommended.
Martin, presumably during this “Concours de Lépine in 1906”, bought the rights to this patent from Mr. Noguier to make this toy a success.
These toys are regularly offered at various fairs and auctions.

On the side is a winding key, after winding the blue part with the bars starts to rotate around and it looks like the squirrel is running.

Pictures from auctions on the side: Live auctioneers

In the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, squirrels locked in a rather small cage were very popular.
Many models have been produced and you can see where Martin got his inspiration from.
An area to rest, eat and sleep and a running wheel for the squirrel to run in.
You can still see this walking wheel in current modern hamster cages.
The old antique models are mainly made of wood and tin.

See what you can read in the October issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the October 2022 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine October 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Result of the Martin toys in the Antico mondo 94th Toy Auction 8 till 10 September 2022

The brandnew catalog of the 94th Toy Auction is online!

More than 3000 lots of Tin Toys, Trains, Figures, Model Cars, Space Toys as well as historical advertising will be auctioned and this time with tree Martin / Vebe toys

Auction lot number 6460 result: € 850
Auction lot number 6468 result: € 950
Auction lot number 6469 result: € 360

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

The prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction
Geplaatst in About Fernand Martin

Is it a sentinel or a soldier ?

Martin and Flersheim have made a lot of military, but the most collectors often has no idea what the differences are, Martin and Flersheim used the names SENTINEL and SOLDIER.
The names SENTINEL and SOLDIER are often misused in literature, at auctions and in advertisements.
A sentinel (in French Sentinelle) is a person whose job is to stand and keep watch.
A soldier (in French Soldat) is a person who is a member of an army A provisional list of soldiers and sentinels produced by Martin and Flersheim, this list contains a number of uncertain things such as the correct numbers and names.


The Gentleman in Khaki a soldier (probably only for the English market including the, in that time, colony of Canada) in the advertising described as a soldier

From the Canadian Nerlich & Co Toronto : Fall holiday catalog 1900/1901 (Public Domain from: The Internet Archive

Le Vaillant Boer is a soldier

Left: Courtesy Bertoia auctions Richt: Picture from the French catalog: Maison Dorée Dec. 01. 1900

Present arms, God save the King is an sentinel (probably only for the English market including the, in that time, colony of Canada)

Present arms God save the King. Courtesy Bertoia auctions

The Sentinel (probably only for the English market including the, in that time, colony of Canada) see the picture of the figure with the bear hat below.

The Englisch: The Sentinel Courtesy Spielmuseum Soltau Germany

La Sentinelle (a series of presumably 3 sentinel figures: French – Russian and Italian)

The French La Sentinelle. Courtesy Bartoia auctions


number 232 Soldat Bulgare
number 238 Soldat Marocain
numbers ?? Soldat French – English – Belgian – Russian – Portuguese, The next numbers are available: 235-236-239-242-243-244-245. The real numbers are not yet been found.

Soldat Bulgare. Courtesy Bartoia auctions
Nos Alliés, soldat Marocain”. Courtesy Bartoia auctions

My question to the readers:
If there is someone who can give me one or more of the missing or the correct numbers, I would be very happy, and if you can help me, mail me: .
I’m looking for the right number for the Soldat French – English – Belgian – Russian – Portuguese, These numbers are available: 235-236-239-242-24

happy ads

We see that Martin toys are regularly depicted in magazines and in store catalogs, normally they look exactly like the original toy, so clearly recognizable, but it can also be different.
I particularly noticed two articles in old magazines, the toys are clearly Martins but now depicted in a cheerful free interpretation but yet clearly recognizable, the toy has come to “life”.

The first two pages below are pictured in the monthly magazine: Revue des Nouveautés from January 1910 and the last page I found it in the Catalogue Inventions Nouvelles la Maison S. Dick from 1908

Sorry but I don’t have a better picture

Antico mondo 94th Toy Auction 8 till 10 September 2022

The brandnew catalog of the 94th Toy Auction is online!

More than 3000 lots of Tin Toys, Trains, Figures, Model Cars, Space Toys as well as historical advertising will be auctioned and this time with tree Martin / Vebe toys

Auction lot number 6460
Auction lot number 6468
Auction lot number 6469

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these tree toys.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction
Geplaatst in About Fernand Martin

See what you can read in the September issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the September 2022 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine and this month 6 pages with an overview of the Victor Bonnet “Les Auto Transports “

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine September 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Victor Bonnet pistols.

Victor Bonnet has taken over the Flersheim factory in 1919, Victor Bonnet started making small tin pistols somewhere around 1919.
He started with his first model the Pan-Pan and ended ( as far as we know) with the Le Corsaire model.
After the relocation of the production of the Victor Bonnet factory in 1933, we no longer find pistols in the product range.
Probably is that the Victor Bonnet & Cie-in-liquidation, sold the patents and trademarks of guns/pistols to JEP.
In an JEP wholesalers catalog from July 1936, I found pistols with the same names as given in the production period of Victor Bonnet till 1933.

The Victor Bonnet list with pistol models with article numbers
Le Pan-Pan 247
Flac 256
Bombarde 257
Le Pétard 258
Tape_Fort 262
Le Sans-Balle 264
Le Costaud 266
Le Corsaire 269

As an example a page from a JEP catalog
Part of the page above.

In this enlarged part of the catalog page we see all the known Victor Bonnet pistol names except for one toy and that is number 1021 the Le Baby, that was a very small model with a length of 9.5cm.
Maybe this model also comes from Victor Bonnet but I have no certainty about that so far.

If we search in old JEP catalogs we still find many of these models back to 1961, so they have been in production at JEP for about 25 years.
If you take Victor Bonnet’s oldest model, the PanPan, it has even been in production for more than 35 years at the Victor Bonnet factory and the JEP factory together, but we see that the models have been modified and “modernized”

Here we see that the names are the same but that the some models have been modified and “modernized” (catalog early 60’s )
Details from the early 60’s catalog
The JEP model: Pan Pan

Recognize the differences between the Victor Bonnet and the older JEP pistols:

Both manufacturers have the name of the gun on one side and the name of the manufacturer on the other side. The image of the text may also deviate slightly, straight or curved. To make it clear, here is some examples of the “Bombarde” and the “Pan-Pan” models.

THE BOMBARDE: left the JEP and on the right the Victor Bonnet version
The PAN-PAN: left the JEP and on the right the Victor Bonnet version

Two more blogs about the Victor Bonnet pistols:


A newespaper revieuw from a visit at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900

Our colleague Le Temps did his little research on the toy of the year.

He gives the following funny details: What new species will we find? As a toy, surprisingly, we didn’t really see anything new; Already known mechanisms and genres have simply been applied to reality. First of all, here’s “Le Vaillant Boer” (Martin number 174 ),

a little man dressed in gray and beard, cartridge holder on his shoulder, felt hat over his ears, rifle at the ready. You turn the mechanics and the brave farmer starts spinning from right to left, with a rifle on his shoulder that never fires. It is completely harmless and does not injure anyone. Here’s again “The Gentleman in Khaki”, (Martin number 175)

made in Paris, but which has just been specially sent to London, where it is in great demand. Dressed in khaki, the English gentleman points the bayonet at an imaginary Boer. Then it is the “L’ Homme Corvée” (Martin number 173),

a small French soldier or English sailor, depending on the country of destination, who operates a broom.

The “Le Chinois” (Martin number 177),

Son of Heaven wielding a large saber in one hand, a formidable spear in the other with an imposing braid on the back, a long mustache and a very angry look. It will be the terror of little children who have not been good.

Finally, the typical Parisian toy, the drunkard “Le Pochard” (Martin number 172)

with his “illuminated” nose, radiant face, the good drunken shakes his bottle with one hand, his cup with the other; he walks unsteadily, he carries the glass and bottle to his mouth, he shakes his head and he wobbles, making many movements. And that for 39 cents. It will be the hit of the year.

Now let’s take a random look at the toys from around the world from all over France, Austria and Germany, which have a current character.

Inspired by the exhibition: the monumental gate, the meadow of the Swiss village, the lotto and the exhibition lottery, the patience game of the 1900 exhibition, the shepherdess of the Swiss village the Swiss waltzers, the moving sidewalk, animals from the Ferris wheel, the exhibition cube game, the exhibition shadow game and much more!

The events in China and Transvaal gave birth to the Chinese massacre, the war game, the Chinese house, the Chinese cake, the international war, Allied China’s troops, China’s war, the Chinese puppet the ‘Pass-Boer’ balls , the English Anglo-Boer skittles game a Boer village attacks the punished Boxer, the Transvaal magnetic fishing game with English and Boers, the Boer cymbal player and countless fortresses with English, Chinese or Boer soldiers

Finally, a note here and there:

More discoveries! The Parisian agent, the new Nord-Espress locomotive, the car explorer, the Nautiles submarine torpedo boat, the dazzling parachute, the Nicolas billiard table, the rack railway and… a disaster, the Franco-Russian shooting, the Paris-Montmatre funicular, the car that reproduces exactly the type of cars that drive around in Paris, and the tricycle car with characters with boots, to extremely refined music, dolls that waltz and sing, mechanical horses that jump, kick and neigh.

…But all that, ladies and gentlemen, the Parisian peddler will tell you, it makes noise, it is expensive, but it gets confused, while my merry drunkard or my rebellious Chinese, are beautiful, and it only costs 39 cents !

Text translation from the French newspaper: Le Patriote de la Vendée 1900, Journal de Politique, Agricole et Commercial, Organe d’union Républicaine

Note: The text is a free translation, I added the Martin numbers between the (…) and the pictures to the text myself

Le petit décrotteur – The little blackboot

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1898 about a shoeshine boy made by Martin.
This piece is put in motion by a clockwork mechanism
It was first made in 1898
light approx 13,5 cm ( 5.31 inch)
Fernand Martin number 167

Courtesy Bertoia Auctions
From the magazine La Nature 1895, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –
The little street merchants of Paris

Free translation from the text above:

The little cleaner.
This is a very fun toy that adds to many others that we have already mentioned.
it is a small cleaner, one knee on the ground, holding a boot in one hand and a brush in the other.
Let us reassemble the mechanism, and we immediately see the brush stir vigorously, go forward, come back, and scrub the boot very conscientiously at each turn.
The movements are so natural and so well executed that they capture and surprise, and in spite of yourself we contemplate the little cleaner at work.
This little toy was sold on the boulevards in Paris by hawkers, we will soon find it at the same address.

From the magazine : lectures modernes 1902

The footstool is marked on both sides.

All postcards from my own collecion

See what you can read in the August issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the August 2022 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine August 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Half a Fernand Martin, who knows more

A few years ago I found this piece and I’ve asked before if anyone knows more but so far no response so I’m trying again.

It’s on the bottom plate. clearly marked with the round FM logo and the triangle with number 138.
But otherwise it is in a bad incomplete state.

The feet are also in a strange way under it, it has no visible feet but the mounting is under the base plate.
I then searched which Martin, this was a part of but until now I have not found it.
Sure it is a part of an unknown Martin: perhaps specially made for a client, an exhibition, perhaps a prototype or a product from George Flersheim because there is still a lot of ambiguity about his produced toys.
I estimate it somewhere between 1910-1917, so it could be from Flersheim, because the pants are of the same fabric and colors as the L’autopatte number 218 version Martin.

Is there perhaps someone among the readers of this blog who can help me?

Fernand Martin – Le Livreur – Description of the patent number 186948

I found in a 1887 issue of the French magazine “DES BREVETS D’INVENTION ONT ETE PRIS” a description of the Le Livreur patent, (Martin number in the current books is 22 The new number will probably be 108 or 109)

This is a magazine where new patents are announced and some are described.
This edition contains 4 “Martin” patents, one of which, the “Le Livreur”, is fully described and from Fernand Martin.
The other three are only mentioned and are still unknown to me.
I also do not know that these three patents are from Fernand Martin or from another toy maker named Martin, maby Elie Martin ?, so maybe we will find out in the future.

Front page of the 1887 issue of the French magazine

Below the translated description of a part of page 8-9 and the associated drawings on Annex Plate II .

Dated November 12, 1887 from Mr. Martin

For a system of mechanism which makes it possible to actuate the toys by giving them movements analogous to those of the members of people and walking animals.

The invention consists in a system of mechanism allowing to actuate the toys with articulated subjects by giving them movements analogous to the naturel movements of the members of people  and walking animals.

This invention consists mainly in the combination with any engine of a mechanism housed either in the body or in the limbs of the subject, and arranged so that its different parts are operated reciprocally and successively.

In the drawing, I have supposed that the mechanism (motor) is placed in the car and that the subject to be actuated is represented by a man that makes the simulacrum of drawing it, but it is identical that I reserve the right to adopt the other subject, and to apply to it any motor deemed suitable, a mechanical engine, either thrust or traction, or hand.

Drawing in the magazine
  • Fig. 1, front view of the set of a toy built according to my invention.
  • Fig. 2, longitudinal section.
  • Fig. 3, front view of the subject’s leg control device.
  • Fig. 4, cross section of this device.

(a), motor that gives the subject constant thrust or traction; this movement, in the example given to the drawing, is a thrust movement which is transmitted by the car (d) of the arms in which the man (b) is placed.

The extremities of the legs of the man are finished so as to produce on the ground a rather large adhesion, either to the way of a pointed heel (f) , as it is represented, or in any other manner.

In the upper part, these legs are articulated on a cranked shaft (g) and are provided with notches or guide grooves (h), shapes and arrangements varying with the nature of the subject to be actuated and the movement that the we are producing.

These grooves embrace a fixed pin (i) and it is they, in fact, who, by sliding on this stud, exactly determine the movement of members.

Courtesy RSL Auction Company

Here is how my mechanism works:

The motor being in motion, constantly advancing the subject (b) tending to drag it on the ground, but because of the disposition of the heels (f), the leg which is in front is stopped; the forward movement continues uncomfortably, it is nocked that the leg which poses on the ground by the heel will straighten up and act on the crank shaft (g) by turning it, which brings the other leg into a identical position to the first, after having made it run a path characterized by the very nature of the groove (h) and its position in relation to the bent shaft.

At this moment, the second leg acts to activate the first, as we have to see it for this one.

As I said above, the nature of the subjects can vary to but I specifically reserve to apply it to men or to animals.

In the case of quadruped animals, I reserve the right to connect the limbs in any manner deemed suitable, the motor mechanism of the legs or supports may, in this case, be applied to one of their parts.

The whole of this mechanism is mounted in a box (k), which will be concealed tonic manner deemed suitable, or it will be mounted between the walls of the subject to be active.

But why there is a patent number 15632 on top of the toy?

Patent 15632 on top of the toy

Martin applied on November 12, 1887 for a patent in France where it was given the number 186948 and about the same time Martin applied the patent in England where it was given the number 15632.
But all Martin copies and boxes found have the English patent number 15632.
I have not yet found any copies or a box with the French patent number.
On the top of the cart and on the box is written: “F.M. S.G.D.G. France & Etranger Paris Patent 15632
(France & Etranger meens French and foreign)
I think Martin used the English patent number because it had already been approved and the application for the French patent was still being processed in France. The toy was already in production before the French patent was

So the toy was already in production with the English patent number before the French patent was approved and that English number remained on it throughout its production life.

Le Treuil a marble game from 1895

My newest acquisition, the smallest one of the three Le Treuil games versions with the Fernand Martin product number 149

Image from the original catalog from 1898

A marble game that was manufactured in three different versions and heights.
The smallest has a height of about 40 cm = 15,75 inch
The center star has a height of about 65 cm = 25,59 inch
And the largest and rarest a height of about 1.05 cm = 41,43 inch

During the marble’s journey down, the man turns the handle and it seems that he lets the marble go down itself, but gravity does its job here

The versions are also different but the principle remains the same
At the top you have to add marbles, and when you add the marble there is a a saucer on which the first marble falls and due to the weight of the marble, the gravity does its work and the saucer with the marble goes down.
At the bottom, the saucer hits a pin, causing the marble to fall out of the saucer and end up in a bowl.
There are curves in the bowl that the marble rolls in, these curves are numbered or collored.
There are no clear rules of this game, so children could let their imaginations run wild and determine the rules themselves.

saucer in the top position
saucer in the lowest position on top of the pin
The smallest with 1 person and a fixed numbered tray
The middle one with 1 person and a separate tray with colors and numbers
The longest version is almost the same as the middle version, but has two people and a separate tray with colors.
Patent number 248045, a drawing with the largest version shown.

Article about the 10e Lépine competition.

Found in the newspaper: Le Grande Echo du Nord et du pas de Calais from August 23 1910

complete article
Detail of the article

You can clearly see in this image, picture with the number 2, the Martin aircraft number 215 and picture with the number 4 two S.I.J.I.M. toys, such as the boy on the chair (L’Apprenti Cavalier) and the S.I.J.I.M. version of the delivery boy (Le Livreur Rapide)

Below is a free translation of the text accompanying the article.

The toy exhibition – the 10th Lépine competition – has just opened at the Grand-Palais in Paris.
We mainly see scientific toys …
A very complicated flying machine with cardboard propellers and the pilots sitting on the wings and entitled: “Airship with ultra-fast beats and cyclone effect through the combined use of an automatic starter and a patented spiral turning system.
Rather, it is a toy for a pupil of the Poly-technic school, ( this is one of the most prestigious and selective grandes écoles in France) and there may be a little too many of these toys.
Do intricate mechanics really keep kids busy?
They might be happier if they could just pour water into their father’s hat and let the goldfish swim in it.
And watch those bowler hats, they already have one for 4 fr. 95 …
But fathers never give such gifts, why?
The first Lépine competition was fun, varied, ingenious, sparkling with verve and with the Parisian spirit.

Courtesy Bertoia auctions

Of course we fall back on age-old routines, on patience, on unbreakable babies. (Unbreakable Babies Another well-known psychological flaw, notes a “Democracy” columnist. I ask you honestly, what’s the funny thing about a doll, if we can’t break its head any longer? ..)
And then, the Lépine competions in the past; in buildings that were too small and too crowded.
This year the competition has moved with an expansion.
It is lost in the great “Grand Palais”, immense and desolate.
The “stands” do not fill the glass hall, it is the nation of the Lilliput on the way to the giants.
Take the small planes as an example.
There are two kinds, the scientific ones, which look a lot like the real ones, and then the other ones that look nothing like that, which are cheap and simple.
In that respect, the progress is remarkable.
Take a tour of the Grand Palais: you’ll see “gliding flights” that you’ll tell me about.
Worth mentioning are the already mentioned different airplanes and the new versions of rather funny mechanical toys (like the organ player and the hairdresser, they are really much better than in life: at least we don’t hear these), and then the portraits of M. Lépine, etc., etc….
Ah! and then the sign of the times: the “Barred Street Game”, it tests your patience of course. It consists of a map of Paris with pawns.

Courtesy Betroia auctions S.I.J.I.M. number 36 Le Livreur Rapide

“It is, says the message, for every player to get to a point in Paris and avoid the blocked streets. There are no ordinary children’s toys in the Grand Palais.
There are also inventors with a lot of new inventions.
Do not forget that the competition is organized by the “Association des Petits Manufacturers et Inventeurs Français”.
One can only admire the careful and ingenious goodwill of so many unknown inventors.
Whether all their inventions are practical, I cannot tell you.
Their barbaric names scared me a bit, from the apulso-aries to the “hygienic lazy mattress”.
In general, they apply to the small acts of everyday life, such as brushing clothes, buttoning your boots, or lighting a lamp.

S.I.J.I.M. number 35 L’Apprenti Cavalier

Philanthropic inventors do their best to spare you an infinite number of simple and familiar gestures, so you have no doubt that they were exhausting.
If we listen and believe them, we couldn’t wash our hands without a hydraulic machine, a spring-loaded pumice stone and an electric nail brush.
It’s a somewhat complicated way to simplify life.
Yet among these too subtle inventions we see many excellent and very useful ones.
This 10th Lépine competition, is more than just an exhibition of toys or practical inventions, you know what it is? …
This is the exhibition of good people.

Part five – Les Joujoux

This is the last part of a series of five, a free translation of a part of the book LES JOUJOUX written by Mr. Pierre Calmettes in 1924.

If you haven’t read part one, two, three or four yet, click this link(s):

The result, immediate and inevitable, of the economic crisis for Martin automata toys that transformed the conditions of everyday life every day, the automata toys, which were one of the great additions to the toy trinket companies, are still praised in 1923 by many of their former customers, with as much respect or indifference as they were ten years ago, for their high-quality mechanical toys.

Our minds, adapting to so many things and accustomed to both hardship and abundance, have not yet come to the immediate appreciation of the price increase, fair or not, of certain objects.

We are thinking carefully about this depreciation of our old currency, the premise of all the gains; we even accept, not without murmurs, grunts and gnashing of teeth, the continuous increase in the purchase prices of food, bread, wine, meat, vegetables, etc.

Young and old loved this toys. photo courtesy of Francois Binetruy

We resign ourselves to giving 400 francs to a tailor for a 120 franc suit in the past, women were seduced by fabrics, lace, jewels, hats, the prices of which were multiplied by two, by three, by four or even by five; but we are hesitant to buy toys for 5 fr. 45 to 6 fr. 45, because we remember that his label used to have 1 fr. 95.

It is because the lady who paid a bill that she would have fled in fear other times acquits it with the ulterior motive that the prices are higher but the quality of goods is superior.

She easily imagines, quite wrongly, that the added value is motivated by the new excellence of the product, that it differs in appearance or material, does not resemble similar products manufactured in 1913.

It is not possible to have the same thought when looking at the small automata toys.

Not only is their design still that of their first inventor, but also their shapes are not new.

If new models had to be made, taking into account the current labor prices required for three months to prepare a single type of automata toys, this lapse of time would only allow the manufacturer to launch four new products annually, then these new models would come to such high amounts that the cost and sales price would have to be excessively increased.

Therefore, only ten new models have been made since the war.

The automata toys sold today in the streets or on the shelves of department stores are therefore, save for a few details, almost the same as those distributed in 1914 at the same points.

The customer does not always understand that logically he now has to pay more than 5 francs for the Ma Portiére (the lady with a broom), which he paid 1 fr. 95 nine years earlier, even though she has not changed her costume and that her broomsticks by the same mechanism.

To enable potential buyers to understand the why and how of this multiplication of centimes in francs, which appear on the labels of Fernand Martin’s animated figures.

It would be enough for them to visit the factory that makes them and show them some invoices for the raw materials and the wages they have to pay to the workers.

The ever-increasing prices of materials, the general rise in wages, were automatically reflected in the selling prices of toys, with the severity of an inevitable rise which all manufactured articles and all commodities had to undergo.

Moreover, the exaggerations in the selling prices of toys, in the present case of automata toys, are not always attributable to the toy manufacturers, it is even necessary to say, and we will take advantage of this example to do it, that it is only the resellers who cause the price increases, the increases that they decide for themselves with the sole excuse that it is for their own benefit and independent of the customers.

For example, the two most popular automata at the moment, the Le Pochard (the drunkard) and the Le Gai Violoniste (the violinist), were sold to wholesalers for 3 fr.15 and 3 fr.35 by the factory, are quoted as 5 fr. .45 and 5 fr.50 in a large popular department store, and 6 fr.50 and 6 fr.95 in the front of a toy store in the upscale neighborhoods.

One of the major department stores the: Grand Bazar Paris

We could give more examples, and all the more striking and definitive as we started to include prices in major department stores.

The dealer who wants to earn on an item, or better yet, is solely responsible for the high prices of toys.

The producers are forced to accept the exorbitant terms of the intermediaries and see the high cost of toys only as an opportunity for loss of income, since toys always sell better the cheaper they are. But the deep flaw in our commercial institutions, the obligation for manufacturers to use intermediaries who make the real profit, this illogic, accepted and applied everywhere, which gives the profit of work to those who create nothing, these mistakes that we accept and suffer through atavism, exist in all industries and in all professions.

After all, toys have not become more expensive than at present all other products that are useful to our lives or indispensable to our complicated civilization, and when we pass the department stores or stop to avoid the pictorial speeches of a street peddler, we have to forgot old sales prices of the automata toys, and not just the automata toys, but all the toys.

Let’s accept the current rates, like the inevitable consequences of a war without precedent in the annals of humanity and let’s buy toys.

They entertain the children and they support thousands of people.

And not only did the toys bring joy and cheerfulness to little children of all times and all countries, they also serve as a distraction for adults who forget their sad moods and find it a distraction to look at their children’s toys, those toys that are often almost the same. is like the toys they were entertained with themselves when they were little.

But toy productions aren’t just a fun pastime for kids of all ages, toys sometimes have more serious qualities and some give, to those who have them, a penchant for useful tasks.

Thus the automata, the preparation of which we now know, sometimes become excellent energy teachers for the youth, showing them the mechanical application of some manual work.

These toys serve as examples, and examples to be followed, when working with a feverish activity, such as the Les Courageous Scieurs de long.  (board sawmills), the Chand Tonneaux (the man with the wooden barrels), the L’artiste capillaire ( the hairdresser), the Le charcuterie (the butcher), the Le Fort De La Halle (the man who carries bags)), the Le Petit Décrotteur (the shoe shiner), the Les Agents (the cop), L’homme De Corvée ( the street sweeper).

These figures that, reassembled, do not stop working, as long as the spring they contain works on the gears, don’t they give children the idea of ​​using their hands to do useful work?

Children can easily imagine that they can imitate the gestures of adults without difficulty.

If so, but much better, they will be convinced of the possibility of replicating their toys when they see the movements of these craftsmen and come to practice the craft of the craftsmen of flesh and bone.

two of the biggest sales successes

The education that the little toys give to the children is not the least interesting side of their history.  To work, to work without ceasing, is the first of all conditions to achieve the goal that must be our generation: to educate our industry, to clean up our trade, to raise our morale.

Toys that, even if only a small part, can contribute to the improvement of our future craftsmen, by giving them a taste of the work, these toys are never too expensive.

Even at the high prices after the war, we as teachers of our toddlers must give them the lessons that they will be invaluable if they are given the calling of profitable work and useful to all.

And it’s funny to think that children will one day become good craftsmen because they have seen toy figures evolve, propelled by a pair of wheels, through gears, hinges and a spring that is wound by a key.

This was the fifth and last article of the series “Les Joujoux”, I hope you have understood something more about the problems of the toy industry at the end of the first quarter of the last century.

Results of the MARC LABARBE Acouction House toy auction June 18 -2022



With a large number of Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys this time

For more information see the French bidding site :

All prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Website :

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

See what you can read in the July issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the July 2022 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine July 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Visit to a unique museum with a huge collection of Fernand Martin toys

A short report of the festivities surrounding the “Stiftungs- und Museumsfest” of the Spielmuseum on June 10-12 in the city of Soltau in Germany.

The festivities were spread over three museums, the main building of the toy museum, the annex of the toy museum with the Fernand Martin toys and Felto Filzwelt, the felt museum where you can see the history of felt production and processing and where a large collection of felt toys from Steiff placed in a huge Panorama display case.

Main Building of the toy museum

On Saturday day 2 we attended a lecture especially on dollhouses by Mrs. Elisabeth Lewe, a collector and specialist in dollhouses.
For those interested in Martin toys, the Fernand Martin’s collection of this museum was especially in the spotlight on Sunday day 3.

On Sunday morning I was able to give a lecture myself especially about the Fernand Martin collection and the collecting life of Arthur Verdoorn and of course our mutual friend Lourens Bas was not forgotten. (Arthur and Lourens are the makers of the well-known Fernand Martin book )

Arthur had his own private museum next to his house and that museum was filled with several thousand pieces of antique toys.

During his life Arthur had already determined that his entire collection had to be properly housed and after a long search and with good consultation this became the Spielmuseum in Soltau.

Arthur Verdoorn’s collection consisted not only of Fernand Martin toys, but also included all kinds and makes of antique toys, mainly from Europe and America and ranging from wooden, cast iron, paper, lithographed tin, hand-lacquered tin, etcetera.

The Ernst family, founder of the museum, have gone out of their way to properly house the collection, which has also resulted that they rent an old existing building with a large retail space directly across the street from their existing main building.
The majority of Arthur’s collection is housed in this adjoining building, with a special section containing Fernand Martin’s toys.
This department has been given the name “Petit Paris”.

This collection is still being expanded with new acquisitions and is therefore probably the largest Martin collection currently housed in a public museum.
The toys are not statically arranged but playful like Arthur had it in his own museum.

Mathias and Antje Ernst have put a lot of effort into making it a beautiful whole.
Photos speak louder than words and that is why I quickly took some photos during our stay, some of which I have depicted in this report so that everyone can see what I mean, but you must of course have been there yourself to taste the atmosphere.
Also included are a few screens showing a number of Martin toys working.

Central to “Petit Paris” is an advertising column, recreated after the model of the old advertising columns as they stood in Paris around 1900, in and on this column is information, toys and secret doors hidden behind toys.
For information, opening times, etc. see:

There is much more to see than just Fernand Martin toys

If you have the opportunity to visit this toy museum with its two buildings, you will never regret it, even “not” Martin collectors will enjoy, this visit can also be combined with a combination entrance ticket for a visit to the felt museum Felto, located directly in the vicinity of the toy museum.

1 main building toy museum, 2 annex of the toy museum, 3 Felto Filzwelt,

Results: Antico mondo 93th Toy Auction 10 / 11- june 2022

The brandnew catalog of the 93th Toy Auction is online!

More than 1900 lots of Tin Toys, Trains, Figures, Model Cars as well as historical Advertising will be auctioned and this time with tree Martin / Vebe toys

Lot number : 6027- 6661- 6028

results auction lot numbers:
6027 – La Blanchisseuse Martin number 171 € 750
6028 – Le Faucheur Martin number 170 € 750
6661 – Le Ramier Martin number 251 lot passed

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

This prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Le gai violoniste – The violin player

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1897 about a sweeping violin player made by Martin.
This piece is put in motion by a clockwork mechanism
It was first made in 1897
light approx 20cm ( 7,87 inch)
Fernand Martin number 160

This toy is one of the most produced pieces and was even produced by Victor Bonnet until the 1930s

There are two versions, the oldest version has a long overcoat, as also mentioned in the article below, the version with a short coat was produced later, presumably a cost saving.

From the magazine La Nature 1895, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –
Both “coat” versions Courtesy Spielmuseum Soltau Germany

A free translation of the above text:

The violinist.
Here is a charming toy that has a lot of drive.
A poor fellow in a long overcoat, with a top hat not without a few strokes, walks around with a violin in his hand, and in his journey he lets out some musical tunes.
The motor mechanism, which controls both the movement of the legs and the richt arm, is a spring placed inside and that an external key is enough to set it in motion.
The violinist you can find at Mr. Fernand Martin, 88, boulvard Ménilmontant, in Paris.

PAY ATTENTION when you will buy one

There are figurines for sale that were not produced by Martin, Flersheim or Bonnet, these are counterfeit / iomitations, for the untrained collector perhaps not immediately recognizable at first but take a look at the following violinists, these are all counterfeit / imitations.

When you will buy one first pay attention to the key it must always be one of these 6 models

MARC LABARBE Auction House toy auction June 18 -2022



With a large number of Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys this time

“Courtesy Marc Labarbe Auction House“.

For more information see the French bidding site :

All prices on the biddingsite are in € (Euro)

Website :

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Part four -Les Joujoux

This is part four of a series of five, a free translation of a part of the book LES JOUJOUX written by Mr. Pierre Calmettes in 1924.

If you haven’t read part one, two or three yet, click this link(s):

The fabrics are cut with a small mold cutter and the

These activate the mechanism and make the man walk and move, they are solely responsible for his future life.

They may reject it as unbalanced or declare it suitable for packaging.

The room where the figures are placed in their boxes is not one of the least active in the factory.

In the middle of the selling season, during times of heavy traffic, they filled three to four thousand boxes a day.

Only a thousand are currently being prepared.

Not the cop with the white bat, taken as the subject of study on our first visit and lately followed by us from workbench to workbench, like an old acquaintance, but figures now in fashion, about two hundred models made by the factory are manufactured since its inception.

And by an irony well suited to the satirical spirit of automata, the most in-demand of all mechanical figurines is the one which, through its success, replaced the Les agents (the French agent), is the Le Pochard (the drunkard).

The Les agents was also responsible for modifying and playing with the Le gai violonist (the violinist).

This drunkard shares his current love with the Le gai violoniste, the Auto transport (the dump truck) Le jeune ecuyer (boy on the chair), de L’ours, (bear) de L’autopatte (boy on the cart with fruit) and the Le Petit Livreur (the little delivery boy).

the Auto transport (the dump truck)

All “new” models require three months of research to prepare the special tools required for their implementation.

The raw materials that go into their production are evaluated.

Needed in 1914:  2,000 kilos of tin and sheet metal per month, that is 24,000 kilos per year.

Before 1914:  500 yards of fabric were used per day, and by the end of the year, approximately 200,000 yards of fabric, canvas, or flannel had gone to the factory.

Right now in 1923:  20 meters per day, 7,000 meters per year is sufficient.

And this formidable difference between the two examples is partly due to the new manufacture of models entirely canned, which for their decoration only need water a few times with the airbrush or rare brushstrokes, but no longer know the costumes in different fabrics.

In addition, the sale of mechanical toys subject to customary law, which has become scarce since the war.

Mr. Martin once told me his earlier production numbers.

That was at the time of intensive labor in 1910, when he produced about 8,000 automata per day, of which for the whole year there were a total of 7 to 800,000 of these automata bonhommes figurines, supplied by the factory to the world market.

We now have to reduce these prestigious numbers to 1,000 toys completed every day, to 240,000 for the whole year.

The era of large orders coincided with cost prices so low that they could sell at very low cost, but still pay off.

We paid the fabric cutters per cut from 0 fr. 40 to I fr. 50 per thousand. (fr. is French franc)

The female workers were paid by the day, just like the male workers, the female workers received one French franc per hour for ten hours of work, the male workers received 3 francs for the same time/ presence in the workshop.

In 1923 the workers are all paid by the hour, the mechanics have 3 to 3 francs. 50, the editors, dressers, painters, etc., have 1 fr. 75, so that is an average amount of 24 to 28 francs and 14 francs per day respectively.

A worker today in 1923 earns 8 francs more for eight hours of work than they earned in 1914 for a ten-hour day.

The old salaries, which were then the usual wages, have been more distant from us then by events than by time, which today seem exceedingly modest to us, made it possible to obtain reductions in cost prices, so that retail prices were affordable.

We could then roughly supply the toys for 11 or 12 francs for the twelve pieces per dozen and deliver them each to the street vendors for 1 fr. 45. and these they resold for 1 fr. 95.

Like all goods, the toy industry suffer under the general rise in the cost of living and is not what it once was and its products have lost their old reputation as popular mechanical toys because of their subjects, their technique and their selling prices of 11 or 12 francs a dozen in 1913 are the Martin “bonhommes” now arrived in 1923 at 42 and 45 francs per dozen or a retail price of 3 francs. 50 to 3 francs. 75 each, ex works price.

At the wholesale price of 37 Fr.80 and 40 Fr.50 per dozen, or 3 Fr.15 and 3 Fr.38 each sold to street vendors.

Street vendor in Paris selling his Martins

Presented in the major department stores, the same “bonhommes” are labeled at 5 fr.50.

In the New Year’s Eve catalogs of 1922, the prices for the “Le Petit Livreur” stood at 5 fr. 95; La Petit Marchande D’oranges at 6 fr. 45 and the Le Déverseur at 9 fr. 90.

These prices, which are unlimited, make parents think, who don’t always, as they have in the past, like to take care of their toddlers at any given opportunity, depending on the age, a firefighter, an orange seller, a dancing bear, a drunkard , a violinist or any other subject.

But let’s face it, the prices have not been increased for nothing.

Raw materials and wages have doubled, tripled and quadrupled in the past decade; we have just seen the new wages to the workers; we give them here again, in addition to the comparative prices of the materials, the examination of such a table is sufficient to understand the emergence of articles made with these materials and by these workers.

SALARIS FROM 1914 TO 1923:

Salaries in 1914: Day worker 10 fr. Per day Day worker 3 fr. Per day

Salaries in 1923: Hourly workers 3 francs per hour, per eight-hour day 24-28 francs.

Hourly workers, per eight-hour day 14 francs.


Can 30 francs per 100 kilos to 260 francs per 100 kilos.

Small gears: 8 fr. 50 per thousand to 41 francs per thousand.

Fabrics: 0.35 fr. per meter to 3 fr. 75 per meter.

When you read these figures, it should come as no surprise that the factory charges 3 fr. 50 and the most expensive 8 francs for its cheapest machine.

It is not surprising that this factory, which ten years ago supplied nearly a million automatic figures a year to customers in the five parts of the world, which received thousands of orders from America and England, is still regarded today as one of our most important factories of toys and as the first for “automata” , while now in 1923, with his 80 workers, he makes no more than just 1,000 small figures a day, with a total of 240,000 figures for the twelve months of this year.

There is clearly a breakdown for these kind off toys as with all other toys.

Read next time further in the last part 5

Ma portière – The sweeping lady the first version

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1895 about a sweeping lady made by Martin.
This nice piece is put in motion by the well-known Martin “rubber band” method, the winding is done by the winding handle at the top of the head, under het scirt is the “rubber band” that goes to the movement mechanism.
It was first made in 1895
light approx 22cm ( 8,66 inch)
Fernand Martin number 147

This is the first version, a later version has a clockwork mechanism with the key on the back.
From the magazine La Nature 1895, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

A free translation of the above text:

The sweeping lady.
Mr. Fernand Martin, the able director of the French manufacture of mechanical and automatic iron toys, sends us, with a specimen from the mechanical concierge, the following letter:
-I am sending you my latest novelty, as I am used to it, and, as I know you are very knowledgeable, I call your attention to the mode of propulsion of this toy that I mainly get through the pendulum which strikes to the right and to the left and by the inclination of the plush which is under the feet (no 2 in the figure) and which makes it possible to advance but not to retreat.
This houskeeper is operated, which sweeps by turning the rubber straps which form the spring of the motor.
Number 3 shows the inner mechanism of the doll.
When the winder has been turned to tighten the rubber, the toy is placed on a flat but non-slippery surface; the door starts to sweep as it walks, and it stands perfectly upright (no 1).
It is a very ingenious toy.
The manufacturer is, as we have said, Mr. Fernand Martin, 88, boulevard Ménilmontant, Paris.

You want to know more about this toy then look at the next link:

Result Bertoia Auction Fernand Martin – Victor Bonnet toys from the Anual Spring Auction May 19-20, 2022

Our Annual Spring sale will feature a myriad of cross collectible categories ranging from toys to banks, advertising to ephemera, trains to pressed steel, wind-ups and more. Highlights include a large Coca Cola collection, a huge array of tin wind-ups & penny toys, and a select grouping of toy soldiers. Featured collections by Ray Burgess, Kent Woloson, and Edward Lotz.

This time with 4 Martin and Victor Bonnet toys up for auction, some of which are very rare! Watch the catalog with this link:

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result Fernand Martin toy in the auction of Mai 18-2022 auctionhouse DE ZWAAN.

Auctionhouse ‘de Zwaan’ is the oldest and only remaining auction house in the center of Amsterdam. The history begins in 1818 when a number of auctioneers auctioned household effects in several buildings on the Singel. This complex of buildings was known as ‘De Zwaan’, named after the brewery that was located there from 1578 to 1790. At the end of the 19th century, the auction building proved to be such a success that it had to expand, first with a few houses in the Spuistraat and in 1913 with the move to the stately building on the Keizersgracht, no 474, a former merchant’s house from around 1675.

In this auction is one Fernand Martin toy, but there are much more other beautiful antique toys to see in this auction

Result € 300 Lot number 1407 (Courtesy De Zwaan auctions)

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

This price is in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

See what you can read in the June issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the June 2022 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine June 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Antico mondo 93th Toy Auction 10 till 11- june 2022

The brandnew catalog of the 93th Toy Auction is online!

More than 1900 lots of Tin Toys, Trains, Figures, Model Cars as well as historical Advertising will be auctioned and this time with tree Martin / Vebe toys

Lot number : 6027- 6661- 6028

6027 – La Blanchisseuse Martin number 171
6028 – Le Faucheur Martin number 170
6661 – Le Ramier Martin number 251

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these tree toys.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Victor Bonnet: Le Clown Orchestre Number 253

Produced from about 1927
Brass nameplate between the legs

With 5 keys you can operate one of the legs, arms or head per key, when you press a key a bell will sound.
The toy is made of tinplate, wood for the base and the back, paper, fabric and brass for the bells and the nameplate.
The height is about 25 cm

If you want to buy one, please note the following:
The basic color is blue, factory applied and not (hand) painted.
Around the neck is a piece of lace fabric and the clothes can be different in color, orange/blue, yellow/blue, orange/gray, they have often become very faded due to the influence of sunlight, so always place them out of the sunlight
There should be a pointed hat on the head
Also pay attention to the hand-painted face, the applied accents are applied quickly and tightly, with over-painted faces this is usually “vibrating”
The bells are made of brass
The wooden base and the back have a brown/red color
Under the keys and under the feet is a decorated paper ( in a few differend designs )

Toy makers needed new designs every time to produce.
Many of these designs came from the direct living environment of the makers.
Now I think the idea for this Victor Bonnet’s clown came from earlier toys produced because, I have found several earlyer examples from that time of toys that are very similar but produced by other toy makers.
See some examples here:

Courtesy Auction Team Breker
left figure is by Decamps around 1895, the right figure maker unknown around 1910 Source: the book “Faszinierende Welt der Automaten” from Annette Beyer 1983

Thanks for the help from publishing house Callwey München and from the toy museum Soltau Germany

Question !!! La Perruche 1882

I saw this rare Martin on Ebay France recently.
He also disappeared very quickly.
Who knows where it is and could send some more pictures of it.
I want to write an article about this.

J’ai vu ce rare Martin sur Ebay France récemment.
Il a également disparu très rapidement.
Qui sait où il se trouve et pourrait envoyer d’autres photos de celui-ci.
Je veux écrire un article à ce sujet.


Auctionhouse DE ZWAAN, the auction on mai 18- 2022 with one Fernand Martin toy

Auctionhouse ‘de Zwaan’ is the oldest and only remaining auction house in the center of Amsterdam. The history begins in 1818 when a number of auctioneers auctioned household effects in several buildings on the Singel. This complex of buildings was known as ‘De Zwaan’, named after the brewery that was located there from 1578 to 1790. At the end of the 19th century, the auction building proved to be such a success that it had to expand, first with a few houses in the Spuistraat and in 1913 with the move to the stately building on the Keizersgracht, no 474, a former merchant’s house from around 1675.

In this auction is one Fernand Martin toy, but there are much more other beautiful antique toys to see in this auction

Lot number 1407 (Courtesy De Zwaan auctions)

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Bertoia Auction “Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys on the next Anual Spring Auction May 19-20, 2022”

Our Annual Spring sale will feature a myriad of cross collectible categories ranging from toys to banks, advertising to ephemera, trains to pressed steel, wind-ups and more. Highlights include a large Coca Cola collection, a huge array of tin wind-ups & penny toys, and a select grouping of toy soldiers. Featured collections by Ray Burgess, Kent Woloson, and Edward Lotz.

This time with 4 Martin and Victor Bonnet toys up for auction, some of which are very rare! Watch the catalog with this link:

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Part three -Les Joujoux

This is part three of a series of five, a free translation of a part of the book LES JOUJOUX written by Mr. Pierre Calmettes in 1924.

If you haven’t read part one or two yet, click this link(s):

The fabrics are cut with a small mold cutter and the sleeves of the suits are not sewn together, to simplify the work they make tubes of fabric several meters long, we make meters and meters of them, and when they costume connected they are first cut into pieces and use, they are cut in a few seconds to the size of the arms to be covered.

The mechanical figures are dressed so quickly that the eye can hardly follow them in the hands of the seamstresses; they take them naked to the left and they go to the right covered with their pants and their jacket, or their dress and their bodice.

Provided the clothes hold up, we don’t look at the size of these points.

Neat stitching would not match the relative durability of this toy.

These mechanical toys must be popular toys, it is by their final appearance that they are funny and precious, by their gestures, by their attitude and it makes little difference whether their resource has an intrinsic value or not.

The brown bear “L’ Ours Martin” version with the lacquered head made in the George Flersheim period.

Whether these dolls represent a clown walking on hands, a firefighter climbing a ladder, a pianist beating a piano, a violinist playing his violin, or a carpenter sawing wood, they are all dressed in coarse fabrics hastily put together.

But when they indulge in their debauchery, these automata are fun and picturesque, they have everything you need to please kids, and if they were luxuriously dressed it might be much less fun for the children.

In addition, the simplification of their costumes allows for the most unexpected transformations of the same articulated carcasses.

By changing the uniform of a French police officer into an English police officer.

We turn an American shoe shiner into a Parisian shoe shiner, the soldiers dress, according to the orders, with all the allied uniforms and with the same skeleton we can also make other effects, you could turn them into for example an African singer, a soldier Annamite (a soldier from Vietnam), an Eskimo or Indian.

The clothes, the color of the skin and the hair are different, but the gears that drive them are the same.

And what also does not differ is the number of operations that have to be performed, one after the other, to convert the iron sheets taken from the rolling mills into moving toys.

The pianist

One of the most complicated subjects prepared in the Martin workshops is the pianist, hairy and suitably dressed, he strikes his piano with a tempo worthy of the composers Bauer, Pugno or Paderewski.

Sixty-two parts are needed for the assembly and it goes through two hundred and twenty hands before it is finished.

The cop (les Agents) with the white bat, which was topical a few years ago, claimed the care of one hundred and twenty-seven hands, engaged in one hundred and twenty-seven consecutive operations or steps.

We followed this cop on our first walk through the factory, we saw it go into the steam cutters with the iron blades at the entrance and we saw it come out of the shop, locked in beautiful cardboard boxes, colored in blue and red, the colors of the city of Paris.

The cop is out of fashion, but figures are still being made in the factory that resemble it anatomically. They are simply dressed in different costumes and given newer names.

To us, the amiable director of the workshops was kind enough to let us follow through the sequence of operations of this good cop who has occasionally become a faithful guardian of our Parisian streets.

The torsos and heads are punched into two parts after cutting, which will meet during assembly.

These pieces are cut from pieces of black iron for the torsos and copper for the heads.

After stamping, a special machine evens out the burrs, drills the holes for mounting the body on the legs, the mechanism in the body and the head above the mechanism.

This consists of springs, gears, a regulating exhaust and two “cranks”. These “crutches” are one of the inventor’s finds.

They make the cop move according to the immutable rules of military marching, that is, by jerky gestures.

It is these “crutches” that, lifted in turn by the engine and leaning on the ground, push the body forward, the body is in balance.

Assembled, the little cop has a good set up.

The gears are carefully oiled and then checked successively by the clockwork makers and experts. These allow only the toys with perfect movement and balance to the go dyeing.

Accepted by the review committee, the agents are brought in trays of fifty for the workers who paint two hundred a day.

This Les Agent (The Cop) you can see in the Toy Museum in Soltau Germany

An cop uniform consists of: trousers, a tunic, a cape and a cap.

We dress the figures in batches of fifty.

Regular clothing requires the use of a foot of fabric, cut into three parts, which fit together with wide seams.

The three buttons and the decorations on the jacket, cut from silver paper, are attached to the jacket by the glue machines.

It is also they who put the black paper belt and add the gold paper buckle.

The cap, stamped at the same time as the head, in the same piece of metal, is colored black, red and white.

To complete the uniform, all you need to do is glue a cardboard hand to the bottom of the left sleeve that floats, without a metal arm. to be completed in one hour. When fully clothed, the cops are sent back to the controlling keywind clockwork makers.

Read next time further in part 4

Results of the Fernand Martin/ Victor Bonnet toys in the:

“JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on April 23 – 2022

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time a few nice Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys in the “LIVE” auction on April 23 -2022.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.


Here the link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


These prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Number 172 and 172 ???

Looking through Martin’s old catalogs I found that Martin numbered two different toys identically.
They are the “Le Pochard” and the “Le Balayeur”
Both got the same number 172, (see the box label and the catalog image) .
In the book by Frédéric Marchand they are also mentioned on pages 58 and 102 with number 172 but in the book by Lourens Bas with numbers 172 and 176.

Box label
Catalog image
catalog image (no box label found till now, when someone has a box label! let me know)

Here an overview of the numbers between 172 and 179
The list of toy numbers from the Le Pochard to the Bamboula that have been confirmed so far by box labels and or catalog images:
Le Pochard 172
Le Balayeur 172
L’Homme de corvée 173
……. 174
Le Gentleman Khaki 175
……. 176
Le Chinois 177
L’Agent de Police 178
Bamboula 179

So there are two numbers that are unknown and there is 1 toy de: Le Vaillant Boer who does not yet have a definitive number and must fit in the previous number series, so number 174 or 176 are available, one of these two is for the Le Vaillant Boer but which toy is the remaining number ????

See what you can read in the May issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the May 2022 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine May 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

“JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on April 23 – 2022

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time a few nice Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys in the “LIVE” auction on April 23 -2022.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.

Auction numbers: 225-226-227-228


Here the link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martin’s

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Le jouet de pécheur à la ligne – The toy fisher with a line.

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1892 about a tin fisherman made by Martin.
This nice piece is put in motion by the well-known Martin “rubber band” method, the winding is done by the winding handle at the front of the boat, under the boat is the “rubber band” that goes to the movement mechanism.
It was first made in 1892
length approx 22cm ( 8,66 inch)
Fernand Martin number 120

Courtesy Bertoia Auctions
From the magazine La Nature 1892, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

The free translation of the above text :

Le jouet de pécheur à la ligne
Dressed in white canvas and wearing, as it should be, the classic wide-brimmed straw hat, he is standing at the front of his boat, the little fisherman on the line; he holds in one hand his net which is beginning to be well filled; on the other, he maneuvers his line, at the end of which, when he withdraws it, we see a brightly colored fish wriggling.
The fishing is good, it works every time!
This toy is due to Mr. F. Martin, the well-known Parisian manufacturer of which we have already presented several creations to the readers of La Nature.
We find there the cachet of originality which already distinguished Ies other toys of this inventor.
Here again, it is the twisted rubber band which gives movement to the two drive wheels placed at the front of the boat.
One of them actuates, by means of a connecting rod, a horizontal cross member to which it gives an oscillating movement which is transmitted to the fisherman, the other carries on its outer face a metal blade contoured in a spiral and playing the role of cam.
This very simple set is enough to give the character the movement of a true fisherman in the exercise of his functions.
The one of the legs is welded to a vertical socket which oscillates and allows the fisherman to turn back and forth to follow with his eye his line which descends the stream, then, once straightened, to bring back strongly the line in front.
The socket is crossed by a vertical rod which rests at the bottom on the cam and hooks at the top to the back of the bust of the character articulated at the top of the legs, and which is straightened by the effect of the counterweight in the form of a net with fish he is holding in his hand when the cam stops acting on the vertical rod.
A longer explanation of the mechanism would be tedious.
It is with the help of this simple arrangement that we see our fisherman, first camped upright, turn forwards and backwards to cast his line, lean while turning back and forth to do not lose sight of it as it descends the stream, then stand up abruptly to remove the line from the water and the fish that has just taken it each of these movements is executed with a natural so perfect that it recalls a real scene of angling, seen through the big end of the telescope.
The fisherman’s toy can be found at M. Martin’s, 90, boulevard Menilmontant, in Paris.

Part two – Les Joujoux

This is part two of a series of five, a free translation of a part of the book LES JOUJOUX written by Mr. Pierre Calmettes in 1924.

If you haven’t read part one yet, click this link:

These workers are also responsible for preparing the feet, lead feet, on which are attached the iron wires, which in the automata replace the femur, tibia and fibula.

These feet are heavy enough to keep the loopers in balance.

A wire of the same diameter is used to make the arms, skeletal arms, at the end of which the hands are welded.

The two halves of the torso, chest, abdomen and shoulders are joined together by small tongues and discs.

This forms the rib cage in which the engine will be embedded.

The engine is the soul of the machine.

Whether it’s a city cop, a clown, a lady with a broom or a firefighter, they’re all the same cogs.

These gears consist of ground iron and red copper gears, fused yellow copper pinions and steel pivots.

It is a steel spring sometimes 30 centimeters long and till 10 millimeters wide, which transmits the movement to the gears.

These act on the pinions, which turn other gears, and these make the machines spin or jump. It is understandable that expert employees are responsible for assembling the motors.

These engines must be flawless.

Shouldn’t the key that locks the spring go into the most ruthless of all hands, those of children?

And it was necessary to foresee, for the creation of an automaton mechanism, that it will be handled with incompetence, bent crookedly and thrown to the ground.

In fact, it needs to be fixed with special care so that it can function more than twice between the clumsy fingers of their little owners.

But the way they are designed, they are very strong, even the most complicated ones, the ones with eight or ten gears.

With a few details, it’s the same springs, the same gears and the same pinions that drive all models, made by the factory and running, tapping, pulling, driving, pushing, playing, rolling, mowing, sweeping, pumping, sawing, etc.

Once adjusted, tested, checked, accepted by the supervisors, the engines are prepared for assembly.

Mechanics connect the heads, hands, legs, arms, feet and all the parts that make up the figure.

Before dressing

The fitters are equipped with a small anvil, a hammer, a punch and pliers.

With dexterity they insert the legs into the indentations, fold these legs backwards and thus connect firmly and quickly with the skeleton, the half torso and the head to the neck.

After all their pieces come together, the automata present themselves to you so strangely lanky that they present you to the aliens of HG Wells (This is a reference to the science fiction novel: “The war of the worlds” by HG Wells) remind.

Their legs and their arms of wire, attached to a torso resembling an armor, their heads and their hands, blackened by stamping, form an ugly and incomprehensible whole, whose resemblance to the monstrous machines of the English writer is complete, when the engine starts and we see the feet go up alternately, carried by gaunt legs, pushing them forward, by stiff and jerky movements, a black box surmounted by a head that turns right and left, without one’s face from the skull, beneath the layer of dirt that covers it.

Children who love to play with this toy would never appreciate seeing it during assembly.

In fact, it is likely that they would categorically refuse to take such a strange object in their hands.

In the painting and dressing room, the transformation from an ugly mechanism into a beautiful toy takes place.

The women, who only populate the painting studio, share the work.

In the past, each of them treated only one color and one part of the figure.

And this little figure traveled from one to the other.

After dressing and painting

The first had pink on the head and on the hands; a second painted the mouth with carmine, another created the visual part with blue and black, another applied black varnish to the feet, to put the old man on a nice pair of pumps.

Today the work is simplified; all uniform colors are applied to the figures with an airbrush and only the details of the heads or the costumes are still colored by hand.

The wig is made simply with a layer of glue on the skull and felt scraps as hairs on the glue.

As it stands, the mechanical toy has taken on color and hair, but his body is still a skeleton.

He must be dressed, an operation that will take place once the shades of pink, black, blue, brown, white or red it is covered with will be dried.

The costumes with which we dress the vending machines have only a very distant relationship with clothes that adorn the ordinary dolls or the luxury dolls.

Even the simplest ordinary dolls have a more beautiful toilet, we cannot compare them with those of the mechanical toys from Martin’s factory.

The making of these dresses are done by ladies or girls. If you have spent a moment in the workshop area of ​​the factory dedicated to the clothing, you will understand why the dresses of the expensive luxury dolls are better cut and put together than those of the vending machines figurines

As an economic factor, here only the speed count. the workers have to work very fast.

Without realizing it, they applied the theories of the Taylor method. (Frederick Taylor was an American mechanical engineer who contributed to the theory of workshop organization (Taylorism)

The seams are then often replaced by a brush stroke with glue.

All useless gestures are suppressed, all superfluous things left out, such as sometimes sewing with thread and needle.

It’s faster and it’s much sturdier.


Result Martin toy in the New Haven Auctions April 03, 2022

Antiques from Estates & Collections

Americana from the collection of Bill Kelly, David Good and others. Antiques and artwork from local estates and collections.

Important carved Bernier Peacock, several weathervanes including a rare Arabian horse weathervane, Folk art carvings, two important ancient Roman Dolia, rare Suel Dodge New Hampshire Dressing table, rare 18th cupboard with original paint-decoration, fine knuckle arm Windsor, New Hampshire bandy-leg six drawer chest, folk art female trade figure, painted boxes, Prior portrait of a lady, full length portrait of a boy with red wagon, Shenandoah Valley Still life, needlework samplers, Stoneware, mid-century modern, including Wenger, Saarinen, Van Koert, An Original Warhol Golden Mushroom Silk Screen. Garden antiques including a fine pair of cast iron lions , Tiffany lamps, Early silver, Oriental carpets, Toys including Rare Chief Big Moon Mechanical Bank, Bear Mechanical bank, Rare German bears sand toy, dolls and more.


Fernand Martin windup performing bear with pole. Original box. Circa. 1900 – 1910. Condition: H 7-3/8″ W 5-3/8″ W 4-1/2″ Box H 4-1/4″ W 4-1/4″ L 7-1/2″


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

The Firefighter- Le Pompier a L’échelle, an overview of the differences.

Martin has produced many different figures.
The toy which was a great success was produced over a long period of time and Martin’s successors; George Flersheim and Victor Bonnet have also continued to produce these successes with sometimes minor or larger adjustments and changes.
The changes resulted from improved production methods, the pressure to produce cheaper, changes in “fashion” such as clothing but also, as in this example, the helmet and the keys.

Dipping and drying of the three-part “Martin” ladder in 1905


1) First released by Martin in 1904 with the number 197.
2) Flersheim reproduced the same Martin 1904 model in 1912, he only changed the type of key.
3) But later Flersheim modernized, between 1912 and 1915, the head and a different “modern” helmet model.
4) Victor Bonnet reproduced the Flersheim fireman again in 1919, he only changed the key to a Victor Bonnet model and he got a completely different ladder, this ladder was a freestanding model and consisted of 3 separate components, one component is the three parts ladder and the other two components are the separate parts for the behind standard, this standard is attached to the ladder at the top and attached to each other in the middle and to the three parts ladder with a small tube.
5) Later the victor Bonnet model got a start/stop handle on the back, these are quite rare.

You see the differences are sometimes small.  

Left model by Martin 1904 Right Martin model released by Flersheim 1912

-left- MARTIN : three-part ladder and a low back of the helmet and a clockwork with Martin key.
-right- FLERSHEIM : three-part ladder and a low back of the helmet and a clockwork with Flersheim key.

Left Flersheim model 1912/13 Right Flersheim model but released by Victor Bonnet 1919

-left- FLERSHEIM : the same three-part ladder but now with a different model head and modern model helmet, the clockwork get a typical Flersheim key.  
-right- VICTOR BONNET : a different freestanding ladder and a clockwork with the Victor Bonnet model key. (see detail), the VICTOR BONNET model gets a another box.

Box used by Martin and Flersheim Box used by Bonnet
Victor Bonnet model with the freestanding ladder and a start/stop handle on the back.
courtesy of Bertoia Auctions

See what you can read in the April issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the April 2022 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine April 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Antique toys on a short film

This film you can see a part of the Jac Remise tintoys collection, this film is made in 1970 with beautiful toys. Jac Remise is Frenchman and the author of many toy articles and books

Titel of this film: 1970 Periodista Televisión Francesa Coleccionista Juguetes Jac Remise collection anciens jouets and made by RETROCLIPS

Retroclips is a channel dedicated to collecting “retro” videos to refresh our memories. If we do not look at the past as it was seen in its time, we can end up seeing it to the taste of the dominant powers in the present.

More films about old toys??

Last two months I published two other beautiful films, haven’t seen it yet? then click on these links:

New Haven Auctions April 03, 2022

Antiques from Estates & Collections

Americana from the collection of Bill Kelly, David Good and others. Antiques and artwork from local estates and collections.

Important carved Bernier Peacock, several weathervanes including a rare Arabian horse weathervane, Folk art carvings, two important ancient Roman Dolia, rare Suel Dodge New Hampshire Dressing table, rare 18th cupboard with original paint-decoration, fine knuckle arm Windsor, New Hampshire bandy-leg six drawer chest, folk art female trade figure, painted boxes, Prior portrait of a lady, full length portrait of a boy with red wagon, Shenandoah Valley Still life, needlework samplers, Stoneware, mid-century modern, including Wenger, Saarinen, Van Koert, An Original Warhol Golden Mushroom Silk Screen. Garden antiques including a fine pair of cast iron lions , Tiffany lamps, Early silver, Oriental carpets, Toys including Rare Chief Big Moon Mechanical Bank, Bear Mechanical bank, Rare German bears sand toy, dolls and more.


Fernand Martin windup performing bear with pole. Original box. Circa. 1900 – 1910. Condition: H 7-3/8″ W 5-3/8″ W 4-1/2″ Box H 4-1/4″ W 4-1/4″ L 7-1/2″


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Part one – Les Joujoux

This is a free translation of part of the book LES JOUJOUX written by Mr. Pierre Calmettes in 1924, he was a painter and man of letters, he wrote a number of books, one of which was about toys, he was not a real toy connoisseur and in his book there are several statements that are not entirely in line with the facts as we now know them, I have tried to adjust that as much as possible in this translation.

It describes the production of the Fernand Martin toys and it follows a toy, the “Les Agents”, from the very beginning to the finished product.

He also discusses the great sales success and the how’s and whys of the later slump in toy sales. Some texts have been adapted or provided with small additions to clarify the text.

The original text in the book LES JOUJOUX is in French.

This article will be published in 5 episodes


Not all metal toys, like the ones we’ve researched, are simple tin bits, cut, stamped, stapled and painted.

There are other toys, the manufacture of which is more complicated and better cared for, which break less easily, and which are preserved even as amusing trinkets; those are the mechanical toys.

When we see them maneuvering and when we see their low price, it seems that these animated toys should be easy to manufacture and devoid of technical difficulties and make those other trinket productions random and narrative.

But when we set ourselves the task of studying their preparation, we find that their manufacture requires patience, research, great ingenuity, the construction of machines, the building of huge factories, and above all the assembly of great capital, In the factories dedicated to toys, we can visit the workshops reserved for ordinary metal toys, in addition, there are the workshops dedicated to toys made of wood, paper or cardboard.

On the contrary, the manufacture of metal mechanical toys is completely occupied by workshops that only deal with these automata toys.

The simplification of the work here is the essential factor for its multiplication.

The workers who work in these workshops always make the same pieces from the same toys.

Some take care of the cutting, others assembling, adjusting, painting or dressing.

This drawing is made by the writer Pierre Calmettes

The toys they make are generally current toys, toys that have to be designed and built in a few days and the construction of which has to use all known industrial resources, mechanics and manuals.

We have all seen, whether on the shelves of the shops or on a Parisian sidewalk presented by the street vendors, these small articulate figures, popular for the diversity they represent and for their selling prices.

The mechanisms that power them are remarkably ingenious, they transmit movements to these toys that imitate people’s gestures so well that we can’t watch them without laughing.

In writing this story about these toys, let’s introduce the reader to the father of these little automata, Mr. Fernand Martin. We thus give a sufficient description, so that we no longer have to worry about their anatomy, the preparation and reunification of the parts that make up the elements.

In Paris, where this toy was born, there is an imposing factory on the old boulevard de Ménilmontant.

When we visited it recently, we remembered our first meeting with the inventor of these automata, which is quite a few years ago at the time of the first Lépine competition in 1901.

This Martin factory had already been founded in 1880 and at our first met all the global success it deserved.

The first toy of Fernand Martin – You can see this fish in the: Toy Museum Soltau in Germany

After his retirement and later his death in 1919, Mr. Fernand Martin left the factory and its inventions to his successors,  so as Mr. Bonnet , with the dual task of running it and expanding it further.

The visit to this factory is very exciting and for those who are interested in toys and want to know the why and the how, they will be able to study the operation of the machines in the workshops.

More sophisticated cutters, punches, mechanics of all sizes and tools of various shapes for the most numerous operations, have to be operated by the skilled hands of workers, and they are entrusted to these workers. all small actions that require the care and patience of the performers.

The workers also all have their own tasks such as welding, melting lead for certain parts and preparing the engines.

When we make a selection of the work that these workers do in the Martin factory, we discover that these automata are built on the basis of anatomical principles and very simple shapes such as the iron frame.

This frame contains the winding spring and the gears of the mechanism.

The frame is topped by a head stamped and painted in brass and placed on wire legs, the arms are also made of wire, the hands and feet are made of iron and lead.

Fabrication is sometimes even simplified by removing the arms and simply gluing a cardboard hand to the end of the floating sleeve.

But before you are interested in assembling the small vending machines, you must first attend the preparation of all the parts,

it starts from the receipt of the raw material on arrival at the factory, its distribution to the different workshops.

The raw material, or rather the raw materials used here are tinplate and black iron, lead, antimony, copper and brass, steel, nickel, silver, the felt, cardboard, paper and various paints.

One of the first operations consists of rolling the black iron, to bring them to the reduced thickness that allows them to be cut.

These are workers who feed the metal sheets under the blades of the rollers and then under the shears that cut them into pieces.

These pieces are the base, they are punched/cut according to the shapes indicated by the model.

The scissors punch/cut hundreds and hundreds of them, on which we can already see the presence of notches or iron tongues, which, by their presence, will allow the solid and rapid assembly of all fragments of ‘automatics’.

When leaving the cutting workshop, the parts go to the stamping workshop.

They all fall into machines that bend, pierce, shape the piece of iron and do in a minute the work that would take at least an hour of manual labor.

The back of a head welded togehter

We stamp the bodies and heads in two parts, the hands with a single wave of the garland and all these pieces are thrown into baskets while waiting to be used.

The pieces of the head are taken to the welders who will put them together two by two, adding the skull to the face.

Read next time further in part 2.

RESULT: RSL Crème de la Crème Twenty Twenty-Two Auction Mar 05, 2022


Result $850

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result Martin toys in the Public Sale Auction House. Wander/Luster Auction Mar 05, 2022

The Public Sale Auction House from Hudson, NY is very pleased to announce its Wander/Luster auction

All who wander will likely lust, and all that glitters is not gold plated.


Lot number 245 result $ 1100
Lot number 246 result $ 375

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

The catalog you can view online:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result of the Martins in the Antico mondo 92th Toy Auction 3 till 5- March 2022

The brandnew catalog of the 92th Toy Auction is online!

This auction features more than 2900 items of tin toys, trains, figures and model cars and this time with two Martin toys

Auction lot number : 6079 Result € 450
Auction lot number : 6419 Result € 380

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

These prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Box labels from Fernand Martin toys better viewed. (updated)

You will usually find the most boxes entirely in the French-language version with an exception for the manual on the box.
On many of these boxes the manual is mentioned in 2 or 3 languages, in French, English and Spanish but there is one box with 4 languages and that is the box of the Les Valseurs from 1885, on the front there is the French text and arround the box there are tree more languages: Spanisch, Englisch and Russian.

Courtesy Bertoia Auctions


I found a catalog label on which the name of the toy is stated in two languages, it is the box of the Le Petit Décrotteur — The Little Blackboot with number 167

There is at least 1 box on which the name of the toy is stated in three languages, it is the box of the laundress number 171

Furthermore, it is known from the Petit Colbuteur with number 213 that three different versions of the box have been issued, but two with a different label and only in French.

The third box with only a stamp

There is also a very different box, it is probably a box specially for the Russian market of the Le Traineau Russe from 1892
The text on the box is partly in Russian. Thanks to a Russian reader I get the translation from this Russian text and that is: “The Russian Sledges. New Mechanical Automatic Toy”

Martin has released at least one box in two different languages.
A French version and a English version and that is quite special.
It is the box of the Petit Livreur number 224

And then there is the addition of “bis” on various boxes next to the number.
If you translate the word “bis”, this means “one more time” or “repetition”
Presumably these toys were produced again in a later period, due to the enormous sales success.
The question is now; this was only done by Martin or also by Martin’s successors.
It is also surprising that most labels with the “bis” addition are also a lot smaller and the boxes are made of a cheaper material.

Of course I don’t know “all” the boxes, so if there are fellow collectors who know other special or different boxes. let me know, preferably with a photo, so that I can research them and use them in a next blog.

Public Sale Auction House. Wander/Luster Auction Mar 05, 2022

The Public Sale Auction House from Hudson, NY is very pleased to announce its Wander/Luster auction

All who wander will likely lust, and all that glitters is not gold plated.


Lot number 245
Lot number 246

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

The catalog you can view online:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Antico mondo 92th Toy Auction 3 till 5- March 2022

The brandnew catalog of the 92th Toy Auction is online!

This auction features more than 2900 items of tin toys, trains, figures and model cars and this time with two Martin toys and we also we offer a broad variety of coins, historical advertising …

Auction lot number : 6079
Auction lot number : 6419

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these two Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

RSL Crème de la Crème Twenty Twenty-Two Auction Mar 05, 2022

The RSL Auction Company is very pleased to announce its adoption of a new auction format that shall henceforward be known as the “Crème de la Crème Auction”.
This phrase originated in France perhaps three centuries ago.
Its earliest use stems from culinary references related to cheese produced with the finest creams.
In modern parlance, the phrase has simply come to mean the ‘very best”, whether in reference to people or things.
As the phrase implies, these auctions will be extremely small with only the very best quality offerings on the market.
In the future, we will plan to create one crème de la crème sale every summer or a few times per year.


Made by V. B. & Co. French – 1920 – 24 1/2″ L Assembled. Victor Bonnet bought Ferdinand Martins operations around 1915 and continued to produce their toys, as well as, new models under his label, V. B. & Cie.
Pristine with Original Box. Box has minor tears.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this toy.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

See what you can read in the March issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the March 2022 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine March 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Result Martin toy in the: Pook&Pook auction February 10, 2022

Join us for 1600 lots of antique furniture, toys, fine art, textiles, stoneware, flags, advertising, carvings, and so much more.

February 10th at 03:00PM CET

This time there is only one Martin is in auction with the next discription

Fernand Martin tin clockwork barber

Lot 2553
Condition: Currently working, wig is a likely replacement, pants on both figures are replaced.
Buyer’s Premium 26%

Result: $ 617

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result Martin in the Bertoia basics sale february-10-2022

A one day BASICS sale including European wind-up toys and autos, tinplate toys and comic character, TootsieToy and Schoenhut, American tin toys and other early novelties. Check back for more information.

Winter BASICS | February 2022

Thursday, February 10th at 10am.

Advanced preview by appointment online, please call to schedule your private gallery showing.

Our team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support. Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

This time there was only one Martin is in auction with the next discription

    $300 – $600
    Condition: Some glue repairs, repainted and redressed, sold as-is.
    Buyer’s Premium 25%
Result $ 250

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

The price is in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

A Dream of Toyland 1908

Watch and enjoy more almost 8 min. of this nice original film from 1908 with toys from Lehmann, Fernand Martin, Carette, Günthermann, Humpty Dumpty and so on.

Arthur Melbourne Cooper’s animation showing a boy’s dream of his toys coming to life uses a live action framing device for the dream sequence which uses stop motion techniques to animate a child’s toys.

Film from Britishsilents

and if you use a IOS device then go to this link:

A Dream of toyland 1908

More film??

Last month I published another beautiful film from 1919 with French toys, haven’t seen it yet? then click on this link:

La bicyclette Martin- The Martin bicycle

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1892 about a tin toy made by Martin.
This piece is put in motion when a string is wound around this reel, and pulling forcefully, the rotation of the the wheel is determined by an internal flywheel.
When the bicyclette is placed on the floor, it travels at high speed.
It was first made in 1892
length approx 13.6cm ( 5.35 inch)
The Martin article number is 121

Courtesy Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany,
From the magazine La Nature 1894, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

The free translation of the above text :

Toy bicycle.
The fruitfulness of Parisian toy manufacturers is inexhaustible, and this little cyclist that we present to our readers, the latest avatar of the applications of the giroscope, once again highlights their astonishing ingenuity.
In this small device, the manufacturer has taken advantage of both the well-known property of the giroscope to always rotate in the same plane, and the energy storage represented by a flywheel launched at high angular speed.
The toy offers all the exterior appearance of a “rubber” bicycle of perhaps exaggerated dimensions, mounted by an exercised rider, acting directly on the rear wheel.
This whole set is made of very light tin, and the two wheels are hollow.
The rear wheel is empty, while the front wheel contains a flywheel to which a rapid rotational movement is imparted with the aid of a string wound twice on a small pulley mounted on the axis of the flywheel, as for most toys like this.
This steering wheel is therefore absolutely independent of the front wheel. inside which it rotates freely.
If, once the shuttlecock has been launched, the toy is placed on the ground on a level surface, such as a parquet floor. giving it a slight impulse to the moving master, it will continue this movement and maintain balance and advance evenly as long as the flywheel has sufficient speed.
This equilibrium is due to the action of the flywheel which tends to turn always in the same plane and maintains the mobile vertical, while its forward movement continues by virtue of the friction of the axis of the flywheel on the hollow axis of the wheel. front wheel, friction which has the effect of turning this hollow wheel in the same way as it, but with a much slower speed.
This is the truly ingenious, and, to our knowledge, new, idea of ​​the toy that we are describing.
The inventor of this toy, succeeded in reducing, in great proportions, the speed of the driving wheel without inserting any transmission between the two wheels, and was able to make a toy run in stable equilibrium at a very low speed, was for which there would be no stable equilibrium without the action of the steering wheel, as it is easy to convince oneself of this by trying to make the little cyclist roll without having first thrown the steering wheel at a sufficient speed. We would like to point out this elegant toy to mechanics teachers who will find in it an amusing pretext for explaining a large number of principles of general and applied mechanics, or an idea of ​​intergrouping with students for the explanation of the operation of the toy
Can be found at M. Mathieu-Martin’s, 42 bis, boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle, Paris.

Pook&Pook auction February 10, 2022 Online Only Decorative Arts – Session Two

Join us for 1600 lots of antique furniture, toys, fine art, textiles, stoneware, flags, advertising, carvings, and so much more.

February 10th at 03:00PM CET

This time there is only one Martin is in auction with the next discription

Fernand Martin tin clockwork barber

Lot 2553
Condition: Currently working, wig is a likely replacement, pants on both figures are replaced.
Buyer’s Premium 26%

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this Martin.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Bertoia basics sale february-10-2022

A one day BASICS sale including European wind-up toys and autos, tinplate toys and comic character, TootsieToy and Schoenhut, American tin toys and other early novelties. Check back for more information.

Winter BASICS | February 2022

Thursday, February 10th at 10am.

Advanced preview by appointment online, please call to schedule your private gallery showing.

Our team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support. Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

This time there is only one Martin is in auction with the next discription

    $300 – $600
    Condition: Some glue repairs, repainted and redressed, sold as-is.
    Buyer’s Premium 25%

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this Martin.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Le monocycle aérien The aerial monocycle

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1897 about a tin toy made by Martin.
This special piece is put in motion by stretching both sides of the cord, the air cyclist goes up and down when the cord is relaxed, the cyclist descends.
It was first made in 1897
length approx 16cm (6.3 inch)
Martin article number is 156

Picture from the magazine La Nature 1897, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

Free translation: The aerial unicycle.
The toy in question represents a unicyclist who climbs along a string that can be seen at the upper part and at the lower part of our drawing (n. 1 Detail view). It is easy to understand the mechanism that elevates the little climber.
Inside the wheel is a pulley movable around its center and on which winds the string.
This one penetrated into the wheel passing through a small ring carried by the handlebars.
By exerting a slight traction on the rope, as shown in (n. 2 Instructions for use) of the figure, the movement of the apparatus is obtained.
The internal pulley carries an axis on which a pedal is fixed which can be seen.
The cyclist rests his feet on it, and since the legs are articulated, the toy offers the funny image of a cyclist maneuvering the pedals.
The aerial unicycle is at the same address as the spider and the fly.

Courtesy Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany,

Part 4: Martin toys used in art.

Piet Gutter born in 1944 is a Dutch artist who has been fascinated by the realistic painting style for many years.
In his works he pays a lot of attention to the composition of the figures and objects he paints.
He uses many different objects including antique toys, letters, leaflets, cans with advertising, fruits, vegetables on them and many more objects and all wrapped up in a fantastic composition.
He also pays a lot of attention to details, the atmosphere, the colors used and the backgrounds used so that it becomes a fascinating composition.

When you see his still lifes you are fascinated because it evokes emotions and you unintentionally fall in love with his works, but see for yourself.
Piet Gutter is a versatile painter, many of his works can be admired on the internet and you can also see that he can compose unique works using various utensils.

Piet Gutter’s paintings are in various collections and with private and foreign private individuals.

Some of the Piet Gutter works are based on antique toys from the collection of Arthur Verdoorn (1935 – 2017).
Arthur was an avid collector and also co-writer / photographer of the book: Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris.
His toy collection can be seen in the toy museum in Soltau in Germany.
Here I present a number of Piet Gutter works of art, especially the paintings where the toys of Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet are depicted “lifelike”.

Piet Gutter did not only portray Martin or Victor Bonnet toys.
He has made many more paintings with antique toys as objects.
Paintings with toys of the well-known toy maker names such as Lehmann, Bing, Günthermann, Märklin, Schuco, Vielmetter and many more.

Martin toys have often been the subject of painters of art.
Below are the links to my three previous articles about Martin toys used in art:

All images courtesy of Piet Gutter

See what you can read in the new February issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the February 2022 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine February 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

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Victor Bonnet the Les-Auto-transports series: 261 Camion: Gros Camionnage

After Victor Bonnet took over the toy company from Flersheim in 1919, he makes, among other toys this “Camion” (no. 261), it is the last truck from the series Les-Auto-Transports.

This series consists of the following vehicles:
246 Le Déverseur
248 Tracteur + 250 Le Remorque (sold together)
249 Camion : Le Roulant
254 Le Train Tortillard
261 Camion : Gros Camionnage
A separate blog has been made about these vehicles for each issue

This is the last article in this series.

It is an open truck with a fabric tarpaulin and the length is about 25 cm (10 Inches)

A text was printed on both sides of the fabric tarpaulin, the text is original: “Gros Camionnage” that you can find on the box, there are models with another name but more about these (different) names on the sides of the fabric tarpaulin in another blog. (See link below)

I have come across this truck in the colors BLEU, RED and YELLOW, the hood in the colors GREEN, BLEU, BROWN and GREY

Catalog Picture

This truck was a modified version of truck number 249 with the same name Camion, (see one of my previous blogs).

In the base it is the truck “Les Auto Transport” with number 249.
The differences between number 249 and 261 are:
-The “brand” stamp on the bottom of the cargo area of the 249 has disappeared.
-The 261 get a fabric tarpaulin with the name “Gros Camionnage” on it.
-It gets a new product number 261.

Box Label, here you see the truck 249 on the right site.
This picture is found on Wikimedia Commons and is in the public domain

Versions of this truck are known with various advertising texts, I have described the advertising texts on the side about this truck in another blog, see this link:

January 01 – 1914 Le petit Journal a newspaper from exactly 108 years ago

Today January 1, 2022, 108 years ago, an article from January 1, 1914 This newspaper is from my own collection

a free translation of the article from the magazin: LE PETIT JOURNAL from January 1 1914

NEW YEAR’S DAY TOYS are the cheerfulness of the boulevards and the joy of Parisian children New Year’s Day is the occasion of official receptions and family celebrations, but what, especially in Paris, characterizes the New Year’s celebrations, is the animation that does not cease to reign on the boulevards, where the adjacent small market stalls that amaze the children and therefore many parents are interested.
This year, the number of these outdoor shops has fallen slightly due to the regulation banning so-called “spinner” lotteries.
We know that the same regulation also suppressed open-air markets, known as “flea markets”, which were held in different neighborhoods, notably in Les Halles around January 1.
On the other hand, the crowds on the boulevards this year are even bigger than the previous ones.
Perhaps this rise can be attributed to the disappearance of the huts and fairground attractions in the peripheral districts and the outer avenues where the festival boulevard de Belleville continues.

Impression of one of the toy stalls arround 1906. Photo courtesy of François Binetruy

From the Madeleine to the Bastille, the small industrialists offer their passers-by real wonders of ingenuity, and you could say ‘in spirit, in innovation, and the eyes never tire of admiration. It is thanks to competitions they have encountered from various quarters and official encouragement for their personal initiative that toy manufacturers have been able to make progress in their industry, allowing them to present toys to the public that are, as they say, scientific because they are step to follow modern developments.

Image of Parisian street sales in stalls and by street vendors at the turn of the year on an old Parisian newspaper

We were able to judge ourselves by taking advantage of the beautiful dry weather yesterday and. cold, which the previous days had certainly not foreseen, to take a walk on the boulevards.
And, like children, we had a brief review of the Toy of the Year, “Parisian Items” that are universally known.
The first thing that strikes us is not the least amusing, it is a barber with a very thick coat who shampoos a brave man of Bartholomew who could rival the crime with the best polished parquet in our museums.
This toy is called, as it should be, the “Barber of Seville”.(MARTIN NUMBER 196- L’ARTISTE CAPILLAIRE) –
The grimaces of the client being rubbed are nothing compared to those of a chimpanzee who, on an elastic rope, like the monkey in the fable, dances and moves at best, then flips.
This “four-handed” is more convenient but no more graceful than a red bear, its neighbor, elegantly dancing a tango.
What still attracts attention is a boxing match in which the champions perform the most daring and perhaps the most forbidden punches in the ring. “Sports are moreover worthily represented; Billiards, where the player makes an admirable pileup at each stroke; the shooting of a Mexican hunter”
Finally, skating performed by a skating enthusiast whose roller skates are a masterpiece of precision. (MARTIN NUMBER 229 LE PETIT PATINEUR) –

The latter, reproduced in one of our photos, is a great success.
But the pinnacle of sports toys is “Looping the loop”.
This toy consists of an evolved monoplane held in place by a wire and “walk the loop” on three occasions with an ease admirably reminiscent of Adolphe Pégoud’s prowess. (Adolphe Pégoud. This 24-year-old Frenchman had given aviation a new dimension: that of aerobatics.)

Walkers talk about this toy, just as they talk about the little washing-up girl (MARTIN NUMBER 233 – LA CASSEUSE D’ASSIETTES) who takes three steps and then drops her plates with an awkwardness as funny as Baggessen’s. (Baggessen is a comedian whose hilarious jokes spontaneously make you laugh)
It would take too long to list all the new toys, let’s just mention other toppers: the jockey who brings back the Mona Lisa (MARTIN NUMBER 225 VOLEUR DE LA JOCONDE), on a mountain the duelists, the violinist (FERNAND MARTIN NUMBER 160 LE GAI VIOLONIST) and the pianist (FERNAND MARTIN NUMBER 189 LE PETIT PIANISTE), two funny little toys that we also recognized.

Finally, the “Triple Entente”, (agreement on the alliance formed in 1907 between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Third French Republic and the Empire of Russia after the signing of the Treaty of Saint Petersburg.)
A patriotic toy , representing France and Russia and greeting England. In addition to these trendy toys, there are other, but less numerous, toys from yesteryear
Here and there we have encounters with externally pleasing adults, for whom these evoke memories of their childhood and certain children who do not seem to long for others. It gave us the opportunity to witness a scene that was moving in its simplicity: a girl of about six years old, who was with a relative who, on the boulevards, refused all the beautiful gifts they offered her. – No not that! neither! She said repeatedly. – What do you want?
The child did not answer.
Suddenly, she rushed to a small merchant whose sales stand was installed on a basket. – That is what I want ! she said.
This merchant sold simple little classic dolls for thirteen cents, dolls despised by certain little girls, perhaps influenced by their young brothers, but dolls with a quality that proves that these dolls still have lovers.

And there are, thank goodness! numerous enough to keep trade prosperous.
And yet, the fact is, the “doll” no longer reigns indisputably in the stalls of the small barracks of the boulevards.
A trade that has nothing to do with the entertainment of childhood, and which is already prosperous, because it conquered the right of the city among the Parisians thanks to the “prefect of the police”, is that of point protectors intended for hat pins.
One of the small stands where they are sold, decorated with a sign in large letters, is under siege by many women and girls.
A little further on we pass a saleswoman who stands by shelves full of beautiful “New Year’s Eve” books, books with scarlet covers and gilded edges.
We ask him if the sale is going well. – No, she said to us, the time has passed when as a child I even helped my dad who ran all this small booth and we struggled to satisfy the enthusiastic customers.
But today’s kids, once they leave the cradle, only dream of sports.
It is the active life, they say, the modern life that wants that. We have to bow to this.
And with regrets about the past, the trader tells us an anecdote from that past.

About fifteen years ago, a child eagerly looking at the promising display was noticed by a man who invited him to choose a book he liked and gave him this book as a present.
The donor left, but after some hesitation, the child decided to sell the book back to the stand keeper.
This woman was outraged and blamed the child for his trading instincts.
The child then bursts into tears and admits that in the midst of his joy at having a wonderful educational book, he had thought of his sick mother, bedridden in a room without a stove.
And the child – so had tried – to cash in on his gift to buy medicine for his mother. – And there you have it, the merchant concludes philosophically, this is how books not only shape the minds, but also the hearts of children!

Fernand Martin and Louis Vuitton

The company Louis Vuitton has made an advertising campaign for their bags and suitcases in 1994.
In this campaign use was made of tin toys combined with a bag or suitcase.
Several different advertisements have been released
The advertisements were placed in the American Voque, but there is also a luxury box/portfolio on the market with all the different advertisements including slides
In one of these advertisements a Martin Petit Livreur was used.

This one is part of a portfolio and sold on Ebay France in 2019. Picture made by a French cameraman for Vuitton : Jean Larivière

I wish all the visitors of my blog:

Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo
Kala Christougenna Ki’eftihismenos O Kenourios Chronos
God Jul och Gott Nytt År
Glædelig Jul og godt nytår
Geseende Kerfees en ’n gelukkige nuwe jaar
Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta

Martin Number 217 La conquète du pole nord from 1909

See what you can read in the new January issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the January 2022 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine January 2022 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

The numbering of the Fernand Martin first period: Who can help me ??

This article was published in the Antique Toy World November 2021

I’m trying to figure out the correct numbering of the first period of the Fernand Martin toys, that is de period from the first toy “Le Poisson Nageur” (the Fish) till number 146, the second period started with the number 147 the Ma Portiére.

147 Ma Portiére

The periods have been chosen in previously published books and articles by well-known authors, because every Martin collector knows this period classification, I will also continue with this period classification.
Martin himself never made a period classification.

In this article there will be a lot of “question marks” – “maybe” – “presumably” and “not sure” but therefore the question: WHO CAN HELP.

I have searched in old catalogs and have already found a lot of good product/article numbers, even on an old box we found a number.
What have I already found out?

Martin started with the number 100, his first produced toy the “Le Poisson Nageur” (The Fish).
The second period has started with number 147 Ma Portiére
So logically there must be 47 pieces in between.
But many more pieces are known from the first period, how is this possible?

La sateuse de corde

Just an observation:
Between number 100, the first number of the first period and number 146 the last number of the first period are 47 numbers.
There are currently about 66 toys (there are a few toys of which we are not 100% sure that they are attributed to Martin)
We see that we have more toys then numbers, so some toys never had a number. Why????
From 32 toys I have found, till now, the right number.
There are 15 numbers left (101 – 104 – 112 – 113 – 122 – 126 – 128 – 138 – 140 – 141 – 142 – 143 – 144 – 145 – 146) whose toy name we havened find till now, we can attribute some of these 15 numbers with some certainty, but we are not 100% sure about that yet.

Le Livreur


Why some toys, especially in its early years, are NOT numbered is a mystery and we will probably never find the reason.

100 Le poisson nageur

La balançoire mécanique
Le bateau godilleur
la grenouille
Le Pantin mecanique
Les forgerons infantigables
Le moulin mécanique a tic tac
La locomotive routiere
Le cheval a bascule
Le jeu de massacre
Le jeu de force
Le bouquet surprise
Le velocipede

Le trapèze
Les Valseurs (with the tall hat)
Les valseurs (with a cap)
102 Le sonneur endiable
103 Les courageux scieurs de long
104 (no proof yet) L’incomparable danseuse de corde

105 Les pompiers
106 Les joyeux danseurs
107 Les fameux duellistes
108 Le livreur
109 L’autruche

110 Le cab
111 La grosse caisse (automatique)
La grosse caisse annamite (walking) model: World Fair in 1889 Paris
Pousse pousse annamite model: World Fair in 1889 Paris
Le fauteuil roulant model: World Fair in 1889 Paris
Don quichotte
La sateuse de corde
114 Le lapin vivant

115 Les boxeurs
116 Le traîneau russe
117 Le diable en boite
118 Le cherif
119 La charrette anglaise
120 Le pêcheur â la linge
121 La bicyclette martin

122 (no proof yet) Le courrier parisien
123 Le facteur de chemin de fer (with flywheel )
124 Le facteur de chemin de fer ( with mechanisme )
125 La chaloupe a vapeur
126 (no proof yet) Le perroquet (on a stand)
127 La perruche
128 (no proof yet) Le piocheur
129 Course de taureau
130 Attelage flamend

Sujets Sur Socles avec Mécaniques en boites par pièce (sold per piece):
131 Mènagerie
132 Bergerie
133 Chasse
134 Gardeuse d’oies
135 Laitière
136 Porcher
137 Laboureur

Sujets Sur Socles sans Mécaniques (same articles as 131 till 136 but without mechanism and sold in boxes by a half dozen)
I suspect that the numbering is as follows, assuming the same order as numbers 131 to 137, but I am not 100% sure about this yet, only number 139 is certain.
138 (no proof yet) Ménagerie
139 Bergerie
140 (no proof yet) Chasse
141 (no proof yet) Gardeuse d’oies
142 (no proof yet) Laitiére
143 (no proof yet) Porcher

All the above-mentioned toys are known by images in catalogs, on boxes and / or by the presence of the toy in the museum: Musée des arts et métiers, Le CNAM in Paris. Fernand Martin made a donation in 1908 to this museum, of this donation, a handwritten list made by Martin is known including all names of the toys in that donation, this list is in the possession of the museum Musée des arts et métiers, Le CNAM in Paris

We can assume with a certain degree of certainty for which toys the numbers are 104 – 122 – 126 -128 – 138 – 140 – 141 – 142 and 143, but we are still looking for the 100% proof for these numbers.
So we are also looking for the following 6 missing numbers: 101 – 112 – 113 – 144 – 145 – 146.

Who can help me ????
Please contact me if you can help

L’araignée et la mouche – The spider and the fly

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1897 about a tin toy made by Martin.
This special piece is put in motion when the fly is hanging on a hook on the wall and then by stretching the cord, the spider is crawling to the fly.
It was first made in 1896
length approx 11cm (4,33 inch)
Martin article number is 151

Picture from the magazine La Nature 1897, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

A free translation of the above text.
The Spider and the Fly.
The spider has a habit of stretching webs and rushing for flies or other insects that fall in its nets.
The toy that we describe is intended to recall these mores of the spider.
We see in no 1 of the figure a fly that is fixed by a hook against the wall.
Below is a spider.
It suffices to pull a string, and one immediately sees it climbing slowly, alternately moving its two long, very characteristic legs.
Apart from the interest that this toy has.
He is curious from a mechanical point of view.
We see in no 2 the underside of the beast with the internal mechanism.
A cord is fixed at the top right on the spider and then comes to be routed on a small pulley placed inside the fly.
This cord is then wound on another pulley attached to the lower part of the spider.
By pulling on the cord, the spider is thus given a movement, the fly being fixed against the wall.
The pulley in the spider has a metal rod fixed on the periphery, as shown in our drawing. This metal rod is also movebel around a fixed point and can move successively to the right and to the left according to the movements of the pulley.
It carries at its other end the horizontal rod which maintains the legs of the spider and it thus transmits to them the movement of which we spoke above.
This toy is found at M. P. Bertrand, 19, rue Mute-ville, in Paris.

Courtesy Bertoia auctions

Victor Bonnet the Les-Auto-transports series: 254 Le Train Tortillard

Here is part 4 of the Victor Bonnet Les Auto Transports series consisting of the :
246 Le Deverseur
248 Tracteur + 250 Le Remorque (sold together)
249 Truck : Le Roulant
254 Le Train Tortillard
261 Camion : Gros Camionnage

Catalog picture
Was also sold in Egypt

This tractor with four trailers has a total length of approximately 69 cm / 27,2 “.
On the accompanying photos you can see the differences between the four trailers.
The first trailer has a different, tin plate attachment than the other cars, which all have a bent iron wire as attachment.

The first trailer with the tinplate attachment.
An empty trailer with a different mounting hook as the first trailer
With a wooden barrel
With an inlay representing coal

The operating options are:
Winding up mechanism… with the key to the right.
Starting… Push forward the Crank which is to the left of the driver.
Stop… Bring the Crank to the rear which is to the left of the driver.
Direction … With the Joystick located at the front of the Hood, choose one of the 3 notches for driving straight ahead or the other two positions for driving in a large or smaller circle.

I found till now the tractor in two colors in red and green, the trailers I found in the colors blue, green, brown/orange, gray and dark-gray.

I have come across it quite often and sometimes even “mint” in the box but what strikes me is that very often the carts are not all the same color, maybe the carts have gotten mixed up over the years or they are just new delivered in the box with different color carts.

Results of the Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys in the Antico mondo 91th Toy Auction December 3 and 4 2021

91th Auction

This auction features more than 2400 items of tin toys, trains, figures and model cars.

In this auction are this time many Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys

These prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results of the Martin toys in the Dan Morphy Auction: Toy & General Collectibles Nov 30 – Dec 02, 2021

In this auction of Dan Morphy there where 9 Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys and there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

Look for more auction informations :

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy of Dan Morphy auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result of the Fernand Martin toy in the Lankes Große Weihnachtsauktion November 22-27 . 2021 (with the very rare Martin number 215 : the airoplanes)

A wide range of over 5000 positions awaits you.
In the rarities area you will find ancient Märklin trains, steam engines, cars and ships and a collection of music boxes and machines.
The corona numbers, which are already rising again, and their restrictions will again not allow a hall auction for November. Therefore, please note the regulations in force in Bavaria at this time. At the moment, the 2G regulation throughout Bavaria The preview will be possible according to these rules.
You can bid in person on site at any time on reserved spaces using an electronic bidder card.

Lot number 6476 Result € LOT PASSED
Lot number 6568 Result € LOT PASSED

You can make a bid on

For more information see:

The prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Book: Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris

In my Blog articles, I sometimes refer to the book: Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris.

As a result of my Blog, I now receive questions by mail from collectors who do not yet know the new book about Martin and ask if it is still for sale.
The book is printed in a limited edition but still for sale.
It is published in two versions, one in English and one in French.
For a clear description including an animation, go to the site:
On this site you will find also an order form.

Released in 2014

In my opinion, every collector, tintoy enthusiast, tintoy dealer, auctioneer and museum must have a copy.
This work is a standard work and certainly new discoveries will come in the future that may reflect the current knowledge

I can personally highly recommend this book.
I was fortunate to be able to participate in this book and I have been able to know both writers / collectors / photographers Lourens Bas and Arthur Verdoorn as fine and enormous lovers of the Martin toys in the broadest sense.
The book is quite substantial and very well executed with clear pictures.
It is subdivided into 4 blocks / periods.
The first period is from 1878 to 1894.
Second period goes from 1895 until the acquisition by George Flersheim in 1912.
The third period is therefore the Flersheim period from 1912 to 1919, after which the last period comes from the new owner Victor Bonnet from 1919 until the move of the factory in 1934 to the Rue des Tourelles in Paris.

The majority of the toys, as was known until the printing of this book, are depicted.
In the meantime, some new discoveries and insights have been found that cannot be found in the book.
But that makes sense, not everything is now known because a lot has been lost, documents have been destroyed or have been forgotten somewhere in the attic or in a forgotten archive, these may one day give new insights and belong to a new edition.
Until that time; this is the best book and given the execution, for a very low price, it is a bargain!

But in this blog I keep everyone informed as best as possible about new discoveries, things worth knowing, discussions etc. so that nobody has to miss anything, it is therefore important to visit my blog regularly, so you stay informed.

Victor Bonnet the Les-Auto-transports series: 249 Le Roulant

This model is very very rare.
I’ve only come across a few of them.

Catalog picture

The colors I have found so far are green, orange, yellow all with red wheels and a dark blue one with bleu wheels, the length is about 25 cm (10 Inches)

It is listed in the Victor Bonnet catalog with the name Camion 249 but in the truck you can see that the name is : Le Roulant

steering wheel and on the right side the start stop lever

The characteristic of this model is that there is a print on the bottom of the cargo area with the name and product number.

print on the bottom
On the back of the cabin a text plate with the text: Charge maximum load 5000 Kos

A similar model was later released with number 261 with the same name Camion to, but on that truck you can see the name Gros Camionnage written on the fabric tarpaulin.
This Camion is an adapted form of the here presented: Le Roulant, that later model got a fabric tarpaulin, no longer had a print on the bottom of the luggage compartment, and no text plate on the back of the cabin.
This model 261 will be found even more, but more about this truck in another blog.

© Archives privées Renault (with permission of Laurent Dingli. )

A model 261 Gros Camionnage without the fabric tarpaulin is sometimes be sold as a: Le Roulant, but can therefore be easily recognized by a print on the bottom of the cargo area and on the back of the cabin a brass text plate with the text: Charge maximum load 5000 Kos of the original Le Roulant, so pay attention.

Winding mechanism with the key and the start stop part on the right, the lever for this is next to the driver

Results of the Martin and Bonnet toys in this Bertoia Fall Auction Nov. 18-19 2021

A very exciting November sale with countless highlights across all categories, collectors should plan for an action packed auction with competitive bidding and impressive auction results. Tin toys from Europe and Japan, wind-up & battery-ops, cast iron toys & banks, Christmas & Halloween, penny toys & pressed steel trucks, animated cap pistols & early American toys, this sale will have something for everyone!

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

This time with 7 Martin and Victor Bonnet toys up for auction, some of which are very rare! Watch the catalog with this link:

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

La voiture au chien – Attalage flamand

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1895 about a tin toy made by Martin.
This piece is put in motion when a string is wound around this reel, and pulling forcefully, the rotation of the axle and the wheel is determined.
When the car is placed on the floor, it travels at high speed, and the dog’s legs.
It was first made in 1894
length approx 18 cm (7.1 inch)
The Martin article number is 130

Courtesy Bertoia Auctions
From the magazine La Nature 1895, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

The free translation of the text from the article from the magazine La Nature 1895 :
The dog car. –
We have often described the small mechanized toys that the street vendors sell in the streets of Paris, and, in Les Petites Inventions of n ° 1117 of last October 27, we gave the Combat de taureaux.
Today it is the dog car that we will introduce.
Represented below, it gives the appearance of an Antwerp (Belgium) milkmaid with a cart.
A metal axle crosses the little tin car, and ends on the outside with a coil protruding from the wheel with the surface of which it is in contact; a string is wound around this reel, and pulling forcefully, the rotation of the axle and the wheel is determined.
The car is placed on the floor, it travels at high speed, and the dog’s legs, set in motion by a simple mechanism, perform the galloping movement admirably.
There is a lot of ingenuity in his little Parisian mechanical toys.
The dog car is built by Mr. Fernand Martin, 88, Menilmontant Boulevard in Paris

In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s these milkmaids with their dog carts were frequently seen, they were in the version with one, two and even three dogs.

All postcards are from my own collection

Lankes Große Weihnachtsauktion November 22-27 . 2021 (with the very rare Martin number 215 : the airoplanes)

A wide range of over 5000 positions awaits you.
In the rarities area you will find ancient Märklin trains, steam engines, cars and ships and a collection of music boxes and machines.
The corona numbers, which are already rising again, and their restrictions will again not allow a hall auction for November. Therefore, please note the regulations in force in Bavaria at this time. At the moment, the 2G regulation throughout Bavaria The preview will be possible according to these rules.
You can bid in person on site at any time on reserved spaces using an electronic bidder card.

This is a very rare Martin in this condition. Lot number 6476
Lot number 6568

You can make a bid on

For more information see:

After the auction I will publish the auction prices

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

See what you can read in the new December issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss this December 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine December 2021 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Antico mondo 91th Toy Auction December 3 and 4 2021

The brandnew catalog of the 91th Toy Auction is online!

91th Auction

This auction features more than 2400 items of tin toys, trains, figures and model cars.

In this auction are this time many Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys

This is a room bidding but you can also take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result of the Martin toys in the “JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on November 13 – 2021

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres had this time a few nice Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys.
Furthermore, there where many more other beautiful toys in this auction.


See this link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


These prices are in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Victor Bonnet the Les-Auto-transports series: 248 Tracteur and 250 Le Remorque

These two Victor Bonnet creations of a tractor and a trailer, were sold together in one box, I have not found any proof anywhere that they were sold separately.

Box label
Catalog picture
the total length of approximately 36 cm / 14,2 “.

I have come across the tractor in two colors so far, in green and in red, (green and red in various color gradations from dark to light, but presumably the influence of sunlight has also had an influence on the color), I am the trailer only encountered in a brown/yellow color with a green fabric tarpaulin.

© Archives privées Renault (with permission of Laurent Dingli )

What has been noticed is that there are two versions of the tractor, with and without a roof.
Presumably it was marketed in two versions with and without a roof, which is apparent from the fact that the tractor can be found with and without mounting holes for the roof, (see the photos).

with mounting holes for the roof
without mounting holes for the roof
Two differend trailers the left one is the most common, the right one is quite rare

Look at the two different trailers, sometimes the trailer has a bronze plate on the back with the text: Charge maximum 5000Kos and the back and front of the trailer has different plating, version with a 6 and with a 4 rectangular layout

The bottom with the winding motor and the start stop mechanism

Dan Morphy Auction: Toy, General Collectibles, Date: Nov 30 – Dec 02, 2021

In this auction of Dan Morphy there are 9 Fernand Martin and Victor Bonnet toys and there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

Look for more auction informations :

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for these 9 lots.

Photos courtesy of Dan Morphy auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin the rope-jumping girl La Sauteuse De Corde

Produced from 1890
Product number unknown (In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 31 which is not correct, but the correct number has not yet been found)
Hand lacquered
Mechanism: Flywheel
Height approx. 15 cm / 5,9 inches

It is a very ingenious mechanism to create the illusion that she is a Rope-jumping girl.

From La Nature 1890 page 224 Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

Here the translation from the French tekst on page 223 from the magazine La Nature 1890 :

Here is a toy that we think we will have to present to our readers because of the special skill of the inventors in overcoming the difficulties presented by the problems they had posed.
This toy is a jumper rope whose figure is almost enough to understand the mechanism.
As in most toys of this kind, the amount of work required to operate the toy is borrowed from the vivid power of a steering wheel concealed in the young person’s body, flying at which a high angular velocity is imparted. rolling two turns of string on the button shown at the bottom of the skirt in the figure on the left, and pulling strongly on this string which one lets slip the other end between a finger and the body of the toy, to ensure a tension initial requirement for driving the steering wheel.
The flywheel thus launched friction control two pairs of wheels that come to lean on its axis.
The first pair of wheels, the pair of wheels, infers the toy, whose equilibrium forwards and backwards is ensured by a pair of small gatets.
One of these pebbles can be seen, the one before, in the figure on the right.
The second pair of wheels, placed at the top, has the effect of printing a rotational movement about a horizontal axis to a small tree at the ends of which are fixed the ends of the rope.
This rope, very flexible and very thin, flattens each time it passes in front of the driving wheels that roll over it without their movement being the least bit entangled.
This was the great practical difficulty cleverly solved by Mr. Martin, the inventor and constructor of this interesting and ingenious little apparatus.

This toy is not very big, it has a total height of approximately 15cm / 6 inch
It is hand painted, like the most toys in that period.

Patent number 204382 from 15-march-1890

During my collection years, I only came across this toy in five different color versions.

  • dress in yellow with the details in red
  • dress in blue with the details in red
  • dress in green with the details in red
  • dress in red with the details in blue
  • dress in light blue with the details in gold-colored

This light blue with the details in gold-colored was included in the gift that was donated through Fernand Martin in 1908 to the Musée des arts and Métiers in Paris (see my earlier blog :Two Fernand Martin variants of the Pousse-Pousse Annamite )

Bleu one from my own collection, yellow one courtesy Bertoia Auctions, green one courtesy Galerie de Chartres

It is marked on the bottom, see photo above.
I think this is one of the nicest pieces from the first period of Fernand Martin.
Nice action and a very ingenious design.
It is only rarely offered so very rare.

“JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on November 13 – 2021

Update November 12 -2021 extra item added to the collage photo

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time a few nice Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.


See this link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martin’s

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin toys on the next Bertoia Fall Auction Nov. 18-19 2021

A very exciting November sale with countless highlights across all categories, collectors should plan for an action packed auction with competitive bidding and impressive auction results. Tin toys from Europe and Japan, wind-up & battery-ops, cast iron toys & banks, Christmas & Halloween, penny toys & pressed steel trucks, animated cap pistols & early American toys, this sale will have something for everyone!

This time with 7 Martin and Victor Bonnet toys up for auction, some of which are very rare! Watch the catalog with this link:

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Repair & Restoration projects

Which collector does not know it, a toy with a defect, damage, missing parts or other shortcomings.
Here’s a newsletter from a restorer from Ireland who specializes in tin toys but also dolls.
The intention is that this newsletter will be published once every two months.
Interested ?? contact him.

It’s a overvieuw from the 5 pages so the links don’t work. Would you like to receive this newsletter yourself? contact him on +353 (0) 876774202 or email him at

Victor Bonnet the Les-Auto-transports series. 246 Le Déverseur

Victor Bonnet was the first successor to Fernand Martin who started producing cars
He released a series of trucks named: Les Auto Transports that started with number 246
It was a “tip up truck”, the truck has an automatic tipping and driving mechanism.

This model was released in various colors, I have seen models in Yellow, green, gray, black and brown
The length is about 20 cm (7.9 Inches)

These models have a very advanced and ingenious engine, the start-stop part sits like a handle next to the driver’s steering wheel.
After winding, you can put the car on the ground and twist the lever, then it will drive, after a short time, the car will stop and the bucket will slowly move to the side to drop its load, and then the bucket will go back to the old position and the car starts moving again and everything repeats itself.

Part of the Germany patent from April 21, 1921, patent number 363805

In the production years, the box has been changed a few times.
The first boxes only contain the production number No 246
Boxes are known to have a sticker added with the text Déverseur No 246
Later the label came with the text Déverseur No 246 printed as fixed on the label
And I found boxes with the text Le Déverseur No 246

The next two boxes has the same picture of the catalog site on the front, these catalog pictures usually had less information than the original box labels, are they original??
I’ve come across some of those boxes before.

Two different boxes with the same “catalog” image, forgeries?
Catalog image
Box label, (see the differences with the catalog image)

On the inside on the bottom of the box an extra text sheet could have been applied to indicate the operation, this is found in two languages; in French and in English.
The text on the outside of the box is only found in French, also on the boxes with an English text sheet inside.

There are boxes contained with no text sheet inside but a separate manual with the (freely translated) text:
Reassembly… Put the Engine to Stop and turn; with the key to the right, making 10 half-turns.
Starting… Push forward the Crank which is to the left of the driver.
Stop… Bring the Crank to the rear which is to the left of the driver.
Direction … Bring, by pressure from top to bottom, the Joystick located at the front of the Hood, in one of the 3 notches. The walk in a circle is obtained by using the 2 notches on the left.

© Archives privées Renault (with permission of Laurent Dingli. )

There are models without a text, models with a text on the side or back and models with a text in the inside of the loadig area, and when they have a text it was in French or in English
The various texts I found till now are:

top left and below courtesy of Bertoina Auctions, top right courtesy of Antico Mondo Auctions.
left and right below Courtesy of Bertoina Auctions. on the top right private collection
When there was a text In the loading area, there was no texts on the side or back, so only in the loading area

The body has also been available in two variants, with an angular body and with a rounder body, the truck with the rounder body (I found them in de colors gray, black/gray and yellow), and has no texts on the body, only the brass plate on the bonnet.

left Courtesy of Bertoina Auctions. on the right private collection

From this version with the rounder body, I found one with a different nose/bonnet in the color: red body with a bleu loading area. This one has the nose/bonnet from trucks from the production after 1933 and on top of this nose/bonnet there is no longer the well-known brass nameplate.

So you can see that over the years this truck has had many different varieties.
Many Fernand Martin, George Flersheim and Victor Bonnet toys have sometimes been produced for many many years and have received many small adjustments or other colors over the years.

Les-Auto-Transports a series of beautiful trucks and tractors made by Victor Bonnet.

As a successor of Fernand Martin and George Flersheim, Victor Bonnet Factory started the production in 1919 in the old Fernand Martin factory, in 1933 they stopped the production and moved to another building in Paris.

Five different Truck and Tractors. with five the same fronts

In these 14 years Victor Bonnet has made a series of 5 beautiful trucks and tractors.  

246 Le Déverseur
248 Tracteur + 250 Le Remorque (sold together)
249 Camion : Le Roulant
254 Le Train Tortillard
261 Camion : Gros Camionnage

He named this series of vehicles: Les-Auto-Transports and the first toy he produced in 1919 was the truck: Le Déverseur with number 246

All models had a plaque on the hood with the name: Les auto-transports
This plaque has undergone some changes over the years as can be seen in the collage.

These models are somewhat undervalued, they are all vehicles with a genius mechanism and these mechanisms are all basically the same. 

The first of the model Le Déverseur with number 246 produced from 1919 had the most extensive mechanism with lot of functions: start-stop, drive, standstill and a side-tilt function. The models after this one were a bit simpler.  

In the coming weeks I will be introducing this series of vehicles one by one in 5 separate blogs.

See what you can read in the new November issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss this November 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine with on page 72-75 an article about the correct numbering of the first Martin period

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine November 2021 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Result of the toy Auction: Brioult Encheres SARL October 16-2021.

In the next French Maître Lydie BRIOULT – BRIOULT ENCHERES SARL toyauction there is one Victor Bonnet toy but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

This auction will be held in Vernon in France
For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

October 16-2021 auction lot number 189

VICTOR BONNET (VB) le Roulant :
Camion mécanique en tôle 1928, longueur : 25 cm, hauteur 12 cm, avec sa clé d’origine (mécanique à revoir). Peint en jaune, roues rouges, conducteur en bleu. Rare

Martin number 249 – Camion Le Roulant made by Victor Bonnet, from the LES AUTO TRANSPORTS series and quite a very rare specimen

Result € — not sold

The price is in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Toy Auction: Brioult Encheres SARL October 16-2021.

In the next French Maître Lydie BRIOULT – BRIOULT ENCHERES SARL toyauction there is one Victor Bonnet toy but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

This auction will be held in Vernon in France
For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

October 16-2021 auction lot number 189

VICTOR BONNET (VB) le Roulant :
Camion mécanique en tôle 1928, longueur : 25 cm, hauteur 12 cm, avec sa clé d’origine (mécanique à revoir). Peint en jaune, roues rouges, conducteur en bleu. Rare

Martin number 249 – Camion Le Roulant made by Victor Bonnet, from the LES AUTO TRANSPORTS series and quite a very rare specimen

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this Bonnet.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Spinning Tops – The waltzing couples from Fernand Martin and other manufacturers

I already published this before in 2019, but I find a new one and new information.

Martin has produced two tops in his very early years.
The French name is Les Valseurs and first made in 1885.

Product number unknown (In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 15 which is not correct, this trapeze artist has probably not been given a product number.)

Left the patent sheet from 1885 and on the right the drawing in La Nature 1886 page 80 Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –


Martin has applied for a French patent for the dancing couple with the man with the cap under number 169754. (see patent sheet above)
But for these two different models are different patent number found on each box, the one with the top hat has patent number 56947.
I can’t put it in the French, English and American patent number ranges at that time, but it is probably a German patent from about 1890/91.
In Germany the patent ranges between 56000 and 57000 were active around 1890/91. (see in the German DPMAregister ) Maybe Martin did not get this patent number approved because this number is not listed as “granted”.
For pictures of the two boxes, see the book Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris on page 45.
The English company Britain also launched the same type of top around the same time and applied for a patent with number 13671 in England in 1884. ( I found the patent number and year in a official paper of a trail beween Britain versus Hirsch in March 1888. A part of the text : “ In 1884 a patent No. 13,671 of 1884, was granted to William Britain for an automatic dancing figure.”) source: page 226 REPORTS OF PATENT, DESIGN, May 05 1888.
These tops have been made more often, it could be without justifying the patents, or by paying the patent holder or even by plagiarizing
Furthermore, you had to apply for a patent in every country before 1900, but that was not done because the costs were sometimes quite high.
The entire patent event at the end of the 19th century was not as well regulated as it is today.

There are more of this kind of tops:

I’ve discovered, till now, nine different of these waltzing spinning tops so far, but maybe there are more, here an overview of the tops that I found till today:

  • Fernand Martin, two pieces marked on the bar between the legs with FM Paris, the one with the cap is from 1885 the other one with the high hat is probably from 1890 and is extra marked on the other side off the bar with the patent (Breveté) number: SGDG 56947.
    -One unknown and unmarked maker of made with partial tinplate, this one is probably from Germany.
    -The United States company Ives made one exemple, this one looks a lot like one of the Martins but is unmarked.
    -Two pieces by G. Heyde ( provenance the book of Lourens Bas: The Lost Art of Spinning Tops) from Dresden Germany, presumably around 1885 one ( with the red skirt and the both figures with a hat ) is marked on the bar between the legs with G.H. (George Heyde), the other one with the orange skirt I don’t know if that one is marked.
    -The English Britains one piece from about 1885, not marked and made in different colors.
    -And another unknown and unmarked maker which is made from cast iron so presumably from the United States.
    -And another new find that was made in the USA, of hoop skirt embossed lettering “C.H. Husted,” sold in the Bertoia auction on September 11-2021 (photo courtesy Bertoia Auctions)

Breveté S.G.D.G.

Breveté S.G.D.G. is the name of a patent as it was in France until 1968.
The term stands for “Breveté Sans Guarantee of Government” and means: “Patent without government guarantee”.
Many countries adhered to a system of registration for a simple formal exam over many years.
One believed himself free from any liability.
In France, the Law of 1844 provides that the patents shall be issued “without prior examination, at the risk and risk of claimants and without guarantee of function, novelty and merit of the invention, also with regard to precision or accuracy of description”.


The principle is the same for all spinning tops.

How to operate the toy !

In the middle of the female, just above the skirt, is a small rod, you put a loop of a string around it and then turn the skirt around by hand so that the string wraps around the waist.
The female stand not completely upright but that is the intention.
The female stands on a kind of pin under the feet, this is loose and therefore it can turn completely.

By placing the dance couple on the floor and then pulling the string tightly, the skirt starts turning quickly,
Because of the center-flying power, the female stands up and the male turns around the female.
These toy tops are around 130/140 years old and very rare to find, but they are so beautiful.
These tops are not only wanted and sought after by “Martin” collectors but also by spinning top collectors.

Course de taureaux – the bull fighter

Courtesy Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany,

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1895 about a tin toy made by Martin.
This piece is put in motion with the well-known Martin “rubber band” method, when the rubber band is woud up the bull and the toreador, describing a circle of which the support rod is the center, the bull jumps a small stub in the air 8 times each round.
It was first made in 1894
length approx 22,8 cm (9 inch)
The Martin article number is 129

The Martin “rubber band” method, for more information check out my blog:
From the magazine La Nature 1894, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

A free translation of the text above
The bullfighting game.
It is one of the new tin toys sold on the boulevards of Paris.
It is very timely and offers to the eyes of the passer-by a toreador waving a scarf in front of an angry bull.
The toreador runs away, and the bull follows him, throwing his horns.
Here is the explanation of the toy: the man and the bull are connected to a metal rod; the two rods thus serving as support are fixed to a vertical axis placed in the center of a hollow metal piece which imitates a rock.
Inside this rock is the “rubber band” twist motor generally employed for these kinds of animated figure toys.
The bull and the toreador, when the spring is stretched, turn describing a circle of which the support rod is the center.
This toy is built by Mr. Fernand Martin, 88, Menilmontant Boulevard, in Paris.

Result Martin toy in the Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion October 01/02-2021

In the next Ladenburger Toyauction there is one Fernand Martin toy but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction
We are pleased to present you this catalog in German and English language.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

October 01/02-2021 auction lot number 0108

Sold for € 300

Martin number 224 – Le Petit Livreur made by George Flersheim.

The price is in € (Euro) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Is this toy a Fernand Martin toy ??

A small inventor/toymaker Foucault, presented a toy at Le Concours LEPINE in 1901 a toy called “Mr. Chopinard”.

Photo of the very poor interior of the house of Henri Foucault
Picture from the magazin: lectures Modernes 1902. (magazine is from my own collection)

As you can see is this toy the adaptation of Fernand Martin’s “Le Pochard” mounted on a barrel.
Which shows that the recycling of existing toys was easily doable even by outsiders of the company…
If one would find now an model of this Chopinard toy, would it be called a Foucault or a Martin toy?
Most certainly Martin…

Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

Le Pochard on a wine barrel, the picture above is part of a larger image with more toys and technical attributes and found in an old French magazine La Nature from 1902 page 13 with the name: Monsieur Chopinard (a comic French gentleman who appears in a chanson from that time.) This article was about the Concours de Jouets 1901.

Martin probably sold parts and also (almost) complete models to small toy makers / inventors who then made “new” models and produced it in small numbers or offered the production rights for sale at the Lepine competition to the major manufacturers because they themselves had no or little production capacity and no money to produce these toys on a large scale, these were hard times for the little toy makers / inventors.

See what you can read in the new October issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss this October 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine October 2021 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion October 01/02-2021

In the next Ladenburger Toyauction there is one Fernand Martin toy but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction
We are pleased to present you this catalog in German and English language.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

October 01/02-2021 auction lot number 0108

Martin number 224 – Le Petit Livreur made by George Flersheim.

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this Martin.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction


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Result Martins: BERTOIA SIGNATURE SALE: The Aaron & Abby Schroeder Collection Part II. On Friday & Saturday September 10-11, 2021

Result of the Fernand Martin – George Flersheim and Victor Bonnet toys

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results: Martins in the Antico mondo 90th Toy Auction September 2-4 2021

Sold for € 600
Sold for €100

All prices are in Euro’s and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

You can take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

Advertising on the side of the Gros Camionnage 261 Victor Bonnet

This is an update of the article that was posted on February 8, 2021

” Gros Camionnage “

After Victor Bonnet took over the toy company from Flersheim in 1919, he makes, among other toys this “Camion” (no. 261).  

This is an open truck from the “Les Auto-Transports” series.

This truck was sold with text on the fabric tarpaulin on both sides.

The text is original: “Gros Camionnage” that you can find on the box.

In the past time I found so now and then a model with different text.

In 2021 I found in an “Interencheres” auction in France of Maître Philippe CASAL another “Camion” model in a rare color scheme, and also with a different text “Chocolat Casino” on the fabric tarpaulin.

“Chocolat Casino”

In February 2018 I found on Ebay another model, the nice thing about this Camion was not only the beautiful condition, but also the print on the hood: “Goulet-Turpin”.  
The Internet teaches us that this is the name of the Goulet-Turpin couple who founded a distribution company under this name in their wedding year 1874.


In the collection of the German “Spielmuseum Soltau” is another one to find with the text “Nouvelles Galeries”.

” Nouvelles Galeries”

On Wikipedia you can find: “Les Nouvelles Galeries” is the name of a chain of department stores created in 1897, the stores have changed to become Galeries Lafayette.

In total, I have now found four “Camions”with different prints, including the original.  

With one different overprint I can imagine that someone has done this privately, for whatever reason, but with several new different overprints I can imagine that this was originally produced by the Victor Bonnet factory and I have already found more “Camions” with these above shown texts, so they are not isolated objects.

The companies that orders these “Camions” may have sold these models or given them away to there customers.

Maybe we can find more examples.

Results of the Martin toys in the RSL Crème de la Crème Auction Aug. 21. 2021


Le Sauteur Intrepide SOLD FORE $ 5000
Le Petit Livreur Special SOLD FORE $ 3000

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

You want to see more toys then look at this link: CATALOG LINK

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

BERTOIA SIGNATURE SALE: The Aaron & Abby Schroeder Collection Part II. On Friday & Saturday September 10-11, 2021

Part II of this alluring collection will include nearly 900 items, demonstrating the vast scope of the Schoreders’ eye for graceful objects of excellence! Their toy and bank collection is considered to be one of the greatest in existence. From stellar mechanical banks to cast iron toys, elegant American tin to elaborate European toys, aficionados of fine pieces will find this auction to be the perfect sale.

Bertoia Auctions is honored to have been chosen to handle the sale of such a legendary collection and we welcome all collectors to participate in making history!

And this time with 16 Martin / George Flersheim / Victor Bonnet and SIJIM toys up for auction, some of which are very rare! Watch the catalog with this link:

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Antico mondo 90th Toy Auction September 2-4 2021

The brandnew catalog of the 90th Toy Auction is online!

The auction will feature more than 3000 items of tin toys, trains, figures, space toys, trading cards and model cars.

Also we offer a broad variety of pens, antiques, historical advertising a.o..

In this auction only 2 Marin articles

Good news: after consultation with the local regulatory office, a hall auction for tested or vaccinated persons can take place at incidence level 0-2. who please register as a room bidder by telephone up to two days before the start of the auction. As with the last auctions, we are also represented on all online platforms and broadcast the auction live.

You can also take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Le facteur de chemin de fer -The railway porter

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1894 about the railway porter made by Martin.
This toy is made in two different versions, a version with the flywheel and a second version with a key wind mechanism both with simulated walking motion.
It was first made in 1894
The length is about 12,7 cm ( 5 inch) long
The Martin production number is 123 for the version with the flywheel and number 124 for the version with the key wind mechanism, see on the catalog page in the left below corner.

Courtesy Bertoia Auctions version with the flywheel
Picture from the magazine La Nature 1894, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

A free translation from the text above for the model with the key wind mechanism.
The railway postman. –
Here is a charming tin toy, equipped with an ingenious mechanism.
It represents one of the wheelbarrows used by railway letter carriers; under the wheelbarrow is placed the motor mechanism in the form of a spring that is tensioned by torsion by means of a key visible in our figure.
The mounted spring actuates the pair of toothed wheels.
The man who pushes the car has legs fixed on an axis and which are connected to each other by another bent ace which forces one leg to move back as the other leg advances.
When the device is driven by the motor movement, the postman seems to be pushing the car, and his movements surprisingly imitate nature. –
This toy is built by Mr. Fernand Martin, 88, boulevard Menilmontant, In Paris.

See what you can read in the new September issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss this September 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine September 2021 :

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Adjusted article: Personal Postcard from Fernand Martin

Original hand written postcard with date stamp by Fernand Martin

Front side postcard to Mr. Gallois from the “Le Courrier de la Presse”

“Le Courrier de la Presse” was founded in 1889.
In competition with Argus de la Presse, the employees of “Le Courrier de la Presse” searched all periodicals as reviews and newspapers and provided subscribers with press clippings that mentioned the name and/or the interests of the specific customer.
It was a significant saving of time for the customers who didn’t have the time to search everything.

Martin was also a customer and naturally looking for articles about toys
But with the clippings service it could go wrong.
Martin wrote a complaint to that company because he missed articles.

Founded in 1889 with Mr. Gallois as owner

Back site of the postcard signed with with the signature of F Martin.

The free translation is:
An error has crept into the articles that you have sent.
I have number 1401 and 1402 and furthermore the numbers 1416 and 1417.
But I have not received the 13 intervening numbers.
So please correct this on the following number that must be given 1405
*see note*
I am counting on you to do justice to my complaint.
Sincerely F. Martin.

Note: The number is hard to read, but on a site about old French manuscripts it is clearer that the number must be 1405. Martin already had number 1401 and 1402 and, according to my reasoning, he converted the other two numbers 1416 and 1417 to 1403 and 1404, so that is followed by 1405 etc.

Indeed, there are 13 intermediate numbers and not the correction of “14” later made by the receiver with a blue marker

This postcard has on the front a date stamp from Fernand Martin with the date 25 April 1904

RSL Crème de la Crème Auction SATURDAY, AUGUST 21ST, 2021

150 still banks, 110 mechanical banks, 90 cast iron and tin toys, and 20 American Folk Art.

The RSL Auction Company is very pleased to announce its adoption of a new auction format that shall henceforward be known as the “Crème de la Crème Auction”.
This phrase originated in France perhaps three centuries ago.
Its earliest use stems from culinary references related to cheese produced with the finest creams.
In modern parlance, the phrase has simply come to mean the ‘very best”, whether in reference to people or things.
As the phrase implies, these auctions will be extremely small with only the very best quality offerings on the market.
Our first crème de la crème sale will take place this summer on Saturday, August 21st at our auction facility in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey.
The sale will showcase 300 stellar pieces that will include architectural still banks, dynamic themed spelter still banks, figural still banks, tin and cast iron mechanical banks, bell toys, cast iron animal-drawn toys,
European tinplate planes, trains, automobiles and novelty toys, rare examples of American tin and mechanical toys, robots and several prized pieces of folk art.
In the future, we will plan to create one crème de la crème sale every summer or a few times per year.


Le Sauteur Intrepide
Le Petit Livreur Special

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

You want to see more toys then look at this link: CATALOG LINK

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Le fameux piocheur – The man with the pickaxe Number 128

I found an article in an old French technical magazine La Nature from 1894 about the Piocheur made by Martin.
This toy is made in two different versions, a version with the well-known Martin “rubber band” method, and a second version with a key wind mechanisme
It was first made in 1894,

Produced from 1894 Product number 128 (In the books known to us, this toy has the Martin product number 46 which is not correct.)
Hand lacquered
Mechanism: Rubber band
The length of both toys is different, the rubber band version is 13 cm ( 5,1 inch) long and the key wind version is 15,5 cm ( 6,1 inch)

Version with the key wind mechanism
permission of the Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany,
Picture from the magazine La Nature 1894, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

The famous pickaxe.
We have described in La Nature several tin toys, so charming and so graceful, which makes Mr. Fernand Martin, one of our Parisian industrialists, so great.
When the manager of this establishment produces a new model, he does not forget to send it to us.
We recently received the famous pickaxe; he is a mechanical worker who digs with energy.
Like the toys which preceded, the movement of the picker is communicated by a simple mechanism, hidden in the base and activated by a rubber band, forming a spring by the torsion.
It suffices to turn the winder 10 or 15 times for the pick to work.
The pickaxe rises and falls with great rapidity.
Manufacturer: Mr. Fernand Martin, 90, boulevard Menilmontant, Paris.

Version with the rubber band mechanism.
permission of KB

See what you can read in the new August issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss this August 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine August 2021

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Supplement to the article about the French soldier of Georges Flersheim

Here an supplement on the posted article:

This article was published in the April 2020 issue of the ATW Antique Toy World magazine.

A thorough research by Francois Mesqui in inventory documents of FLERSHEIM’s manufacture indicates that it released a soldier toy referred to as “Homme de tranchée”. Only a genuine box / catalogue with a picture and article number will attest its paternity. Till now there is no certainty about the correct article number but it will probably have to be 242-243 or 244.

And in the study of the comparison with the head and helmet of “Le Pompier”, Francois Mesqui shows, with a photogrammetric program, an excellent match between the head of “Le Pompier” and “L’Homme des Tranchées” .

So it is a toy made in the Flersheim period with the name: Homme de tranchée.

The original published article:

Is this a new Fernand Martin toy ?!?!

Martin and Flersheim made toys that were mostly “up-to-date” at the time of manufacture, and by “up to date” I mean that literally.
At specific happenings, events, news, but also new fashion, inventions, etc. Martin and Flersheim were immediately able to make a toy for it so that the audience recognized and bought it.

Now I found an entirely unknown new Martin to me, it is a very nice soldier.
After I have examined it thoroughly, by comparing with other Martin toys, by measuring all parts precisely and checking with UV light for the age and deviations of the paint.
I have to come to the conclusion that I am almost sure that this is a original Martin from the Flersheim period.
But for 100% sure we need a catalog, document, advertising or box where it is shown.

First a short history of French soldier uniforms:

The 1758 Code Military includes descriptions of each French regimental uniform, including the Royal Artillery.
In addition to blue coats and red distinctions, the artillery had many subtle details on the coat and vests.

Old French postcards WW1

In 1914 they quickly discovered that during the WW1 war using the old model uniforms in the colors red and bleu the soldiers are sitting ducks.
These colors stood out too much against the clear sky above the Frensch fields.
They designed very fast a new blue / gray uniform, because that didn’t stand out against the clear bleu sky.
In the end of 1914 and the early 1915 they designed a completely new uniform in the color light gray / blue.
These soldiers were named: Le Poilus

Georges Flersheim was also Lieutenant artillery in this WW1 and was therefore at the center of the uniform change.
He must have implemented that quickly for a new model for a French soldier.

In the short “Flersheim” period, (1912 till 1919) they has released at least 20 new pieces.
(More about Georges Flersheim in one of my other blogs.)


In the book: Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris 1878 – 1912 on page 200, there are 3 soldiers.
The writers Lourens Bas and Arthur Verdoorn tells us on this page : Nevertheless we have to conclude that we don’t know the number of any of these toy soldiers, so that we are not sure about the order in which they are presented.
The left one is a French soldier with the number 243.
But the red and dark soldier on the photo is not a French soldier from 1915 but a French soldier with a uniform from used before 1915.
The colors blue / red are used from 1758 until in the first war months WW1 in 1914.
I think this red and blue soldier must be one of the numbers: 234 – 235 or 236, because this uniform was still in use in 1913.
The new find French soldier the “Le Poilu” must be then probably number 242-243 or 244 in the book: Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris. 1878 – 1912

It is quite possible that Georges Flersheim designed it, but he was unable to bring it into production because he died tragically on August 14, 1915 at the age of 30.
After his death, the factory continued to produce toys for at least a few years and maby produced this toy.
Because we were unable to find a box or document tille now, we do not know a name and possibly number (if it was already numbered)

Perhaps there is a third option.
We do not know this and it remains to be seen whether this toy with box or a catalog with image will ever be found.
So if there are readers who know more, please send me a message.

Georges Flersheim also released many old Martin pieces, and what he did was alter old Martin pieces and produce them again.
He also made extensive use of the available old stock of “Martins” materials and clockworks.

One example is the Fireman with ladder, but what does this fireman have to do with the new soldier?
I want to explain this.

There are a total of 4 different firefighters in the following order:

1) First released by Fernand Martin in 1904 with the number 197.
2) Then Georges Flersheim reproduced the same model from Martin in 1912 with the number 197-bis.
3) But later Georges Flersheim modernized, between 1912 and 1915, the head with a different helmet model
4) Victor Bonnet reproduced the Flersheim fireman again in 1921

The differences are sometimes small.  

-1- The Martin from 1904. -2-The same one made by Flersheim

-1- FERNAND MARTIN : three-part ladder and a low back of the helmet and a clockwork with Martin key.
-2- GEORGES FLERSHEIM : three-part ladder and a low back of the helmet and a clockwork with the Flersheim key, so only changed to the Flersheim key.

-3- Flersheim model 1912. -4- Flersheim model but released by Victor Bonnet 1921

-3- GEORGES FLERSHEIM : the same three-part ladder as -1- and -2-, but now with a different model head / helmet and a clockwork with Flersheim key.
-4- VICTOR BONNET : a different three-part ladder with a stand-alone stand, a clockwork with the Victor Bonnet model key. (see detail) and a new box with number 197bis.

So, you see, there are actually 4 different firefighters and Flersheim used a piece of the number -3- fireman for his new soldier.

So we are back to the soldier.
In his design for the new soldier, Flersheim took the head from his fireman from picture number -3-
Slightly changed the upper edge of that helmet.
Painted the helmet blue.
The helmet of the original fireman has in front a nice graphic, the helmet of this soldier has the same graphics hidden under the blue paint.
Took a simple dribbling “walking” body of a Martin toy like the violinist or drunkard without the arm actions.
Gave him a rifle.
Blue clothes and there was a new soldier and exactly in the mind of Fernand Martin himself.
This toy has only a “walking” action.

So now we know that the name is : Homme de tranchée and now we must be looking for a original box.

Fernand Martin toys on collecting plates

From the mid 1800s till today it is all the rage to collect paper collecting plates.
These were issued for free or packaged in various products.
These collector plates were in any case published in Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, England and Italy
Children were able to collect entire series in this way, sometimes more than 10,000 different pictures were published per country with the most different themes.

The dimensions are usually around 6 x 10 cm
These collector plates are called “Chromos” (color image)
The provision of this chromo image as advertising material began around 1850 in the “Au Bon Marché” department store in Paris
Au Bon Marché came up with the idea of offering their clients’ children a color print, the children then encouraged the parents to make purchases again at this department store and it worked, it was a resounding success.
On these prints is a nice picture on the front and an advertising message on the back.
Later these plates were also put in or on the packaging of new products such as chocolate, concentrated milk, broth extract, soup, etc.
The chromos became a means to increase the sales of those products. Nowadays they are still issued, often by grocery chains where if you buy goods for a certain value, you get a closed bag with a few collectible plates (chromos). The intention is that you can then trade double with your friends to complete a compilation album. The youth love it, now and in the past.

I have found very old examples that have to do with Martin toys.

One of them shows the “Les Pousse Pousse Annamite”.
This name can also be read very small at the bottom of the wheel and is also exactly the name that Martin gave his toys.
This Martin toy was introduced in 1889 and sold during the World Exhibition in Paris that year.

On the back is advertising from 1889 for a chocolate factory in Paris.

The second example is a typical Parisian street vendor, who sells Martin toys to passers-by.
If you look at the Martin figures you see the “Ma Portiere- Le Gai Violoniste- Les Agents and the La Petite Marchande D’oragnges.
You can see that they dated from 1895 to 1901, so the picture will also date from around 1901/1902.

On the back is advertising for a fashion house in Paris

The third example is a typical Parisian street vendor, who sells Martin toys to passers-by.
This chromo is a drawn and colored image of a photo that was also used for postcards. See:
On the postcard you can see the toys more clearly, it turns out to be the violinist, in a stripped down version lying on the floor and a dressed up version on the box.

On the back advertising fore a shop with haberdashery – lingerie – hosiery

The Le cab, you van see that it is the model from 1903 with the keywind mechanisme
On the back is an advertising for a chocolate factory from Bordeaux
The “Le cab”
On the back is an advertising for a chocolate factory in Paris.
The “Les Courageux Scieurs de Long” from 1886
On the back advertising from Félix Potin chocolate.

They are nice extras that you can collect in addition to the real Martin toys.

Update July 2021: Visit Spielmuseum Soltau in Germany

Welcome – we are back!

The toy museum can be visited again – from June 1st every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.!
A visit to the museum is now possible again without a test.
There is also no documentation requirement due to the low incidence.
We used the finishing time for extensive redesigns in the head office. Craftsmen and decoration work are still ongoing.
Therefore, some exhibition areas in the main building (Poststrasse 7) are currently not accessible.
However, it may be played in the flying classroom.
The branch across the street (Poststr. 15) is complete in use.
In view of the infection situation, special regulations apply until further notice:
• The museum can only be visited with medical mouth and nose protection.
• Please keep a distance of 1.5 meters from other people at all times and observe the general hygiene rules.

Welcome to the Soltau Toy Museum. A house full of dreams and movement, treasures and stories are waiting for you to be explored.
At two locations on a total of 900 square meters, the museum houses one of the best and most diverse toy collections in the world.
And: Here you don’t just look, you can also hear, touch, try out and play – an experience for the whole family!

Little Paris, a new exhibition unit is currently being built in our museum branch – Poststrafle 15 – with fantastic French toys from the turn of the century.
The focus is on mechanical tin figures by Fernand Martin.
All objects come from Arthur Verdoorn’s large collection and were donated to the Spiel Foundation.

The toy museum with probably the largest museum collection of ” Fernand Martin-George Flersheim and Victor Bonnet ” toys in the world.

The following text is written by Mathias Ernst from the toy museum in Soltau and has been translated from German in Englisch.

Toys by the famous French tin toy inventor and manufacturer Fernand Martin are the focus of our “Petit Paris” exhibition department. We owe this wonderful collection to Arthur Verdoorn and his friend Lourens Bas.

By the way: The richly illustrated standard work on Fernand Martin including video DVD (the result of years of research by Lourens Bas and Arthur Verdoorn) is currently available in our museum shop.

More information:

Update article from june 2019 of the Voiture Nounou Poupon.

Found a new box of the Voiture Nounou Poupon from Victor Bonnet

Until now we only knew one box of the Voiture Nounou Poupon number 265 made by Victor Bonnet
In February 2019 a Voiture Nounou Poupon with a unknown box was sold on Ebay France, and a second one I found on Ebay France in june 2021, this second one is sold for € 1135,00

The box of the second example was quite damaged, but the image is still clearly visible. In the pram was a small celluloid doll with blankets and a piece of cardboard on the bottom, maybe it is original but I can’t confirm that as this is the first one I see with doll and blankets.

I don’t know the exact date on which the drawing of the box label was changed, but maybe it changed in the early 30s

On both boxes you can see the name V.B. & Cie, in 1934 the factory moved to another location and also got a new name VÉBÉ
It is not known how long the VB & Cie factory has made these toys, but in an advertising brochure from the late 1930s, it is no longer there.

On this new box you see a female figure with a typical 1930s dress and she walks in another park.
The toy in the box has remained exactly the same.

On the left the older image and and on the right the more modern image

Thanks to mr Thomas Bear for sharing a photo



For the complete overview, results, auction terms & info, shipping & payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

See what you can read in the new July issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the July 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine July 2021

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Results of the Martin toys in the Dan Morphy Auction: Toy, General Collectibles, & Sneakers Date June 16 – 17, 2021

In this auction of Dan Morphy there are a few Fernand Martin toys and there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

There are four Martin toys in this auction: Two lots of two French pre-war Martin wind-up toys
Date: June 16 – 17, 2021

Lot 1037 result $ 650
Lot 1038 result $ 700

Look for more auction informations :

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Photos courtesy of Dan Morphy auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result of the Martin, Flersheim, Bonnet and S.i.j.i.m toys in the Antico mondo 89th Toy Auction june 2021

This auction contains a lot of Martin toys and a few very exceptional and rare pieces, look at the photos.

All prices are in Euro’s and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction




Large collection of German, French, and English Toys.
Includes Automobiles, Boats, Airplanes, Hand Painted Toys, Go-Rounds, Penny Toys, Windup, and More!!!

Pressed Steel Trucks by Buddy L, Keystone, Steelcraft, Sturditoy, Marx, Smith Miller, Tonka, Turner, and More!!

Cast Iron Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Airplanes, & Boats by Hubley, Kenton, Champion, Arcade, and More!!

Collection of Cast Iron Mechanical & Still Banks

Collection of Tin Windups by Marx, Strauss, Unique Art, Chein, Linemar, Japan, and More!! Many with Boxes!!

Antique Doll Collection & Marble Collection!!
In this auction there are four Martin / Bonnet toys and a lot more beautiful other toys.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Photos courtesy Milestone Auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Very rare find a missing Flersheim ??

A Martin, unknown to me, has been auctioned at a French toy auction at 22-05-2021 of SEQUANA SAS in Rouen.
This one was part of a bigger lot.
It wasn’t mentioned in the description so I don’t think the auctioneer and original owner knew that it could be a Martin.
I can’t place him in the range of well-known toys from Martin or one of his successors at the moment of the auction.

Seen on the right. Picture of the auction SEQUANA SAS
Sold at a auction for €3500 without any auction fees
His face

Recognizable is the face, it looks strong like a Martin, a typical Martin type Key, it has the movement and feet from a few Martin and Flersheim figures. Martin used this type of movement/feet from 1901, the first one was a toy with number 185 the “Le vieux marcheur” this type of feet and movement where used for several figures till in the Flersheim period.

look at his feet

I started comparing him with the well known Martin and Flersheim men and came to the conclusion that it must almost certainly be a Flersheim figure, which one?? I don’t know, maybe this is the missing L’Ambulant
The Flersheim numbering is still incomplete and there are many ambiguities in the various books.
If we can find a corresponding box with number and name then another piece of the puzzle has been found.

Comparing the various faces of Flersheim men.

If anyone has more information, please email me at

Fernand Martin and music for piano !

Adolphe Baroncelli known under the name of Adolphe Gauwin, born April 23, 1865 in the 16th arrondissement of Paris city where he died March 2, 1934 at his home in the 10th arrondissement, was a French composer.
His merits: more then 800 works
Sources: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Most of his compositions are under the name AD Gauwin. This composer has also released a few piano compositions in 1903, based on Fernand Martin’s toys as an example. At that time you could buy the compositions separately or as a bundle.

As you can see on the list, numbers 3 to 8 are names of well known Martin toys.
Numbers 1 and 2 are still questionable.
Could number 1 be the “Le Sonneur Endiablé “?
Could number 2 be the “Ma Portière”?
You should be able to watch the entire series to be sure, but they are very difficult to find, maybe one of the readers has the whole series ?? let me know.

But from this one, the number 8 on the chart above, it’s pretty clear.
And of this number 5 it is also very clear

Can anyone help me with more pictures from this piano music series? mail me

French exposition St Petersburg 1901 and 1903

While Searching for interesting Martin related articles, I came across two interesting books (reports).
It are the reports of the exhibition catalogs of the French section at the international exposition in Saint Petersburg.
The first exhibition was held from 23-1901 to 23 January 1902 and the follow-up exhibition from 05-1903 to February 1904.
French toys were represented at both exhibitions.

1904 box label of the: Le pompier a l’echelle
In the list of exhibitions in which Marin participated, St. Petersburg 1901 and 1903 is mentioned

Why an exhibition in Russia (Saint Petersburg)
Due to the mutual quarrels of various countries in the late 1800s, friendships were dissolved and new friendships arose
France and Russia became good friends in those years, not only in terms of trade, but also militarily.
France and Russia had a (secret) treaty since 1893.


At the first exhibition 1901-1902 in St. Petersburg, Fernand Martin was responsible for the organization of the toy department.
This report was issued by the Secretary of Commerce, Industry, Post and Telegraphs
According to this report, the room dedicated to French toys was one of the busiest, the reason would be due to the universal reputation of the Paris toy industry, and based on:
-the superiority of its manufacture,
-the perfection of the craftsmanship,
-the elegance of the models
-the diversity of the constantly renewed creations,
Due to this reputation it could not help but attract an audience.
There was everything in the toy field to see from the cheapest toys to the most expensive.
The organization of the group of toy manufacturers was due to the initiative of Mr. Fernand Martin.
But the fight that French toys waged against German competition was very difficult because the price of labor in France was much higher than in Germany.
By making improvements to their tools, the French toy manufacturers were able to make up for the difference in cost.
The success at the Saint Petersburg exhibition was complete for the French toys and games. Most of the participating exhibitors had also taken part in the 1900 World’s Fair.


The second exhibition from 1903-1904:
This second report was also issued by the Minister of Trade, Industry, Post and Telegraphs
For the toy part the rapporteur was Leo Claretie.
After the great success of the first exhibition, Fernand Martin was enthusiastic to organize this second exhibition
But the enthusiasm among the toy manufacturers was very low this time.
Of course the toys had to play a large and prominent role again.
But it was not without some tension because of the very special situation of the French toy industry at that time.
Five or six years earlier there was only one group: “the French toy manufacturers”.
But now there are two groups, the big and the small manufacturers.
Increasing German competition forced manufacturers to produce faster and cheaply, but this required machinery, equipment, special tools and steam plants.
Only those who had the capital could follow the progress and fight back.
There were about one hundred and fifty at that time.
The small toy manufacturers were left isolated.
In 1901, the Prefect of Police, Mr Lépine, took care of them, made them compete, exhibited, encouraged and, brought them together.
In total there were about five hundred, grouped together in an association of French small manufacturers and inventors with Mr. Seigneurie as their president.
The major toy manufacturers argued not to participate in this exhibition because it was not cheap to exhibit, and they were all busy with the preparations for the St. Louis-World exhibition.

Exhibition 1903-1904 The French section with in the left corner the toy section with the Martin part

They also claimed that at the previous St. Petersburg exhibition, the toys were priced too high to be sold in Russia.
But that turned out to be a wrong argument, because on the first day of that exhibition, the representative received assignments weighing 400 kilos of Parisian toys within a few hours.
But Fernand Martin committed and with tireless tenacity managed to get some of his colleagues enthusiastic.
In the meantime, the group of small manufacturers also came to Martin and asked for permission to participaid in this exhibition.
But they could not and would not pay anything because they had no means of their own
However, it seemed to Martin that these small manufacturers were nevertheless interesting.
They were the traditional craftsmen of French toys.
By drawing up admission requirements for the 1903-1904 exhibition especially for their very exceptional and modest admission, it was still possible.
But Martin did not expect any resistance from any major manufacturers.
It turned out that in the group of small manufacturers there were some members who did not belong to the group of large manufacturers but who did have large workshops, many workers and good sales and therefore did not need to feel sorry.
So some had used their links with the small manufacturers to be included in “the small manufacturers group package“.
Because of this injustice many large manufacturers withdrew.
Very few large houses remained, while other factories were grouped under the beneficent banner of Mr. Seigneurie, which cost the organization more than it wanted and thought.
Ultimately, the Paris toys were represented by six major manufacturers and then by a community of small manufacturers consisting of twenty participants.

A part of the toy secion and on the left you see a part of the Martin toys

Pictures are “Free Public Domain” from the Getty Research Institute

Martin toys in the next Dan Morphy Auction: Toy, General Collectibles, & Sneakers, Date: June 16 – 17, 2021

In this auction of Dan Morphy there are a few Fernand Martin toys and there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

There are four Martin toys in this auction: Two lots of two French pre-war Martin wind-up toys
Date: June 16 – 17, 2021

Lot 1037
Lot 1038

Look for more auction informations :

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for these 2 lots with Martins.

Photos courtesy of Dan Morphy auctions

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results of the Martin toys in the Bertoia auction May 21-22 2021

Friday, May 21 at 10am
Saturday, May 22 at 10am
TOYS | Friday: Lots 1-446
Trains | Saturday: Lots 447-866
Attendance to the auction is by reservation only.
Please contact our office to RSVP as seating will be limited.
Advanced preview by appointment online, please call to schedule your private gallery showing.
Our team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support. Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

With a stellar train collection spoken of around the world and a massive toy collection rivaled by few, the auction series of the late Paul Cole will make for an exciting year of collecting. The sprawling collection includes some the rarest Marklin trains and accessories, near mint cast iron autos and toys, American tin and clockwork toys, penny toys, unusual European wind-up toys, and more. It is certainly a sale in which we encourage all to participate.

In this auction seven Martin/Bonnet toys and one S.I.J.I.M. are for sale

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Antico mondo 89th Toy Auction June 11-12 2021

The brandnew catalog of the 89th Toy Auction is online!

The auction will feature more than 1900 items of tin toys, trains, figures and model cars, and in this auction a very large number of Martins, S.I.J.I.M. and Victor Bonnet tin toys.

Also we offer a broad variety of coins, watches, historical advertising a.o..

The next are 4 pages from the beautiful catalog. (in German)

This Martin collection contains a few very exceptional and rare pieces, look at the photos.

*additional information : Because of the current circumentances the 89th Toy Auction will be a Live-Auction without floor bidders.

You can take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

See the catalog in the link below. You can also read the catalog in English

Catalog :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

See what you can read in the new June issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the June 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine June 2021

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

The Boer War.

Fernand Martin toys: Le Vaillant Boer and The Gentleman in Khaki

Martin has released two soldiers who fought in South Africa in the same war, just not on the same side but against each other.
The “Le Vaillant Boer” was a soldier who fought on the side of the Dutch-speaking farmers, the “The Gentleman in Khaki” was an English soldier.
The word Khaki is derived from the typical gray-yellow color of the clothes of these soldiers.

Le Gentleman Khaki with original box

Here again is “The Gentleman in Khaki”, made in Paris, but mainly sent to London, where it is highly sought after.
Dressed in khaki, the English gentleman crosses his bayonet against an imaginary Boer.

I found a text in the magazine: La Charente December 18, 1900 indicating that this toy was produced especially for the English market.
a part of the text of the article:
Les Jouets Du Nouvel An
–Here again is “The Gentleman in Khaki”, made in Paris, but mainly sent to London, where it is highly sought after.
Dressed in khaki, the English gentleman crosses his bayonet against an imaginary Boer.–

In all the books I’ve seen the name Le Gentleman Khaki is used, but I think that may not be the original name.
On a original 1902 French poster is the same name as on the box: so I think that The Gentlemen in Khaki is the original name.

Part of the 1902 poster

A little bit of history:

This (second boer war) was from 11 October 1899 – 31 May 1902.
It was a war between the Dutch-speaking Boers of the South African Republic (Transvaal) and Orange Free State on the one hand, and the British Empire on the other hand.

The war was the result of many years of tensions between the Boers and the British.
In the beginning it started with a conventional warfare, after conquering their capitals, the Boers turned to guerrilla tactics.
The British retaliated with the principle of the scorched earth.
They build concentration camps where many women and children died from the bad conditions.
In this war on the side of the “Boers” about 2000 volunteers fought from different countries as for example, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France etc.

Sources: All pictures with the toys courtesy of Bertoia Auctions and the section history: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Result Martin in the RSL Auction May 8th 2021

RSL A36 Catalog_Page_001.jpg

In this auction of RSL Auction Company there is one Fernand Martin toy but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

Ferdinand Martin Boy Seated in Chair
Sold for $ 1500

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

You want to see more toys then look at this link: Catalog Link

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Original antique photo of a sale booth with Martin toys.

I found this extremely rare and 100% original photo at a French toy dealer Mr François Binetruy. He has a shop “Brocante L’Orangerie” in France in the place Versaille and a webshop . These kind of photos are very very rare and unique and you don’t see them often.

Maker of this photo is Paul Geniaux (1873-c.1930).

Very rare period silver print representing a traveling salesman of toys behind his stall in front of the many dreaming children. We see many toys of Fernand Martin, and if I look closely I recognize the Martin’s: (Mysterious ball – Cook – Pianist -Street sweeper – Gentleman Khaki) and from Lehmann: (Sailor, Li-La, Chinese) and others: the boxes of the toys are piled under the table. And on the right side next to the big pillar you see a second toy seller with Martin toys, you can easily recognize the Mysterious ball (La Boule Mystérieuse from 1906)

The shooting is around 1906 and located rue de Rivoli at the level of the Protestant temple in front of the Louvre in Paris.

On verso, author’s stamp and handwritten annotations. Format with margins 13.2 x 17.5 cm. Unfortunately the photo has been partly crumpled.

I am not surprised that it has already been sold within a few days.

Photos used with permission from François Binetruy

Is this toy one of the missing Martin numbers 144, 145 or 146?

A few years ago, I came in possession of this very special toy and after closer investigation it turned out that it has a link to Fernand Martin.
The seller could not give me any further information, he only knew that this toy was bought in France a long time ago.

It is marked on one of the legs with: FM Bt. S.G.D.G. MRe DÉPOSÉE. and that means : (Fernand Martin, Patent without government guarantees and brand name is registered )
FM = Fernand Martin
Bt > Breveté = patent
S.G.D.G. = This owas a common abbreviation for “Sans Garantie Du Gouvernement“ (without government guarantees).
MRe > marque =brand name
DÉPOSÉE. = registered

Martin has used this description more often on toys such as on this toy with number 41 La bicyclette Martin.

La bicyclette Martin from 1892. Toy from the collection of the Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany

Fernand Martin has used almost the same man on several toys such as the:

  • -old number 41, new number 121 -La bicyclette Martin 1892
    -156 Le monocycle aérien 1896
    -158 La famille vélo 1897
    -159 La pompe 1897
    -168 Le motocycle (has another hat)1898
    So I estimate this unknown toy to be from around 1890 to 1900
Le monocycle aérien 1896
Toy from the collection of the Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany

The dimensions are about 13 x 13 cm (5.1 x 5.1 inch)
The drive is in the rear wheel and is based on a winding mechanism with a separate key, which was quite rare for Martin in that period.
The key must be inserted between the spokes in the winding mechanism and turned up.

rear wheel with winding mechanism with a separate key

In the last years of the 19th century, Martin was due for replacement of the “rubber band” mechanism and the “flywheel” mechanism and was therefore probably experimenting with various mechanical windings.
-Use the wheel as a key, see number 162 Les Boeufs and number 168 Le motocycle
-A mechanism with a separate key.
The only model with a separate key and made by Fernand Martin, is one in the second Martin period and that is the: Le petit colbuteur from 1908 with number 213.
Martin’s successor Victor Bonnet often used the separate key.
-A mechanism with a fixed key
In the end he opted for a mechanism with a fixed key and used this for his “Bonshommes” models and very rarely deviated from that.

Hard to see but marked on one leg with: FM Bt. S.G.D.G. MRe DÉPOSÉE

Because this is an unknown toy, it must be carefully checked.
This piece is first well checked with UV light to determine if this is old or new paint and if there are any younger paint repairs.
It has turned out that it is original old paint and that there are no “touch ups” or repairs.
But in consultation with a Dutch leading restoration agency, I have decided not to do any further profound research, such as a pigments test, because this is very expensive.
An analysis of each paint sample must then be done.
And there is another problem, the pigments that were used at the end of the 19th century can also be found in the 20th century.
Even today, these older pigments are used.
For example, the restoration agency can imagine that the white color could still be “lead white” that had been in use since the Middle Ages, but it could also be “zinc white” that was used from the end of the 19th century but is still being used today.
The tricycle itself is painted with “peinture à l’alcool” this is an alcohol-based paint and was extremely popular at the end of the 19th century and used by many French and German toy manufacturers of that time, but again it is still used today.
Fortunately, it is possible to discover with a UV lamp whether paint with old pigments were used at a later stage.

Till now this toy is nowhere to be found in old catalogs or documented in any other way.
Fernand Martin was always busy designing new toys and it could have been an prototype by Fernand Martin.
Or probably this is a toy that is made on “special request” and not in normal production.
Martin has done this before and advertised on the back of his catalogs.

That Martin made these “specials” is also indicated in an article that is published in the March 2018 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine and written by Renaud Fournier.
We see an inscription on the back cover of the 1898 Fernand Martin catalog which states that the Martin company “executions, based on orders, all articles in stamped or cut metal ”
In other words, the Martin toy company would execute special orders that were not necessarily part of their regular production runs.
Read the complete article in the March 2018 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine.

This model of tricycles was quite popular in the late 19th century and especially with women because of their clothing at that time and with older men who did not trust the stability of the bicycles at the time.
Also in the toy industry this did not go unnoticed and they produced various toy models for the children to play and children’s tricycles on which the children could sit and propped with pedals in the front wheel.
The current tricycles for children still resemble the 19th century version with the front wheel drive.

courtesy Michael Bartoia auctions

For this tinplate tricycle there are a few possibilities:
-It could be a unknown Martin maybe one of the missing Martin numbers 144 or 146 ?
-Made as a special assignment.
-As a prototype exemple.
-It could be a old forgery.
-But it can also be a toy made by another toy manufacturer with (partial) use of Martin parts to create a new toy.
That has also been done with the toy called “Mr Chopinard” , this toy is the adaptation of Martin’s “Le Pochard” mounted on a barrel.
A small inventor/toymaker Foucault presented this toy at the Le Concours Lépine in 1901.

Perhaps Fernand Martin sold these “Martin” toy parts to these mostly small manufacturers.

“Mr. Chopinard”
Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

If you come across such toys for the first time, with clear features and even the name reference to Martin, the big question will be: do you call them a “Martin” or else?

If there are collectors somewhere who have seen this toy somewhere else before or know more about this toy, please contact me.

Results of the “JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on April 24 – 2021

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time a few Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.


See this link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


All prices are in Euro € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Bertoia auction May 21-22 2021: The Paul Cole Legendary Train & Toy Collection

Friday, May 21 at 10am
Saturday, May 22 at 10am
TOYS | Friday: Lots 1-446
Trains | Saturday: Lots 447-866
Attendance to the auction is by reservation only.
Please contact our office to RSVP as seating will be limited.
Advanced preview by appointment online, please call to schedule your private gallery showing.
Our team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support. Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

With a stellar train collection spoken of around the world and a massive toy collection rivaled by few, the auction series of the late Paul Cole will make for an exciting year of collecting. The sprawling collection includes some the rarest Marklin trains and accessories, near mint cast iron autos and toys, American tin and clockwork toys, penny toys, unusual European wind-up toys, and more. It is certainly a sale in which we encourage all to participate.

In this auction seven Martin/Bonnet toys and one S.I.J.I.M. are for sale

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

RSL Auction May 8th 2021

RSL A36 Catalog_Page_001.jpg

In the next auction of RSL Auction Company there is one Fernand Martin toy but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

Ferdinand Martin Boy Seated in Chair

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

You want to see more toys then look at this link: Catalog Link

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

See what you can read in the new May issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the May 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine May 2021

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

“JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on APRIL 24 – 2021

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time a few Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.


See this link for the entire collection to be auctioned:


After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for this Martin’s

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results of the Martin toys in the Bertoia signature sale April 8-9 2021

Presenting collectors of all levels a new style of auction from Bertoia Auctions. A Hybrid auction; Day one of high end focused items and a second day Bertoia BASICS sale. Highlights will include Marklin boats and trains, Lehmanns & Martins, cast iron, Automata, Dolls & Bears, tin toys and more. This auction will also offer novice and intermediate level toys and collectibles in all categories.

Highlights will include Marklin boats and trains, Lehmanns & Martins, cast iron, Automata, Dolls & Bears, tin toys and more. This auction will also offer novice and intermediate level toys and collectibles in all categories.
A new style of auction from Bertoia Auctions… a Hybrid auction; Day one of high end focused items and a second day Bertoia BASICS sale.

In this auction two Martin toys were for sale

Chauds les marrons lot 203 Result: $ 1300
L’ours Blanc lot 202 Result : Lot passed

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin with the “La Chasse Au Rat”

This beautiful toy was produced from 1910
Fernand Martin number 221

It was one of the many “Bonshommes” that Martin produced and with which he had a huge success.
Martin was always on his way with his photo camera to photograph people in their daily activities and to design a nice toy from it.

Source La Nature: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

This figure represents a housekeeper who goes after a rat to chase him away.
The movement is also fantastic, after winding up the female rises and bends down again to hit the rat with her broom, the rat also moves forward and back.

Martin has applied for a patent under number 433.472 with the name: Mechanical toy consisting of a person chasing a rat, a mouse or another animal with a broom for example.
The application took place on October 27, 1910
Issued on October 28, 1911
Published on January 8, 1912

Free translation from French of part of the patent text:
The present invention relates to a mechanical toy consisting of an upright subject moving in a linear fashion to hunt for him with a broom, for example a rat, a mouse or an animal.
This mechanical toy, driven by the return loop of a spring, comprises a crankshaft that moves a connecting rod that moves the upper part of the subject so that, under the influence of the rods present, it moves up and down and alternates its broom on the rat. beats who runs ahead of her.
This rat is connected by a stiff metal wire and a lever on a pendulum that gives this animal a little back and forth movement.

An invention with reference to the accompanying drawing in which:
FIG. 1 represents this side toy;
FIG. 2 is a bottom view;
FIG. 3 is a front view in section;
FIG. 4 is a section;
FIG. 5 shows the movement from the rod to the rat.

As can be seen in these drawings, the toy in question preferably represents a standing woman wearing a sturdy petticoat.

After selling the Martin factory in 1912 to Georges Flersheim, Flersheim was the owner of all the patents and registered these patents in the register of the Paris industrial tribunal.
This La Chasse au Rat was deposited on June 12, 1912 at the secretariat of the Paris industrial tribunal under number 3547

Part 3: Martin toys used in art

I found an very nice picture of a oil painting from around 1912 with a number of Martins on it.

It is a typical street vendor from that time, who has postponed his goods
The painting was sold at a French auction a few years ago.
Dimensions 46 x 38.5 cm

From left to right you can clearly see next Martins:
-L’hercule populaire from 1904
-Le petit Livreur from 1911
-La course en sac from 1906
-Le clown from 1902
-L’ours Martin from 1903

In this series have already been published:

Fernand Martin “Rubber Band” drive

In the early days Martin used a rubber band (elastic) as the drive.
By turning it on, the toy started to move.
The system consists mainly of a crank, a rubber band and a movement mechanism.
The drive mechanism was adjusted for each toy, such as up and down, right, left, spinning etc.

As an example, the first piece of Martin: the fish from 1878 Poisson Nageur

Drawing Source La Nature : (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts – Catalog page from my personal collection

The crank is in the nose, inside the fish is the rubber band and the mechanism is on the tail.

Parts: between the both hooks coms the rubber band, see below
This demo model is made with an original crank and the mechanism with the tail.

In this demo model you can see clearly the mechanism in operation,
By turning the crank and hold the tail, the rubber band is tightened (twisted)
The other side of the rubber band is hooked onto the movement mechanism, the tail.
When you release the tail again, the tail swings from right to left so that the illusion of swimming is simulated.
Simple but effective.

Another exemple The “Ma Portière” from 1895 > Source La Nature : (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

In this example of the “Ma Portière” the upper body and the broom moves from left to right, the same movement as the tail of the fish “Poisson Nageur”, the crank is on top of the head.

The only drawback is that the rubber band can age and then break quickly.
If it breaks, the hook and mechanism will fall off and mostly get lost.

See what you can read in the new April issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the April 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine Especially for the Fernand Martin enthusiasts on pages 58 till 60 the article : DID I FIND AN UNKNOWN MARTIN TOY OR NOT ??

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine April 2021

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Results of the Martin toys in the Antíco Mondo 88th toy auction 19 and 20 March 2021

The catalog of the 88th Toy Auction

We offer a broad variety of coins, watches, historical advertising a.o..

additional information :

Because of the current circumentances the 88th Toy Auction was a Live-Auction without floor bidders.

You could take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

Note: the numbers in the photos are the auction numbers

Number 6290 € 170
Number 6291 € 200
Number 6445 € 1.500

All prices are in € (Euro’s) and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Website :

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Bertoia signature sale April 8-9 2021

Presenting collectors of all levels a new style of auction from Bertoia Auctions. A Hybrid auction; Day one of high end focused items and a second day Bertoia BASICS sale. Highlights will include Marklin boats and trains, Lehmanns & Martins, cast iron, Automata, Dolls & Bears, tin toys and more. This auction will also offer novice and intermediate level toys and collectibles in all categories.

Highlights will include Marklin boats and trains, Lehmanns & Martins, cast iron, Automata, Dolls & Bears, tin toys and more. This auction will also offer novice and intermediate level toys and collectibles in all categories.
A new style of auction from Bertoia Auctions… a Hybrid auction; Day one of high end focused items and a second day Bertoia BASICS sale.

Thursday session: Lots 1-360
Friday session: Lots 1001-1500

In this auction two Martin toys for sale

Chauds les marrons lot 203
L’ours Blanc lot 202

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Where did they get their ideas?

Where did Martin, Flersheim and Bonnet get many of their ideas?

A compilation of Martin, Flersheim and Bonnet toys with authentic postcards from the end of the 19th century and early 20th century.
These postcards and pictures have images of everyday street life from that time.
Martin, Flersheim and Bonnet have gained many ideas for there “Bonshommes” in daily street life but also during travels and probably also from magazines, postcards and newspapers.

Pictures from the toys: Courtesy of Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany, Bertoia Auctions and my own collection


Considered one of the greatest toy and bank collections in existence, this collection is the epitome of good taste and quality. From near mint mechanical banks to cast iron toys, American tin to European toys, aficionados of fine pieces will find the Schroeder collection to be the perfect combination of elegance and condition. Bertoia Auctions is honored to handle this legendary sale and welcome all collectors to participate in making history this Spring!

And this time with many Martins up for auction, some of which are extremely rare! watch the catalog with this link :

Results of the Martin toys are listed below including the “Martin” number.
All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

425 L’ éminent avocat – Martin number 202 result: $ 3.000
426 L’ intrépide jockey – Martin number 225 result: $ 4.250
427 La conquête du pôle nord – Martin number 217 result: $ 2.750
428 Les valseurs – Martin number 15 result: $ 2.000
429 Le petit cuisinier – Martin number 198 result: $ 1.800
430 L’ entravée – Martin number 220 result: $ 5.500
431 Au parfait pêcheur – Martin number 209 result: $ 5.500
432 Attalage flamand – Martin number 45 result: $ 8.000
433 Les joyeux danseurs – Martin number 23 result: $ 2.000
434 Le sonneur endiablé – Martin number 14 result: $ 900
435 Les courageux scieurs de long – Martin number 18 result: $ 1.200
436 Les sauteur intrepide – Martin number 148 result: $ 10.000
437 Pompier l’ échelle (Victor Bonnet) – Martin number 197 result: $ 2.000
461 Le treuil – Martin number 149 result: $ 2.750
462 La blanchisseuse – Martin number 171 result: $ 1.500
463 Le petit livreur – Martin number 224 result: $ 850
464 L’autopatte – Martin number 218 result: $ 4.750
465 The policeman – Martin number 181 result: $ 4.750
466 L’artiste capillaire – Martin number 196 result: $ 3.000
467 La boule mystérieuse – Martin number 204 result: $ 700
468 Le gai violoniste – Martin number 160 result: $ 950
469 Le livreur – Martin number 22 result: $ 500

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Part 2: Martin toys used in art.

Three paintings from Jacques Milet with Fernand Martin toys used in a frivolous and playful way typical of Jacques Milet

Le concert des petits “Martin”
Jacques funerals
Jouets Martin
Some of these paintings are depicted in this beautiful book about Jacques Milet.

link to this very nice book:

And do you want to know more about Jacques Milet see:

Thanks to Patrick Pasky for allowing me to use these images

Antíco Mondo 88th toy auction 19 and 20 March 2021

The brandnew catalog of the 88th Toy Auction is online!

The auction will feature more than 2600 items of tin toys, trains, figures and model cars.

Also we offer a broad variety of coins, watches, historical advertising a.o..

*additional information

Because of the current circumentances the 88th Toy Auction will be a Live-Auction without floor bidders.

You can take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

Note: the numbers in the photos are the auction numbers

Website :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Part 1: Martin toy used in art.


This very colorful oil on canvas Oil painting is made by Linda Apple

With courtesy of Linda Apple

TITEL: Anyfin Is Possible – Fisherman toy boat and Mermaid whimsical storyteller still life

The very rare boat on this picture is made by Fernand Martin and first produced in 1893
The length is 27.5 cm (10.63) inches

This very rare model lacks the steering and drive.
On display in the Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany
Image courtesy of Bertoia Auctions

The boat normally has a “rubber band” drive, but if the “rubber band” breaks the mechanism will fall apart and get lost very easily.
The winding handle is at the front of the tip of the boat, the “rubber band” goes through the type of pipe at the bottom of the boat to the rear, there is the mechanism to convert the rotating movement into a pendulum movement.
This pendulum movement is transmitted to the rudder and to the two rods that run to the arms.
It then seems as if the man himself steered the boat by the arm movements.

Drawing from the magazine “La Nature 1894” Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

The bamboula dancer.

The Bamboula is the representation of a dancing black person from 1901.
Martin article number 179
The height of this figure is 20 cm (7,8 inch), after winding his body waggles from left to right and his arms moving up and down.
This “Bamboula” dance form dates back a long time

Both images courtesy Bertoia Auctions

The first figure is produced by George Flersheim and the other one by Fernand Martin, recognizable by the shape of the keys

A peace of history:

The bamboula, from the Bantulanguages of central and southern Africa, is derived from kam-bumbuluand ba m’bula, meaning a drum fashioned from a section of giant bamboo with skin stretched over it, as well as the rhythmic danceaccompanied by music from these drums.

Originally from Africa and although today is said to be related to the African Bomba from Puerto Rico.
The bamboula shape appears in a Haitian song in 1757 and made its way to New Orleans even before the 1791 slave revolt.
The bamboula became a dance performed to the beat of the drums, usually during festivals, celebrations and ceremonies.
The Haitian Revolution (1791–1804) was a slave revolt in the then French colony of Saint-Domingue and led to the free black republic of Haiti.
At the beginning of the revolution, thousands of Haitian immigrants included many free people of color, whites, and enslaved Africans had fled the colony and a large number of them settled in Louisiana and set up new plantations there. In 1803, Napoleon authorized the “Louisiana Purchase”, leaving a huge area west of the Mississippi in the hands of the United States.
The enslaved Africans gathered during festivals, celebrations and ceremonies in New Orleans at the Congo-Square on the edge of the French Quarter area to dance the bamboula together.

1895 Print Bamboula African Slave Dance Drums Black Americana E. W. Kemble Art
1895 Print Bamboula African Slave Dance Drums Black Americana E. W. Kemble Art
With tanks to “Period Paper” that I may use this picture

The American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk, born in New Orleans composed in 1848 a piece for Piano entitled Bamboula “Danse des Negres”.

Sources: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and tanks to “Period Paper” that I may use the picture from 1895 print.

See what you can read in the new March issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the March 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine March 2021

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

(4) Le Petit Culbuteur number 213


Is it a catalog image or a box label ? Note these images, as you can see there are clear differences between a box label and an image from a catalog.

Original box label from 1908
A Victor Bonnet & Cie catalog image from about 1927 And is this specific image also used as a box label? Maybe, but I don’t know, I haven’t come across an original box with this label yet.

Last time I took the L’Ours Martin, the Le Pochard and the Le Gai Violoniste as an example, now you see the Le Petit Culbuteur as another example of the differences between box label and the catalog image. In the old Martin catalogs the differences are often minimal but in the later Victor Bonnet & Cie catalog the differences are many more larger as this example shows.

(3) Le Gai Violoniste number 160


Is it a catalog image or a box label ? Note these images, as you can see there are clear differences between a box label and an image from a catalog.

Original box label from 1897
Catalog page from the Victor Bonnet &Cie catalog arount 1927 And is this specific image also used as a box label? Maybe, but I don’t know, I haven’t come across an original box with this label yet.

Last time I took the L’Ours Martin and the Le Pochard as an example, now you see the Le Gai Violoniste as an example of the differences between box label and the catalog image. In the old Martin catalogs the differences are often minimal but in the later Victor Bonnet & Cie catalog the differences are many more larger as this example shows.

BERTOIA SIGNATURE SALE Friday & Saturday | March 5-6, 2021

Considered one of the greatest toy and bank collections in existence, this collection is the epitome of good taste and quality. From near mint mechanical banks to cast iron toys, American tin to European toys, aficionados of fine pieces will find the Schroeder collection to be the perfect combination of elegance and condition. Bertoia Auctions is honored to handle this legendary sale and welcome all collectors to participate in making history this Spring!

And this time with many Martins up for auction, some of which are extremely rare! watch the catalog with this link:

The Martins in this auction are listed below including the “Martin” number.

425 L’éminent avocat – Martin number 202
426 L’ intrépide jockey – Martin number 225
427 La conquête du pôle nord – Martin number 217
428 Les valseurs – Martin number 15
429 Le petit cuisinier – Martin number 198
430 L’entravée – Martin number 220
431 Au parfait pêcheur – Martin number 209
432 Attelage flamand – Martin number 45
433 Les joyeux danseurs – Martin number 23
434 Le sonneur endiablé – Martin number 14
435 Les courageux scieurs de long – Martin number 18
436 Les sauteur intrepide – Martin number 148
437 Pompier l’échelle (Victor Bonnet) – Martin number 197
461 Le treuil – Martin number 149
462 La blanchisseuse – Martin number 171
463 Le petit Livreur – Martin number 224
464 L’autopatte – Martin number 218
465 The policeman – Martin number 180
466 L’artiste capillaire – Martin number 196
467 La boule mystérieuse – Martin number 204
468 Le gai violoniste – Martin number 160
469 Le livreur – Martin number 22

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

(2) Le Pochard number 172


Is it a catalog image or a box label? Note these images, as you can see there are clear differences between a box label and an image from a catalog.

Original box label 1899
The page from the Victor Bonnet & Cie catalog from around 1927 And is this specific image also used as a box label? Maybe, but I don’t know, I haven’t come across an original box with this label yet.

Last time I took the L’Ours Martin as an example, now you see the Le Pochard as an example of the differences between box label and the catalog image. In the old Martin catalogs the differences are often minimal but in the later Victor Bonnet & Cie catalog the differences are many more larger as this example shows.

(1) L’Ours Martin number 193


Is it a box label or a catalog image? Note these images, as you can see there are clear differences between a box label and an image from a catalog.

Original box label 1903
Picture from de Victor Bonnet & Cie catalog around 1927 And is this specific image also used as a box label? Maybe, but I don’t know, I haven’t come across an original box with this label yet.

This L’Ours Martin is taken as an example, of many more Martin toys are examples of the differences between the box labels and the catalog images. In the old Martin catalogs the differences are often minimal but in the later Victor Bonnet & Cie catalog the differences are many more larger as this example shows.

Results of the Bertoia auction BASICS Sale January 21, 2021

January BASICS Auction Highlights

A very active 2021 auction schedule is underway.
The year will begin with a January Bertoia BASICS sale, followed by several important springtime auctions.
Accepting quality consignments, single items or entire collections.

We welcome all consignment inquiries and considerations.
Please contact us to discuss the selling options, future auction schedule, and to learn more about the easy process of selling with Bertoia Auctions.

Primarily a tinplate and European toy focused sale to include comic character toys, Lehmann, German autos, motorcycles, penny toys, trains and more.

In this January auction where one Martin and one Victor Bonnet toy

Result $ 150,00
Result $ 1.300,00

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

See what you can read in the new February issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the February 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine February 2021

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Bertoia auction BASICS Sale January 21, 2021

January BASICS Auction Highlights

A very active 2021 auction schedule is underway. The year will begin with a January Bertoia BASICS sale, followed by several important springtime auctions. Accepting quality consignments, single items or entire collections.

We welcome all consignment inquiries and considerations. Please contact us to discuss the selling options, future auction schedule, and to learn more about the easy process of selling with Bertoia Auctions.

Primarily a tinplate and European toy focused sale to include comic character toys, Lehmann, German autos, motorcycles, penny toys, trains and more.

In this auction one Martin and one Victor Bonnet toy


The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin- Part four

The history of Fernand Martin toy manufacturer in Paris.
Part four: The Victor Bonnet period.

In the most relevant books about Martin are the toys that are made by Martin and his successors divided into four periods.

According to the latest state of insight, these periods might be classified as follows
Period 1 from 1878 – 1894
Period 2 from 1895 – 1912
Period 3 from 1912 – 1919
Period 4 from 1919 – 1933

The fourth period from 1919 – 1933:

François Victor Bonnet:
Born November 30, 1872 – Paris 6ème
Died 21 November 1951 – Vincennes – France
From 1896 to 1905, He held the grand bazaar, rue de la constitution in Avranches then back to Paris.

Francis Victor Bonnet took over the Martin company on March 29, 1919.

Header of a leaflet from the late 30’s

On the left-hand side of this original old leaflet from the late 1930s, the Victor Bonnet & Cie factory is mentioned from 1921 till 1937.
See under “anciens etablissements” (translated: former facilities).
The text on the leaflet also states that the factory of George Flersheim existed from 1913 till 1920, so until 5 years after his death, but that isn’t correct.

The reason for this false statement, made by the designer of this leaflet, may be due to the following dates:
In the “Register Analytique” of the Paris Commercial Register is states that the Victor Bonnet factory official is registered under the number 92537 date: December 29, 1920, so almost 2 years after the acquisition in 1919.

Le “Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés” (RCS)
The RCS is introduced in France by the law of March 18, 1919, supplemented by the decree of March 22, 1920 creating the RCS.
This law required all French and foreign companies to be registered in this register from 1920 on.
This Registre Analytique is a officializing that Victor Bonnet & Cie, which was created in March 1919, was registered in 1920 under number 92537 to comply with this law.
The RCS is both a registration system organized by the public authorities in view of making certain legal acts known to interested third parties and a means of knowing officially the existence of French or foreign traders with either their main establishment or a branch in France.
New traders has one month after the opening of his business to register.

The Victor Bonnet Factory started the production in 1919
In a French patent application (patent number 576,723) for the first Victor Bonnet toy produced (Auto Transports model: Le Déverseur , number 246) mentions a date of April 12, 1921, the publication was on August 25, 1924
The patent application in Germany was on April 21, 1921 under patent number 363805
But many manufacturers have already started production from or before the moment of applying for a patent.
There were sometimes many years between the application and the final commitment and publishing.

The date 1937 mentioned in the leaflet is the end of the Victor Bonnet period, on 30 December 1937 Victor Bonnet donated the factory to his two sons Robert and René, the company name was changed to Bonnet Fréres (Bonnet brothers).

In addition to the F.M. logo came the new “Victor Bonnet et Cie” logo.
Often only the “Victor Bonnet et Cie” or “V.B. & Cie” or “V.B.” logo was used on packaging, bills, letters, toys etc.

A part of a payment certificate from 1933 of the factory at the old location, before its administratively registered dissolution.

In addition to the beautiful and often technically high-quality toys that were designed by themselves, they also produced many successful older models of toys from Martin and Flersheim.

Here the list of toys we know, produced in the period on the 88 Boulevard de Menilmontant From 1919 up to 1933.

246 Le Déverseur
247 Le Pan Pan
248 Tracteur
249 Camion
250 La Remorque
251 Le Ramier
252 L ‘Homme Toupie
253 Le Clown Orchestre
254 Le Train Tortillard
255 La Charette Paysanne
256 Flac
257 Bombarde
258 Le Pétard
259 L’Entraineur “Skiff”
260 Madelon Casseuse D’Assiettes
261 Gros Camionnage
262 Tape Fort
263 La Patinette
264 Le Sans Balle
265 Voiture Nounou Poupon
266 Le Costaud
And a few names of toys, whose numbers are not yet known to us: ( and do you know any of these numbers? Please let me know )
??? Le Epervier ( Flying disc launcher )
??? Le Corsaire ( a pistol )
??? Auto-fusée ( a race car )

Below are some of the old successful toys by Martin and Flersheim that were produced by Bonnet again:
L’Ours Blanc number 193 ( bear in white )
Le Pompier L’Echelle number 197 (with another ladder)
La petit Marchande number 185 (with a different face)
Le petit Livreur number 224
Le Motocycliste number 231 (with closed wheels)
Le Gai Violinist number 160
La Pochard number 172
Madelon Casseuse D’Assiettes number 260 (with fabric clothes)
But these toys can always be recognized by the typical Bonnet key

Victor Bonnet & Cie has been administratively dissolved in 1933.
So its entry in the official administrative records has been then deleted.
During these administrative dissolution process some of Victor Bonnet & Cie’s assets were transferred to Victor Bonnet’s privately held company that had been installed 8, rue des Tourelles in the early 1920’s
This Victor Bonnet’s privately held company was producing household items.

With permission of : Collection Ultimheat Museum

It is also very likely that Victor Bonnet’s privately held company (8 rue des Tourelles) acquired in this liquidation process not only the rights of the tin automatons but also the corresponding tooling equipment to produce them at the 8, rue des Tourelles facility.
Until the end of the factory at the old location, Victor Bonnet still used the old Fernand Martin logo and on one of his bill’s shows that he also advertised that he had over 200 Patents, additions and deposits in France and abroad, but that includes the patents from Fernand Martin, George Flersheim and Victor Bonnet.
With the relocation of the production of the Victor Bonnet factory in 1933, the Fernand Martin 88 blv Ménilmontant period was also closed.

Part of the account overview of December 1, 1933

Victor Bonnet started a new numbering after the relocation, he started with number 1: a light green awning torpedo truck .

Picture courtesy : Boutique “Quand j’étais petit garçon” Paris

After the relocation the logo “Victor Bonnet et Cie” disappeared in favor of the logo “Vébé”
This logo was already used from 1929, for the household items produced in the location: 8, Rue des Tourelles, Victor Bonnet also no longer uses the old FM logo and the triangular logo with no 138 underneath after 1933.
They continued to produce some of the old toys after 1933 with the logo “Vébé”.

Above: The Le Petit Livreur , Torpedo truck and the Pigeon with the VéBé logo after 1933
Below: The Le Petit Livreur label, Le Petit Livreur with the V.B.& Cie logo and the Pigeon with the V.B.& Cie logo before 1934
At the top: the VéBé logo from 1934 found on a leaflet from the late 30s.
Below : two parts of different payment certificates one from 1937 so before the name was changed to Bonnet Fréres and one from 1946 so after the name was changed
Some of the name plates that Victor Bonnet used

On December 31, 1960, Bonnet received the addition “S.A.R.L.” (Société à responsabilité limitée) Translation : Limited liability company, but in 1964 the company Bonnet finally closed.

Special thanks with the help, texts and image I received from Francois Mesqui

With this description we conclude the series of four articles about the history of the Fernand Martin toys.

All toys with without reference are from my collection


We wishes all the readers of my blog a:

Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo
Kala Christougenna Ki’eftihismenos O Kenourios Chronos
God Jul och Gott Nytt År
Glædelig Jul og godt nytår
Geseende Kerfees en ’n gelukkige nuwe jaar
Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta

And stay healthy in these difficult pandamic times

Photo made and designed by Arthur Verdoorn

See what you can read in the new January issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the January 2021 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine January 2021

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Very small etchings from 1892 with toys

During my search for Martin toys and related matters, I found on a website at a dealer of antique drawings and etchings four different small etchings with toys on it.
These etchings are original and no copy, if you move slowly over the drawing with a sharp needle you can feel the ink lines.
I don’t know how many of them were printed, they are not numbered
They are made by the famous French etcher Louis Poyet, more about this etcher see my blog Louis Poyet and Fernand Martin from 31 May 2019.
The measurements are 8.1 x 9.8 cm (3,19 x.3,85 inch) each.

La Nature 1892

When I saw these etchings the firts time, they seemed familiar to me.
After a brief investigation, it appeared that they had already been published in the year 1892 in the French technical year magazine: “LA NATURE” on page 44 and 45
The four sheets contain drawings of toys at that time:

-A locomotive and a Locomobile from the well-known toy manufacturer C Rossignol.

-A revolver and a cannon, these are also made by C Rossignol.

-A spinning top, this is from the French toy manufacturer M Blanchon.

-Fernand Martin with two figures, the “LE LAPIN VIVANT” Martin number 32 and the “LE DIABLE EN BOITE” Martin number 33

What is particularly interesting about the etching with the Martins and the spinng top is that these drawing are made so that you can see the mechanism and see how they work.
Both two Martin toys were driven with the famous “rubber band” drive.

I have placed the etching with the Fernand Martin images in a small frame and added them to my collection of antique toys.
Now I can enjoy it every day.

etching art and toy art come together

And if you want to know more about the rabbit! see my older blog of April 13, 2020: Fernand Martin Le Lapin Vivant.

The different Fernand Martin, Georges Flersheim and Victor Bonnet keys

I wrote this blog over a year and a half ago but since there are questions about keys and readers also consider other types of keys for “Martin” keys, I have rewritten this blog and added the latest knowledge.
Not every key with the text “FM” on it is a Martin key.
With the Martin toys from the first and second period, so until 1912, there is only one toy with a separate key, see explanation below.
Victor Bonnet has made more toys with a separate key.
So pay attention to the key as best you can and don’t believe every seller.

In the base there are 6 recognizable keys
The first 4 are typical of the Martin keys.
Key 5 is typical of Georges Flersheim
Key 6 belong to the Victor Bonnet toys.

The numbers 3 and 5 seem the same but key 3 is made of round wire and key 5 is made of square wire

But of course there are exceptions.
I have searched in my photo archive or around 7,500 photos for different use of keys.
Here the exceptions that I have found (up to now) in my archive, in collections and in old Martin catalogs.

Fernand Martin:
Martin used a different key that is not listed in the picture above.
For example;
Le Traîneau Russe
La Perruche
Le Facteur De Chemin De Fer
And the numbers 131 till 137, (in the book Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris on page 101) Sujets Avec Et Sans Mécanique
One Martin toy has a separate key (number 213 Le Petit Culbuteur ), this is the only model from Martin with a separate key (see photo below) this key was connected to the box with a ribbon. (I have found this model key more than 5 times in the past with this toy complete with the box and some still attached with a red ribbon to the box, so I am pretty sure it is the original key)

Original Martin key from the Le Petit Culbuteur

Georges Flersheim:
Flersheim has produced at least 20 own toy models of which:
-10 models have a model 5 key that we are now for sure,
-1 a fixed key (number 246 Je Sonne La Paix)
-With 4 we don’t know for sure, these are soldiers with the numbers 235 – 236 – 244 and 245
The next 4 have Martin keys:
-Number 228 Le Motocycle Enragé
-From the Le Motocycliste number 231 two keys are known, the Martin key and the Georges Flersheim key
-La Guerre Aérienne with number 240
-Number 243 the French Soldier is produced with a Martin key or a Flersheim key.
-and the only from we don’t know the exact number till now is the: “Le Poilu” see my blog: he has a Martin number 3 key.

Victor Bonnet:
Number 251 Le Ramier is found in three different versions, with a Bonnet type key, with a Georges Flersheim type key and with a separate key.
Madelon Casseuse D’assiettes number 260 has a Bonnet type key, but there are also found exemples with a George Flersheim type key.
Four models of the “Victor Bonnet Bonshommes” are found with a separate key:
number 252 – l’homme toupie
number 259 – L’entraineur skiff
number 263 – la patinette
number 265 – voiture nounou poupon

l’homme toupie with a Separate key

There will probably be other pieces with different keys.
If you find a Martin with a different key, email me and preferably with a photo.

L’ours blanc (the polar bear)

A special and quite rare Martin.
Depicting a white bear climbing up a tree
Martin number 216 from 1909 with the name L’ours blanc (the polar bear)

The bear is about 18 cm (7 inch) long
The “tree” consists of two parts that must be pushed into each other in the middle, the total height is about 50 cm (19,7 inch)

Picture from the magazine La Nature 1910 pag. 51, Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

The text by this drawing is: The polar bear that our figure represents owes, to the interior device which animates it, of a remarkable quality of climber, it hoists itself very elegantly at the top of the ladder which completes the toy.

In the instructions for use state:
After having wound up the spring, place the bear in position at the bottom of the tree, in introducing its front metal guide into the vertical groove.
The front legs having been hooked on the cross bars, the bear will then climb up. So the bear only moves its front legs, one by one, the back legs have no climbing function.

You can see the metal guide pin in the middle of the belly

This toy is very rare but the original box is much rarer, this is the first one I saw.

Results Antíco Mondo toy auction Dec. 2020

Because of the current circumentances the 87th Toy Auction was a Live-Auction without floor bidders.

Website :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the this 87 toy auction catalog!

All prices are in Euro € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin- Part three.

The history of Fernand Martin toy manufacturer in Paris.
Part three: The third Period – Georges Flersheim.

In the most relevant books about Martin are the toys that are made by Martin and his successors divided into four periods.

According to the latest state of insight, these periods might be classified as follows

Period 1 from 1878 – 1894
Period 2 from 1895 – 1912
Period 3 from 1912 – 1919
Period 4 from 1919 – 1933

The 4e period ended in 1933, Victor BONNET & Cie has been adminsitratively dissolved in 1933 some of Victor BONNET & Cie’s assets were transfered to Victor BONNET’s privately held company that had been installed 8, rue des Tourelles in 1923.

The third period from 1912 – 1919:

Georges Flersheim was born on May 24, 1884 and purchased the Fernand Martin factory in 1912.
He was an inventor and held a degree of “Engineer of the Arts and Manufactures“ from the famous school: Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures de Paris

Before he took over the Martin factory, he already had a lot of technical patents to his name.
Between 1909 and 1913 a minimum off 16 patent applications are known or which 4 toy patents.
The first toy patent applications date from April 04, 1912, so shortly after the takeover of the Martin factory.
These toys came from the old Martin portfolios, Martin had bought the design of a few of them at the Concours Lepine and Flersheim patented them under his name.
Flersheim acquired with the company all Martin’s patents.

These 4 Flersheim toy patents are :
458560 La casseuse D’assiette number 233
454178 Chauds les marrons number 227
446331 Le Petit Patineur number 229
444652 Le Motocycliste enragé number 228

Since its creation, the Martin factory has also made and customized products that were not part of our well-known toys. (that we can see an inscriptions on the back cover of the 1898 and the 1908 Fernand Martin catalog which states that the Martin company “executions, based on orders, all articles in stamped or cut tinplate ”)

One of these products is an advertising board “Réclame Mécanique” as you can see in the book Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris 1878-1912 on page 103.

Picture from the : Almanach Pratique Illustré de Petit Parisien 1913 page 71 (this book is from my own collection)
On page 49 in the book of Frédéric Marchand: The History of Martin Mechanical Toys there you can see a better picture, top picture on the right side. .

Georges Flersheim made other products to, he has a patent for a cigarette or cigar case combined with a build-in automatic lighter, this cigarette case has Patent number FR439702, but whether it was ever produced is currently unknown.

Part of Patent number FR439702
Patent from the site Espacenet

And as shown on an advertisement from March 15, 1914 he made razors too, with patent number FR466244.
Pay attention to the FM logo on this ad.
He used the letters FL and EM and between these letters the old “Fm Paris” logo in a circle.
On the ad from the magazin: Excelsior Journal Illustré, you see the old Martin adres but he used the letters FLEM as a brand name.

Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France
Part of patent number FR466244
Patent from the site Espacenet

In addition to being owner of his company, Georges Flersheim was also a reserve Lieutenant of the artillery.
During a demonstration of a shell-launcher, it went wrong.
Georges Flersheim “dead for France” on August 14, 1915, in Woesten, ( a small village in the Belgian province of West Flanders and a part of Vleteren ) following war wounds.

In the French newspaper “Le Temps” from 17 september 1915 number 19795 is this announcement:

Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France

“At the age of thirty, we announce the glorious death of the artillery lieutenant Georges Flersheim, killed during experiments at Wippe-Cabaret (Belgium) on August 14.
Very distinguished engineer and the most beautiful future, he was the inventor of a very remarkable bomb-thrower adopted by the army ”
NOTE: Wippe is a neighborhood of Woesten Belgium

In a official French army document of death from the site: Ministere des Armées- Mémoire des Hommes you can find the details.

He is buried in a family grave at the famous Paris cemetery, “Cimetière du Père-Lachaise”.
Many celebrities are buried at this cemetery.
Fernand Martin is also buried in a family grave at this cemetery.

Since Flersheim’s death came so suddenly, what did they produce after his death?

  • did they continue to produce with the existing models?
  • supplemented with possibly new models designed by Flersheim?
  • were old models from the Fernand Martin period, produced again?

Since Georges Flersheim’s death, his mother was the administrator of the business.

But there was certainly some action from the Flersheim factory.
In a publication of the monthly magazine “La France Universelle” in the section “Le Jouet” of April 1, 1917, it is stated that at the 2nd toy exhibition in Lyon, the company Fernand Martin (Georges Flersheim successor) is registered as an exhibitor.

And now two toys that are under discussion:

There is a toy the “Je sonne la paix” with number 246, this toy was an adapted reissue of the 1885 “Le sonneur endiable” by Fernand Martin, and must have been released at the end of the war in November 1918.
On page 167 in the book of Frédéric Marchand: The History of Martin Mechanical Toys there is showing the label and in the book Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris 1878-1912 there is a box on page 201
Till now, the only reference to this toy was found in the magazine “Le Petit Journal” dec. 17-1919.

The main difference are:

The Martin version (14)
-“FM Systeme Bte S.G.D.G. Paris” is stamped on top/side of the base.
-On the bottom, you see, under the male figure, an elongated piece of iron mounted as a weight
-A rubber band drive.
-The label in the original catalog marked with the FM logo and the triangle

The Flersheim version (246)
-The base plate has no name or logo, there is a piece of fabric on the side with the name “Je Sonne La Paix” printed on it.
-On the bottom a solid plate is soldered and stamped with the round FM logo on it.
-I have seen two different version, with a long spiral spring in the pole and there are versions with the rubber band drive.
-At the top there is a French flag a hollow pipe has been placed in the roof for the iron flagpole with a fabric French flag.
-The roof has been given a slightly different relief.
-The bell has also been given a slightly slender shape.

Base plate with FM logo

During the war and afterwards, the toy manufacturers had hard times.
Was the Georges Flersheim factory able to continue producing? Shortages of supplies and personnel in a shrinking toy market?
The costs for the release of a “new or adapted” toy were also very high, molds had to be made or adapted, a new label must be designed and printed, boxes were made.

Discussion: Is this a officially produced / sold toy by the Flersheim factory?
The pro arguments:
-it looks that it is made with the old Martin molds.
-it is marked with FM. Paris (another manufacturer would never use the FM brand!)
-there is a label, marked with the FM logo and the triangle
-there is a box, marked with the FM logo and the triangle
-there is 1 reference to this toy as found in the magazine “Le Petit Journal” dec. 17-1919.

The counter arguments are:
-who made/designed it. (Georges Flersheim died three years earlier.)
-why has the number 246 been used twice. (Victor Bonnet used it in 1919 for his first toy)
-this toy is not shown anywhere in an original catalog,
advertising or the like.

And then there is another debatable toy with the name “French Machine Gun”.

Courtesy Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany,

Is it made by George Flersheim ?? many think so, but is that so ??
As can be read on the box, it was brought to the Lépine exhibition and competitions in 1916, so 1 year after the death of Georges Flersheim, where it won a gold medal.
This toy is not modeled like a Flersheim or Martin toy.
The last complete metal cast toys is the spinning top “Les Valseurs” (the dancing couple) made in 1885.
On the box you see the text: Bréveté & Déposé meens that this product was Patented & Registerd, but till now I can’t find this patent.
It is marked on the box with “Modele F. M. Paris” but this F.M. can also mean something else and like: Fusil Mitrailleur (another name for Mitrailleuse Francaise) and also on the toy or the box are no “Martin/Flersheim” features like the Martin logo that Flersheim still used: the circle with FM, or another logo: the triangle with number 138 in it, and at last the box it is unnumbered and differs a lot from the designs used on the boxes at the time.

I have found no hard evidence so far that this toy belongs to the production of the Flersheim factory.

Courtesy Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany,

The story about Flersheim is not over because many discussions and questions remain. As in the current numbering, there will definitely be changes in the future.

We need some help !

Picture from the site

During our search for soldiers who are made by Flersheim or Martin, we found this soldier on the site of it was probably sold in January 2015, (the picture is meanwhile removed from the site)
QUESTION: Who sold it or who bought it?
We would like additional information about this toy.
If you can help, Please contact us via the email address below.
Or do you have unknown “Martin, Flersheim or Victor Bonnet” toys, let us hear from you, maybe these are the puzzle pieces we are looking for.

Many thanks with the help and texts I received from Francois Mesqui.

All toys without reference are from my collection


To be continued

See what you can read in the new December 2020 issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the December 2020 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine.
Especially for the Fernand Martin enthusiasts on pages 66 till 68, part four of four articles about the history of the Martin Toys.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine December 2020:

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to

Fernand Martin number 197 : Le Bonhomme a L’Echelle

One of the rarer Martin toys and made from 1904.
The height of the male is about 20 cm (7.9 inch)
It got Martin number 197
A patent of this toy was issued on September 01- 1903 in France with number 334981.
This patent is also been used for the firefighters with the same number 197

Courtesy Pook & Pook Auctions

It is strange that number 197 contains three different figures.
Even the text and pictures of the figures and house pictured the box are different.
The first box is the light blue civilian figure on a ladder named: Le Bonhomme a L’Echelle from Martin.
The second box is the Fireman on the ladder from Martin and Flersheim named Le Pompier a L’Echelle.
The third box is from Victor Bonnet named Le Pompier a L’Echelle.
All boxes have the same number 197 and all toys have the same climbing movement.

The difference between the heads and the color is very clear but the difference in the bodies is a little less clear, therefore these images, you can clearly see that the civilian has very different body characteristics.

Courtesy Bertoia Auction
Left: Martin civilian figure—Middle: Flersheim model and released by Victor Bonnet from about 1919 —Right: the early Martin 1904 model and released from about 1912 by Flersheim.
The inside with the movement

In this pictures you see in the middle a dubbel “Z” form axel ( code i) so when the left foot goes down the right foot goes up and when the left foot goes up the right foot goes down and so on.

The operation is as follows: First wind up and hold, in his handpalm are “U” shaped bracket, you place the figure with these “U” brackets over both outsides of the ladder and slide it all the way down with 1 foot on the lowest tree, let go and he slowly move his legs up alternately to suggest realistic stair climbing.

You want to know more about the Firefighters? See my blog :

Antíco Mondo toy auction Dec. 2020

The brandnew catalog of the 87th Toy Auction is online!

As usual, a good amount of very rare and wanted collectibles will be auctioned: More then 2300 lots of Tin Toys, Trains, Figures, Model Cars and Antique Advertising are waiting for you!

Because of the current circumentances the 87th Toy Auction will be a Live-Auction without floor bidders.

You can take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids

Website :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Result of the Martin’s in this “JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on November 14, 2020

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres had this time a few Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys.
Furthermore, there where many more other beautiful toys in this auction.

See this link for the entire collection that was auctioned:

For more auction house information see this link:

For more information see the auction catalog:
Catalog 8 € or subscription for 2 years 30 €.

All prices are in Euro € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results of the Bertoia Annual Fall Auction November 2020

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Annual Fall Auction Highlights

This “ANNUAL FALL SALE” was on November 12-13, 2020

In this auction were Marklin & American trains, Pressed Steel from Jay Schoedinger, Halloween and Christmas collections, outstanding European and Japanese tin toys, horse-drawn examples presented from a long time collection in addition to Banks and Doorstops, and 8 Martin/Flersheim/Victor Bonnet toys

Here the results:

The Bertoia team is dedicated for every auction to offering their quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results Martin Toys in the RSL Auction November 7th 2020

In this auction of RSL Auction Company there where 5 Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys and a lot of other beautiful pieces in this auction.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

You want to see more toys then look at this link: Catalog Link

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Discovered another original bill from 1933 by Victor Bonnet.

During his period as the owner of the former Fernand Martin factory, Victor Bonnet brought many beautiful new toys to the market.
The pistols/guns are very noticeable here because they don’t really look like the other toys.
But it was then and is still a hugely popular toy with mainly boys.
Till today, 7 different pistols/guns are known.
To my surprise, I found an second original bill from Victor Bonnet from 1933 with the order of various pistols and other toys on it.

This bill is dated March 31. 1933
The address of Victor Bonnet & Cie factory is still the old address where once Fernand Martin produced his great successes at 88 Boulevard de Menilmontant Paris.

At the back of this bill the 6 well-known pistols are also shown.
This order included two well-known pistols, one pistol we discover earlier this year and two names that we didn’t know yet.
Of course we recognize the well known PanPan and the Bombarde on this bill.
The most toy collectors had never heard of these two names on this bill, the Auto-Fusée and the Corsaire.
In the previous discovered bill, see: we already found two new names of which we could attribute one to the pistol with number 266 de Le Costaud, and another one is the L’Epervier from which we now know what it is but I can’t yet give a number.

So we have till now 3 piece that are for the most collectors new, ( Auto-Fusée, Le Corsaire, L’Epervier)
What represented they ???
They are :
Le L’Epervier (Flying disc launcher)
Le Corsaire (a pistol) so now we have 8 different pistols
Auto-fusée (a race car)
I don’t know for sure if there are more new names but I am continue to search.

Probably is that the Victor BONNET & Cie-in-liquidation, sold the patents and trademarks of guns/pistols to JEP, as they were show in a JEP’s product portfolio from 1934.

And do you know off there other missing pieces ? send me a message and make me happy.

“JOUETS DE COLLECTION” Galerie de Chartres auction on November 14, 2020

The French auction house: Galerie de Chartres has this time a few Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys.
Furthermore, there are many more other beautiful toys in this auction that we can look for.

See this link for the entire collection to be auctioned:

For more auction house information see this link:

For more information see the auction catalog:
Catalog 8 € or subscription for 2 years 30 €.

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for this Martin

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin- Part two

The history of Fernand Martin toy manufacturer in Paris.
Part two: The second Period.

In the most relevant books about Martin are the toys that are made by Martin and his successors divided into four periods.

According to the latest state of insight, these periods might be classified as follows
Period 1 from 1878 – 1894
Period 2 from 1895 – 1912
Period 3 from 1912 – 1919
Period 4 from 1919 – 1933

The second period from 1895 – 1912:

Fernand Martin started the second period in 1895 with his: Ma Portiére, Martin number 147.
This toy was executed with his old invention the “Rubber band” drive.
It turned out that the “rubber band” system for this larger toy didn’t work, it was too weak.
Therefore he also performed this Ma Portiére with a clockwork drive, the difference is clearly visible, the first version has a little handle on top of the head, in the second version it has disappeared.

This new toys are mostly figures with a height of about 18 to 20 cm (7 – 8 inch).
Most are made of a wire frame with lead feet, a head of copper foil, fitted out with a clockwork mechanism and dressed in clothes made of fabric.

In 1901 Martin came to the first exhibition: Concours de Lépine, ( The Lépine competition) of his very good friend Mister Louis Lépine, with 17 new figures, he called them the “Bonshommes de Paris”.
This competition was held for the small inventors to present and promote their inventions and creations.
On that event they get in touch with possible manufactures.
Mister Louis Lépine was Préfet (head) of the Paris police.
Later on Martin participated several times as a member of the jury of the toy section of this event.

Fernand Martin and his son Maurice created most of their production themselves, but occasionally they also bought up inventions / patents.
Most of these patents were bought from the inventors at the aforementioned Lépine Competition.
A few examples are the “La Boule Mysterieuse”, the “L’autopatte”, the “Le Marchand de Marrons”, (produced by George Flersheim)
Some unknown names are the “L’homme aux echasses”, (man on stilts) and the “L’attraper de Mouches” (fly catcher), so far we know are these toys never went into production, perhaps produced in small numbers ??

Fernand Martin was very often on “business trips” around the world.
He visited many exhibitions with his toys, but was also often a guest as a member of the jury.
The toy boxes from that time include the following cities: London, Anvers, Paris, Moscow, Barcelona, Brussels, Prague, Chicago, Antwerp, Omaha, St Louis, Liège, Milan and St Petersburg.
Was Martin at every exhibition in person? I don’t know but we know for sure is that he had his own stand in the French pavilion at the world fair of St Louis USA in 1904 and he was a member of the jury by at least 6 exhibitions.

Fernand Martin toys on the St. Louis World Trade Fair 1904
Picture from the Magazine Playthings page 178 June 1909 and with permission of The Strong Archive USA

But Fernand Martin also suffered setbacks.
Just as at the end of May 1904, a major fire broke out and many workers were temporarily unemployed.
A proposal has been submitted to the city council to compensate these employees with compensation.
A proposal from Mr. Landrin, member of the Bureau of the City Council:
Allocation of assistance to workers who have fallen victim to the factory incident on 88 Boulevard de Ménilmontant.
As a result of a fire at the end of May 1904, 70 or 72 workers in the toy factory boulevard de Ménilmontant 88 were reduced to unemployment.
At my request, the Office of the City Council voted in favor of provisional aid of 1000 francs.
This amount is absolutely inadequate and I recommend the advice to kindly bring it to 3000 francs.
Therefore, I submit the following proposal, for which I request the benefit of the emergency:

The Council:
For the time being, an amount of 3,000 francs is being made available to the mayor of the 20th district to help the workers.
Victims of incidental unemployment due to the factory fire bd. 88, Ménilmontant.
The amount of 1,000 francs already voted as a provision by the Office is deducted from this amount.
Signed: M. Landrin.
The emergency has been declared.
Proposal put to the vote.

The Bonhommes were expanded very quickly with several figures.
The most famous and sold figures are the Le Gay Violoniste and the Le Pochard.
Almost every new collector starts with one of these two figures.

As already mentioned, this second period started with number 147 and ended with number 226 the “Les Cochins de Père François”.
There are 82 numbers between the first and last toy of this period, but that does not mean that 82 toys have also been produced, no there are definitely more.

In 1907 his son Maurice became seriously ill probably struck by tuberculosis.
In 1908 Martin bought a villa in the hills of southern France in a small village Villefranche-sur-Mer nearby Nice on the Mediterranean.
The villa had the name “Villa Margot”.
Later the village named a street after their famous fellow citizen Fernand Martin, this street is named: “Avenue Fernand Martin”.

In 1911 Fernand Martin decided to retire and sell to Georges Flersheim the 22-year-old son of a large banker family.
The sale was concluded on January 1, 1912 and here ended this second period of the Martin toys

Maurice Martin died of his illness on August 15, 1919 and Fernand Martin died almost 3 weeks later on September 4, 1919, aged 70 years.

Both were buried in a family grave on the world-famous “Père-Lachaise” cemetery in Paris very close to their old factory.


To be continued

Victor Bonnet the L’entraineur Skiff

This very nice and almost lifelike toy is made in the fourth “Martin” period by Victor Bonnet & Cie
It has been given the “Martin” number 259
This toy was produced from around 1928.

From my own collection: Model with the handle on the frontwheel

This toy was made after an example of a kind of children’s tricycle that was moved by means of arm strength and changed direction by steering the front wheel with your feet.
There were models with one or two front wheels.

Various other manufacturers also made lithographed toy models of these arm-powered tricycles in the 1950s and 1960s.

Courtesy Antico mondo Auktionen Bornheim Germany

There are two different Victor Bonnet models on the market.
At first glance you hardly see the difference, they are both blue and have the same boy figure.
The difference is, however, at the bottom in the steering of the front wheel.
The front wheel serves as a control for this tricycle.

Left model with the handle on the frontwheel – Right model with control from the mechanism

In one model, the front wheel is controlled by the drive clockwork mechanism itself.
With the other model you have to do this yourself by means of a little handle which is directly on the front / nose, by adjusting the little handle the “skiff” goes straight or makes a turn to the right or left.
So if you look at the bottom you can clearly see the difference.

picture from the catalog

I suspect that the model with the adjustment of the front wheel by the mechanism is the first version.
My suspicion is that, on the original image on the box and in the catalog you can clearly see the adjustment rod (axel), just below his feet, from the engine to the front wheel.

See what you can read in the new November issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the November 2020 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine.
Especially for the Fernand Martin enthusiasts on pages 8 till 11, part three of four articles about the history of the Martin Toys.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine November 2020

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.

To subscribe go to


In this auction there are two Martins and a lot more beautiful other toys.

FERNAND MARTIN TIN WINDUP ORANGE VENDOR, lot number 0244 Result: $ 425
FERNAND MARTIN LITTLE COOK lot number 0270 Result $ 700

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction


In this auction there are two Martins and a lot more beautiful other toys.


For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

RSL Auction November 7th 2020

In the next auction of RSL Auction Company there are Fernand Martin/Victor Bonnet toys and there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

You want to see more toys then look at this link: Catalog Link

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Bertoia Annual Fall Auction | November 2020

Annual Fall Auction Highlights

ANNUAL FALL SALE on November 12-13, 2020

Marklin & American trains, Pressed Steel from Jay Schoedinger, Halloween and Christmas collections, outstanding European and Japanese tin toys, horse-drawn examples presented from a long time collection in addition to Banks and Doorstops, and in this auction there are 8 Martin/Flersheim/Victor Bonnet toys

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin number 188. What’s the name?

In the book: “Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris 1878-1912” this figure is depicted on page 127 with number 188 in two versions called: “Le Charbonnier” and “Le Fort De La Halle”
In the book “The History of Martin Mechanical Toys” from Frédéric Marchande on page 109 he writes that there must also be two versions.

photo courtesy of Michael Bertoia Auctions

And here is example of another name that is depicted in the magazine Soleil Du Dimanche 03-12-1905.
This time, in a article written by Léo Claretie (a good friend of Fernand Martin ) and now he is named: Le porteur de farine. So we have now three different names.

From the magazine: Soleil Du Dimanche December 03-1905

I personally think that there is originally only 1 version because:
-The figures In the book: “Fernand Martin Toymaker in Paris 1878-1912” they are exactly the same figures.
-In the book “The History of Martin Mechanical Toys” they are exactly the same to.
-In both books are the same figures only they carries the bag in a different way, but that is possible by just bending the arm slightly.
The bag is attached to the carrier by a string that runs through the hand.
There is a hole straight through the hand. (See the left hands on both photos from the Bertoia auctions), there is also a hole in his right hand, but there is a cane in it.

Postcard Le Fort de la Halle

On the most pictures that I have seen, this toy carries the bag on his back for exemple:
-You can see that on the toy what is in the collection of the French museum Musée des arts and Métiers – Le cnam, (this toy was in a gift from Fernand Martin to the museum).
-A part of a picture from the magazine La Nature from 1902 pag. 13. (see picture below)
-In the magazine: Soleil Du Dimanche December 03-1905 ( see picture above)
-In the Englisch Illustrated Magazin number 34 Dec. 1905 (see picture below)
-The poster from 1902 (see below)

La Nature from 1902 pag. 13. Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –
English Illustrated Magazin number 34 Dec. 1905

On an original box, the only I have seen at a toy market, the name was “Le Fort De La Halle”.
Until now I have never seen a “Le Charbonnier” or a coalman, it should be exactly the same as the “Le Fort De La Halle” but covered with black coal dust.
Presumably all the other names then “Le Fort De La Halle” were given in magazines, publications etc. by the writers themselves.

There may be a “but” and that is if Martin maybe made a one-off or a very little series of a black model especially for an exhibition, perhaps to see if the public reacts positively to it.


Another proof that the name: “Le Fort De La Halle” the original name is, you can see it on an original Fernand Martin advertising poster from 1902 (on this poster you can see him standing at the bottom right, left of the pianist) showing with the bag on his back, and no “Le Charbonnier” is pictured on this, in 1902, hot poster.

If someone has a picture/photo or box label with a another name than the “Le Fort De La Halle”, and or of the black model, please send me an email with, if possible, a photo.

Fernand Martin- Part one

The history of Fernand Martin toy manufacturer in Paris.
Part one: The first Period.

This article is published in the September 2020 issue of the ATW Antique Toy World magazine.

In the most relevant books about Fernand Martin are the toys that are made by Martin and his successors divided into four periods.

According to the latest state of insight, these periods might be classified as follows
Period 1 from 1878 – 1894
Period 2 from 1895 – 1912
Period 3 from 1912 – 1919
Period 4 from 1919 – 1933

The first period from 1878 – 1894 :

His full name was Séraphin Fernand Martin and born in the French village Amiens.
Fernand Martin lived from 1849 to 1919.
Martin was an inventor, mechanical engineer and manufacturer of mechanical toys in Paris.
He started as a small manufacturer and street vendor of artificial flowers, he made and sold these cloth flowers for many years but he certainly did not earn a good income with it.
He married with Marie Bickel and in 1872 they have a son Maurice.
But the brains of Fernand Martin were working hard and in 1878 he created his first toy, “Poisson Nageur” the swimming fish with a, for that time, very cheap and ingenious drive consisting of a “rubber band” mechanism.

demo model of the “rubber band” mechansime with the swimming fish

As clever as he was, he patented this invention and quickly sold this patent to Cremer toys 210 Regent Street London England.

With the proceeds he was able to start up his first factory in 1880 and from that moment on he could start producing more and in larger numbers.

He started in 1880 with 12 employees and in 1888 there were about 300 employees.
Martin spent his life with his thoughts on toys, when he saw a special scene ore person along the way, he started to think whether it could be converted into a piece of children’s toys.
You can clearly see that in all his work, they reflected the daily life and in particular scenes of children and working people in mainly France and in particular Paris.

If you now look in history books at pictures from that period, you will also see in many objects the unity with his toys from that period.
During this first period Martin made at least about 47 (presumably many more) different toys, the exact number is still not known exactly because not every toy is numbered yet and he also often made toys on behalf of customer request, so toys that are not in his regular production was produced.
Here we are still looking for more clarity, fortunately after deep research new facts regularly pop up.
His earlier mentioned invention of the “rubber band” mechanism was used in most of his toys from this first period, he also used the “flywheel” mechanism and at the end of this first period, the “clockwork” mechanism .
After 1897 he no longer used the “rubber band” mechanism.

He started in 1880 his first factory at 90 Boulevard de Menilmontant Paris in the 20th arrondissement, nearby the world’s most famous cemetery “Père-Lachaise”.
Due the commercial succes of the “Petit Garçon Livreur” (the delivery boy) in 1888, Martin has now the money to buy a new building to expand his factory.
We know this toy as the “Le Livreur”
In 1892 he bought the adjacent building number 88 and after a complete renovation / rebuilding, the factory was expanded considerably as a result, and was, for that time, a revolutionary conception.
This location is where the first period started and in 1934 the last period of its history ended here with the relocation of the Victor Bonnet production facility.

Martin became a respected citizen and has done a lot for the toy industry.
He joined the “Chambre Syndicale des Fabricants de Jouets & Jeux” in Paris in 1886.
In 1892-1893 he became Vice President and in 1893-1894 he was President.

Martin places his logo on most of his toys, first a circle with the letters FM and later with the addition the text Brevete S.G.D.G. (Sans guarantee du gouvernement).
Around the circle was usually but not always the text Marque Deposee.

From 1897 he also placed the famous triangle with the text “Article Francais” and around it the text “Marque Deposee” and under the triangle a number, this triangle sign was granted from the “Chambre Syndicale des Fabricants de Jouets & jeux” to French toymakers.
This number was different per manufacturer.
Martin was given the number 138, so if you see the triangle with a different number underneath, then it is also a different manufacturer and for 100% no Martin.

In 1895 he started making toys in a larger size, this was the beginning of his second period with his “Bonshommes de Paris”.


To be continued

Result Martin in the Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion Sept. 25-26

In this Ladenburger Toyauction there was one Fernand Martin toy but there were many more other beautiful pieces in this auction
Thes catalog in German and English language.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

Sept. 25-26, 2020 auction lot number 028

Result: Martin number 224 – Le Petit Livreur made by George Flersheim. € 550,00

man, France, Je pais le tour du monde, No. 135, I go

The price is in € and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results of the Martins in the Anticomondo Toy Auction on September 18 and 19, 2020

The brandnew catalog of the 86th Toy Auction is online!

As usual, a good amount of very rare and wanted collectibles have been auctioned.
Almost 1900 lots of Tin Toys, Trains, Figures, Model Cars and Antique Advertising.
In this auction there were only two Martin / Victor Bonnet toys.

Martin, Violinist
Victor Bonnet, Automobil mit Anhänger

Auction number 6160 Le Gay Violoniste : Lot Passed
Auction number 6725 Victor Bonnet le Train Tortillard : Lot Passed

Always check the auction site for the results.

Auction catalog: Auction 86

Website :

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

See what you can read in the new October issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the October 2020 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine.
Especially for the Fernand Martin enthusiasts on pages 58 till 61 part two of four articles about the history of the Martin Toys.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine October 2020

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.
To subscribe go to

Results Martins in the RSL Auction September 12th and 13th 2020

In the next auction of RSL Auction Company there are Fernand Martin toys and there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

All prices are in US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

You want to see more toys then look at this link: Catalog link

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion Sept. 25-26

In the next Ladenburger Toyauction there is one Fernand Martin toy but there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction
We are pleased to present you this catalog in German and English language.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

Sept. 25-26, 2020 auction lot number 028

Martin number 224 – Le Petit Livreur made by George Flersheim.

man, France, Je pais le tour du monde, No. 135, I go

After the auction, I will publish the realized price for this Martin.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Postcards with Martin toys

In a previous blog: I showed postcards depicting Martin toys.
I have now been able to add a new postcard to my collection depicting three Martins,
-the Le Fauteuil Roulant from 1889 (next to his right foot)
-the Pousse pousse from 1889 (in his left hand)
-the Le Livreur from 1888 (in his right hand and on the ground)
This postcard is from France from the late 1800’s
It shows a typical street vendor trying to promote his toys.

Anticomondo Toy Auction on September 18 and 19, 2020

The brandnew catalog of the 86th Toy Auction is online!

As usual, a good amount of very rare and wanted collectibles will be auctioned: Almost 1900 lots of Tin Toys, Trains, Figures, Model Cars and Antique Advertising are waiting for you!

In this auction there are 2 Fernand Martin/Victor bonnet toys

Martin, Violinist
Victor Bonnet, Automobil mit Anhänger

Auction number 6160 Le Gay Violoniste
and auction number 6725 the Victor Bonnet le Train Tortillard

This 86th Toy Auction will be a Live-Auction with floor bidders.

You can take part in the online bidding via Liveauctioneers, lot-tissimo or the-saleroom, live via telephone or register your written predids.

Auction 86

Website :

We hope you enjoy reading and browsing through the new catalog!

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Fernand Martin: Conquete du Pole Nord

This sled was made in 1909 by Fernand Martin and get the name “Conquete du pole Nord” (Discovery of the North Pole).
Martin number 217

box label

This toy was made by Martin in honor of the conquest of the North Pole by US Navy engineer Robert Peary.
The sled is connected to the pole by means of a string, after winding the toy, the sled with the dogs rides around the Norh Pole.

At the end of the 19th century, the North Pole was seen as the last undiscovered place in the Northern Hemisphere, so many sought out adventure, often heading to the North Pole without proper preparation.
The tours were extremely arduous and often underestimated, it is estimated that about 760 people died on these tours.
The search for the pool became an international competition for the honor of being the first with teams from the United States, the United Kingdom and Norway.
Robert Peary claimed to have reached the Pole on April 6, 1909, which today is seen by many as unlikely.

picture from the original catalog

The sled with the dogs is about 21 cm ( 8,30 inch) long, the pole has a diameter of about 14 cm ( 5,50 inch)

Drawing from the magazine “La Nature 1910” Source: (Cnum – Digital Conservatory of Arts and Crafts –

See what you can read in the new September issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the September 2020 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine.
Especially for the Fernand Martin enthusiasts on pages 70 till 73 part one of four articles about the history of the Martin Toys.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine September 2020

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.
To subscribe go to

RSL Auction September 12th and 13th 2020

In the next auction of RSL Auction Company there are Fernand Martin toys and there are many more other beautiful pieces in this auction.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

You want to see more toys then look at this link: Catalog link

After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about authenticity, condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

Results Martins in the BERTOIA Summer BASICS Auction August 13th

Comic Character to Lehmanns and European Wind-ups, Airplanes & Boats, Steam Engines, Penny toys and Motorcycles, European figures and soldiers, Still Banks from Douglas Jackman, as well as a few additional surprises.

All prices price is US $ and without Buyer’s Premium and subject to errors.
Always check the auction site for the results.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction

How to make a: Le Petit Livreur

I found this French book from 1922 with a very heavy title. “Manuel du Fabricant de Jouets” (“Manual of the Toy Manufacturer”) The description is very general and not deeply technical. If you read it, you will have a very quick general idea of how toys are put together in parts. So it is a guideline to produce various kinds of toys. In particular I found the directions for making tinplate toys and special to make a “Le Petit Livreur”, whether it is de description for the model of Martin, Flersheim, Victor Bonnet or another manufacturer, I don’t know, but as the first lines already say it is a general description and therefore also for other tin toys.

Translation from the book: “Manuel du Fabricant de Jouets” the writer is A. Broquelet in 1922

The little delivery boy.

As for any of the other articles, it is first necessary to establish a general drawing of the object and then an analytical drawing of each of the individual parts that make up it, paying attention to the location of the tabs and indicate holes needed to connect all the parts, this drawing is essential to identify the templates that will be used to make the dies for cutting.

This cutting is done by means of balancing presses; it is enough to put on the matrix, which is placed under the handle, a strip of tinplate suitable for the size of the model, then with the right hand with the crank move it forward to obtain the desired part .

This first operation produces flat parts, to give them the desired relief, proceed to their stamping which is carried out, as we have already indicated using a mold either in cast iron or in steel, and a counterpart.

That happens with all the parts that will constitute the automaton.

The worker assembles them and then takes them to a machine that compresses them and, as the case may be, using a small pair of pliers to flatten the wire, folds or bends the tabs so that they cannot be detached from the holes on which it is locked.

The various movements of the automaton are then obtained by means of cams, connecting rods and eccentrics; this is how the leg is controlled by connecting rods and eccentrics mounted on the wheels, which in turn are controlled by gears which constitute real clockwork movements, while a connecting rod controls a leg, a another connecting rod makes the knee joint maneuver, and the front wheel gives direction.

The cutting of the gears which enter the mechanism is done in the same way as that of the other parts.

When the toy is assembled, it only remains to paint it and to adjust it to ensure its proper functioning.

Fernand Martin toy on a newspaper of 1889

Toy week, The aspect of grand boulevards of Paris
( Newspaper from my own collection )

On the front of a very old French newspaper I found an image of a street vendor, selling the Pousse Pousse Annamite by Fernand Martin.

This original old newspaper is dated from December 22, 1889
The World Exhibition of 1889 took place in Paris from May 6 to October 31, 1889.

Courtesy Bertoia Auctions

Fernand Martin released this Pousse Pousse Annamite during the world exhibition and this toy was sold by street vendors on the corner of the streets or in one of the many sales stalls on the grand boulevards of Paris.
On the front page of this newspaper you can see the typical busy Parisian street life where various street vendors and also sales stalls try to sell their wares/toys to tourists and parents just before Christmas.

See what you can read in the new August issue of the Antique Toy World Magazine:

Don’t miss the August 2020 issue of Antique Toy World Magazine.
Especially for the Fernand Martin enthusiasts: This month, on pages 60 till 63 an article about S.I.J.I.M. toys that look like “Martin” toys.

An overview of the contents of the new Antique Toy World Magazine August 2020

Antique Toy World is the leading publication for toy collectors worldwide.

Published since 1970.
Antique Toy World is a monthly magazine published in the USA by Dale Kelley, the magazine’s founder, editor and publisher.
To subscribe go to

le Motocycliste Enragé

A circus act as a toy.

Georges Flersheim purchased the Fernand Martin factory in 1912 and he acquired with the company all Martin’s patents.
George Flersheim patented this toy in 1912.

photo with permission from Galerie De Chartres

This performance of a circus act was produced in 1912 and it get the product number 228.
The original patent with number 444652 was applied on 05 June 1912, granted on 13 August 1912 and published on 23 October 1912 under the name “Nouveau jouet monocycle” , it became the trade name: Le Motocycliste Enragé

photos with permission from Galerie De Chartres

This very rare toy auctioned on November 12, 2016 at the French auction house Galerie De Chartres together with the super rare box.

Part of the original patent

The motorcycle starts to move after winding and therefore he wants to drive up in the ring but due to the weight of the motor the ring moves forward.
The movement is clearly visible on the patent drawing number: Fig.5.
The motorcycle itself was also used by George Flersheim not much later in 1912 with the name “Le Motocycliste” and thisone gets the number 231.
Victor Bonnet produced the same “Le Motocycliste” from 1919 with the same number 231.
The Victor Bonnet version has a few differences; closed wheels, a closed back and a mechanism with the well-known Victor Bonnet key.

Model: George Flersheim
Courtesy Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany,
Model: Victor Bonnet
Courtesy Bertoia Auctions

Missing Pictures Part 1

For the collectors who own the book “Fernand Martin toymaker in Paris 1878-1912” I have a number of additions here.
These are the photos that were not known at the time of writing the book.

Page 45: Martin number 16
Le Jeu de Massacre from 1885

Cortesy Renaud Fournier

Page 121: Martin number 183
La Sentinelle Royal Guard from 1901

Photo with thanks to the Toy Museum Soltau (“Spielmuseum Soltau”) in Germany

On page 151: Martin number 206
Jeu de Pêche a la Grenouille Sauteuse from 1906

Auction House: Osenat Fontainebleau

See my preview blog :

After page 221: Martin number 266
Le Costaud from 1932

And I know there are more unknown MARTINS.
Now we just have to wait for photos and data.

Continued in Part 2

BERTOIA Summer BASICS Auction August 13th

Comic Character to Lehmanns and European Wind-ups, Airplanes & Boats, Steam Engines, Penny toys and Motorcycles, European figures and soldiers, Still Banks from Douglas Jackman, as well as a few additional surprises.

The Bertoia team is dedicated to offering our quality customer service, experience and support.
Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with registration, bidding or any other questions.

For the complete overview, Auction terms & Info, Shipping & Payment look at this site:

Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction