A Martin, unknown to me, has been auctioned at a French toy auction at 22-05-2021 of SEQUANA SAS in Rouen.
This one was part of a bigger lot.
It wasn’t mentioned in the description so I don’t think the auctioneer and original owner knew that it could be a Martin.
I can’t place him in the range of well-known toys from Martin or one of his successors at the moment of the auction.

Recognizable is the face, it looks strong like a Martin, a typical Martin type Key, it has the movement and feet from a few Martin and Flersheim figures. Martin used this type of movement/feet from 1901, the first one was a toy with number 185 the “Le vieux marcheur” this type of feet and movement where used for several figures till in the Flersheim period.

I started comparing him with the well known Martin and Flersheim men and came to the conclusion that it must almost certainly be a Flersheim figure, which one?? I don’t know, maybe this is the missing L’Ambulant
The Flersheim numbering is still incomplete and there are many ambiguities in the various books.
If we can find a corresponding box with number and name then another piece of the puzzle has been found.

If anyone has more information, please email me at cor@vanschaijk.com