Important sale of old toys including more than 6000 lead soldiers, N gap trains, 100 mechanical toys in sheet metal, old dolls and barbie. In this auction there are also some FERNAND MARTIN and VICTOR BONNET TOYS.
Unfortunately I couldn’t get permission to use their photos, so here’s the list.
Lot number : 320 Le pochard
Lot number : 321 Le chinois
Lot number : 322 Le pompier
Lot number : 323 Le gay violonist
Lot number : 340 Le petit pianiste
Lot number : 344 L’autopatte
Lot number : 347 Le petit livreur
Lot number : 349 Le Pigeon ramier
Lot number : 380 La boule mystérieuse
For more information see the French bidding site : https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/jouets-anciens-soldats-de-plomb-trains-jouets-mecaniques-poupees-313373/
All prices on the biddingsite are in € (Euro)
After the auction, I will publish the realized prices for these Martins.
Regarding the objects described in this article, I do not make a statement about condition or value.
I advise interested collectors always do to research yourself, to view the object or to contact the seller / auction